Sunday, December 16, 2007

Perfect Storm II

This topic has so many posts comments that it will be easier to continue on this new thread. Lots of good discussion is posted here and would like your comments.


DJN said...

Sorry Anon 9:13 "Perfect Storm I- you lost me with the "radically false." What might that mean?

Also if you believe that having about a $1,400 differencial in taxes vs other local communities does not cause people on fixed incomes to move, then you are ignoring basic economics.

I suggest you talk to some of our elderly. I think they might give you a different perspective. I think your contempt for me may be causing you to ignor the facts I present.

Anonymous said...

To DJN - It's not just you and Brian on this blog.

My wife and I don't plan on having kids and are paying about $12,000.00 a year in property taxes. We haven't lived in Derry for very long, but we are looking to leave. Why should we stay? Where do most young professionals go in NH? They leave. There's nothing here for us. No one's giving us an incentive to stay - even though we have greater spending power.

Personally, I don't think Derry will get its act together. Derry will go the way of Manchester - it'll be dull and lifeless because you're consciously trying to keep families - people who will spend the most money in a community - from living here.

I'll even leave my email address on here to let you know that I'm not Brian. I'm a resident of Derry who just doesn't believe that the town can get things right -

Anonymous said...

I suggest that Doug ask a few families if they want their taxes raised - particularly with no hard number justification.

To be consistent, I also suggest Doug apply the ADT questions to its own plan.

DJN said...

Anon 2:06 pm Since it is clear that you are either not reading my answers to these questions or not understanding what I am writing, I will now direct you and anyone else interested in the subject to read this coming Friday's Derry News where the dueling columns will flesh out both positions.

Anonymous said...

I think its called political posturing and good for them! Isn't that what you were doing when you brought up young families? At first read I too thought the cap was a little too high but considering the lifetime expectancy age to be around 77 don't you think if you make it to the ripe old age of 80 you paid your dues in this 'ole world? I think its so sad that the old person is no longer seen as a useful member of a family or community but rather as a drain on a family's and community's resourses. I believe the Town Council went through a similar scenario with the Vet exemption not too long ago. The resistance came because certain members felt that there were too many vets in town and they weren't willing to pay for them.

Why is it that the school system can purchase PDA's for 3rd graders and noone complains but bring up elderly or vet exemptions and people are outraged? With the school portion of the taxes being the bulk has it become politically incorrect to question the school board on their budget?

Most seniors are on limited incomes and are too proud to ask for help. I don't know too many 80 year olds that are running about with cell phones or IPODs, they don't own computers, drive SUVs or own plasma tv's and they're not sitting home playing Super Mario Galazy on their Wii's. The money they do have is from a lifetime of working, saving and living frugal lifestyles. With Medicare cuts, soaring healthcare and prescription drug costs coupled with the high price of energy their nest eggs don't go far and then they're expected to take out reverse mortgages on their homes. How many generations of kids education are they expected to pay for?

Maybe Doug is doing it for the wrong reason (posturing?) but does that make it wrong?

As the council sits theres too many people that hold contempt for one or another, so much that you can't see the forest through the trees. If your instinct is to vote yes or no based on who suggested it then please resign, you truly do not have Derry's best interests at heart.

As for the paved bike path I'm a little confused. You seem to be for young families but against funding a paved bike path that would be a draw for young families with what appears to be minimal tax increases.

BC said...

anon 8:34,
Thanks for posting! First I want it to be known that I am a supporter of elderly exemptions! I am not in favor of Doug's proposal to include a couple that makes $45,000 in income a year and with $200,000 in a bank account a "tax break". When I was chairman, we raised the eligable income limits for the first time in many years. truly helping people who live on very limited income. I still believe we can and should help, just not at the levels Doug proposes. The bike path is a good idea and nothing wrong with it, however we (town) has very limited amount of funds and with the tax cap we have- we just don't have the extra money. The school system does not have the tax cap but taxpayers vote each year on that budget. we councilors have no control over school budgets. Lets just say that I'm looking out for everyone- elderly and families alike. It has to be a fair balance and I do understand that 80 year olds have been paying for a long time but until we have a different way for paying for services, it's sometimes difficult making tough decisions.

Anonymous said...


Correct me if I’m wrong, the ADT has a website, You apparently update it with meeting schedules and even say you are adding things weekly or more often. Yet all of the things your group has published positions on are ancient history (with the exception of 4A). And you have once again deferred to the Derry News, a paper you have a standing relationship with and regularly write for, rather than answer your own questions directly on either your own website or anywhere else.

If we believe your philosophy that perception is in fact reality, certainly people could have the perception that you’re using your relationship with the Derry News to further spin this proposal in the media (they’ve already done several stories on it in addition to your column) while not addressing your own standards in a direct and transparent fashion.

I will continue to look at this proposal with an open mind as I believe we do owe a debt of gratitude to our elderly. But that debt should not supersede due diligence in putting hard numbers on the costs and who and how many will benefit.

Come on now Doug, this is an ADT proposal. Your group regularly calls for transparency in government. Yet you refuse to put that same transparency standard on yourselves by answering your own questions on your own proposal on your own website. I’m left wondering what are you trying to hide?

BC said...

anon 8:34,
Under my term as chairman, we indeed increased the vet credit as well. that was last year.

Anonymous said...

As far as the comment made about the bike path, WE DO NOT NEED A PAVED BIKE PATH!

There is no reason that the DPD can't drive down it two or three times each season and grade it appropriately. Further more, the Rail Trail group could probably solicit a private business to do the work.

People are more than capable of walking, riding, or pushing a stroller down a graded dirt path.

Anonymous said...

my heart goes out to all seniors that struggle but as BC stated we just increased the elderly exemption i have no problem giving them a break but it can't come at the expense of others. there are lots of people out there trying to make ends meet. If some elderly are finding it difficult the federal and state gov't has programs that the can look into and see if they are eligible. maybe there needs to be more emphasis on this rather than giving exemptions.

As far at the bike path goes I love the idea but it seems we are alrady crunched for money. so as long as they can get private and gov't funds all the best to them. I do believe it will benefit Derry, but right now it is my pocketbook that i am worried about not the frivolous spending that seems to have taken hold of some council members.

i know this is the Christmas time, a time for giving but HELLO give to me...GIVE ME A BREAK.

DJN said...

anon 7:17

You are right the ADT web site badly needs updating! I'll bring this up at the next meeting.

As for all of this about our policy questions, the Campaign for the Elderly proposal passes those screens with flying colors if you agree with the premise that more elderly staying in town means lower tax rates for all. This is I believe the core difference in opinion between BC and I. I don't believe he agrees with that idea, I do.

I do not know how many elderly will stay due to the exemption but we can measure and fine tune the exemption over time. Perhaps the ADT recommendations are too low! We do know that fewer and fewer people are qualifying for the present exemption each year.


Anonymous said...

You should start your own blog. It feels like you are hijacking Brian's. You dominate the topics. It should not come down to a 'he said/he said' between you and Brian on the topics.

BC said...

anon 11:36,
Nice post. You are correct that there are other state and fed programs out there to help our seniors as well that do not come in the form of exemptions and we should enlighten these programs as well. ( doubt djn and his group want to promote those as he is more focused on March elections and getting those votes to turn out). A place to start locally would be and the state's website for their D8 forms that exempt state ed monies ( but unlike ADT proposal only for those who are in need income limit wise)

Anonymous said...

Annon 8:34,

You write:

"Maybe Doug is doing it for the wrong reason (posturing?) but does that make it wrong?"

I agree that the ADT and Doug Newell are doing it for the wrong reason and that fact breaches my trust.

You are suggesting to give their senior scam credibility despite this distrust that they earned.

They have produced zero hard numbers to support it and are totally unwilling to hold it up to their own published princilples - in their case "principles" being an oxymoron.

They also reject some conclusions of a detailed published study.

They want to raise taxes on 97% of us - period.

Anonymous said...

maybe you can inform the derry snooze about the website as well as have them provide numbers that people can call. Better yet have the ADT and the elderly petition the federal gov't to increase the exemptions. Let's get a calling campaign going i am sure that if the NH reps got inudated with calls it would make them look at this issue and somehow address it.? This could be wishful thinking but it could be the start of something BIG. and just think we could say it originated here in our little old town of Derry!!!!!

DJN said...

BC I think 12:57 is right. (no I'm not starting my own blog) Rather I think that the merits of the ADT proposal are getting lost in personalities. I could say that it's dark out and snowing and because I said it, someone would try linking me to global warming.

Let's just make our views known in the paper.


Anonymous said...

Derry needs to get their act togather. My husband and I just built a house here in Derry and pay 20,000. a year property tax. The problem we have is our road is not paved, we have no trash pick up, we do not have children in the school system, so what exatly does Derry do for us????? I recently registered our wave runner trailer and found it was double the cost of the town we came from, come on!! does Derry want to grow? stop hurting your people by giving apartment complex the break by busing in hundrends of kids using the schools we pay for and allowing them all the bennifits while we get NOTHING!! things have to change