Wednesday, March 18, 2009

State of Economic Development

Remember the old saying " are you better off today than you were last year".Well in the town's economic development arena, I will have to say that the answer is a big NO. The town has for the last two fiscal years supported an in house economic development director after a few years of working with the DEDC. The DEDC are a non-governmental, non-profit group of business owners who have looked after attracting businesses into Derry so that we may get some tax relief for the single family homeowners who's tax bills keep increasing and relief is needed.
Last night, former council member and now president of the DEDC came to give the town an update on DEDC status. They are requesting that the DEDC come back in working arm and arm with the town because they can do it at a far better cost, according to Bulkley, and they can do a far better job in bringing business into town.
The DEDC is requesting $20K this year and an appropriation of $60K for FY2010.
Many questions then followed and some public forum questions were addressed.
It seemed to me that all councilors had and continue to have an open mind right now however I'm sure more questions will be asked before any money is put aside.

The Big question becomes this:
1) Is economic development a priority in this town?
2) What have we gotten for the 200K we spent in two years with in house E.D.?
3)Do we bring back DEDC and how will everyone work hand and hand for the good of the town?
4) If we do nothing, what do we get in the form of new businesses to offset taxes?
5)Are there any new ideas outside of both DEDC and in-house E.D.
I want to hear form you.


Anonymous said...

I moved to Derry four years ago so bare with me.

Before an in-house ED director and before DEDC, what did the town do to attract/negotiate with prospective companies and land developers? How successful was the town?

Did a lack of progress prompt community leaders to establish DEDC? Has DEDC been effective?

What are other NH communites doing to attract business to their towns? How effective are they?

I have to say I like Londonderry's "Site Finder" which allows users to search available parcels in commercial/industrial/residential zonig areas in various development areas. Maybe our GIS staff can put together a similar interface.

Anonymous said...

As a business owner, I am in favor of the DEDC. I live in Derry and have thought about bringing my company here from MA. Its would bring 45 jobs along with it. I hope to expand to 60 jobs in the near future. Some of my employees would relocate to the area which would also help the local economy. I have had conversations with the DEDC. I appreciate that its confidential. I would not want word to get out prematurely. They were great to deal with. I do not understand the animosity that seems to exist towards them. I know they lost money due to employee embezzlement. Its disgraceful, but the ahnger should be toward the perpetrator instead of the organization. They sure gat more bang for their buck than the 100K town hire. The money that they requested is much less than the employee and gets better results.

Anonymous said...

1. "Is it" a priority or "should it be?" It is not (the Town Administrator seems to have misplaced that dept. based upon last night's comments). Clueless. Should it be, yes but it needs the right person selling and the right product. Currently we are selling $50,ooo Chevy Impalas and no one is buying. (i.e., development in a town with a tax rate 40% or 50% too high) We can't just blame the salesman.
2. We have gotten nothing for the $200k, you hired the wrong saleswoman. Has anyone on the Council hired a professional sales person before? I thought not. It's amature hour.
3. No, be real, that's good money after bad.
4. Damn good question. How does Londonderry do it? Oh yes, they cut spending in bad times to keep down taxes.
5. There's not enough room on this blog to answer. Maybe the April meeting will help.

Anonymous said...
3.Hell no
4.that question assumes things not yet in evidence (some sort of development effort would work in this economy)
5."If you" (lower taxes), "they will come."

Anonymous said...

Brian , Sound like we might be duplicating efforts. I think the town needs to act like every family facing budget worries. Its one or the other NOT BOTH. In house or the old boy network. What's the TA in Rochester Think. How about the quarterly reports on development. Im heading over to Beaver Lake (his residence) now to ask fo them.

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

my answers:

1: NO, it is not needed
3: N0 (as usual)
5: its an old idea but here goes.
Do nothing, but stop spending to lower taxes and the town will flourish. Then raise them to build new infrastructure to handle the load and new schools, hire more town employees and pay them ridiculous amounts.

You feel the power yet?

Anonymous said...

The DEDC has had more than its share of well documented issues, too many to go into here. But one pivotal and fair area of discussion must be addressed and in the open.

Broadly speaking, just WHO are the the key members of the DEDC?

More specifically, what expertise and successful experience do they possess that supports their respective positions within the DEDC's organizational structure? Are these key DEDC personnel actually qualified to represent Derry to real private sector decision makers?

My take on the above questions must be answered on two levels. One as it pertains to taxpayers perceptions and secondly as it pertains to business decisions makers perceptions.

First, at the risk of generating some protestations, it is safe to say taxpayer support for the DEDC has long since been squandered. Furthermore, so long as heavily baggaged ex-politicians are involved, they will never regain the community support that they once received. Who can blame the community and its citizens for it's skepticism? Think about it, since its inception, these key Derry businessmen have failed to materially capitalize on a nearly continuous economic expansion. What is one to reasonably expect from these same people going forward in these now more challenging economic times? Fact is, on their 15 year watch, Derry has lost many more businesses than the DEDC claims to have delivered.

The DEDC has been provided nearly one million dollars in taxpayer angel funding, but they have failed to parlay it into a meaningful return.

Therefore, it is safe to conclude, something is wrong within the DEDC, over and above the astonishing headlines of a few years ago. The focus of any further funding discussion, should be on the people that are at the top of the DEDC's organizational chart.

Economic development organizations that are "effectively" run are a great resource, think Keene for example. The same can not be said for the DEDC. As it is currently constituted, I think the DEDC would be well served, as would the community it is supposed to serve, by reorganizing its organizational chart and bringing in some new blood.

As for the interface between the DEDC and business decision makers, once again, over the course of time, it is not unfair to conclude that there are deficencies. To this day DEDCs key members are often quoted in the paper, at council meetings, as well as in person as being engaged in discussions with many businesses considering expansion or establishment of a footprint in Derry. Yet, nothing substantial has materialized and as was observed above, many large company's have been pursuaded to leave Derry for greener pastures.

The DEDC has to understand that when funding is involved, volunteering time is simply not enough. DEDC's members are wrong to interpret the above observation as personal or attempt to minimize it by spinning it as political. DEDC must come to grips internally with the facts and realities as they are and move decisively to address them because time is quickly running out judging by their presentation to the council. If DEDC fails to do so, just as Metamorphosis was shut down because in the DEDCs estimation it could no longer pull its own weight, so too town officials and by proxy its taxpayers, must critically assess the DEDCs value added or lack thereof. As a reminder this exercise was recently conducted in 2007 when the DEDC's funding was cut.

Against this backdrop, unless the DEDC does some honest, critical internal evaluation and clearly articulates a new course which includes new qualified officers at the helm, the DEDC is on a heading that leads to very rough seas.

Anonymous said...

Last night the "former council member and now president of the DEDC" said that other towns in the area have come to the DEDC for help with their economic development... are those other towns giving any money to keep DEDC alive or must Derry be the sole supporter?
My other questions... Is the DEDC really broke because 1 tenant left owing $16,000? If that 1 tenant had stayed, how much money would the DEDC have now?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

18/3/09 10:26 PM

Anonymous said...

18/3/09 10:26 PM

Anonymous said...

Is it true the town administrator did not know the status of a $100+k economic development employee since late November? WTF? When does this guy's contract come up?

Anonymous said...

1) Jack Dowd is the President of the DEDC. The same person who, when he opened his own business, did so in another community.

2) "Other Communities have reached out to the DEDC for help with their economic development". The DEDC is working to bring businesses to other communities??

3) You can't get much production from an in-house position when the person in that position doesn't come to work. Time to end the relationship with an ineffective employee and being in someone who can get the job done.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever looked at the price sensativity of development? In other words, look at places in Southern NH that are getting development and what their tax rates are? Perhaps given our tax rate, we are getting the amount of development that can be expected. (Perhaps it's not a sales problem but a price problem.)

Anonymous said...

10:26, 9:07 and 9:08, I believe you are the same person. You post and then answer your own question in order to make your point. The post are in all CAPS, posted minutes apart. Juts put your opinion out there. No need for games.

Anonymous said...

10:56 Lighten up. 9:07 hit the send button twice. They are not answering their own question, it is a duplicate post. It happens. No games. Let's get on to solutions.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:47, I think that is the problem both Salem and Londonderry have lower tax rates. Why would someone build in Derry where the tax rate is higher than either of these communities. High taxes are the reason we are not getting businesses to build here.

BC said...

anon 11:23,
That is a common mis conception. Taxes are write-offs for these businesses. also commercial space and industrial space is less expensive than Salem or Londonderry which means its all relative. Same applies in Residental Real Esate..

Anonymous said...

Holy (....)!!! BC you can't be that clueless about business! Almost all expenses are "written off" (on taxes). That doesn't mean that its not real money. If a business spends $100,000 on taxes, that's $100,000 less in profits.

Commercial space would be cheaper in Derry because if it is "triple net" the tenent is paying Derry's enormous tax burden. The value of all property in Derry would increase if the tax rate decreased.

I think we have found the source of the problem! Councilors who do not think or talk like businessmen and businesswomen.

Anonymous said...

BC, even if they build here, their employees won't purchase homes here. They will live in surrounding communities with lower taxes. Did our previous town administrators take an active role in economic development? Ms. Granfield certainly did.

Anonymous said...

Why should the Town bail out the DEDC because a tenant left their building. The Met was having trouble for months before it closed, it was behind in rent, etc. Are we going to bail out other property owners who have vacant property? Where does this end. Sorry, but the DEDC will just have to take the loss of this revenue just like every other business owner with vacant property in town. What happens next year when they don't have the space rented and they lose money again, will they be back to the town again asking the town to make up for their shortfall. Perhaps they need to overhaul their organization and tighten their belt like the rest of us are having to do.

Anonymous said...

No more bailouts.

Anonymous said...

Step one is to FIRE Jack Dowd.

I don’t care if he can walk on water, the method of his move from council to DEDC was unprofessional and “poisoned the well.”

Common sense is a major part of any successful business and his simple act combined with the fact that the DEDC has never come clean about it means that the whole fish stinks and bad blood perpetuates. We are all sick of the conspiracy theorists wearing tin foil hats awaiting black helicopters ( when not protecting our free speech rights and doing personal investigative work) pulling this smelly old cow out of the canal over and over. If Jack had any business ethics he would recognize that he is hijacking the entire organization. It is time to take one for the team, Jack. Go make some sandwiches.

After he is gone, fire the in-town development director. Without Jack Dowd there was no reason to have one to begin with and it will be one less employee to need to keep track of. (Apparently this is an issue?) We have enough overpaid unproductive workers on the payroll already.

Change the form of government so that pros take over with development plans being part of their election platform. Person with the best track record gets elected. Former councilors with conflicts of interest, axes to grind or that can personally benefit on development in town by say, land speculation, will be free to do so BECAUSE THEY WILL HAVE NO GREATER SAY THAN ANYOTHER TAXPAYER/VOTER.

This will also sweep additional burrs out of the saddle of town government and we can all move forward. Get real people. Look at where we are.

We are 45 minutes to the ocean, 45 minutes to the mountains, 45 minutes to one of the worlds 10 best cities and 45 minutes east of where much of Manhattan wants to live. The 4+ decade old moat separating Manchester to the rest of the world is finally going to be able to handle modern traffic despite the train and salamander buffs. And for the most part those that think travel beyond exit 4 is exotic and are convinced the ’52 Studebaker behind the barn will run again are not coming down for breakfast.

Stevie Wonder could market this place with slide show save for the unproductive friction generated by those who want to eliminate taxes and those that think that now is the time for growth.

Derry will not shrink it’s way to being the town we want.

Anonymous said...

We all need to move past the TA's living situation here. The guy rents a place here in Derry. Why would anyone care where the guy sleeps. If I were him, the last place I would want to live is in Derry. Some of the nuts would be showing up at his door at all hours of the night because as street light is out. There are some that are holding on a little too tight here.

Anonymous said...

Having just listened to the DEDC's latest pitch, my message to councilors is this group is not up to the job.

The formal presentation was a poorly presented rehash of the same old promises by the same old faces.

The DEDC has dug themselves a deep hole and have no where to turn, except our pockets.

I wonder whether or not the money that was stolen due to nonexistent internal controls would have come in handy right about now?

NO more money for the DEDC. They have proven themselves little more than an out of touch collection of local hacks playing businessmen. DEDC, a very costly and unproductive social club indeed.

Anonymous said...

Don't give them a dime, it sound like to me that they are 20k in the red so if they get rid of Dowd they will have an exta 40k and would not need our tax dollars.

Why do we need the DEDC or a person working for the town to bring business in? Everyone in town needs to stop kidding them self and just face the fact they are not comming.

I like the town the way it is and think it's already over developed.
Another restraunt is not going to change our tax rate and I don't think any major employer is going to move here anytime soon.

By the way the restraunts here are bad, real bad especially that claim haven place no value for the price.

What we need is Kelly's or Johnsons to move to town.

Have a nice day......

Eddie C.

Anonymous said...

March 20, 2009
Quote of the Day - The first Day of Spring...
"Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different."
– Katherine Mansfield
Take from this what you will....change can come in many ways.

Anonymous said...

If you search the internet you will find many examples of economic development corporations doing great things and having real success. I think the problem with Derry’s EDC is the way in which it is set up. The Derry Economic Development Corp is a non-profit organization, but it is one in the same with the Depot Square Holdings, a for profit arm of the DEDC. There is an inherent conflict of interest with these organizations being one in the same. The DEDC has in its mission to attract business to town and keep businesses here. Certainly a good mission that would benefit the town. The Depot Square Holdings has a mission to get occupancy in the properties it owns so that it can make money. So as I see it the conflict is that the DEDC’s first priority is to promote the properties that Depot Square Holdings will profit from.

If the DEDC was truly doing its job, why would they let the number one tourist attraction in Derry go under? The Met brought people to Derry in the thousands. Shouldn’t the DEDC been before the council advocating for support to keep a non-profit business going that brings people to town? The reality is that the building is owned by Depot Square Holdings, who wants to make money and when The Met hit hard times and got behind they didn’t care about what The Met did for Derry, they were just a tenant.

The DEDC claims to be talking to businesses about coming to Derry. Are they talking to businesses about buying the old Veterans Hall on Broadway or opening something in the old and long vacant Broadway Pets? I would think not since Depot Square Holdings will not benefit. They are trying to get businesses in 6 West Broadway and Ash Street where their sister for profit organization will benefit.

Before the council considers a bail out of the DEDC I think they should consider who are they bailing out? The DEDC or The Depot Square Holdings? I believe the landlord of 6 West Broadway is The Depot Square Holdings a for profit business, just like Red Oak properties. Should the town of Derry compensate Red Oak Properties for the loss of tenants too? Before money goes to the DEDC, I think they need to prove they are promoting all of Derry, not just their sister organizations properties.

Anonymous said...

19/3/09 4:44 PM Why is residence in the contract of the TA. Me think it so he can feel and roll in the same problems that we are as residence. Your council put that in there. Granted nothing will be done but lets hope we get it right next time. Do you run to your Town council when your street light it up. think a bout it

Anonymous said...

Can you corroborate Anon 10:14 statements? How can that be? Depot Square Holdings COMPETES with the mission of DEDC?
If that is so than the 6 to1 vote statement from the former council chairman is to spread the blame that all the councilors knew of the conflict of interest?
Not only should the head of the DEDC be frog-marched out of the municipal building and cast physically into the street but EVERY council member who voted for DEDC and currently sits on the council is complicit in the conflict of interest in the set up and funding of the DEDC and Depot Square Holdings.
No wonder Coyle has kept his yap shut. He does not want to dredge up his own foibles.

Anonymous said...

I agree, no more bailouts. The DEDC isn't looking for money to do development; they are looking money to keep their failed investments afloat. Derry is no better off if DEDC owns that property on Broadway or the bank owns it and then resells it to someone who can manage it correctly.

Anonymous said...

BC-How is giving the DEDC money different than just cutting out the middleman and giving your friends checks written on the town's account? You know where the money will go and that we will get nothing for it. Sort of like the excess benefits and payments in the fire union contract.

Anonymous said...

I read that you had just learned last Wed. Thompson has been out with medical issues since late November, and some councilors learn her position has been vacant for more than three months.I 'assume' she is getting some compentation?
I would feel confident in giving the DEDC the money already budgetted to Ms. Thompson at this time. The DEDC is 'active' and never stopped working on bring businesses to town. She did nothing! I say give them the $$$

Anonymous said...

9:24 are you a member of the DEDC? You say "The DEDC is 'active' and never stopped working on bring businesses to town" Please explain what they have done for the town in, say the last year.

More importantly, why do you think, in light of their own presentation regarding their financial problems, that our money would go to development efforts and not be used as a bailout of their failed real estate investment"?

Anonymous said...

Silly 9:24, you assume she was supposed to do something. If the council wanted development they would have structured the development person's contract to reward for successful "development". That's how you pay sales people. Instead they paid her like a government hack, and guess what? That's what we got.

p.s. Who knew about her pre-existing condition and when did they know? Was this job a Stenhouse favor providing another employee with lifetime compensation?

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that there is a decades old very widely held thought Derry badly needs economic development. Economic development was surely on the minds of these very Council members when they established Ms. Thompsons' position.

Economic development - this it seems - we all agree.

If there is no Ms. Thompson (or an effective person in her position) and there is no DEDC, what exactly is there?

Anonymous said...

Could someone help me understand the DEDC please?

They are supposed to bring businesses to town, but how? I would think if a company wanted to come to Derry they would contact a real estate agent or broker. There are many signs in town on open land and unoccupied spaces for sale or lease. I can't see the DEDC being able to offer tax breaks, I think the town council could only do that. I heard the DEDC can keep things confidential but what does that really mean?

Say I wanted to build a burger joint on that piece of property that is for lease at Shutes Corner next to the new Rite Aid. I would contact the listing agent and see what the price is. I would then draw up my plans and go to the planning board, zoning board, get my permits and build. What would the DEDC do for me that I couldn't do for myself?

I don't know if we should fund the DEDC without knowing how they work. Anybody want to fill me in?

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

If the TA rents an apartment here yet lives elsewhere only to satisfy his contract, then I call this sleazy.

I do not do business with crafty people nor do I chum around with them.

He should be fired for dis-honesty immediately.

Anonymous said...

I am 9:24AM and I still feel confident in giving the DEDC money. At least $20K from the funds already budgeted for Ms. Thompson. Why was it that at every grand opening you saw her and Mr. Dowd.
You nay sayers...There will NEVER be enough answers to satisfy you.There will NEVER be enough documentation to prove what the DEDC has accomplished.
Admit like to see Derry fail so you can keep on complaining and tearing down those who are working to improve Derry. What the hell are YOU contributing!
I've had it with all the negativity.

Anonymous said...

9:24AM / 9:58pm, you are tired of negativity. I'm tired of evasive responses. Candidates being evasive when asked where their money comes from, DEDC leaders being evasive regarding their books, bloggers trying to evade direct questions.

1. Are you a member of DEDC?
2 What have they accomplished in the last 2 years?
3. Why should we invest in any sort of development effort if, due to the economy, few organizations that might come to Derry are making development decisions? That's like advertising at 3am. Might be a great sales pitch but no one is listening.
4. Do funds "already budgeted" cost the taxpayers less than other funds that go down rat holes?
5. Which Grand Openings might you be referring to? Derry needs tens of millions of dollars of development and we get tanning salons. Why did Lahey Clinic choose Londonderry? DEDC is incapable of doing big deals. Its track record shows that.
6. It appears that all you have to contribute are lots of opinions. Got any facts for us?

Anonymous said...

in Saturday's Union Leader 3/20/09 where is an open req for a job. Any thought how that got in with our "hiring freeze'. My only thought is that is posted by some guideline in order to move the deputy into that Town Hall position.

Anonymous said...

First - what's it going to cost us to "get rid of" the Economic Development Director if she in fact is not doing anything? Severance? More money down the drain? Is it the position that is failing - or did we hire the wrong person and/or set up the compensation the wrong way? Maybe make some adjustments/changes - incentives, commissions - vs. big salary.

Second, if we do give DEDC another shot at it, it seems that the "conflict of interest" issues that have been raised here related to their ownership of certain properties under their for-profit group needs to be addressed. We want them marketing all of Derry - not just their properties.

Third - if we do go with DEDC how about structuring a compensation plan based on results - commissions - as has been suggested here versus just handing over money. Like a real estate agent - they get a certain amount for any business they actually bring to the table - and a bigger bonus is a company actually relocates here or a business starts up here - or significantly expands.

Let's start thinking like the business world!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:58, we all want to see economic development in Derry, but the reason the DEDC wants $20,000 now is because one of their tenants left their building. They have a loss of rent in excess of $16,000. Giving money to DEDC for bringing businesses into town is one thing, but making up for their shortfall on their own property is another. Why should we bail out the DEDC for loss of revenue in its building. Find another tenant like other businesses are forced to do. If funds are given to the DEDC for economic development, I think there should be quarterly reports provided showing that they are doing something to earn this money.

Anonymous said...

The DEDC went before the Town Council to ask for $20,000 ASAP and then $60,000 for 2010. They asked for this money to bail them out of a situation the for profit arm, Depot Square Holdings, is in and to allow the non-profit DEDC to continue to market the town. If either of these organizations went to a bank to ask for a line of credit or a loan they would have had to produce not only complete financials, but a business plan. This plan would outline exactly how they plan to market the town and to who. They would need to show that they could complete enough business to keep up on payments of the loan and to show how they will grow, expand and be fiscally stable.

DEDC..If you want the money, show us the plan! How exactly do you “market and promote the town”? Where do you advertise? Do you attend franchise conventions and conferences? Do you have a press kit? Who is the customer? What potential business do you have in the pipeline and for what property in town? What is the average cost to court and close a deal? Do you have a brochure or other marketing material? Exactly how do you intend to spend the $80,000?

If the DEDC wants funding then they have to a better job of being transparent and they have to present all the facts, not just ask for trust and faith.

Anonymous said...

No more bailouts.

Anonymous said...

Why does Derry want Economic Development? I understand the simplistic explanation that commercial and industrial developments generally pay more in taxes than they cost the towns in services but every study I came across showed that in towns that have the most commercial activity the tax rate is more likely to be higher rather than lower. Why? I guess a possible answer is commercial businesses need employees, employees want to live close to where they work. A small business or an individual person moving into a town will not have an impact on the tax rate, but a large business or a large number of people moving into a town will have an impact. The larger the population, the greater the demand for town and school services. An increase in town and school services will result in an increase in the town's tax rate over time. No services required, no tax dollars needed; more services required, more tax dollars needed. Seems to me the problem in Derry is the ratio of rentals vs. residential not commercial/industrial vs. residential. My vote is retire the DEDC, attract businesses and individuals to fill the vacant properties we have i.e. CVS, the Granary, Broadway, Shutes Corner, etc. and promote and encourage open-space. Even though open-space pays the least amount of tax dollars, it requires few if any town services, and no school services. 4-3, I lose.

DJN said...

I'd like to invite everyone in Derry to check out the ADT's new website:

We are just beginning to add content but it has great potential as a meeting place for those of us trying to promote efficient government in Derry and lower taxes.


Doug Newell

Anonymous said...

It comes as NO surprise that none other than Maureen Herd, the junior politician on the recent losing ticket paired up with Joel Olbricht would let her true colors show in a letter to the editor.

If you havn't seen it, check it out. Herd manages to jump hysterical, and incoherently, from Burtis, to Coyle, to the nearly bankrupt DEDC and finishes off dis'ing the Derry news.

Best I can decipher, she is upset that Burtis was given, by her estimation, too much ink,; that she is jealous that Coyle is perceived by her as the Derry News' love interest; that the recently retreaded DEDC dog and pony show (more like a three ring circus to any informed observer) was not covered and finally that she likes watching accidents, train wrecks actually.

Well Maureen, seems you have some issues on your plate. I guess it is better that you expose them now rather than had you actually been elected to represent your district.

Seems you are just not ready for "Derry Prime Time" as this letter to the editor of yours demonstrates. But it is good practice for you to work on presenting your positions(?) to the community. Who knows, maybe you'll learn the next time someone asks you a direct question, it is better have a direct answer. As opposed to your embarassing episode during the candidate forum that went something like " ahh, err, I don't ummmm...know where my campaign funding came from, but, I did get a great tour of a fire station."

Anonymous said...

What is really disturbing 9:34 is there is nothing in MH's background that would allow you to predict that she would become one of the Derry pod people. There you have a pleasant woman with a career of service to the country and the next thing you know she is spouting quotations of Chairman Jack. I mean, how do I know that couldn't happen to (gasp) a member of my own family? What if my wife started refusing to open the family books for inspection? Or my dear daughter be found hiding checks from the Derry Fire Union under her bed? Is anybody really safe?

Anonymous said...

Oh! Anon 9:34.

Janet (I didn’t get invited to my prom and I am going to make everybody in Derry pay) Fairbanks is?????? Get over yourself and off Heard.

Burtis is “Agitator in Chief”. He gets a woody over his self importance.

Like “Hank the Cowdog,” Burtis is a hero in his own mind and save for a few genetically deficient Derry mouth-breathers, madly barking at the moon for his own Oh! Anon 9:34.

Janet (I didn’t get invited to my prom and I am going to make everybody in Derry pay) Fairbanks is?????? Get over yourself.

Burtis is “Agitator in Chief”. He gets a woody over being self important. Like “Hank the Cowdog,” Burtis is a hero in his own mind and save for a few genetically deficient Derry mouth-breathers, madly barking at the moon for his own pleasure.

As he goose steps in front of his mirror at night telling himself how acute, adept, agile, alert, apt, astute, bold, brainy, bright, brilliant, brisk, canny, clever, crafty, effective, eggheaded, fresh, genius, good, impertinent, ingenious, keen, knowing, long-haired, nervy, nimble, on the ball, pert, pointed, quick, quick-witted, ready, resourceful, sassy, sharp, shrewd, skull, slick, whiz, wise he is, don’t take the bait. That he has built a conspiracy mountain out of a human error molehill is keeping with his inability to use big words in the proper context.

Remember at copy of Roget’s in one hand and a pension check in another does not make one smart.
aggrandizement and pleasure.

As he goose steps in front of his mirror at night telling himself how acute, adept, agile, alert, apt, astute, bold, brainy, bright, brilliant, brisk, canny, clever, crafty, effective, eggheaded, fresh, genius, good, impertinent, ingenious, keen, knowing, long-haired, nervy, nimble, on the ball, pert, pointed, quick, quick-witted, ready, resourceful, sassy, sharp, shrewd, skull, slick, whiz, wise he is every bit as delugional as Dimmock thinking he is "Grizzly Adams" ( Note to Dimmock: Pick one; a belt or suspenders, not both please). Don’t take the bait.

That he has built a conspiracy mountain out of a human error molehill is keeping with his inability to use big words in the proper context.

Remember a copy of Roget’s in one hand and a pension check in another does not make one learned.

Anonymous said...

Well 26/3/09 9:34 PM or should I call you 'Mr. Perfect'!
Maureen's name is spelled Heard!!!!! Get YOUR facts together Buster! She's got more going for her than you think. Don't be counting this Lady out anytime soon...(and no I'm not Maureen Heard), just a firm supporter of hers.

Anonymous said...

10:50 AM… and clearly a keyboard in one hand does not make you coherent. Man, where do you buy yours? You must get some really good stuff; I’m broke from paying my taxes so I have to grow my own.

Anonymous said...

Changing the tone slightly,I want to remind all candidates to remove their political signs. I cannot believe how many are still up from both losers and winners.

Anonymous said...

I can not believe the distorted minds that post here.

Someone makes an observation about a very bitter letter to the editor that was submitted for public review by Maureen Heard soon after her election defeat, then JF and JB get attcked by some simpleton who ID's himself as "Buster, the firm supporter?"

Sounds like Maureen's sour grapes have fermented into a cheap sour wine and it's being passed around amongst her supporters.

The true mouth breather "Buster the firm supporter" aka anon 10:50, doesn't realize he too presents himself as under the influence of Maureen's sour grapes. To the outside observer by somehow Buster attempts to twist things around by attacking JB and JF. What do they have to do with this letter?

Why not address the issue of Maureen's judgement. Who among us (except Buster) would ever consider placing something like this letter of hers in the public record? That is a worthwhile discussion, although a losing one that is not worth much time..

Anonymous said...

To tell you the truth I was a little disappointed at Maureen's letter to the editor of the Derry News. Bill Gillman’s absolutely right; there are two political camps in Derry and it is too bad. Maureen ran her campaign on the attribute of being able to bring different factions together. A short few weeks later she chose a side. The incident that occurred at Channel 17 was most unfortunate. Knowing the political climate it's probably not that far fetched to think that back door antics were used to pull the plug on the shows in question. That's sad. Ms. Ellingwood got caught in the middle of these two political camps and due to a lack of leadership and responsible governing a situation that should have been diffused was allowed to escalate. Sure, it becomes easy to become enraged at John Burtis, he was the accuser or even the Derry News for its reporting but where's the culpability to the counsel for allowing such a commentary to be publicly presented? NFW responded in the Derry News forum "this story represents a whole new low for the Derry put this story on the front page with accusations of criminal misconduct and gross the epitome of irresponsible journalism. Was it not a new low for the Counsel to allow this to be presented at a public forum that's broadcast? Is it not the epitome of irresponsible governing?

David and Maureen said...

Good Citizens of Derry - Let us all take a deep breath for a moment while I unzip my pod. LOL! To all of you who have expressed concern for me since the election, wondering if I am sad or even bitter, let me assure you that I feel I fought the good fight and have moved on to the next challenge. Politics is a contact sport - we need to get over ourselves.

What I cannot and will not abide, however, is a town employee being bullied. Since I was part of the original story, I felt even more duty bound to respond. The strongly worded story demanded my strongly worded response. I stand by it.

Anonymous said...

31/3/09 8:19 AM
.. you go on and on with so called facts and yet you can't even spell the person's name correctly. As for attacking.....I'd say you were attacking me, for bringing it to your attention.See how foolish you looked? Going off on a 'fact'! Maureen is a nice person and I feel she has more to offer this town. Period!
Signed, BUSTER

Anonymous said...

3:13 ..You have a problem with a private citizen who believes he has been wronged coming before the council and the public to air his grievance? Let me introduce you to the First Amendment. If you want to find fault in the council (and more importantly the Town Administrator) you might ask why Mr. Burtis' offer to help or step aside as these issues were investigated fell on deaf ears. Might we learn something from this situation and examine if there is a better way to run things other than having a communications channel reporting to a political body? Isn’t that an invitation for mischief?

Anonymous said...

Buster, You may be right that Maureen is a nice person. However being a nice person does not equal being a good councilor. I can think of one member of the council who appears to be a really nice guy, someone you would be happy to sit down and have a beer with. Nevertheless he has voted on about every opportunity to screw the taxpayers and benefit his friends. Perhaps "Niceness" is overrated.

Instead of niceness, let's talk about "integrity","let's talk about "honoring the public trust put in elected officials" let's talk about not being in the pocket of unions who's contracts you must vote on, let's talk about willingness to listen to and respond to public input.

dissapointed in Maureen said...

you said "What I cannot and will not abide, however, is a town employee being bullied. "

This is very revealing about your views.
Because most people will not abide by ANYONE being bullied.

Anonymous said...

Maureen Heard. Whenever she speaks, the deeper the hole she digs for herself.

Stop the Massachusetts "tough chick" act. Spend more time getting a grip before you speak. Your bluster is getting tedious.

Anonymous said...

So back to the topic...
If I wanted to open a business in town, WHAT can the DEDC do for me that I can't do for myself?

Anonymous said...

The very first post in this thread is from me.

Niether BC or anyone else has been able to help me.

Now I can see why Derry isn't getting very far. Noone seems to have the answers.

If someone out there can answer my questions it would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Did everyone see the news?

The Town Council voted in $100,000 for the DEDC and Kevin Coyle is going to leave TC to become the new head of the DEDC!

Barb E slapped a slander suit on Burtis!

Gary Stenhouse is not only moving permanently to Derry, but is also encouraging followers of the Free State Movement to come to Derry and occupy some of the vacant foreclosed homes!

Oh - and Walmart is coming back since the 4A issue has been resolved and will be built with newly available stimulus funds!!!

Busy Derry News Day!

Anonymous said...

anon 1/4/09 3:12 pm

I have to agree with you. There are many people on here that say "give the money to the DEDC", yet they cannot or will not answer some simple questions. I'm the one who posted twice asking what the DEDC would do for me if I want to open a business in town and got NO answers. Guess they can't support their stance. Since that is the case, I say "NO MONEY FOR THE DEDC". Even BC doesn't have an answer.

Another question I have though, if the DEDC is made up of volunteers, why does the head guy, Jack Dowd, get paid? That is not a volunteer, it is a job!

Anonymous said...

3:12, you are right. No one has answers or even knows what questions to ask. There is no professional management of the town and no information infrastructure. A $100+ million business would know how many customers it has and as much about them as possible so as to better serve them. Derry doesn't even know who lives here, just who gets the tax bills and who votes.

As for business development, it's a little like 14 year old boys talking about sex. They know they want some, talk alot about it but have no clue how to close the deal. And as for the DEDC, to paraphrase Woody Allen, "they just sort of practice by themselves."

Anonymous said...

The town has a BETTER chance making more money with the DEDC by hiring the Gambler back with the hundred g's and letting her go to Mohegan Sun or Foxwood than you are ever going to get from that group. DON'T WAIST OUR TAX DOLLARS . THE TAX RATE IS OUT OF CONTROL AND SO ARE TOWN HACKS.

Anonymous said...

1/4/09 3:46 PM
You sure do get a big kick out of keeping the pot stirred don't you? It's pretty obvious.
No answers...just words, words, words.
What will YOU be doing this Saturday? Will I see YOU at the Community Profile? Will YOU be providing any words of wisdom as to where Derry could be heading in the next 5, 10, 20 years?
I betcha you'll be sitting in front of your computer banging out more words, words, words....

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with this post but apparently BC has been too busy with other town business to initiate another post.

Picked up this tidbit while looking at the new Town website. I like the idea that that they post the contract proposals on line. Looking at the PATE contract proposal that the TA recommends the Council adopt. The report states most current employees are at top step so the recommendation is to eliminate merit raises (which were a complete joke – Everyone makes their goals to achieve maximum merit increase) to a step system.

The new step system for Police Captains
Step 1 $76,440.00=$36.75 per hour
Step 2 $80,454.40=$38.68 per hour
Step 3 $84,676.80=$40.71 per hour
Step 4 $89,128.00=$42.85 per hour
Step 5 $93,808.00=$45.10 per hour
Step 6 $99,694.00=$47.93 per hour

Since all the Captains are already at top step they will now be making $99,694.00 per year. In addition to that they threw in this little morsel

Page 12 - Article 23.12 - Added: “The Town will authorize payment to Police Captains in addition to regular salary at a straight time hourly rate for emergency call-ins. Emergency call-ins shall be limited to events such as Emergency Operations Center or Special Operations Unit activation or attendance required by the Chief of Police at significant crime or emergency events.

The Captain’s position is a salaried position. They are well aware of that when they accept the job. The Special Operations Unit is a voluntary unit. This particular Captain chooses to be part of this. (Read - ego). He is not required to go to call outs and the unit can function just fine without him. Why is the Town of Derry going to throw more money at this guy (at a Captain’s rate)?

Where’s the fiscal responsibility? Does the Town not understand the public just won’t stand for the bloated budgets and ridiculous perks?

Any thoughts Brian? Are you going to vote for this bloated, take care of my buddies contract?

My guess is yes.

Anonymous said...

1/4/09 10:38 PM

The 1/4/09 3:46 post was obviously an April Fools Day Post!!!

Meant to be funny!

Lighten up Francis!!!

Anonymous said...

Did everyone get their invite? (this is right off the ADT Blog)
ADT Pot Luck and Cookout Fundraiser
May 10, 2009 from 1pm to 5pm – Kevin Coyle's House on 68 North Shore Road
We have been invited to Kevin Coyle's house on May 10th. We will be doing a cookout and asking for donations. The money will go toward winning the Charter Change Elections.
Wow....Come on citizen's of Derry..Let's have a 'cook out' to raise some monies.What do YOU think we could use it for?
Can we request that you open YOUR accounting books?

Anonymous said...

It has been some time since I have had occasion to visit this blog.

It is encouraging from a sample review of topics and posts that many more thoughtful and articulate people are speaking out about the way Derry is being run.

It was a pleasant surprise and once again very encouraging that the recent election results reflected an unmistakable lack of confidence in the once firmly entrenched political personalities. I hope that this continues and those that were part of the misguided engineering that created this mess take the hint once and for all while those more qualified clean up after you for all our benefit.

As for the DEDC, great concept, but face it, it has largely become a repository for genuinely ineffective head nodders. I say, yes to the volunteers of the DEDC, but ZERO new taxpayer dollars for the obvious reasons. 15 years, community embarassment and over one million taxpayer dollars add up to a negative return, all things considered.

Can you imagine the delusional self-images of Craig Bulkley, Jack Dowd and Joel Olbrecht literally attempting to bail their foolish folly out with more public funding? with their history? Guy's, don't you think you've done enough damage? It's time to go away, far away, for your own good and for the good of all those in the community.

Anonymous said...

We all want to see a vibrant downtown and we can't seem to ever find parking spaces close enough to where we want to go. However, I've noted over the past two weeks that the police department is not enforcing the 2 hr parking on Merchant Row. I've tried at various times and notice the same cars there every day, all day. Obviously these are employees of those businesses. BC, can you ask them to enfore this parking limit. If not, I'm going to avoid downtown entirely and do my business elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

How did retired policeman Burtis get copies of personal emails. Instead of investigating TV17 we should be investigating him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:50

Whatever you do, DO NOT drive by his house slowly to see what's going on and how people are in attendance.

Kevin will likely report you to the Attorney General's office.

Anonymous said...

My mother always said "give and idiot enough rope and he will hang himself"
Enjoy the ride down Burtis!

Anonymous said...

See Paul is starting a early run for council. Thats all we need another Janet wind bag full of useless info Keven will have 3 puppets then

Anonymous said...

Oh Please not Paul Hoppy. I still have not gotten over the ridiculous picture in the paper of him "skying" off the ground (2" verticle leaping ability)when his "team" won the charter commission vote. To have to see him sitting like Buddha pouting because his bloviating did not let him get his way would be too much. Once again why are the kids chosen last in gym class always trying to get taller later in life by exercising their will on others discussing their actions a civic duty?

Anonymous said...

10:53 and 10:20 Rather than personal attacks, do you have policy differences with Paul's points regarding retroactive pay? I think he is right that if the town continually gives retro pay, the unions have no pressure to negotiate in good faith. They can just wait until a friendly council is elected (bought?) and know that they can get anything they want.
Any substantive thoughts or shall we all descend to discussing who was chosen last in gym?

Anonymous said...

9/4/09 11:59 AM
You hit the nail right on the head!Burtis has dropped the tv (after bringing great embarrassment to Ms Ellingwood and her family) and now as easy as the change in the wind he has moved on to other issues. He's already been through the fire depart. and ambulance services.How many RSA91A's is ONE person entitled to before it is called harassment? How much has HE cost the taxpayer with this nonsense? Collecting this information take staff time, and guess who pays the staff? YOU the TAXPAYER!!

Anonymous said...

How did retired policeman Burtis get copies of personal emails. Instead of investigating TV17 we should be investigating him.

9/4/09 11:59 AM
How/Who? Would K.e.v.i.n. give you a clue? Between Burtis, and Dimmack and a couple of others, Coyle keeps the pot stirring without breaking a sweat. It's all a game to them. But playing with peoples lives and livelihoods is serious stuff.

Anonymous said...

How did retired policeman Burtis get copies of personal emails. Instead of investigating TV17 we should be investigating him.

9/4/09 11:59 AM
How/Who? Would K.e.v.i.n. give you a clue? Between Burtis, and Dimmack and a couple of others, Coyle keeps the pot stirring without breaking a sweat. It's all a game to them. But playing with peoples lives and livelihoods is serious stuff.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a gallant gesture on the part of the fire dept if they would do all the cooking at the ADT cookout.

They know where SHAWS is to pick up food and there parking space is clearly marked in front "Firelane".

Taxpayers wont have to give directions ,FIRE DEPT already know his address. I bet these fine gents will even bring the cooking permits with them.

OH, sorry almost forgot.For those that dont like burgers and hot dogs from the grill. Subs will made avalible from a Hooksette sub shop.

Bring the whole darn family .
Some family fun games that will be offered ; Hide that contract.
Mustash Waxing
And the one the
the young recrutes
like- The Guarranteed lifetime employement pillow case run. SEE YOU THERE FOLKS.

Anonymous said...

2:21 PM

First, what color is the sky on your planet?

You perpetuate the concept that only the “saviors” Coyle, Fairbanks, Burtis, Dimock, Casten can negotiate with unions and all that want progressive growth ( the list is huge) is an enemy of the state. God! you cool-aid drinkers.

Calling out the absurdity of continual resurrections of the same retread mouthpieces to act as Kevin Coyle’s hand puppets, is a requirement of any thinking person who took a stake in Derry real estate.

This is not a game and it involves more thought that sitting in the basement eating beans and waiting for the end of the world.

TO BE CLEAR: I do not want regressive, reactionary retirees whose heyday was how good Derry was in 1962 but whose votes allowed the Fairways and Linlew Drive, Condex development and stick your head in the sand zoning) to control the future of Derry. When your only interest is to stretch your SS check every month, what kind vested interest in Derry 20 years from now other that supporting the worm population do you have?

I am sorry that their contemporaries who owned all the farmland in town sold for development in the 1970’s and 1980's took the cash, checked out and now live the good life in Kissimmee with a 7am tee time. But I am not responsible to live like a hick because they made poor choices amd got left at the curb. One makes ones choices in life.

But to have the spawn of these dinosaurs, dressed up in the guise of Conservatives, continue to perpetuate the thought that Derry can save it’s way into the future is a crime. Keep in mind that these are the same folks that shunned Wal-Mart,not once but twice! BTW: Wal-mart stock is up 13% in the last 3 months as the economy tanked! Cha-Ching!

Every lemming thinks the lemming in front of it is the smartest lemming in the world.

Right up until it crashes into the ground.

Step out from behind Kevin’s and Janet’s butts and get a forward looking view on your own.

Anonymous said...

11pm--- serious stuff? No kidding? Serious like politicians taking the money of taxpayers so as to give it to their friends and supporters? That kind of serious? Serious like taxpayer supporter organizations hiding information from us?

You all remind me of the Nixon administration, not worried about the crimes, just thrashing about trying to find Deep Throat.

Anonymous said...

In response to Anon 7:29...

Two HFD firefighters killed in house fire Sunday, April 12, 2009 | 7:38 AM

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Two Houston firefighters were killed while battling a house fire in southeast Houston. The fire broke out around midnight at a house on Oak Vista and Deleon. Details are still very sketchy at this point what went wrong inside the burning structure. HFD Captain Tommy Dowdy did confirm both deaths.
When firefighters arrived on the scene they took an aggressive approach to fighting the fire, even rescuing one person from the home. Fire crews tried to put the flames out from inside. But as some point, the flames got too intense and all of the firefighters were ordered to get out.
It was then when rescue crews then realized that two of their own were unaccounted for still inside the home. The flames at that point were too intense for firefighters to back inside the house. As soon as rescue crews were able to get in, they found the two missing firefighters.
Witnesses told Eyewitness News that those two firefighters were brought out and CPR was performed, but apparently it was too late. The men were dead at the scene.
At 4:26am, Houston firefighters lined up outside the burned home and formed two lines, saluting as two stretchers passed by. These are the first steps down the path of bringing their fallen brothers home.
"The fire has apparently destroyed the entire house, the lives of our family and the fire department has been touched and the lives of the citizens of Houston as well," said Rick Flannigan with the Houston Fire Department. "It is going to take us a while to get things squared away."
At least one person was inside the home when the fire broke out. That person was rescued by crews.
The firefighters who were battling this blaze were taken by a bus to a central command center where they are going to tell what they say happened from their point of view. Meanwhile, the investigation as to what caused this fatal fire has begun.
The names of the victims have not been released.
We'll bring you the latest on this breaking news on Eyewitness News and

From the comments section of abc13..

celenade2002 4/12/09 8:18 AM EDT

May God bless the surviving families. My home suffered a fire during Hurricane Ike and there were firefighters there during the height of the storm. God Bless firefighters. May they rest in peace.

Those guys/girls are worth EVERY PENNY and EVERY PERK they get.

Happy Easter.

tired of the DFD spin said...


The firefighter certainly are brave people however they are paid to do this job willingly.
What about the garbage man the got caught in between the compress stage and the trash and was killed?
Or the Doctor hurrying to treat a patient at the hospital and was killed in a traffic accident.
Hey lets praise everyone that gets killed at their job and have parades while we are at it.

We do not need FD spin, get the point?

Anonymous said...

In response to anonymous 9:20 am

GOD bless those men and there familys.
Bernie Maddoff,AIG, and Wall st. thought they were worth all their perks too but,the rest of the world did not agree.
Perks do not include or deserved to be riding by an officer of the court at his residence and trying to intimidate him.
Now that you like telling us sad things about Houston Texas.Tell us about the weight lifter/body builder 40 minutes from Derry .He was out on disability being paid by the taxpayers for being on duty for Boston Fire Dept. Small story I know but you may get the point.

Anonymous said...

9:20 How many farmers died in accidents over the weekend? Let's give Farmer Phil half of East Derry in appreciation for his job being one of the most dangerous (even more dangerous than firemen). After all, without food we all die.

Not a deep thinker are you, 9:20?

Anonymous said...

Firefighters, always crying about how dangerous their job is, especially around contract time, ever notice?

Here's a dangerous job as well, convienence store clerk. Check out the stats. Next time you stop in one remember to acknowledge them as courageous as well, more so actually.

No one ever mentions the tearful goodbyes in their doorways as they say good bye to their loved ones each day they report for duty, maybe for the last time.

Firefighters, just do your jobs, stop the melodrama, and quit overemphasing the inherent risks of your chosen profession when grabbing more taxpayer funding, it is getting really old.

Anonymous said...

Here's a point that some people, such as yourselves just above, don't seem to get.

When the garbage man falls between the compress stage and the trash or
the doctor hurrying to treat a patient at the hospital gets in a traffic accident, who do you call??

When that farmer falls off his tractor or gets his legs jammed in a piece of equipment, who do you call??

When that convenience store clerk gets jumped, stabbed, or shot, who do you call??

You definately WON'T be calling AIG, Bernie Madoff, or anyone on Wall St. If any of those people get into trouble, they call the same people every single solitary one of you people here are going to call.

There's no spin to be had. There's nothing here that has to be sold. This stuff sells itself. It doesn't take a deep thinker to figure out that every one of you will be dialing 3 numbers when the chips are down.

tired of the DFD spin said...


Big deal so we call the EMT
They get paid for what they do like everyone else.
Should we give everyone else a medal and over pay them as well.
I doubt you would go along with it so why just the EMT?

Anonymous said...

Sorry 6:04 I still don't get it. When I'm hungry I go to Shaws. Does that make the workers at Shaws in some way superior to all others? Death from starvation is a horrible way to go.

Does where you go for some important commodity or treatment give the provider special status?