Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Derry Town Council Meeting 6/5/07

Another interesting council meeting last night. We started in non-public under RSA 91-A:3 II (b)(d) to discuss personnel decisions. Interestedly enough the newspapers somehow, someway received "privileged information" beforehand. After reading the E.T.'s headlines today-you will read the different interpretations of what is not supposed to be released and what is perceived to be information that was made public on a technicality. Whatever corner you agree with doesn't really matter right now. We must be able to do the towns business in confidence and without second guessing every councilors motives or decisions. The process gets "bogged down" and very time consuming and costly.

I'm sure more will be discussed about this situation later.

lets recap the meeting:

Under the administrators report we were updated on 3rd Quarter financial report for the town. Frank Childs and Janice Mosby reported that the town of Derry continues to maintain a strong financial position.

The summer meeting schedule was discussed. prior councils usually have one meeting each month however we lots of issues to discuss, the chairman decided to have one meeting and one workshop for July and August. Topics on workshop will be Private roads, economic development director and Manning St project.

We then had two public hearings dealing with definitions in zoning on street, access drives and changing the independent adult community Overlay district.

No public comment on either hearing.

The definitions were straight forward and had little or no comments from Council, however on the adult overlay it was reported that density changes in 3 acre zoning would change and that it basically pushed extra densities in sewer and water districts. Also it dictated what kind of home could be built- Single detached triplexes and buildings with no more than six homes per building but left out duplexes. This I believe was not necessary. Duplexes today are very tastefully built and to single them out is "odd". Anyway I voted NO because of this reason.
Councilor Fairbanks Voted NO as well because she felt it was snob zoning. I will not put words in her mouth but she realised that because neighborhoods in East Derry do not want to see extra houses in their neighborhoods, that the Planning Board decided to make changes. It could be possibly perceived that way and after we were told by staff that the reason for the changes were because of neighbors making complaints.
PS We await a lawsuit from the developers of the Drew Rd parcel when Water became an issue for neighbors and the developers water expert said it would not be an issue. The planning board then asked for another opinion from a hydrologist and HE said it would not be an issue and Still the Planning board denied the plan based on "possible water issues. The developer immediately Sued the town. Stay Tuned!!

Then we were in discussions on septic disposal agreement with AllensTown. Mr Carrier said we will be now sending our "product" to this town. ( private companies will truck haul the "product" to keep us in DES compliance and it helps Allenstown with funding issues

And then the finally...

Councilor Fairbanks read her interpretation of Towns attorney according to council rules and Councilor Coyle brought up the Police prosecutor position and that he knew plenty of lawyers that want to work for the town.

Another interesting meeting in Derry. What are your thoughts on the issues.


Anonymous said...

Fairbanks took some shots at Bulkley. Its one thing to be passionate, yet another to take cheap shots. The Dimock says that the Council should wokr better together. Its his cronies that are starting the trouble. No wonder Reisdorf did not seek reclection.

Anonymous said...

If the Coyle-based demolition team is going to inhibit the Town Council from policing itelf (asking for legal opinions), I would hope that some good citizen would contact the State's Attorney Generals Office to intervene - unfotunately I don't have the time to pursue it.

Speaking of Coyle, we should all take note that this self-appointed tax saving super hero is again advocating for hiring at least 2 more attorneys. This is added to the significant new spending he has already supported --- things like $80K paving a useless road, $70K on mosquito control...and what does he drive to cut --- $50K the fire department --- it doesn't matter where in the fire department, just cut it! His utopia is obvious --- more lawyers and less firemen PLEASE!

I give credit to Fairbanks -- at least she was able to communicate Coyle's desires correctly this time.

Even Mr. Dimmock aimlessly chimed in to save his pal, making up the accusation that his buddy Coyle was shut out of input to Admin's contract. Earth to Al, come in Al...there's no possible way the the Council Chairman could execute this contract without the full Council's input and approval. It's a tough pill to swallow, but your buddy is playing you like a flute.

And then there's John Burtis's latest B novel --- Let's talk about facts, he begins. But he immediately trashes several towns people and public servants starting with Jack Dowd. Let me tell you Mr. Burtis, in terms of raw and mostly voluntary community service to the Town of Derry, you're not worthy of holding Jack Dowds jock.

Go ahead, list your Derry community service resume here --- let's do the side by side comparison --- can you talk about your service to Derry without reference to (trashing) others?

You don't need to include your personal and professional controversal "capers" (I like that word - you use it regularly in discussing "facts") or extremist writings on that foriegn based website where you regularly trash patriotic Americans.

Hats off to the Council Chair for not sitting back and taking this stuff.

Anonymous said...

I too would like to see the list of Mr. Butis community service since he moved to town.

Anonymous said...

Who is the hydrologist that said water is not an issue on Drew Rd.? That is almost laughable. Water is a very big problem on Drew Rd. and if the town stands by the hydrologists findings, they are not being honest with the developer, themselves and especially the residents of Drew Rd.

BC said...

I apoligize. I should of been more specific in what i'm writing. The hydrologists have said that in thier expert opinions that by building that proposed development off of Drew rd that the water tables would not be effecting abutters water tables.
You are correct that there has been water issues because of lots of ledge however the proposed subdivision would not effect the areas water table.
In simplier terms there is no pool of water that will be instead divided between more homes. If you have problems now-this subdivison will not make the water issues any worse or any better for that matter.

Anonymous said... suggest that 7 councilors could sit at a bargaining table as one side to cohesively negociate a contract is ridiculous. suggest that ANY qualfied candidate would accept a contract without a severance package is foolish.

Get your lawyer ready, Mr. Steinhouse; when you are not offered that component and the next candidate is, well, there goes more of my $$$ on Coyles antics. suggest that individual Councilors are being shut out of the negociating process deifes common sense. As Annonymous 6:01 said, Bulkley can't execute this contract; it has to be voted on in public by the entire Council, with a discussion period and public forum. That's an undisputable fact, folks.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Articles in the ET ... I think they are predicting the future - "Derry Garden Club helps keep the city looking good". City being the key word!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad someone else brought up the term, "city". (Thanks ET!)

Can someone help me please?:

Are there any requirements to become a city??? Does Derry meet any or all of theses requirements??? What steps need to be taken to become a city???

Finally, is this something that should be looked into???

Just looking for facts and any legislation that can be researched. Thanks!

BC said...

anonymous 9:19,
There are RSA that speak to becoming a city. I'm not sure if it would involve a charter change or not. I do know that it has been discussed in the past and was defeated. Whether or not the time is right now to make those changes is to be determined. I would have to do more research however i believe it gives us possible fed dollars that we are not eligible now for. Good topic for discussion!! I can bring it up on a new post and see what others may say

Anonymous said...

As long as we are going off topic --- what about this for a thought or vision.

In my view, "Green" is about to explode into the mainsteam, we are now reading about new buildings, projects and initiatives almost every day.

It seems to me that New Hampshire is more "Green" than most states and Derry already has some built in advantages - our conservation investments, our recycling effort is very strong compared to others, etc...

My questions are two: What can we do (or what futher investment can we make) to further distinguish our town from other communities? What can we do to expliot (sell)our advantages in this regard?

To be clear, I'm not a greenpeace activist but I am thinking of the payback for our efforts/investments in economic development terms.