Thursday, August 06, 2009

Derry has its elected Charter Commissioners

Another election is almost complete here in Derry and all the buzz that I'm hearing is the big upset of the ADT's slate of major candidates not getting elected. With all that money that this group spent on getting their people in, not to mention all the time and effort that they spent spearheading the cause.

The only members that did get elected were Kevin Coyle and Doug Newell, both whom placed 5th or lower in total vote count out of nine possible slots.

The winners are:

Brenda Willis, Jim Mceachern, John O'Connor,Chris Reisdorf,Paul Dionne,Kim Cyr, Kevin Coyle, Doug Newell

and a tie between Mike Gill and Pam Lynch will be decided on 8/12 after a recount.

Congrats to all the winners and let the meetings begin.

The question here is what do you feel that the new charter commissioners should look at for changes in the town's charter? Should they look into changing our government town vs city? and what needs to change if anything at all.

Lets discuss!


Anonymous said...

The news said the tie was settled yesterday with Gill winning - although Lynch has the right to call a recount.

As for the make up of the committee, here's to hoping that even though the ADT folks don't have the majority on the commission the education folks take seriously the issue of how they can tighten their budgets and help out on the tax situation. I really don't see this as ADT vs. Teachers/Education and I hope the committee works together to find middle ground solutions.

Something has to change on the tax end or many teachers will be seeing layoffs anyway as people move out of town and the need for teachers declines.

Not sure I like the idea of being a city. But, tightening up many aspects of the Charter to make our Town run smoother should be good for all.

Newell's call for transparency in all things government sounds like a reasonable request too.

Anonymous said...

The scary point is that Al Dimock got over 500 votes. That sums up the intelligence of Derry voters.

Anonymous said...

I doubt this charter will get much done, since it's filled primarily with the school board who will be busy protecting their budgets. It's not bi-partisan in the least, BC, and my guess is that nothing will get done and nothing in Derry will change. What a shame.

Perhaps the ADT should have waited until that $7.5 million from the state is cut next year. The tax bills that will come after that happens should wake up a lot of voters who haven't been paying attention.

BC said...

anon 2:49,
They said the same thing with the study group. That it was a waste of time, however just look at what they accomplished! They truly did their home work in that they had experts come in and look at the issues. We did not see that done in the prior charter commission AND ontop of that they did not spend one taxpayer penny! The real taxpayers of Derry should be proud of that fact!

Anonymous said...

whether we remain a town or become a city, we have to find ways to cut the tax rate and reduce our taxes ...that's the real bottom line.

Anonymous said...

Reality check time - the Charter Commission consists of:

1 current School Board Chair
2 former Town Councilors
1 Current Town Councilor & ADT member
1 PTA President (stay-at-home mom)
1 long term conservation board member
1 current planning Board member
1 Executive Director of the ADT

...and TBA, either 1 former Charter Commission member with extensive townside experience - OR - 1 more PTA officier & teacher aide (not a member of the DEA).

How could anyone describe that group as "School Board" or "Union-driven" is beyond me.

How sad of the the ADT painting this as a big bad teacher union thing - two union members ran and they both lost - badly!

The only conclusion to draw from this is that the ADT failed very badly to earn any support for their nonsense. They only had to find about 600 Derry voters to support them and the failed. Nobody's buying their stuff.

The ADT provided no information to support their effort - just rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

Chris Reisdorf!! Not again.
Who can forget how pathetic it was watching him fidget about in his chair during council meetings.
It was especially entertaining seeing him gazing up towards the ceiling with his mouth open while spinning his seat in circles. Some commission members are in for a real treat working with this retread; others are going to be right at home.

Anonymous said...

I'm with 1:23PM WTF

Anonymous said...

First off, at least Al Dimmock gave a damn enough about his town to run ... did you blockheads. And he was gutsy enough to put his name out front to be criticized. Did you? Or is it easier to be a Monday morning QB?
That said, 6:43, are you out of your mind or did you just not read the Derry News? Five of the winners were ENDORSED by the teachers union... they didnt make the endorsement because they were anti-school. They made the endorsement because they will vote the way the union wants them to vote.Yes, this was a win for school supporters. they will be able to continue to draft their own budgets and wont have to care what the cost is to taxpayers ... their only priority is to provide a premier education to Derry kids, whether or not it is afforable.
Because thats what we have right now, a fabulous education system .. best in the state ... and the taxpayers CANT afford it.

Three of the winners were endorsed from the friends of Derry Taxpayers ... wouldn't you say it was clear which side they were on from the start? Had they won two more slots, they would have dominated the commission and the school folks would have been rightly sxared at what it would mean to their control and their budget.
The only winner not endorsed by a Derry political action committee was Mr. O'Connor. He could be an interesting personality on this commission.

Anonymous said...

BC looks like the wetherbee/dowd non-PAC, PAC, community for a better derry, has closed up shop.

is it true the dedc would not cut them any slack, because they themselves couldn't cut it having run out of money?

word has it dowd drew upon his vast financial experience in checking their books; only natural given jackies expertise in insolvency. he made the command executive decision to shutter the doors.

must have been tough, wasn't it dowd that scribbled (literally) the info down that was necessary to initially file the paper work with the state to start this PAC up.?

no more losing political endorsements out of them, what a shame. that last election cost them in more ways than one. as it was the community for a better derry did not update their site once after their failed olbrecht/herd endorsement.

what's the hapless wetherbee to do now?

BC it's time to remove their contentless link from your blog.

Anonymous said...

it seems to me that 6:43 has a point, changing the charter should be a pretty monumental thing and 600 votes is a very low bar. the fact that the taxpayer group couldn't muster that minimal support is a strong statement.

i read the derry news, but I had to reread the union leader to see that 6:43 was correct that the only 2 two union members lost. they came in 16th & 18th. i draw from that fact that there is clearly alot more to the taxpayer opposition than the union.

it does seem that the taxpayer crowd would be the same people who would embrace personal accountability, but yet here they are pointing the finger elswhere.

come on folks, they needed 600 votes and they're blaming someone else?

Anonymous said...

i may be a Monday morning QB but I know that Al Dimock is not the answer.

Anonymous said...

To the 500+ Al Dimmock supporters:

He is in the final months of a 3 year Zoning Board term. What has he done to positively impact that board and what background/expertise has he provided over the last 2.5 years?

Maybe I'm missing something that I can't see watching the replays.

Anonymous said...

Getting enough signatures to require the Town to recognize their petition... Free.

Putting together a special election to establish a Charter Commission... $5,000. (Taxpayer money)

Putting together a special election to elect Commission members... $5,000. (Taxpayer money)

Reading Doug Newell accept defeat like a spoiled child... PRICELESS!

Good luck to the members of the Commission, I hope you are able to make positive changes to the Charter!

Anonymous said...

-Both so called 'sides' have inmature members. Just read this board for proof.
-When you do not care, the expression is 'could not care LESS'. I am amazed how many people get the line wrong.
-You need different points of view to have a democracy. That does not mean you have to attack other differing ideas. Just try listening and think before you reply.
-Who has cookouts and who attends is not important. Lets please argue the issues with concrete evidence.

Anonymous said...

So Glad to see Al Dimmock lumbering around the room during the recount in all his rotund splendor. Hey Al ever think of a reusable water bottle buddy? Your carbon footprint is wider than your shadow! Thank the Lord he was there to make sure everything was on the up and up.

I would not let this man mow my lawn or walk my dog. That he has no hobby except for town politics allows widows, shut-ins and manipulative back-benchers the opportunity to use Al to represent them in the Democratic process.


Anonymous said...

It is with a feeling of sadness and embarassment that I am addressing this note of apology to Doug Newell and to the many other townsmen and women that were unfairly and ignorantly criticized by my councilor Neil Wetherbee.

I feel compelled to offer you all an apology for the regretful circumstance that allows for what has become a steady stream of uninformed public outbursts authored by councilor Wethherbee.

Many of us have fought for the right to assemble both as civilians and in military service. Many of us have directly witnessed, or at a minimum are aware of, the adverse impacts visited upon a population that is held captive by a government and/or its officials that do not respect this right.

Be it a cookout, a council meeting or in a parking lot, we all have the right to our opinions and how we chose to lawfully express them. This tenant is lost upon Mr Wetherbee; unless it somehow serves his purposes.

It would appear that Mr Wetherbee is way behind the learning curve in this regard for which I am sorry.

Anonymous said...

5:41PM....You mean calling a fund raising effort a cookout makes it OK? Isn't that kind of like when the mob was extorting people and calling it insurance?

You can call a skunk anything you like, but it will still stink.

BTW, I don't accept the apology you are giving in the name of Neil. He was right. No apology needed.

I think it is you that is way behind the learning curve. This was a very political move by Doug. He is very politically savvy.

Anonymous said...

Hey folks,

What happened to Community for a Better Derry?

It's gone with the wind, aka hot air.

The web site is......all gone.

Anonymous said...

if the taxpayer crowd thinks those pesky voters thru them a curveball, wait 'til the ag's office gets a hold of the a new charter that includes the tax cap. recent court rulings seem to say that it's not legal.

Anonymous said...

Well now that Ayotte is just another Republican trying to get some one to listen to them, we may actually have an AG in NH that acts like an AG and not a political puppet.

Anonymous said...

Dougy Newell is savvy? Oh my no, he is strictly a political being who could care less about Derry.

Case in point...did you read his rants in the Nutfield News this week.

Stunning that his group will end up costing Derry taxpayers over $50,000 for the two recent Charter Commissions. But completely ridiculous that he no longer wants to pursue even a vote on the form of government.

You see, two years from now Dougy will be back out their with his petitions saying that the last Chater Commmission didn't even address the issue.

The form of governemnt simply has to be a settled question.

The rest of Dougy's proposals will be deemed unconstituional, ineffectual, or down right laughable.

The later certainly describes his crusade to give his buddy Kevin a paid full time Councilor political pork position to replace the fulltime, professionally qualified Adminisrator.

How patheticly transparent poor Dougy is.

Anonymous said...

1:07...I stand corrected about Doug being savvy....I agree with your assertion.

Anonymous said...


Can the Nashua Telegraph be correct that Derry got virtually blanked on stimulus money. Windham got $28 mil for rt. 93 and we got nothing toward exit 4? What in Gods name is the Town Counseland Stenhouse doing with your time? What could have been more important thnt queuing up for Stimulus money ( as wrong as it is) ?

Oh! the whole Maureen Rose caper! OK I thought it was something unimportant.

Fairbanks must have been shopping the new Hooksett Wal-Mart; you know, the one that Wal-Mart won’t be building due to the economy that has jobs and tax revenue we don’t want.

Anonymous said...

Here's a question to ponder on a dog day in August:

Some years ago, which former Derry politician was pulled over locally, under the influence, but mysteriously was never charged ?

hint: some cops know.

Anonymous said...

Question, why did council chair Rick Metts wait so long to call Brad Benson on the carpet for his self-admitted unfit for public office conduct?

Brad Benson now officially joins the ranks of Barney Frank. Like Barney, Brad whipped something out that violated the public trust. But Brad chose to hang on, rather than do what's right by stepping down. Now we are stuck with him until his next screw up.

After watching this fiasco unfold there is little doubt Brad will trip HIMSELF up. Derry will once again find itself in the news in a less than flattering light. Here's hoping he does not personally injure a citizen like he did this time.

Thanks so much Brad. This chapter you have written over the past few months sure has been great for bringing business to town and making people proud of their community. Had you quickly recognized what was morally required under these circumstances this matter would not have become an issue of the proportion you have nurtured it to have grown to.

Brad, do yourself and us all a favor; follow through SOON on one of your famous post meeting rants. You know, the rant where you have been repeatedly overheard muttering that "you did not sign on for this." Do this before you screw things up again.

Anonymous said...

Update the blog or give it up.
Those of us that travel can't meet you in the coffee shop every morning.
Either you want to be a conduit of communication or not. Best we should know now.

Anonymous said...

23/8/09 10:34 AM

You think you are clevber with the Barney Frank reference in talking about Benson, but it just makes you look ridiculous. Metts could not take action until the investigations were complete. The socalled he said, he said episode was nonsense. You do not think all councilors, even Fairbanks and Coyle, state opinions about others that may be unflattering? We all say things, sometimes in jest, that are not supposed to be public record. This ill timed remark from Benson, has become a political hot button for the Coyle/Fairbanks legion to keep pushing. In fact, its juts a red herring. Ms. Rose got upset, which is unfortunate. But its time to move on.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:49

Then there’s the other side of the spectrum. There was a certain other Town Councilor whose driver’s license had been suspended. The Cops were told wait until this person left the Council meeting and then stop and arrest him on Crystal Ave. That was because this Councilor had the audacity to question the way the department was run.

I’ve been saying for years and years we need change at the top but no one cares.

Anonymous said...

what i dont get is fairbanks asking if the negociating committee was dicussing a lease of that old building.

yo janet, you and the council voted to establish a committee to negociate a p & s and specifically not a lease.

and for his part, coyle should be booted off that committee for brazenly undermining its only authorized objective.

the majority wont do that only because they are gentlemen who refuse to mud wrestle with mud wrestlers.

meanwhile, janet and kevin had the volunteers, who were offering free labor, booted out of the building and it now continues to crumble.

way to go janet and kevin!

Anonymous said...

This is yet another example of Coyle’s malfeasance. He cannot separate himself from his personal development interests, what is correct for Derry and his role as the “chief denier” of all progressive activities in this town. Janet “the parrot” Fairbanks will chirp and whistle whatever Lord Coyle instructs her to sing. I do believe that they have yet to vote differently except for abstentions.

Anonymous said...

BC, blogs are only useful if current. When a post is delayed 2 weeks it loses its pertinence. I suggest you remove the review option so posts go on immediately (you can remove offensive ones when you read them) or close down the blog.

Anonymous said...

26/8/09 11:03 AM
If he removes the review option, then how will BC continue to censor peoples comments? I have tried to post many comments only to have BC not post them. This whole blog is a joke.

Anonymous said...

10:56 "He cannot separate himself from his personal development interests, what is correct for Derry"... please elaborate with facts demonstrating conflicts of interest or retract this statement. I don't believe he has any development interests in the property being discussed that is on Hampstead Road.

Anonymous said...

Folks,If you don't like the way Brian handles this blog than just start your own! What's the problem. Oh, yeah....there would be a little work on YOUR part to maintain it. Just another example of complaining on what another is doing..and doing nothing yourself but complaining!

Anonymous said...

12:20....what kind of smut are you trying to stir up now? The Rose saga has finally been put to sleep, now you are trying to entice us with some highly classified information only the police know... Wow!I'd like to know why/how YOU know?I bet you'd like us to be chomping at the bit wondering more about this. Get a life will you!What happened to the concern for your 'high taxes'...something that's real important.

Anonymous said...

Far be it for me to be judgemental, BUT, any objective observer reading this blog's can only conclude that the Coyle and Fairbanks detractors are by and large superficial, trite and bitter in their post content.

On the other hand, it seems those that both express support for Coyle and Fairbanks and call other councilors and officials to task when need be, are significantly more thoughtful, and consequently thorough in their analysis.

It is not hard to see how this town has been victimized by a series of not so capable political personalities and bloated labor unions that can muster such gullible and challenged supports.

My guesss is that ALL Coyle and Fairbanks detractors in one way or the other directly benefit or are close to someone that feeds off the waning Derry tax dollar trough.

Anonymous said...

Its obvious Brian that you have lost interest in this blog. I suggest you close it.

Anonymous said...

I profess to be THE largest detractor of Coyle. I can assure you that I have no interests ( except for my house value) in Derry.
I simply recognize smarmy self interest as exhibited by Mr. Coyle and his ability to lead those less fortunate souls (like you) that are incapable of seeing his duplicity (say one thing do another).
So sorry to blow your conspiracy theory.
Fairbanks is a gnat, bothersome but a gnat just the same.

Anonymous said...

9:31 & 11:17,

you say - far be it from you to be judgemental, then you proceed to judge. a bit of hypocracy, don't you think? you must've caught that from coyle who has never ever disclosed what his development interests are although his circus friends aggresively and publicly belittle and exploit the only sources of income of other council members. am i wrong? hasn't clam haven, benson lumber, and prud-real been through the coyles blender in the past?

what are coyles development interests - no one really knows what conflicts he may have, but he continually judges others as having conflicts.

ironically,some of coyles most loyal supporters are collecting very very active disability checks, yet more hypocracy.

on verthe

Anonymous said...

11:17AM....and those that are on the side of Coyle and Fairbanks wear blinders. Or have you not bothered to read anything written by Doug Newell?

Anonymous said...

Thank you anon 9:39 and anon 10:55 for validating the argument made by anon 11:17.

Your posts are personal, bitter and trite. This is not what the Derry residents I know want to be associated with or exposed to.

Anonymous said...


You suggest BC close this Blog because of his apparent lack of interest, yet you still check it and leave useless comments?? SAD!

As far as Mr. Coyle is concerned, unless the Eagle Tribune misquotes him on a regular basis, he may be suffering from Alzheimer's Disease? His short term memory is non-existent!

Anonymous said...

Anyone read the op-ed in Monday's Union Leader? It's from one of our neighbors who loves Derry but is leaving because of the tax rate. He says Derry is the most mismanaged town in the state. (And there are a lot of towns in New Hampshire… “We’re number 1!” “We’re number 1!”… Oops…)

He compares our tax rate to maggots feeding on the people of Derry until there will be nothing left but a carcass of empty homes. BC you voted for all those excessive fire contracts; school board you voted for fat teacher pay raises as hundreds of people were losing their jobs, past councils who threw money at your buddies in DEDC and dumped $1 million into Exit 4A, where is your rebuttal? Please explain to the man why he should pay twice the taxes to live in this town. I’m sure the readers of the Union Leader are waiting for your responses.

Actions have consequences.

BC said...

anon 8:17,
I find it interesting when people just say what they want without facts to back themselves up. #1) The council SLASHED next years budget by over $600K, Took out 13 positions from the town including 4 fire fighters, cut overtime, yet he wants to blame the council for raising taxes?????? As a matter of fact the same newspaper UL wrote an editorial praising DERRY Councilors! Myself, Did not vote for the waste of raodway created on Courthouse RD ( cost 125K ), I also did not vote for the $225K bike path that taxpayers paid. I never dumped 1 mill on 4A either.
So lets really see if the writer is just spouting off without doing his home work. First he said he wants to buy a home 200K-250K ( good luck in Londonderry, Auburn, Chester) in finding a good home at that price. Also, try 166 homes on the market in Derry not 322. And then he said he would pay half the taxes and get trash pick-up? Well Londonderry is the only town with pick-up and here is the stats on a 200K home Derry taxes $5106 Londonderry $3696... Hardly half. Lets get real.

Anonymous said...

You are right BC!!!! Derry is only 38% higher than Londonderry. Doesn't that just make you proud? Great job guys. Keep up the good work. You run a tight ship.

How dare he say that we are the most mismanaged; I bet if we studied every town we could prove him wrong. Can anyone give us a hand? Someone must know at least one town we can use to prove this guy wrong. Anyone?

Anonymous said...


Was the writer of the Op-ed piece even a homeowner in Derry??? No! He/She is house hunting and in his/her OPINION states that the town of Derry is over rated!

I DO NOT CARE IF MR. HEBERT CHOOSES TO BUY IN DERRY!!! HE IS NOT A BUSINESS OF ANY VALUE, HE IS A USER OF SERVICES. GO TO ONE OF THE SURROUNDING TOWNS! Then you can express your opinion in a town that you actually pay taxes in, and maybe someone will care?

Anonymous said...

Hey BC, as you suggested, let's stay "real" as in "real estate."

Let's extend your hypo of a $200k home in Derry vs. Londonderry and set your "garbage" aside for a moment. Here's an assumption recap:

Home valuation: $200,000
Tax assessment:
Derry $ 5,106
Londonderry $ 3,696
Delta $ 1410/yr or 38%
divide by 12 mo $ 117/mo

So, with that simple calculation under our belts, let's determine what the $117 per month MORE Derry property owners spend on taxes, DOES NOT purchase in home valuation.


Mortgage term: 30 year fixed
Mortgage rate: 5 %
P&I $ 117/mo

therefore BC, after a quick amortization calculation based upon your assumptions, it follows that;

$117/mo, over 30 years, at 5% will service a principle amount of approximately $20,000.

you still with me BC??? Here's the up shot,

$20,000 is 10% of $200,000! That's right, 10%.

In conclusion BC, study the numbers closely before you "spout off" about "hardly half."

The tax rate differential in Derry vs. Londonderry in your mind is "hardly half", but it is 38%. This "hardly half differential" of 38% equates into a MATERIAL 10% disadvantage accruing AGAINST Derry homeowner valuations. And as if that weren't enough, Londonderry homeowners get "garbage pick-up" to boot???

Is 10% not significant BC?

With this type thinking, which in fairness is sadly not unique to you BC, it is no wonder Derry does not get garbage pick-up because that money is being spent in Derry on garbage thought process.


BC said...

I always enjoy talking the issues with you. As you know, you can always make your points using assumptions which you do in your last post. However a couple of things we should look at together here. #1) the average homeowner moves every 7 yrs. Unlike in our parents times most people do'nt stay for 30 as you put into your assumptions. Next, lets take a look at the overall home one gets in Londonderry for $200K and then lets look at the home in Derry? You get way more home for the money in Derry! Way more Carl! Lets also look at some other facts, first it looks like you want to blame me for all of Derry's woes. I think that the population growth spurts of 85/86 and 91/92 really put a huge crush on our town. We grew way too fast with out any control.
#2)We now know you get more house for your money in Derry than in Londonderry, but did you know that the taxes that you pay could also be a substanial tax write off on your federal taxes each year?
I find it very interesting in this town that when you see people complaining about property taxes, that in the next blink of an eye someone who purchases a $450K home paying $11,488 says that its not a huge issue.. SO, after many years i have come to the understanding that everyone chooses to live where they want to live. And, if you don't use the school system, if you don't want the best emergency people come to your rescue should you have a life threatning issue, should you not want the services Derry Offers but instead want low taxes such as Auburn ( no fire dept, no high school, part time police officers) then you have a choice. Isn't America great!

Anonymous said...

BC, I am at a complete loss as to how to address your reply post. I guess I could simply thank you for the attempt.

However, for the record, there are so many errors and distortions in what you have offered in your response, I am confident any attempt on my part to delve into the content of your counter post on this venue would be tantamount to me taking a metaphorical swing at the "tar-baby" in the story of the br'er rabbit. Put another way, I woud be openning myself up to further obfuscation, unintentional or otherwise.

For now I will let my original post stand in contrast to both your OP and rebuttal post. I trust those that read my post will recognize that it reflects a direct, empirical and considered response to your original comment on the real impact tax burdens have on a homes valuations.

BTW: i left a message for you to give me a ring when you have a moment to briefly discuss a different matter. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

BC Great points!

You can see that with Carl it is all about what he gets: No garbage pickup is his bone to pick.

Others want private roads plowed, free sand at the transfer station or emergency 24 hour lock out service because that is what they got in the past!

So Carl wants what he wants because he sees no value in what Derry currently provides. Al Dimmock wants an $1800 tax bill. Everybody would have there own personal thing. When cost comes into the equasion it will always be somebody elses thing that should be discarded not theirs.

You are correct people live where they want to live. To express it in another way: people perceive value differently.

It is those who can move beyond the value they thought they got in the past, who cannot accept the reality that things change and that hold on to houses and lifestyles that they cannot afford (and do not need) that want Derry dragged down to protect them holding on to an escaped dream.

Why should the town sacrifice it's future for those that can't leave the past behind?

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:47, at the risk of being presumptious, I have read and re-read your post. I have come to the conclusion that you too have difficulty in reading and comprehension.

3:47 you can rest assured, I can suffer the cost of trash about you?

What I do find more than curious though, is that this "garbage" reference is the only topic you seem comfortable paying any attention to while addressing my original post. The only group that I can think of that may have trouble picking up on the primary thrust of my argument are certain long time members of an informal group of Derry politicians.

3:47, prove yourself not worthy of belonging to this "rarified group." I invite you, anon 3:47, to once again try your best to present your thoughts by addressing specifically, the primary point in my response to BC, ie: the relative tax rate impact upon home valuations.

If this invitation proves to troublesome and/or difficult for you to attempt, be sure of one thing, I never have and never will suffer fools and their dishonesty. Also be advised I am justifiably prejudiced against those that lack conviction in their posts as evidenced by their hiding behide the appropriate and cowardly pseudonym "anonymous."

I am confident in the knowledge that i am in the good company of the majority that understand my position.


ps thanks for the return call.

Anonymous said...

3:47 this is the second time you refer to "that hold on to houses and lifestyles that they cannot afford (and do not need)". Unless you are our accountant you have no idea what we can afford. And you deciding what we need is presumptuous. You take care of your finances (which may not be in great shape if you have time to blog at 3:47 on a weekday) and we will take care of ours.

Anonymous said...


My point is very simple and I stated it previously: people perceive value differently.

My Derry house commands a certain tax rate, my Cape Cod house another. As I chose to live in NH (to be near an airport) I wanted to educate my children where extraordinary opportunities exist on par with private education (we prefer public to private). Pinkerton immediately stood alone as the greatest bang for the buck we could get in public education. When facing what is now $35k to $45k per year (non tax deductible) private boarding schools Pinkerton presents us enormous value.

When my children move on I will rethink the value Derry’s tax rate and lifestyle provides. I believe is housing as housing not investment. Someone else ( and that has recently happened for the same reasons I moved here) who have a similar value proposition will buy my house, educate their children, enjoy the quality of life Derry provides and will think as I have that he is getting a darn good deal.

To allow others that do not share my value perspective to stick their greedy paws into the school budget with the sole objective to disrupt the best thing besides proximity to Boston, the beach, the mountains and the airport is unacceptable to me. These individuals banded together into what I consider non-progressives want to squash investment in quality of life issues that will allow housing values to rise. Carl you too think that house values are solely dependent on tax rates. Brian and I think ( and my new neighbor verifies) that taxes are only one facet of value.

And to the spiteful little bugger that wonders about my finances (I could care less about yours) it is because of them that I can comment at 3:47,12:59 or any time I want.
Actually I am in Walnut Creek CA this week, so I am 3 hours behind you, genius!

Anonymous said...

1:02 if you think Pinkerton is on par with the private schools charging $35k+ then it is true that "you can fool some of the people all of the time". Pinkerton is not a bad school but let's be real. I don't see Phillips parents trying to buy homes in Derry so that their kids can go to Pinkerton. My kids went to Pinkerton, not bad, not great. As for the DCSD... average.

Anonymous said...

Want to make sure that we get this deciding what we can or cannot afford is ok... ("that hold on to houses and lifestyles that they cannot afford (and do not need)" but if someone comments on your finances they are "spiteful little buggers"?

Ok, just wanted to be sure we understood you. Have you ever been told that you have anger issues?

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love it when people actually choose to be addressed as "anonymous?"

Well my anonymous pilot friend, here's something for you to consider in terms that should get your attention. Imagine you are full throttle on a 320 when you see a SUV approaching the runway....YOUR RUNWAY... on the bos to phx red-eye (i was on that flight.)

i presume you heard about this near miss. in any event, our pilot recognized the danger ahead, nosed up and averted a collision and potential unspeakable disaster. well anon pilot, you know the drill, faa was called in and in the end responsibilty will be meted out.

now let's try and get you to recognize the danger posed by ignoring the tax situation in town. if we have town officials and citizens that fail to recognize the UNDENIABLE economic impact tax burdens impose upon a homes valuation then we too are essentially full throttle possibly headed for a collision.

So there you have it, my point simply stated, once again in anon pilot terms. I refuse to believe, even with your anon pilot head buried in the clouds, that this economic reality is percieved by you as just as a foo fighter out your starboard window.

Whether you like to hear it or not, Derry has been unnecessarily losing ground to neighboring towns for years. Unless something is done to navigate around the tax clouds, we are destined for one hell of a bumpy flight.

We must support officials and a population that are bright enough to see the gathering storm and are capable of making the right in flight course corrections before a collision.

roger that, anon pilot??

give me a ring someday rather than hiding in the clouds. what's with that BS anyway? the pilots i know are all stand up to a man, and one women.


Anonymous said...

Hey 1:02, if you want a bigger bang for the buck educationally let me point you to Hollis High School or Concord High. According to Hollis' reading proficiency is 84% and math is 52%. Concord has 73% and 38% respectively. Pinkerton is 69% and 27%.

We will all miss your charm and whit but we'll get over it. BC can sell your house for you. You'll save in taxes since Hollis' tax rate is 18% lower than Derry's and Concord's is 20% lower. Sounds like a win/win/win to me.


Anonymous said...

What's that you say 10:40? Those towns have better schools and lower taxes? How can that be? Surely you jest! Our entire school establishment is built on the premise that more money = better schools. I'm confused. Help me out.

Anonymous said...


You have again shown the true colors you have shown on Tuesday nights Idiot TV; speaking on things you haven’t a clue about. Please do not try to speak like a commercial pilot because you know one or read the book. Pilots hate wannabes.

However you are equally off point about the reason for anonymity on blogs (gee Carl if we meet at Dunkin Donuts Saturday morning are you going to call me out?) taxes and value perception.

I guess if you think it. It’s right. The fact that houses are being bought and sold right now despite the tax rate are a real inconvenience to your argument.
No worries just keep thinking your way is the right way.

Anonymous said...

Spoke like a true modern parent that thinks that a great education comes from schools. Note to self: opportunity for a great education comes from schools. If you warehouse your kid ( or just have bad genes) you will get a par education. Skipped statistical analysis I see. Why don’t you take into consideration small things like the number of students, economic factors, or the thousands of other things that sway your numbers. Once again don’t let the facts get in the way of you thinking.
I will call you before I leave.

Anonymous said...

See my response to the other Mensa student who can’t understand the reasons of why the tax rate might be a bit less in Hollis.
If you can afford Exeter or Andover you probably don’t even know Derry exists. Pretty piss poor metric. How about measuring the scholarship monies Pinkerton students get every year? If I can live in Derry, do my business and my children, who utilized the opportunities afforded them to get a 6 figure scholarship to attend the prestigious school of their choice? Priceless.

Anonymous said...


Skippy, I have saved you for last before I am wheels up here.

First, as stated, I could care less about your lifestyle of finances. My comment, addressed to you, was that if you are continually bleating about the tax rate you are living in the wrong place or the wrong lifestyle. As little as I care about your doublewide and the cost of your smokes, I do care when you want to foster your “save the way into the future” on me and others.

Derry has not admitted that we are first and foremost a bedroom community/child incubator. The majority of inhabitants are families. People that lived in town 25+ years ago had a choice as to the direction of town and they CHOSE to build condexes, apartments and opened the floodgates. The people came and they will not be going away. The growth ordinance was a good idea and the preservation of open land was another but both were too little, too late.

On a macro level Derry needs to upgrade it’s tax base. That can only be achieved by swinging for the seats, attracting non-parasitic commercial development (which ain’t happening) or focusing on quality of life issues and making Derry the go to spot for raising young families.

If Derry makes the wrong decision again and adopts a non progressive game plan, a socio-economic sea-change (and keep in mind Lawrence is part of the Socialist Republic of Massachusetts just to our South) will force home values down, school enrollment will explode and any temporary savings on your tax bill will evaporate like the sweat stain on your shirt.

I will be gone. Even today’s TC can screw things up quick enough to rain on my parade. However I get frustrated in that someone is feeding you, Carl and so many others all the BS about saving the way forward and you are all swallowing the hook. Economically and realistically it just can’t happen that way.

Anonymous said...

3:24 The "scholarships at Pinkerton are mostly bogus. Mediocre schools hang Harvard level price tags on their doors and then give huge "scholarships" to anyone who applies with an IQ higher than room temperature.

I await your response regarding the test scores at Concord and Hollis. (I didn't even bother looking for more cases.) Bottom line is that Pinkerton is a good but not great school. With the right college education our children can overcome this handicap and achieve great things. They are however at a severe disadvantage in competing with the best from private schools. Check out the acceptance rate at Ivies for private vs public students. (I consider Pinkerton to be a hybrid).

p.s. Does it make you feel important to personally attack people in each posting? Is that because your ideas can't stand scrutiny or do you have other issues?

Anonymous said...

CVA - While we agree on most things (e.g. our phone conversation regarding the council vote) I must disagree with you on the blog anonymity issue. Our conversation with 3:24 has revealed him/her to be nasty and not terribly bright but probably harmless. However I can tell you there are bloggers on this site that are both obsessive and nasty. I view them as security concerns. (I'll give you more details next time I see you.) Hence the anonymous postings will continue from me until such time that BC requires all postings to be signed (then at least we will know who to watch out for).

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:09, aka, "anon pilot"

Rest assured "anon pilot", unlike yourself.....i don't do the Dunkin Donut thing.....never have, never will. So eat as many donuts as you worries.

Nor would I ever "call the likes of you out." You see, the tone and content of some of your comments I would expect from of a coward. I regret having to point this out, but it is you that has so freely slung your trash talk around not I. I am only responding to it. Besides Sparky, I have earned too much to lose "by calling someone out." Something judging by your punk attitude you have not as yet achieved. Hey, who knows, maybe if you pull your wheels up enough times AND manage to pull your head out of a dark place, one day you too may be able to relate to actually having something to lose .

However, I do give you credit. You have single handedly succeeded in portraying to all how insecure you are in your own skin and opinion; all the while willfully chosing to hide as "anonymous" while attempting to denegrate. Do you expect ANYONE to take you seriously, most of all ME?

Oh ya; two more points my anonymous little friend. First, I am certain if you spent more time actually thinking, as opposed to attempting cheap shots that only make you sound foolish, you would realize my original post is spot on. And second, as for my last post genius......well, that was written "satirically" in "pilot terms" for your benefit......guess that one flew over your head.

For the record, I must admit, although I never found being a pilot too interesting, I sure love trading the airlines.....(what do you think of LUV in here?) It's seems a noble enough work a day profession but not nearly enough money in it, and as you can attest, it gets boring. Besides, whenever I or any of my employee's needed to get somewhere there were plenty of airlines begging for my business. Successful folks employ wannabes, even pilots.

In conclusion if you really do want to discuss things straight out, I am more than willing to do so. In fact I would welcome it.

But if you are only into more BS, as far as I am concerned, as the saying concludes, "you have already begun to walk." Which sadly would be of no surprise from someone that actually allows themselves to be referred to as "anonymous." Actually, it's kind of creepy that you do so, when you step back and think about it, dontcha think?

Anonymous said...


Let’s get back on point please.

Frequently, you do not know what you are talking about.

None of us could care less about your interests, trips you have taken or your donut consumption.
Although you reflect lack of substance on others (me in this case) you have done so on others at the Town Council meetings.

My point to you was that you have never backed up any point you have made on this blog with anything greater than your own opinion (or those fed to you by the ADT). Anonymity has no effect on validity Carl. Facts are facts and you can’t quote any to support your argument of value perception. If tax rate was the only determinate of lifestyle nobody would have bought a house in Derry in the last 10 years. Clearly that is not the case and thus your argument is baseless.

My suggestion is park your ‘little man ego’ and recognize publicly that just because you say it, it is not necessarily so. My “punk attitude” is focused on you only because of the absurdity of your position and those of your clique that join you in your reactionary mindset. To dope-slap you on this blog only allows the feebleness of your position to be exposed.

Carl, there are many in town who take my position as seriously as they take yours as folly. Stop fooling yourself as to your importance. Take the lifts out of your shoes and look in the mirror. You are not as tall or as learned as you think!

Anonymous said...


Your argument reminds me of the family I sat near during a school meeting back in the late 1990’s.

The morbidly obese father with the suspenders holding up his XXXXL trousers, Ma knitting away and the grown piglet daughters with but one tooth between them, disgusted about the needs for investment in Derry public schools. At one juncture one of the daughters squealed that she and her sister didn’t have any of the things being voted on and they “turned out OK”.

I moved my seat.

To equate the quality of Pinkerton to number of students attending Ivy League schools is both dated and mindlessly absurd

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like Derry's very own tough takin' coward, the "anon pilot", has chosen to remain a coward afterall; preferring instead to lurk around, hidden in the weeds of obscurity. too bad. nevertheless, he has managed another untruthful rant based upon imagination and thin air, driven by his emerging paranoid state of mind.

once again DERRY's favorite "anon pilot" is out here making anonymous claims of "dope slapping." "DOPE SLAPPING??!!" (looks like he's running on vapors having already to structure his appeal to the lowest common denominator.)

in this episode our ascoted side show has seen fit to compose a
one hundred percent fabricated claim, which is that I am involved in the ADT. i guess this distortion follows; given our "pilot" chooses to remainanonymous. he can never actually enter a conversation because he is afraid to do so with his posting history. besides, if he joined in the discussion he is at the risk of learning the truth, which is at direct odds with his various fabrications.

do yourself a favor sparky, ask anyone of the people involved with the ADT whether they have ever seen me at their meetings or contributed funds to their cause.

now you may ask, do i agree with ADT? the answer is not on all topics. do i like some of the people personally even though i disagree with them? i sure do. if you have the time and brains, even you, "anon pilot", would find they are by and large composed of good natured people that are not afraid to do some work that not only defines but supports their position (psssst!!...hey, anon pilot.... here's a secret for you, some of ADTs "work" is why the status quo crowd in town doesn't like them very much in my view.) and here's a real shocker for you, DERRY's very own disingenous miss-guided pilot who would rather, lie and remain in the weeds, than be truthful, I get along with virtually all that i disagree with. where the line is drawn for myself, as well as the majority of sane people, is with dopes that have done wrong and can't own up to it. rather, they chose to stumble further destoying their personal integrity in the process with their "thin air pull outs" and/or willful distortions......hey.....just like the track record you are so well establishing.

you know, i have wasted enough time on you today, the sun is shining and there are things to do. but please, do yourself a favor coward. understand that this is still a smallish community. as such consider before posting that what you say is being read by your neighbors, NEW one and old.

it is best that you pre- consider what you post with the benefit of some facts behind you. it also is better that you stop distorting peoples positions. your failure to do so one day is really going to embarass you one day when you inadvertantly take the "anonymous" bag off your head and present one of your half baked distortions to the wrong person.

finally, you really did hurt my feelings with your "lifts in my shoes" remark. same too with the "learned" crack. I guess i can't fool a sharp eyed "anon pilot" like sir-ree.....

lolo....LOL! you sure are one strange duck there sparky.....LOL!!! lift's in my shoes???!!! lol...LOL!!
you dope.

Anonymous said...

1:08 I have given you other metrics of school quality and you ignore them. "Ignorance is Bliss... and you refuse to be made unhappy."
So go, be happy that your kids are getting the best education in the whole world and that all of us that suggest that we might get better products and services for our tax dollars are fools. No amount of evidence produced by me will convince you otherwise.

You clearly judge people by their weight; I judge them by the weight of their character. As such, I judge you to be a very small man.

Anonymous said...

You "doth protest too much, methinks". Obviously I have struck a raw nerve.
You did a nice job on the Rail Trail.
Perhaps I should have left it at that.

Anonymous said...


My character is fine and strong. Thank you for asking.

Because your absurd comparative metrics are so easily rebutted your reaction is to question character? Way too much of that on the blog right now. If you want to fight go into the conversations that are already aflame with name calling.

Your comparative metrics (Hollis and Concord) were ridiculous. That you think school quality can be measured by Ivy league enrollment? Not since the Kaiser!

My experience at the School District meeting with the Neanderthal Family is an example that many people that are not intimately involved in education or who have outdated beliefs and assumptions can get a little sliver of information and lurch off to the wrong conclusion. You have.

Anonymous said...

Wow 12:32 aka CVA,

Awful long retort for someone that doesn't care what 'anon pilot' thinks!? hahaha SAD!

DJN said...

For the record, Mr. Accardo is not and never has been a member of the ADT. I wish he was. I have enormous respect for him and his reasoned opinions. We do not "feed him opinions" but rather we may grab onto some of his ideas now and then. (Carl's ideas regarding ways to incent business development are clear evidence of his business acumen and insight.)

More importantly, I have never known Carl to engage in nasty personal attacks such as the ones spewing forth from "anon pilot". What this person thinks he is achieving is beyond me. He certainly hasn't impressed us with his intellect, his character, or his sense of humor. Maybe he is trying to prove to himself how important he is. Did it work? Have you convinced yourself yet?

Doug Newell

Anonymous said...

like locust, they are surfacing:

anon 7:58 (aka anon pilot)

as usual you're mistaken. you have not struck a raw nerve in people like you ARE a raw nerve that requires cauterization.
thanks for your drta comment, others have done more than i.
but in the end, you're still nothing more than an anonymous coward. which brings me to your kindred cowardly soulmate, anon 10:13.

hey anon 10:13
can you tie your shoes all by yourself?

DJN, thank you for your comments.

Anonymous said...


I don't have any idea who you but I've read and re-read this entire thread doing my best to separate the rhetoric and garbage mostly thrown at you and a little bit by you.

The question that you don't address was brought by BC; what does it matter what our tax rate is or the dollar value of our homes. Isolating those figures to me is, at best, worthless to this dicussion.

What really matters is the net taxes we pay for the "VALUE" that we get. To me that value includes the services we get plus the value (not worth) of our homes.

BC seems clear that the value of the Real Estate dollar in Derry is far greater than many other cities and towns.

Could you please address this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 9:59,

Could not have gotten this back on point myself now that Carl has completed his multi day hissy-fit.

The value of our properties is based on what others will pay. BC has stated that turnover of housing continues. Real Estate is his profession. For the tax hawks turnover should not be happening. Derry should be a leper colony to homebuyers. Brian is it?

9:59 you have returned to the concept of value (dare I mention quality of life or lifestyle) that incorporates many facets beyond tax rate.

Gaining control of spending, especially in regards to municipal union contracts is very important. Things are out of control right now. But the “value” of Derry and the value of all of our property is dependent on more than the tax rate.

And for all the weeping and wailing, that was my point all along.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:59,

i am currently atending a conference in NYC. i will
respond to your post this PM if i can find a moment.
thank you for your posts civility.

in the end, we may not agree. but you do not sound like some of the half baked jokers du jour that frequent this blog so i will be happy to offer you my perspective. i look forward to hearing yours as well.


Anonymous said...

Who is Carl? he seems to have hijacked this blog.

Anonymous said...

"Gaining control of spending, especially in regards to municipal union contracts is very important. Things are out of control right now."

And how did things get that way? Ask your St. Brian who loves big fat union contracts.

Gain control??? You haven't be paying attention. It's too late,11:52. Multi-year contacts with evergreen (automatic rollover) provisions and lifetime (no layoff)employment. Add to that "no outsourcing" clauses. We are screwed for decades to come.

BC said...

anon 10:28,
Carl has not taken over the blog! 3 years of working this and I'm not giving it up that easily.

BC said...

anon 3:26,
All that and we still shaved .18 cents/1000 off from the previous budget and yet you still complain?
You state that we are "screwed" for years to come...Remember one thing. YOU control your own destiny. Also, evergreen clause came from the State and not town council. ( seems like the worlds problem are blamed on council)

Anonymous said...

BC that's simply not true. The state allowed evergreen clauses, the council allowed one to be put in our contract with the fire union.

Anonymous said...

Derry needs to cut back the quantity of fire, police and municiple personnel.
We need to set agressive budget objectives and put them in front of our big money department heads.
If they cannot deliver the cuts they become part of the solution and they are cut.
Are you telling the taxpayers that we cannot run these departments smaller?
Why are we paying the cheifs so much money? They are managers that work for us not the unions or it's members.
Set the budget and make them deliver. If they cannot, plow them under and get new ones that can and will.

Derrys problems are direction and management to execution.

Town Council:Stop making excuses as to why something can't happen and get it done. $.18/1000 of our tax rate? BC how can that give you a sense of pride? Lets look at the increases over that last 10 years 60% was on your watch!
How prideful do you feel looking at that number?

BC said...

anon 9:12,
Just a couple notes. #1) I have been a councilor for 5 years, so the past 10 yrs stuff is hot air. #2) I am but one of seven council people. My vote alone does nothing. #3) that 18 cents/1000 represents about $600K in savings, which by the way eliminated 13 town jobs by the way. But I'm happy that you may now know that because we are such a big town, savings spread out only accounts for roughly $30 per owner of 200K home. Most spend more than that at Dunkin Donuts for the week!
I'm proud of the fact that I am the most independent councilor and will spend when we need to but also cut back when times are tight.

Anonymous said...

BC, OK it's Sunday morning and maybe you needed a cup of coffee but that (10:10am) is one of the lamest postings you have submitted in a long time. Try again like a man. Don't hide behind the other councilors. Don't come up with wacko statistics... $30/week at Dunkin Donuts (do you really think Dunkin does $18 million per year here? or were you unsuccessfully trying to make some point?) Yes, we can do math and we can calculate that your $600,000 on a $41 million budget(?) is about -1% while many of us are learning to live on 25% less than the good old days.

And yes, we can remember your votes on the union contracts which represent the largest part of the town's budget. Please try again now.

Anonymous said...

10:53 ditto your union contract comment. It is disgusting.

My neighbor and his wife had lost their jobs around the fire union contract money grab. They have since lost their home.

Truly disgusting how members of the town council symbolically sold out many town citizens like them, by caving to such a selfish union.

Anonymous said...

You are such a idiot.
Outside of exposing blowhard bullys there is a paper trail of everything you have written.....and the blog has them all.
Take a pill Zippy
I will expose some of your best you dope!

To quote you from 1/9/09 at 8:17 AM
Actions have consequences!

1/9/09 8:17 AM

Anyone read the op-ed in Monday's Union Leader? It's from one of our neighbors who loves Derry but is leaving because of the tax rate. He says Derry is the most mismanaged town in the state. (And there are a lot of towns in New Hampshire… “We’re number 1!” “We’re number 1!”… Oops…)

He compares our tax rate to maggots feeding on the people of Derry until there will be nothing left but a carcass of empty homes. BC you voted for all those excessive fire contracts; school board you voted for fat teacher pay raises as hundreds of people were losing their jobs, past councils who threw money at your buddies in DEDC and dumped $1 million into Exit 4A, where is your rebuttal? Please explain to the man why he should pay twice the taxes to live in this town. I’m sure the readers of the Union Leader are waiting for your responses.

2/9/09 12:20 PM
2/9/09 2:52 PM

both too long and ranting to list here!

3:47, prove yourself not worthy of belonging to this "rarified group." I invite you, anon 3:47, to once again try your best to present your thoughts by addressing specifically, the primary point in my response to BC, ie: the relative tax rate impact upon home valuations.

If this invitation proves to troublesome and/or difficult for you to attempt, be sure of one thing, I never have and never will suffer fools and their dishonesty. Also be advised I am justifiably prejudiced against those that lack conviction in their posts as evidenced by their hiding behide the appropriate and cowardly pseudonym "anonymous."

I am confident in the knowledge that i am in the good company of the majority that understand my position.


ps thanks for the return call.
2/9/09 7:27 PM