Friday, March 06, 2009

Top 10 Least Taxed Cities in America

This puts things into a little better perspective.
Check Out #2!


Anonymous said...

Too bad Derry isn't a city... then we could be included.

Anonymous said...

Brian, what perspective are you asking people to look at? The perspective that Manchester is number 2 means exactly what in your mind with regard to Derry?

Our town was ruined by slipshod planning and run away residential development condoned by previous council chairs and bobbleheaded "yes" men and women.

Up until very recently, the council has been populated by shallow individuals that are not able to see much beyond their own interests or they have tended to vote according to back room plans set forth by the likes of Jack Dowd and the failed and big time in debt DEDC. These same jokers who have proven themselves seriously cable of overestimating their ability and expertise at our expense.

Speaking of which, Brian, why did you recently vote for $880K to a bloated fire department?

Finally isn't Joel Olbricht the president of the negative equity DEDC? If so Brian, would you require that Joel recuses himself on any future DEDC funding in the unlikely event, god forbid, he wins a seat?

Anonymous said...

A lot of good that does derry taxpayers

Anonymous said...

Nice comparison - but not relevant. My property taxes are 3 times that of Manchester,NH. So what point are you trying to make?
Basically, we are paying property taxes in excess of what we should.That seems to be the point you should dwell on.

Anonymous said...

What's your point on this one? We should all move to Manchester, which is a CITY and has a MAYOR? And the school and municipal BUDGET falls under the MAYOR?

Anonymous said...

Brian, Thank You for making this forum avalible. I think it is a terrific way to keep up on town matters.

Dear Maureen,

To whom and where exactly were "vicious" things done to those that simply placed your signs on their property?

I trust you encouraged those that allegedly were impacted to file a police report of the "viciousness." Do you suppose that they will appear in the police blotter? Or are you making things up?

You know Maureen, what actually is "vicious" is the way you have willfully attempted to smear two very productive councilors with what we all know to be..... shall I say.... your liberal use of "disgusting" hyperbole. Shame on you. I for one think you owe J and K an apology.

I hope that you refrain immediately from this behavior .

Anonymous said...

Yes Manchester's tax rate is $17.35, Derry's is $25.53 or 47% higher. Keep up the good work Derry Good Old Boys (DGOBs)!

BC said...

anon 8:53,
Is Manchester at or close to 100% valuation????

Anonymous said...

Yes BC, state law requires that all towns (and cities)be at full valuation.

BC said...

Correct. Thats every 5 years. Most do not know that you can also be at 110% of value. Therefor making the apple to apple comparision non-relevant. Most need to remember that the town of Derry has had a tax cap for about 10 years which keeps spending increases in check. Opposition wants people to believe that foreclosers, bankrupcies, unemployment woes are because of the town councilors of Derry ( except kevin and janet).

Anonymous said...

Joel Olbrichts reaction to the DEDC during the candidates forum was way over the top.

Remember when DEDC"s Jack Dowd did his dead of night "ship jumping" routine and then went on to answer all reporters questions about impending development by saying "he can't comment on ongoing talks?" They were too sensitive I suppose.

Joel, given that you are a big DEDC cheerleader and that the Walmart deal has gone bust, before it even started, would you let us know what if any company's Jackie was talking with and/or what if any company's you are talking with now.

Please do not comment if they are really REALLY big and double secret talks are underway, we've seen how the DEDC can really reel 'em in.

Anonymous said...

Wow, BC it looks like posting this original post was a mistake. I see 9-1 posts against you. Are all your drones still tucked in?" Where is Celtic?

"Quick everyone, wake up and make lame excuses for Derry's appalling tax rate."

BC - Best change the subject away from taxes; you seem to be hitting a nerve.

BC said...

Nice try and great collective effort too. Have you had a chance to see Metts letter to the editor? He is dead on. Its the ADT group who brought in SB2 and the tax cap and now they don't like what they created??? They tried to bring us back to the days when Derry had a population of 1200 people.. Had did that work out for them?

Anonymous said...

I know this is off topic but I feel it is necessary to share.

I cannot believe what I just witnessed! I was taking my trash to the transfer station this morning and I had my 10 year old son with me.

As we were getting ready to leave we both witnessed Janet Fairbanks in a fit of rage. She was yelling and screaming up and down at someone at the transfer station. Her arms were flailing everywhere!

I cannot beleive that my son, who pointed it out to me, had to witness something as awful as that.

Janet is supposed to be a leader and is trying to be re-elected to th Town Council. I am absolutely appalled.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with Maureen Heard and her position that you need to have "help" in running for office in Derry.

History has shown in this town for the twenty years that I have lived here that many people have run without being tied in with this group or that.

It is usually those candidates that need help that end up selling their voters interests out.

DJN said...

Yes, BC I have read Rick's letter several times to prepare a rebuttal. My problem is that I can't tell what point(s) he is trying to make.
Rick should know that the Alliance of Derry Taxpayers is not the old Derry Taxpayers Association. That whole part of his letter is irrelevant. I wish the ADT could take credit for the tax cap. It has saved Derry taxpayers millions of dollars. However we (the ADT) were not an organization at that time and many ADT members (like me) were not DTA members. As for the problems with SB2 which governs our school funding, these problems seem to stem from a bit of backroom shenanigans in Concord. There the alternative budget formula was structured so as to take the teeth out of the whole piece of legislation. Because of that, our voters must shallow the ever increasing school district’s budget or vote for something even worse. Correcting this would require legislation in Concord.
As to the motivation behind the current charter petition, we have no hidden agenda. The current town government system has failed us. This being an obvious fact, in the words of Mr. Jefferson : “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” The Charter Commission should therefore look at the entire Charter document, alter or abolish it and develop an alternative to offer up to our voters. Our goal is to increase the efficiency of Derry government and to squeeze the greatest value from each taxpayer dollar. BC, in proposing the hiring freeze you have expressed concern for the plight of the taxpayers. Since your goal of protecting taxpayers mirrors the goal of this Charter effort I invite you and all other Derry voters to join us in collecting signatures.


Doug Newell
Direction of Communications
Alliance of Derry Taxpayers

Anonymous said...

So 8:45 since you know nothing about the situation, you must believe there is nothing that justifies anger? Why don't you find out the facts?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:45 could it be that what you "witnessed" was someone that had just said something awful to janet like has been said to and about her for years now?

or maybe someone was defending a ridiculous position and janet had heard enough.

i thank janet for what she has done for her district which happens to be mine as well and plan on voting for her again. kevin too.

without them to provide a responsible voice derry will once again slip down the reckless spending and poor planning slope.

Anonymous said...

Here's a trick question for your blog Brian, a little NH humor:

Q: What is the difference between black fly's, Joel Olbrecht and the DEDC?

A: Nothing. All three are buzzing around looking to take another bite out of you.

Anonymous said...

to anon 9:08 AM

I totally disagree with you.

As a casual observer of local politics i dare say that there it would be impossible for a candidate to step up to the plate and successfully get elected without anyones help. Everyone needs their friends, family, and acquaintances to spread the word, to help canvas neighborhoods, allow them to place their signs, listen to their stand on issues and to believe in them.

You are fooling yourself to think anyone could "do it alone".

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:20 PM
Your poor joke may have been a little funnier if you spelled flies correctly. In attempting to take a shot at Olbrecht, you showed your own shortcomings.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:20 - congrats - very mature. You have succeeded in being the most pubescent voice in the blog today. this is exactly the mentality that promotes the anger in town.

anon 10:11 - do you know the facts? it could be that Janet has once again been seen unable to control her emotions, act her age in a mature and professional fashion and enter a discussion with a reasonable decorum. just like anon 12:20 that seems to be rampant. I would support her if I felt that she had any capability of working together with other fellow human beings that might possibly have a difference of opinion. in her position she needs to be able to work with people to get things done, I haven't seen her try.

Anonymous said...

BC --regarding your 8:09 entry, nice try, …you wish that an apples to apples comparison of local tax rates didn't work. It works just fine, and like shining a light on cockroaches; our politicians go scurrying for cover. You see, minor variations in assessment cycles cannot explain away the 47% higher taxes seen when you compare Derry to Manchester. Try again.
And yes we remember the tax cap but what about your voracious friends on the school side of the tax bill? You pretend you don't know them until it comes time to campaign for them. Want to guess whether Ochs’ campaign money came from the same trough as Joel Olbricht’s? The Better Derry crowd is all one big team controlling the schools and the municipality for their own purposes.
While we are shining lights on cockroaches, shall we talk some more about campaign finances and possible ethical issues surrounding politicians accepting money from those who might directly benefit from Council decisions? Perhaps it’s time for a campaign finance disclosure ordinance like the one state legislators are subject to.

Anonymous said...

4:00 You forget that its not just about "getting things done" its also about keeping people from "doing things to us". I don't want a demur councilor who is too polite to ask if the DEDC is bankrupt or if a fellow councilor took money from a union and then voted for their fat contract or if we really need a $15,000 information kiosk in the lobby of the municipal center. I want someone who will raise hell when the taxpayers are being screwed. (and that would be about every second Tuesday at 7:30 PM in the Municipal Center)

Anonymous said...

The low Manchester tax rate provides little solace to this Derry resident. Manchester public schools are consistently rated poorly, whereas Derry seems to fare better. As a taxpayer, I'm interested to know if the increased tax burden we experience in Derry is a fair premium to pay for a better school system. I'm very skeptical. For the amount of tax we dump into Pinkerton Academy, we should have the best high school in the state, but we don't. Meanwhile, Manchester has public waste removal and far more sidewalks than Derry. For my money, I would like to see a lot more scrutiny given to the school budget and a lot more attention given to improving the "quality of life" services of our town. For the amount of money we pay, I would have expected public waste removal, superior roads and sidewalks in all of the medium-density residential areas (and I'm not talking about 4a, which would have been a shameful land-grab just to benefit Londonderry and points east at the expense of Derry families. Fix exit 4 first!). Thankfully, private waste removal services are still in healthy competition in Derry and I doubt the town could provide the same service any cheaper right now. Road improvements however, are another story. Instead of adding useless road extensions (like Manning St.), I would like the town to start adding contiguous sidewalks to the heavily populated pockets of town (mostly district 4, as well as the parts of districts 1,2 & 3 with medium density residential zoning). Sidewalks would not only make it safer for pedestrians, but also improve the water runoff management of the roads and reduce some of the long-term overhead costs associated with repairing sinkholes and potholes.
At any rate, the more immediate concern ought to be the upcoming school budget. Does anybody have any comments on whether or not the 0.9% increase is justified? At a time when everyone is cutting back, is this the right thing for the town to spend more money on? Are we getting our money's worth out of our schools, or is this just more money down the drain? I'm on the fence and would appreciate feedback.

Anonymous said...

Why are the date formats in DD/MM/YY instead of the customary MM/DD/YY? Although I think the European way makes more sense, I also think it might be a tad confusing to the casual US-based observer...

Anonymous said...

It's no suprised to see people quickly coming to defend Janet's outburst this morning.But whatever the circumstances, if no one was getting beat up or killed I don't know why she could not hold her temper.She lacks people skills and cannot control her outbursts. We've seen this over and over on Tuesday nights!
Enough of her....Vote for Maureen Heard. They'll be no drama, only progress!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you 8:45am for taking the time to share what you witnessed.
Timing is everything and this outburst couldn't have come at a better time.It showed the true Janet.I too have seen this woman snap over nothing.Be thankful you were just an observer and not the one feeling her rath!
Do we need another 3 years of her?
NO. Vote for Maureen H.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 8:45am for taking the time to share what you witnessed.
Timing is everything and this outburst couldn't have come at a better time.It showed the true Janet.I too have seen this woman snap over nothing.Be thankful you were just an observer and not one of her victims!
Do we need another 3 years of her?
NO. Vote for Maureen H.

Anonymous said...

9:08 Yes the "progress" dictated by those who financed her campaign.

Anonymous said...

Lets just get rid of them all and have no form of goverment in town.

We sould do the same with the state and fed as well.

The system we have in this country does not work anymore we should start over.

It's our right to start over by force if need be.

A good start is for everyone that has to mail a tax check to the goverment to stop.

If the boys in Washington can use the excuse that they were in the process of paying the tax they owe so can I.

Anonymous said...

What is it about political positions in Derry that is so attractive to the same group of people recycled over and over around here.

These are grown men who year after year, decade after decade treat elected offices as their "treasure" only during election time.....hmmmm....."treasure?

Once the election is over so are they, except of course when they increase our taxes.

Hey townies!!, you know who you are and so do the voters, aren't you embarasssed by your gluttony? STOP RAISING MY TAXES TO PAY FOR YOUR FOOLISH AGENDAS !!!!

Anonymous said...

ANON 9:18:

You sound a lot like you're one of the problems in this town. Janet Fairbanks and Kevin Coyle are the ONLY two councilors that saw the economic slow down coming and consistently worked to slow or stop some of the excessive spending on wages and buildings. it is sad that Brent Carney sold out all but the DFD by voting them a big increase when everywhere you look the exact opposite is happening.

Brian, ANON 9:18 closed out with a campaign ad so I would expect that I can too:

I am voting on tuesday as will be everyone I talk to:


Anonymous said...

My wife and I thought the joke someone posted about black flies, Joel Olbrecht and the DEDC was really funny anon 4:00.

Judging by your reation, I would bet you don't get taken too seriously very often, which is why you are seriously, too serious.

I suggest in the future you attempt to contain your pre-pubescent, self-righteous attitude. It typically is presented by adults that suffer from childhood "last guy picked" experiences.

In other words, lighten up, just a little and have some fun......but not with tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

9:08 So in your opinion nothing short of assault and battery or murder deserves a raised voice and expressions of anger? No wonder you folks sit passively while they screw you out of your tax dollars and indirectly the equity in your homes. Wow. That's very sad. I'm not sure whether my emotions are pity or contempt.

Anonymous said...

Is Anonymous March 8 7:10 am recommending a violent overthrow of our government? Wow! This group of angry people must really be angry. In case you missed it ...

"The system we have in this country does not work anymore we should start over.

It's our right to start over by force if need be."

Anonymous said...

Big Box stores are not the answer. See this article

Anonymous said...

10:22 A significant set of changes in our government (at each level) is certainly very desirable. The federal government has chosen to ignore whole sections of the constitution. Their latest usurpation was voting to give DC a vote in Congress despite the fact that it is not a state.

While 7:10 is correct that we have the right to use any measures necessary to protect our freedoms, violence should always be a last resort.

10:22 Do you get what "Live Free or Die" is all about?

p.s. I see in today's paper that the Democrats in Concord voted down a resolution that would have reminded the Federal government of the separation of powers between the Federal and state governments. Pathetic. The resolution was word for word Jefferson and Madison.

Anonymous said...

10:41 I don't think we have to worry about where to put all the big box stores. Our crack development team can handle that.

Anonymous said...

Some council members like to spend,some like opening the taxpayers wallets til its gone for schools,too many ambulances,global command centers,more fire stations,fat pentions and lifetime employeements.

One of my votes will go to KC.
I like him because he was not intimidated by DFD when they went by his house in Londonderry and shouted out whatever they did.

I realy dont believe some people running for office would know how to handle that kind of mob control.

Thanks BC, The big bad blog has save Derry thousands of dollars in taxes just in gasoline alone. The laddertrucks are not seen too much getting groceries anymore.

One more thought ,I guess we wont have to worry about the tax accessor coming around for the next 5 years now the houses are worth 30 percent less.Why dont we lay him off til the market comes back.
I know a great sub shop in HOOKSETT hiring.

Anonymous said...

I was driving through Shute's Corner this afternoon and I witnessed Janet Fairbanks and another woman holding signs for Janet and Kevin Coyle. Janet was waving an American flag clutched in her fist like a Steelers "Terrible Towel." Maybe she thought it was patriotic to wave a flag, but it was just disrespectful and surprising that she has no idea how to properly display it. My son is a Cub Scout and he knows how to treat our Nation's symbol.

DJN said...

4:19 - And as the father of 2 Eagle Scouts, I have no problem with someone(from either side of the great Derry political divide) waving a flag without a flagpole. I'm delighted that she is proud of her country. I have a mental image of a US Hockey team doing the same thing after an upset of the Russians. Lighten up.

Doug Newell

Anonymous said...

I have never met or talked with any of the current counselors or those that are running so I called and/or talked with the incumbent counselors as well as the two new candidates.

Maureen was very vague as to her positions on 4A and the DEDC/economic development but I did get the impression that she supported 4A; her reply on being tied in with the "status quo" was her stump response that she couldn't run on her own.
She talked a lot of her service; her search and rescue efforts, her negotiating between the Shiites and the Sunni’s in Iraq and her ability to bring parties together.

Joel Olbricht just seemed downright arrogant to me. His platform is 4A, the DEDC, he supported the firefighter’s contract, and it seems to me if he should get voted in "civility" will be reinstated on the counsel yet the community and what I get for my taxes will suffer. Seemed like I was almost bugging him, he'd answer my questions but acted somewhat aloof and put out.

I stopped and talked to Janet on the street where she was campaigning. I have never met Janet in person before and to be honest I was surprised at how approachable and affable she was. I was expecting nothing short of an ogre. She talked a lot of people losing their homes, jobs and their overall way of life as they once knew it. She talked of her involvement in the community long before she was a counselor and her quest for open space in West Derry. She's against 4A, the DEDC and higher taxes. Her call for transparency in local government is real. Any question I asked her, whether related to this election or actions of the counsel were honestly answered and I felt she would've stood and talked to me for as long as I wanted.

I called and talked to Kevin on the phone. He was in the middle of something and said he'd call me back and did so within 15 minutes of my call. He was friendly, and talked about the seniors and the vets and the people in town that are hurting due to the poor economy. He apologized and said he regretted how he handled some situations when he was a sitting counselor. He too is against 4A, the DEDC and seemed genuine in his quest to lower taxes and move Derry forward.

As a taxpayer and citizen and resident of District 1 my vote will be going to Kevin and Janet. They're the only two that seemed to have no agenda other than the betterment of Derry. They were the only two that showed a genuine concern for the citizens of the town.

I do want to add that I was disappointed to learn that evidently the “Community for a Better Derry” is a partisan group formed for what reason I don’t know but one that certainly doesn’t seem it would create a “better Derry.”

Anonymous said...

Just another example of Janet's unfavorable actions.
When you live in 'Janet's World'
everything she does is right. Haven't you learnt that yet?
I'm voting for the person who DOES know the true meaning of patriotism and respects our national flag! Vote Maureen Meard

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:25

Clearly you must have been intoxicated when you typed your post to this blog.

Do you really beleive that a Derry town councilor lives in Londonderry? Trust me, all of the haters in this Town would have picked up on that a long time ago!

Oh, and I remember the Nutfield News wrote an article that stated the State AG's office cleared the DFD of any wrong-doing.

Grow up or find another blog!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:19 I was driving around too!! Guess what!! I saw a maronish mini-van, yes folks a mini-van, being driven by none other than the DEDC's very own Jack Dowd.

Now, usually you only see old Jack when he mugs for a camera at some small biz openning or town ground breaking, both of which he has very little to do with. But come election time he's out there on the side of the road puttin' up signs.

There is an old saying that comes to mind, "you can judge a candidate by who supports them." By the way, good old big deal, secret talk, DEDC Jack was placing Joel Olbrecht and Maureen Heard signs. I sure as hell know now for whom my votes are NOT going to be cast.

Thanks for the heads up Jack.

Anonymous said...

4:19 - I drove by the corner also, looked like they were waving a scarf to me. Is there proper ettiquete in scarf waving? Maybe the red, white and blue offended you?

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:19 I drove through Shute's corner and saw that Ms. Fairbanks was holding a SCARF that happened to be red. white and blue.

That said, it looks to me like your "vision's" cloudy, in more ways than one.

Now why don't you be a true patriot by admiting that what you posted was a deliberate attempt at smearing a persons reputation for political gain by using the flag.

Truth be told, unless you do correct your earlier erroneous post your behavior in this instance is what most people would consider disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

Janet Fairbanks was witnessed by people of the public at the transfer station screaming at new commer Maureen Heard. It was witnessed that Ms. Head offered a cup of coffee to Janet and wish her luck during the election on Tuesday. Thats when Janet verbally attacked Ms.Heard and could people could hear Janet from many feet away. I dodnt know about you but I dont a "bully" for the another couple yrs as one of my town counilors. She should come out and publicly appoligize to members of the public as well as Ms. Heard. This is unprofessional and uncalled for. She should be ashamed of herself. I am apauled by this behavior.

Anonymous said...

At the last t.c.meeting Janet made reference.. even if she didn't win the election she'd be back to collect her rocking chair.... Now does every councilor who serves 1 term get a rocking chair? With budgets as tight as they are, (and if you truely cared about your Dist. 1 Janet)wouldn't a plaque be enough? We're worrying about plowing and salting our roads and she's already looking for 'her prize'! What's wrong with this picture. I'm not making this up people..check the meeting yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Why has Joel Olbricht not been out campaigning anywhere?

I have seen all the other candidates around town but no sign of Joel Olbricht.

Bet he feels others have already paid for his council seat so why bother.

Sure does not speak well about his appreciation of the importance of public accessibility.

Lets send Joel and his financial backers a home grown NH message:

Joel: "Run free, you lose."

Anonymous said...

BC your blog should be re named THE BRIAN SHOW . This blog has lost its focus, is bias, and seeks to drive your personal efforts rather than offer a formum for postive/creative ideas leading to productive give and take. Lets hear you write about the candidates and what group they accepted money from.

Anonymous said...

12:21 Congrats you get the prize for pettiness! It was a tight race with BC given some of his comments but you have it, "Smallest Person on the Blog" award.

I have often disagreed with BC but I look forward to him getting a rocking chair. Our councilors (good and bad) put in an enormous number of hours for almost no compensation. And you begrudge them that modest gift?

By the way, perhaps we should reward the councilors based upon how they vote regarding spending our money. JF and KC would do very well, forget about rocking chairs based on performance, we should furnish their homes.

BC said...

anon 8:14,
Lets not go to far with the Kevin and Janet love fest. Both these councilors spent your money on Derry's version of the "road to no where" as ma matter of fact they over spent the budget on that one... And the 225K bike path money. 2 miles of pavement for 225? in this economy? Stick with the rocking chair idea.

BC said...

anon 8:13,
Bias? I have allowed both sides equal opportunty. If you don't believe it, look at the posts for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Yes BC it has been my experience that you usually run the blog in a fair way. Your views are incredibly distorted but you post everyone’s comments (even mine when I make you look ridiculous).

As for the JF and KC spending records, while I might not have voted for the bike path, ten years from now people will be getting use of it. I can't say that for the pile of scrap paper that is called the Exit 4A Environmental Impact Study. It cost what about 4 or 8 bike paths?

Ok maybe we should just furnish a room or two for them. You should still get the rocking chair. (How about next week?)

Anonymous said...

Our stellar long standing majority leadership has brought us this: a dminishing population and a reduction in our student numbers; 1,247 families who can afford to pay no real estate taxes at all this current tax cycle; a current real estate tax shortfall approaching $4million dollars; 240 or more homes foreclosed; allowing our fire chief to hold an outside executive position where he uses his Derry title to further enrich himself; where the town continually operates three distinct and costly maintenance operations; not one mention of the 125% retirement law which, unless it is finally changed by the state legislature, will bankrupt the Town of Derry and erase our $13 million dollar rainy day fund about as fast as you can say Happy Days are Here Again; and this, when combined with the idiocy of pumping more money into that dead on arrival Exit 4A, the council majority, if successful in throwing more government specie after that dog with fleas, will probably help kill off the remaining downtown businesses.

And what is the reply to the above? We can't get along with Fairbanks and Coyle. They're mean and uncouth and work for the, gulp, taxpayers.

Nope, here in Derry its better to never plan, to never prepare, to never acquaint ourselves with the root of the doggone problems, to never look at the finances from the troubled homeowners' view.

And to see things from your constituents' view you need to hold those regular meetings with the taxpayers like Ms. Fairbaks does. And take their concerns all the way up the ladder, like she is accused of doing, and then get pilloried for it, like she consistently is.

But then at the critical crunch, when the heat is on and there's no time to think, just pile the problems and the costs onto the taxpayer.

That's the way its always been done here. Not because its hard but because its easy. And once you do it, it becomes easier every time.

Have the employees, whom we treat like potentates, ever taken a cut in pay, in benefits, have they ever been layed off? The folks supporting them face these turns of events everyday in this economy.
What's the matter with a quid pro quo and the two way street?

BC said...

anon 8:35,
Sorry. You will have to wait for 1 more year. Perhaps I'll run the countdown clock.

Anonymous said...

Where has Joel Olbricht been? Has anyone seen him campaigning anywhere in town like all the other candidates.

Maybe he feels he is above it. Maybe he feels the election was bought and paid for.

BC said...

"whats he problem with quid pro quo and the two way street"

I guess its only a problem when it's someone different than the councilors you back doing it. Can you say "Hypocrisy" and from the same person who said we need that two way street to allivate the major traffic problem downtown--Hows that working out John.
You bring up great points on what is happening all around us,however you are very clever by trying to put the problem at the doorstep of the present council ( less kc & jf )

Anonymous said...

"what is happening all around us" BC you are still in denial about the relative tax rates of surrounding communities. That is one metric (granted not the only one)of how well the community is being governed. We do not do well by that measure.

And the issue is not just with the "present council". We see you all (the Better Derry/DEDC bunch) as interchangable parts. How has Wetherbee voted that any of the majority councilors in the past would not have voted? Is there any evidence that he doesn't have an earpiece wired directly to Jack Dowd? Same goes for Benson although he is clearly the more arrogant of that pair.

At least Carney shows some independent thought on occasion. He has sometimes voted the wrong way but is not a "Stepford Councilor."

Anonymous said...

What I don't get Brian is that if Kevin and Janet truly are the "minority" - why are you so worried about them getting re-elected. You and the "majority" can easily defeat them 5-2 (or 4-3 since you probably don't trust Carney either).

I think the issue here is that Kevin and Janet raise enough good questions and shine the light where it needs to be shone in order for the general public to hold the rest of the council responsible for your votes.

I believe their actions have caused a few councilors to vote in a manner that they may not have if the questions Janet and Kevin asked were simply swept under the carpet. But once asked, they knew they were exposed.

So, again I ask - how is it bad for the Town (meaning the Taxpayers) to have these people up there asking the tough questions and shining the light on behalf of the taxpayers rather than one candidate who is pretty much assured to vote the Majority line (Joel) and someone is green in politics and likely to be ineffective and not know the right questions to ask (Maureen) even if she did surprise everyone by being a crusader for the taxpayer and not a "bought and paid seat filler for the majority".

I await your reply Brian.

Anonymous said...

I could not care less if the Counselors get along. Differing opinions and debate should be encouraged. All I ask is that the council respect and treat each other in a professional way. Its healthy to voice opinions, even if contrary.

Anonymous said...

Least Janet is seen at the dump meaning she holds a residential dump permit.

Anyone every see our TA at the dump. ooops thats for residence only. Some fought hard to make him a resident and now hide.

Anonymous said...

Celtic, you ought to think before using "intoxication" references in your posts in light of your chosen screen name.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...
