Friday, March 07, 2008

Ballot Question 4A

Readers of this blog take notice! Do NOT let Tom Cardon and Doug Newell bombard you with "snippets" of sound bites that try to scare you into thinking that the upcoming 4A question on this years ballot has ANYTHING to do with the town having to spend more money on 4A. Over the last few months we hear from these two gentlemen that by voting Yes on this question, it will mean we will have to spend 10,20,30 Million dollars more and it will come from Derry. The facts are here. In this blog.

#1) The present council have all agreed by vote that the town of Derry will not spend any more money and in fact the money that was spent on the EIS study will be deducted from the 5Mil that is allotted ( in paper only) Period!

#2) Read the question carefully please and separate these two facts. If no more money is being spent and we get state and federal funds to complete this project, would you vote YES?
Taking out the money issue, Do you support economic development, Less traffic impacts, Lower taxes? This is how you should approach this question. Don't let the ADT, Doug Newell and Tom Cardon use scare tactics to confuse you.

#3) I will not use this persons name however if you get to see a re-run of the last council meeting you will see someone with immense knowledge of the subject. Her work has been done for many years up in concord and throughout the state IN FAVOR OF 4A. I'll call her R.R for this blog. Many of the taxpayers of Derry know her well. She is honest in the fact that some on the other side may get mad however she knows of their distortions and has come to speak on those.
R.R is a supporter of the project with NO more money being spent from Derry taxpayers.
Listen to someone who tells it without distortion.

And then today the Union Leader has this editorial in today's paper on the subject:

Exit 4A gets an OK
A challenging task endorsed

It is no surprise that a special panel of the executive council this week unanimously endorsed the creation of 4A in Derry. The exit's positives outweigh its negatives by a significant margin. The question is, how too fund it? It speaks well of the Derry and Londonderry officials that they did not throw up their hands and say "oh well" when the exit was removed from the 10year highway plan last year. They deserve credit for fighting for this project,which would be a significant accelerate for growth in both towns. Seeing this project through will take a great deal of toil and creativity. Completing the exit without turning to the state for money and eminent domain acquisitions is an immense challenge, but one worth taking on. If enough private and federal resource are secured, not only will a big setback be turned into a success, but it could be a model for other communities to follow. Of course, it makes sense to try to get the exit included in the I-93 expansion instead of tacking it on afterward. So in addition to dealing with the existing challenges, town officials have to race against the clock as well.
Exit 4A would bring industry, commerce, jobs, and an expanded tax base to Derry and Londonderry. It also would relieve some existing traffic congestion. Its a shame the project was cut from the highway plan. But it is encouraging that the towns are pursuing it anyway, despite the enormous challenges. That spirit is too often lacking in local government.

***reprinted with permission from the Union Leader************************

There you have it. Separate the facts from the rhetoric and Vote YES for economic development. Vote Yes for Lower Taxes. Vote Yes for less traffic impacts in the downtown
Please Vote Yes on 4A


DJN said...

BC - One of those snippets you refer to had to do with the amount of developable land as a result of 4A. In the "Jack Show" on TV17, JD tossed out a number of 200+ acres. We seem to have a disagreement on facts here. Would you have access to Jack's list of property numbers associated with the 200+?

It seems to me that we owe the public an accounting of the discrepency, especially since you and your buddies will be jamming 4A down an unwilling public's throats.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I don't think the public has shown that they are "unwilling". In a Town with about 19000 voters, only about 2500 showed up to vote. The NON BINDING question only had a difference in votes of about 150. This hardly seems to show whether the public is for it or against it. When you have something so close, you have to rely on the elected officials to use their judgement and do what is in the best interest for Derry. After all, this is why we elect members to the Council.

BC said...

Let me see what I can find out about the total overall land.
You should "chill out" a little bit too. You know as well as everyone else on ADT that the council voted to not spend any more money on EIS. Its over. Now, we need to do everything possible to get public, state and/or fed dollars. And you should try and help to that end.

BC said...

Opps, I meant private, state and/or fed dollars. Not Public

DJN said...

No problem BC... I'm chilling. I would help if I could but I speak fluent "businessman" not "politician". I'm sure you will have no shortage of volunteers to trek to Concord and DC. I'd be a fish out of water since I hold the view that all those buildings in DC would make wonderful warehouse space.

Celtic - After our leaders learn civility, grace should come next. I didn't almost win or barely lose, I LOST. Going on about turnout or margins of defeat is unbecoming. Like me, 4A LOST.

Anonymous said...


let's get this right...

vitually every article written about "the taxpayers team" mentioned that you opposed 4a, letters were written that you oppose 4A, mailings were sent explaining your opposition to 4a, even your campaign signs showed an "x" through exit 4a, heck you guys even did a poorly produced TV spot against 4a.

anti-4a was your campaigns clear and primary focus.


connect the dot.

Anonymous said...

Doug lost by about 40 votes. 4A lost by 150 votes. Do the math.People are losing their homes and jobs and are not concerned about having an exit that will help them get to the unemployment office quicker. I hope Neal is listening to dist. 3 residents. I'm one of them.

Eddie said...


Why vote if the majority does not count - Clinton might have a chance after all, HaHaHa