Friday, February 23, 2007

Downtown Parking Meters

Does Derry need downtown parking meters??
What would be the benefits? The downside?

This was a question asked at a forum for council candidates recently and the questions and answers need to be looked at.

My response: NO. I was the only one who was against this idea. Some said yes, others gave the fluff answers: ( we should look into it. )

I suppose we can make an argument that it would bring in revenues, especially now with a tight budget upcoming.
It would also free up some time for the patrol officers who are using the white chalk on the tire routine to check for parking problems

However, I said no for a couple of reasons. The town has done 2 parking studies recently ( 1 no/cost to town) and found that there is plenty of parking- Problem is nobody wants to walk- we all want front row parking. It's true we need to do a better job with lighting and sidewalk issues to these municipal parking areas.

But more important! if economic development is key to lowering taxes then I believe it would be a Hugh mistake to put meters in the downtown. at least for now while we need to make it more attractive for both businesses and shoppers. It would be nice to park the car and walk to multiple shops without digging in my pockets for loose change or worse yet, swipping a credit card through!

What do you think? I'm interested in what you have to say?


wh3 said...

Well Brian I have a couple of thoughts on this issue of parking meters in downtown Derry. First one is, there is not enought spaces to pay for a policemans salary, or their health care, retirement, sick days, and all other bennies. Next the PD will say that they lost a man downtown so now they will have to hire another.

Brian , you work in town, but
the majority of the taxpayers work in Mass. We sit in our cars two to three hours a day and pay Mass. State tax because thats where the jobs are that allow us to live the Derry DREAM.

Now it takes about 25 mins after you get off at exit 4 just to make by the firestation we gave away and 10 more to get thru the lights with your life.

Do I want to try to back in to a space with a mile of traffic right on my bumper and look for money for a stinking meter? NO. Just imagine after road is widened. Now you will have two lanes funneling into one lane in town. Well ,that makes for a good flow.

Our past adminstrator of this town thought Walmart was the Savoir. Walmart closed many stores Downtown. They don't charge for parking. They even let rv's stay there free of charge.

Meters will send more people to spending at Walmart because with that change that you would have put in the meter, you can purchace half the crap in that store. China economy booming and Derry ecomomy plunging. Factories
closing all over USA. New ones being built in China, Mexico, and India.

OK , now lets cement those shinny new meters in and hang some more cloth signs on them like the ones on the light poles . SHOP WALMART. ALWAYS THE LOWEST PRICE. AND FREE PARKING!!!!!

Vote_Please said...

Ok, I have to say I know nothing about this, BUT I say, What the hell, why not.....Maybe I can get a parking space then!!! I am always parking 2 or three blocks away from where I wanna be and pulling 3 kids behind me, crossing the street at those damn opps I mean darn lights, dragging a 3 yr old in snow boots pushing a stroller and convincing my 7yr old not to turn back because the light says stop......arghhhhhhhh.....wait maybe this is just a complaint on the parking issue down there and not the parking meter issue.....oppps sorry