Thursday, September 27, 2007

More Downtown Activity

Things are really starting to take shape in the downtown. As I take my evening walk around the downtown, I have noticed some additional activity in the downtown area. First, I see more and more people walking the downtown area and going into the stores more than I have seen in a long time! This is a good thing!
I noticed that Sabatinos is now open and in fact the last two evenings it has been "packed". with patrons and the owners did a great job on the decor. What a difference a good looking store can make.
Speaking of nice looking new stores in the downtown-Bachmans Florist as well as done a great job in their new location ( across from Jake D's). This really goes a long way in making the downtown appealing! The Met has been saved and will be a destination spot for many in the downtown. I congratulate them for doing a great job in raising the needed money to keep the museum alive and well.
On a not so good note, we lost the Fire Hall Pub recently and the restaurant is up for sale. I'm hoping it won't be long before a new business comes along and makes a go of it.
The next big improvements will be the Rte 102 & Crystal/Birch intersection being upgraded in the summer of '08. Look for some big improvements for not only traffic patterns but the look and feel of the intersection.
Please support our local merchants and if you have not been to the downtown in a while- get out of your car and walk the downtown- You will see these improvements and you will have an opportunity to make the downtown a thriving and exciting place to be as well as seeing more businesses wanting to do business here. Thank you for your support Derry!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Last poll results

From our last poll question: who will be the next president of the United States

Clinton 5 votes
Obama 5 votes
Edwards 6 votes
Romney 1 vote
McCain 3 votes
Thompson 5 votes

Edwards takes this poll voting!
* Sorry I did forget Gulliani and could not edit this poll.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

4A or Not to 4A!

4A or not to 4A That is the question.

The answer is not an easy one to answer. Lets first look at what happens if the 4A project goes away. What will be the ramifications that Derry will face? This is the very point I had made at our council meeting Tuesday night. We all know that projections for residential population growth in East Derry, Chester, Sandown, Raymond will continue to grow. Now add to the populace once the I93 widening goes according to plan. We start to see major gridlock on Rte 102 in Derry getting to Exit 4 on Interstate 93. Without mitigation, expect to see business choked off and once this happens no business will want to locate in the downtown. So from this standpoint, we should get this done.

Next, by building exit 4A will have economic impact in a positive manner. Businesses will want to locate close-by to easy access points on and off I 93 which presently speaking we don't have today. This is one reason why we lose business to Londonderry. From this standpoint we should get it done.

Now lets look at some important issues that keep coming up.
Most important- Where's the beef? or where's the money coming from. We know the longer this goes on the more costly it becomes. We now have a figure of about 20-30 million to complete the project with 5 million committed by each Londonderry and Derry and 3 million from the state.
This is where we must be careful in making sure all accurate information can be received by the public. The people against are assuming that because we have a price tag on project, that the towns will have to pay. Again that is an assumption by these people. We are only obligated to the 5Million. So when we hear the horror stories of having to attract 24 Walmarts to make this thing work- remember that they assume that we will not get any fed funds or additional state funds. I don't think there is a politician alive that would support only local support.
I will say however that it will be of utmost importance that the local politicians, state politicians, county and NH fed politicians will need to use our collective powers to demand to be heard on this issue. After all we are the 4Th largest community! We must demand action and we must do it together!

The special 4 A meeting was interesting. I do understand that some people will be affected by this project and are not happy about it. no doubt. However, what i found interesting was that the Londonderry residents said they are not happy because Derry benefits from this. And I heard that the Derry residents aren't happy because Londonderry benefits from this. Each side thinks the other will make out.- I think everyone wins myself.
I'm sure that this discussion will be a major discussion point in upcoming elections.
Lets look at facts and separate the assumptions and not be scared by these tactics, on the other hand we need to make sure everything is looked at, discussed and reviewed under a microscope. Which leads me to say that we need to finish the EIS study and then we can hold the politicians accountable for getting us fed and state money.

I know, i know you are saying that the state and feds keep saying they have none. and if you choose to believe this and do nothing-we get what we deserve in the end, however i notice as the feds and state say they have no money- Manchester keeps getting projects done- Why, They know together they have the power. They keep saying 93 has no money to complete and that all state projects are pushed out, yet i see on a daily basis the airport access road which benefits Bedford, Merrimack and Manchester being worked on, money being spent again why?, They collectively demand to be heard and what about Derry and Londonderry? Will we be heard or are we going to debate hypothetical with each other while other communities laugh and get their projects done. Think about it folks. We need to start demanding! Now Today!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Open Forum

Whats on your mind? Lets see what people want to talk about.
If your a new reader-click on the comment section below and you may post a comment and stay anonymous if you choose.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Town Council Meeting 9/5

I apologize to the Derry NH Politic blog readers in that this post is a little later than the normal times I post. However here is a recap of the last town council meeting.
The meeting started with the congratulations of councilor Carney becoming a new father. We wish the Carneys well in the new chapter of their lives.
Public Hearing on Parking ban on Mt Pleasent St passed by a 5-2 vote.
I basically voted against because i wanted to have limited parking on a time schedule vs an all out ban of parking. The other vote against was councilor Fairbanks.
and then the next public hearings were the discussions on purchasing conservation land and development rights. The hearings got ugly at times, the chairman shut the meeting down for 5 minutes and the rest of the meeting was just plain ugly.
Just when we think that the East /West Derry dividing line is eliminated ( fire dist) now comes the new separatists who say that the Derry Conservation members only deal with East Derry and not with anything on the West side. ( how much do you want to bet these same people will not say a word about the Manning st issues next week)
Its all a show! Some people want to show division, want to cause dis-course and want to show anger. I don't know about you, I'm getting very tired of the shenanigans for the couple of years.
At the end of the meeting, it is a shame that when some members of the council noticed that Ms Ives was the last person to approach the podium to speak and a motion was made to extend the meeting another 10 minutes that these champions of the people prevented a member of the public from speaking. That's about as low as councilors I have ever seen. And if it were a member of their peanut gallery instead of Ms Ives and they got shut down and prevented from speaking you would of heard the world come to an end.
Shame shame on those council members-you know who you are!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Latest Poll Results

The latest poll results are in...

The question was: What do you feel is the most important thing we should accomplish in Derry.

The answers: Acquire more conservation land - 6 votes 25%
Build a recreational facility - 3 votes 12%
Build a senior citizen facility - 1 vote 4%
Lower property taxes - 6 votes 25%
Pass Open Space ordinance - 8 votes 33%

Thank-you all who voted! Interesting results. Please vote on the newest poll!