Saturday, June 02, 2007

Mass toll bill is a joke!

After reading this article in Saturdays UL headlined " Mass bill calls for tolls at NH border I thought to myself this must be a joke of some sort.
This was actually debated by Mass lawmakers to put up toll booths at Rtes' 93, 95 and 3 along the borders of NH and Rhode Island to help pay for crumbling roads and bridges.
Are they serious? Do they really think that we in NH use the roadways in Mass but don't pay for them?
In the article, they state " When we cross over the border to New Hampshire, we have to pay thier tolls, so it makes sense to do the same thing for folks coming over and using our roads and bridges" the bill sponsor Sen. Karen Spilka D-Ashland said.
First Sen Spilka, when you come to NH you come for vacations and or to save money shopping because unlike your state we have no sales tax. We see all those Mass plates coming crossing the borders to shop. First I want to thank the Mass citizens who do come over to buy tax free items. You don't see NH trying to figure out a way to put the squeeze on them do you.
And what about those NH residents that go into Mass. I'm willing to bet that most do because of high paying jobs in the Boston area.
These NH people with jobs in Mass already pay 5% Mass income tax to your state coffers but have no representaion. Yes you remember the term " Taxation without Representation don't you? They can't vote for anyone or have a say in how that money is spent but they pay it. Some will say well they use our roads to get to work.
I say you are correct and don't you think you already have the highest paying tolls in place already?
Please Sen- Give us a break and while you are at it your own residents deserve one as well. What are you doing with that money already!
If you want to be serious about it. here is my suggestion.Use the money NH or RI residents who work in Mass pay into the system- Make that money targeted only for roadways and bridges. I think you'll have plenty of money then.

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