Friday, February 23, 2007

Elderly Tax Exemptions

One of my biggest goals running for my first term council seat has been the focus on our seniors. In particular, seniors on a fixed income has been a focus for me and I will keep that focus going if re-elected to a second term.

I was 1of 2 councilors in 2004 to vote against re-valuation because I saw surrounding towns like Bedford, Hampsted and other affluent communities not doing a re-val for as much as 15yrs in some cases. Keeping their property taxes not in sync with current market.
Although Derry has done everything according to RSA and updated every 5 years- I felt that the richer communities were getting a break.

Now in my district #4, We are the older neighborhoods with lots of seniors living in homes for a long time. With re-val, these homes always go up in a re val year and never stay the same or get lower as other homes and neighborhoods do.

As chairman this year, I am proud of the fact that we raised the income levels for elderly exemptions for the first time in 10 years. This was important to me.

As a matter of fact, please listen to me being interviewed by Laura Knoy of New Hampshire Public radio here
In particular minutes 11:30 - 17:32 or listen to the whole program if you have a chance. *Scroll down to Tax Ememptions and click on listen window media*

I will remain committed to our seniors if re-elected!!!


Paul H said...

And who was that other Councilor?

BC said...

Uh, I think the other councilor was Paul Hopfgarten. By the way it was very interesting to know that this vote was taken in 2004.
The re-val done in 2005 at the very height of the market and then it was approved by state in 2006.
The numbers you see on your values on your home were taken in 2005.
2 years have gone by and the market is different.