Sunday, September 02, 2007

Latest Poll Results

The latest poll results are in...

The question was: What do you feel is the most important thing we should accomplish in Derry.

The answers: Acquire more conservation land - 6 votes 25%
Build a recreational facility - 3 votes 12%
Build a senior citizen facility - 1 vote 4%
Lower property taxes - 6 votes 25%
Pass Open Space ordinance - 8 votes 33%

Thank-you all who voted! Interesting results. Please vote on the newest poll!


Anonymous said...

Overall, I think we are very fortunate this election cycle with many very talented people. I haven't made a choice yet because it's far too early, but my support will be based on their positions, experience, intelligence, articulation, and authenticity.

Maybe the current poll only allowed for 6 candidates, but there are some very capable people left off from both parties.

Brownback, Huckabee, Biden, Richardson and Dodd are all very talented people. Via the media coverage, it seems as though someone else has chosen not to allow me consideration of those guys. In effect, the media has declared votes for those gentlemen wasted votes – that is their relentless daily drumbeat.

Anonymous said...

The poll is missing the Republican front-runner, Rudy Giuliani.