Thursday, March 05, 2009

Sewer Bonding.

I was asked in a previous post about how I would work with Kevin and Janet if they so happen to get re-elected. The post said that if that scenario were to happen that they expected that we all work together moving forward and that we should have the best interests of the town at all times. I agree.
I would like to state here and now that if in fact Kevin and Janet do get re-elected that both have mentioned numerous times over the last couple years that they both support extending sewer as a priority for them. They make it both clear that 4A and the TIFF is not something that they could support. Fine, that's their right as an elected official. But you will be the very first to read this here in this blog.
If Kevin and Janet both get re-elected, I will then make a motion to bond between 5-30 million dollars for running sewer and water down Rte 28 towards Ryan's Hill.
After all this is what they have wanted for three years now. Do you think either candidate would vote YES on this issue AFTER they get back in???
Lets remember its very easy to say NO all the time... Where are the solutions? Talk about rubber stamps. I'm willing to bet that they both will vote NO again and for another 3 years Derry stays stagnant. Do you agree?


Anonymous said...

BC stop this foolishness. You write you will work to get along and then cite a bonding that will cause waves. Grow up

BC said...

Think about what I said. Think very hard.. You know I'm right.

Anonymous said...

KC, are you Kevin Coyle?

Anonymous said...

No Im not Kevin. And Brian I have thought hard and you have not demonstrated any change to the evil ways on the council by all.

Anonymous said...

BC, during the political connection program, Joel O. said that there were 300 acres that would be developable as commercial property if 4A came in. Where exactly is this land .... if he is talking about land in Londonderry, then he's running for council in the wrong town. Unless of course the DEDC has some unknown land they want to sell us.

BC said...

Relax! I'm trying to raise a valid point here. Do you not agree with me that it is very easy to sit back in a so-called minority and to just keep voting NO. The only two things that were YES votes were the 225K bike path and the 125K over budgeted Manning St EXt ( courthouse rd. ) Boy I'm so glad that I was wrong about that one as traffic on Rte 102 has opened right up and I can now smell clean air in the downtown.

Anonymous said...

Brian - You have really shown your true colors with this post.

You have now stated publicly that you will propose to spend taxpayer money in a terrible economy on something that you do not believe in - and that you in fact believe is not good for the taxpayers.

This just to instigate another fight with two councilors who you have a personal beef with because of "many bad feelings ever since I was chair and they were gunning for me." (those are your words from your last round of postings).

You have once again shown that you are not representing the constituents of your district or this town - but rather furthering a personal agenda/vendetta. I bet even your most ardent supporters are shaking their heads at this bonehead move.

Anonymous said...

You did make lots of noise about the terrible traffic and danger to the neighborhood (that you live in) once Manning St. was put through - YOU WERE WRONG!!!

Nobody said it would solve Rte 102 issues.

And you did waste your fellow Councilors time (and probably some taxpayer money) with your Charter Objection and the resulting 3 Minute Long Saturday Special Council meeting where you were outvoted 6-1-0 on the issue.

What a Joke.

Those who want the facts - they are available on the Town Website.

Anonymous said...

The BS on this blog just won't stop. So to prove a point you're going to make a motion to bond up to 30 million dollars? In this crappy economy? I'd say its tougher voting no when you're in a so-called minority on wasteful spending, bloated contracts and throwing money at doomed/unnecessary projects knowing that negative blogs and letters to the editor will follow. The economy has been in the crapper for a couple of years now. What's the cost of the projects you voted in favor of...the fire station, 4A, the firefighter’s contract? For crying out loud grow up and quit whining about the projects that were passed on a majority vote that you weren't in favor of and show some fortitude and for once in your life as a counselor jump off that good ole boys "Pander Express" that keeps leading us nowhere.

BC said...

anon 3:33,
So when others running for office say they are in support of water and sewer are they just saying that to get elected? Your not up in arms on what they are in favor of however I mention it and it brings a firestorm???? I have always represented my district. In fact the people of my district were kind to vote me into office twice.. I find it ironic that my detractors go onto my blog to give me some heat and thats fine. I can handle it.

BC said...

anon 4:11,
You were not paying attention. You can also go to older posts and there you will see that I opposed that extention because the reports showed it would NOT take off any traffic from 102. Mr Burtis and others in his camp said it would. Someone else said it would move pollution out of the downtown. Yeah right. I have some swapland for sale in florida too.

Anonymous said...

Suggestion: since everyone seems to read this blog, and differs on its content. Coyle,Fairbanks, and all other candidates should start their own blogs.

Anonymous said...

BC- are you willing to put your money where your mouth is on this posting? Of course you could have done the less destructive thing and simply asked them where they stand on this sewer issue, but this is the path you have chosen.

I can't imagine why people would have issues dealing with you on the council. You're a real team player you are.

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

The economy has tanked and will be for along time to come.
This means many citizens have little or no funds to pay the day to day expenses.
To put forth a $30M bond is irresponsible, it does not matter what the reason is.

Oh yeah, now I know why you proposed this, you have a horse in this race as you are in the real estate business and there is the potential for real estate transactions if a sewer line is on 28.
You may find it more rewarding to be compassionate to people in town stuck in this economy.
Its not worth the few dollars you stand to make on potential deals to lose your dignity.

BC said...

just another,
First off the post was made to make a point. 2)I'm the person who motioned for a hiring freeze 3) I voted NO on bike path, manning st ext, downtown land deal. 4) if you watched planning board meetings, I question the 4 Million dollar bond in the CIP for new rec hall and told them that in no way it would pass in this economy... SO I get it everyone. Again I was making a point only and you know I'm right. and lastly.. I sell residential real estate NOT commercial so to say that I would do that to make $$ is absolutly wrong. Just an FYI

Anonymous said...

So Brian you seem to be touting your fiscal responsibility why are you not standing up and saying enough is enough on wasting taxpayer money on Exit 4A too? Or wasteful contracts. This would seem to be more in line with your stance of being the crusader to save the town from irresponsible spending.

You become unbelievable in your stance because of your inconsistency. You tout shooting down small money projects while voting to spend huge amounts.

Anonymous said...

BC your actions speak louder than your words. You votes on 4A, Tiffs, Fire Union contracts, and, if I recall correctly, unneeded fire stations dwarf your recent savings by opposing new hires.

You are one of the bosses of the TA. What have you done to correct his poor judgement in pushing forward the Capital Improvement Plan that is loaded with waste and items we can not afford. Why is the majority so afraid of this guy? What does he have on you all?

Anonymous said...

"I was making a point only and you know I'm right"

What was your point? That Janet and Kevin are fiscally responsible?

I believe any responses that came from Janet or Kevin in regards to Sewer Lines on 28 were in regards to economic development questions, not overall priorities. I also believe JO prioritizes 4A first. Will you make a motion to resurrect and fund 4A if JO wins the council seat? JO is also running on the platform of reinstating and funding the DEDC. Will you make a motion in support of that also? You know; just for the point?

Anonymous said...

"Lets remember its very easy to say NO all the time..."

It seems that when others vote no it is usually that there is a split on the council of 4-3, 5-2 with some good debate going on about the issue at hand. This is healthy politics.

However you tend to be the SOLE NO Vote on issues that everyone else seems to be in agreement on or have come to work together on as compromises to get things done.

Here's just two examples:
(6-1-0) - Bike Path/Downtown land acquisition
(6-1-0) - Manning St.

One could argue that you are standing on principal I guess - others would argue that you are an ineffective politician who is furthering a personal agenda and cannot work to compromise on issues important to the town. Particularly when you look at the substance of your objections - are they personal or representing your constituents?

Anonymous said...

Maureen, where, when and to whom was the "viciousness" you posted about commited?

Anonymous said...

Janet Fairbanks was witnessed by people of the public at the transfer station screaming at new commer Maureen Heard. It was witnessed that Ms. Head offered a cup of coffee to Janet and wish her luck during the election on Tuesday. Thats when Janet verbally attacked Ms.Heard and could people could hear Janet from many feet away. I dodnt know about you but I dont a "bully" for the another couple yrs as one of my town counilors. She should come out and publicly appoligize to members of the public as well as Ms. Heard. This is unprofessional and uncalled for. She should be ashamed of herself. I am apauled by this behavior.

Anonymous said...

11:12 since you are posting on multiple treads for maximum propaganda value, I'll answer on both:

11:12 -"was witnessed by people of the public"??? Not you? You were not there??? This is all hearsay??? So you really have no useful information about what if anything happened??? Speculation!!! I can speculate that JF became incensed when MH actually disclosed where she got campaign funding from. Now there's some interesting speculation.