Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Board appointments should be fair.

Somewhere within the last 3 years the town council has left fairness out of the process of board appointments and have instead made the Planning Board, Zoning Board and Conservation Commission more of a political show than doing the fair and right thing in my opinion.

Many know how I got started in the volunteering on town boards. I started by running the camera equipment for C17 and televised the council meetings at that time. ( i also ran the cameras for both the "friends of education" and the "derry taxpayers" shows) and I guess that was a learning experience in the political process in Derry. I then chaired the cable committee for two years before moving on to Planning board as alternate..then to chairman of planning board, elected twice to town council and had the honor to be chairman of town council and twice pro-tem.

In that process, I had a chance to participate and move through the boards and gained knowledge on behalf of our town. But what message are we sending today on these boards when good alternates, who give of their time and effort are being told that the council doesn't care and they will pick according to political ties instead.
I mean, It used to be as an alternate, if a regular membership was vacant, it was filled by the senior alternate... Common courtesy and protocol. Especially if you have someone new, who shows for every meeting and is interested in helping the community. These are Derry's future leaders after all. We need new people to step up and be willing and eager to step in.

Last night, Once again as in the last 3 years, Mr Hopfgarten was appointed a regular member of planning over Ms Heard. Ms Heard has been an excellent member and is eager to participate. Instead of doing the right thing, again politics played into the decision.

Don't get me wrong, Paul is knowledgeable and will be a good addition to planning but Paul has done this before. He has sat on Planning and is a nine year ex-councilor who has chosen to plug in again to the scene after a small time away. Ms Heard should of been given this seat as a reg member of the board and Paul just was voted in as an alternate this year. My guess is that Paul is using the planning board as a spring board to run for town council again and will give up his seat in March should he be successful in running for council again.

We should go back to the fair and honorable way of appointing board members, Put new people in Alternate positions to learn and get experience, reward good alternates to regular membership when it happens and to let new blood into the process when the opportunities come.

I have seen 4-5 people who finally said that they were overlooked because of politics and felt nobody cared and not being rewarded by moving up the ladder, left volunteering for the town. What a shame.

What are your thought?


Anonymous said...

If an alternate has put in their time, attended meetings and shown a genuine interest in the board they were appointed to then YES they should get first crack at an open regular seat. Others interested in joining the board should have to take the Alternate's seat even if they have greater experience. I don't think there is any rule against alternates sharing their wisdom and experience with others on the board they are appointed to - they just don't vote, right?

Derry politics appears to be a bit out of control lately and it is keeping other interested parties and newcomers from stepping up. This is a shame, because from where I sit we could use new blood and new ideas.

Anonymous said...

Everything in this town is politics. Its sad but true.
On a lighter note, did you catch Al Dimock at last night's meeting? I could not stop laughing as he bragged about paying his taxes. 'Look mommy, I have my adult pants on....'
Al, its your duty to pay your taxes. No one gets a pat on the back for it.

Anonymous said...

Paul H is one of Coyle and Fairbanks boys. Of course they support him and will when he runs in the next council election. When he runs he will be disappointed at the results. He disapperared for years and expects to jump right back in. He was invisible as a state rep.

Anonymous said...

3:44 It's no more your duty to pay taxes than it is your duty to be mugged. The people in power use their positions to give your money to their friends.

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

I wonder why there is always politics in anything to do with government?

Anonymous said...

If that is true then how did he get appointed over the majority's favorite Maureen Heard who they supposedly backed in the Town Council election? Have they abandonded her?

Anonymous said...

If an alternate has put in their time, they deserve first crack at the open regular seat unless they do not want it. To put someone who was just appointed as an alternate into that regular seat is unfair to those who have put in their time. I do not care if Paul H. was previously on the Planning Board before he did his time on Town Council. That was long ago and should not be taken into consideration ... of course BC is right that this is going to be Paul's grandstanding and political posturing to see if he can't get himself elected to the council to sit with his friends.

Anonymous said...

BC- what was the vote? Who voted for Paul? Clearly you didn't. Which one of the Good Old Boys can't follow a simple direction?

BC said...

anon 12:08,
The vote went this way.

For Paul H: Coyle, Carney, Fairbanks, Metts

For Maureen H: Myself and Wetherbee

Mr. Benson was not present for the vote and I wanted to wait until he arrived, however it did not matter.

Anonymous said...

Woah - hold the phone! Metts actually voted with Coyle and Fairbanks? Is that a first?

BC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BC said...

anon 7:29,

Anonymous said...

Its sad to see how unintelligent the majority of people are in this town.

Anonymous said...

People on this blog go on and on about nothing when you compare it to the big picture.

Good for Paul I hope he runs again and wins the next election.

I think he's good for the town.

Anonymous said...

My house just sold. I am moving to Windham. I am looking forward to leaving the infighting behind.

Anonymous said...

While I understand partisanship is entertaining and political bomb-tossing has taken the place of genuine discourse and earnest debate, let's give the council some credit for the hard work and true bipartisanship they showed on the budget. Nobody got everything they wanted but compromise was reached and common ground was found.
Nice work all.
And anon 7:29, apparently you believe that government is 100 percent corrupt ... care to offer one or two examples of how the Derry Town Council has voted to give their friends? And remember the DEDC hasn't been funded in two years.
Reality check ... nothing is ever as cut and dried, black and white as we might like it to be. We live in a world of gray.

Anonymous said...

10:47 Rather than "fair" why not the "best qualified"? I don't care if an alternative has been there since dirt was invented, I want bright honest people running the town.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:36 ... if someone is attending meetings, participating and trying to make a difference, why should someone who hasn't been on the board in over 10 years be given the permanent position. Shouldn't the person who has been there be the one to be given the opportunity to be a regular member. It is not just this board, look at the other boards, people who have been on the boards for over 10 years who do very little, but yet are continually reappointed over alternates who are eager to make a difference.

Anonymous said...

Ah not meritocracy but rule by those with the most time on their hands. That’s an interesting concept. “Hey, he may be dumb as a post but he sure is old, let’s vote for him.” What do you think the consequences of that system might be? "Trying" is what matters not results? Let's examine his/her inner being to see if they "really care".

Anonymous said...

Let me guess It was Burtis who brought the Feds to the flea market today.

Anonymous said...

BC - looks like the earlier post questioning Derry PD and the Grandview Flea Market were right on target.
Federal Agents including Homeland Security raided the place on Sat. Many of the Asian vendors (perhaps illegals) were seen abandoning their tables and fleeing in groups into the surrounding neighborhoods.

But by Sunday it was back to business as usual.

Article below in Eagle Trib has some details.

Anonymous said...

9:55 Does the use of Homeland Security to chase fake handbag salemen tell you anything about the state of the nation?

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:05

There are links from counterfeit products and the Chinese to terrorism. If you think it's harmless read the following article:

Anonymous said...

The appointment of Paul Hopfgarten to a board, and possible run for re-election to the Town Council is merely history repeating itself. Back in the early 1990's when the economy was tanking and the property values were down, foreclosures were common, and along came the Derry Taxpayers Association savior.

Just remember, "You can pay me now or you can pay me later".

BTW - Does Paul own a home in Derry? I'm a little concerned about his planning board vision, without a stake in the Town!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:07

Great Point! I'd be curious to see if he is actually a taxpayer.

Imagine if the ADT supported a non-taxpaying resident. Now that would be funny!

BC said...

anon 11:30,
Your catching on! The ADT is really not about the taxpayers...Its more of a power play to get the select few in the group to the top of the government in Derry.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Al Dimock has put his picture on the ASSoc of Derry Website. It has been a week I have forgotten what he looks like!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:07 and 11:30, just checked the planning board list on the town website ... Paul H. lives in the Fairways.

Anonymous said...

lol...LOL!!! hey BC, the ADT is totally above board as opposed to the mistruths that were thrown around about the political bias of the now nearly dormant "community for a better derry" and it's genius leader neil wetherbee.

Surrrrrre it's not a PAC. Surrrrrre our wannabe parking lot czar jack dowd was just dropping papers off for the "community.' Surrrrre the dedc ONLY had money stolen, right under their noses, from it's so called for profit side.

my take is the ADT is generally populated by bright people, whose common focus is to bring a discerning eye, without ego, to examine how this town may function better.

one things for sure, you won't get the pathetic, small time sob story's and blame casting that jack dowd, craig bulkley and joel olbrecht have been offering up in the local papers. boyos, this most recent ingracious and whiny behavior of yours works to our towns detriment.

hey, BC, you were wrong; the more things change, the more they change...... and for the better.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:47
Thank you Mrs. Hopfgarten. I am sure your son, Paul is a good boy who always cleaned his plate. But in Derry politics he is but another Kevin Coyle rump swab that makes the mindless parroting of Janet Fairbanks sound original and her style polished. Perfect for Derry; a great leap in the wrong direction.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:30...

Funny you should mention that. He does not seem to be listed under Derry's GIS under that name...


Anonymous said...

7:25 I have had contact with Homeland Security from a business perspective. Thank God we have the Marines defending us, HS couldn't find their butts with both hands.

Anonymous said...

Are you folks who are so concerned about Paul's property ownership looking to return to the good old days when only White Males Owning Real Property could vote or hold office? How progressive of you. I think over the years Paul has paid his dues both in property taxes paid in Derry and in time volunteered to help the taxpayers.

Paul is in BC's district and that should worry BC. You see BC is delusional enough to believe that he is a viable candidate after the "No Way to Treat a Lady" affair. Hence these attacks on BC's blog.

Anonymous said...

The Nutfield News should change its name to the Burtis BS Weekly. Three more columns for his letter today. The poor trees that are used for his rants and pontifications. Not to mention the space taken up at the transfer station with the recycled piles of his 'newspapers'.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:34 you are despicable. Mr. Burtis commemorates D-Day by putting a well written non-political tribute to his father and the other brave men who stormed the beaches at Normandy in one of our local papers. You attack him for it. Keep it up, every time you open your mouth it costs your faction votes. You are becoming pariah. Have any opinions on Vietnam Vets or Gulf War Vets?

Anonymous said...


We all see that you appropriately spanked by the Derry News.

Answer us this - exactly what inefficiency cannot be corrected due to the structure of our current governments? Seriously, name one. The indisputable answer is NONE. All in efficiencies (whether real or one of your fake ones) can be addressed by the current structures - PERIOD.

This point highlights your real motivation - which is a plain as day. You're unhappy with the people involved not the structure and you view this as creating a power grab opportunity. Of course, your political game likely perpetuates itself forever; wouldn't the the structure of our government again be on the table if Derry elected Mayor Dowd or Mayor Bulkley?

My answer to you - change the people, get elected.

It's also clear that you hate Derry - after all, your involvement and interest in the community lies entirely in the political scene - universally accepted as a very dark and cynical place.

I note that during the Revolutionary War Derry was comprised of about 95% Patriots and 5% Redcoats. It is documented that the Redcoats lived in the English Range Road area. Is there something in the soil over there that causes tyrannical arrogance?

Anonymous said...

the "challenged party" sure seems to be on edge of late.

but who can blame them?

for years these baffoons were the self-appointed, and self-perpetuating patriarchs in our very small town with virtually zero accountability except loosely to themselves.

the "challenged party" leaders spoke loudly; ran for offices, retreaded and ran for other offices, but alas, they carry very small sticks outside our towns borders despite the title mayor, councilor, congressman or senator being attached to them.

these civic minded challenged leaders moved in town from the megatropolisis of lawrence ma., arlington ma, needham ma and many others, with visions of their own self-importance dancing in their heads.

for a time as the town aimlessly expanded, these kings of the 6% rule said yes to every sort of real estate development project until the weight became to heavy and the public openned it's eyes.

the damage has been done folks by the old guard of the "challenged party." now we need to fix it.......and fixed it will be......but not with "parking garages" and insane exits off of 93. it will be fixed with new eyes looking realisitcally at the mess we're in and moving as an intergrated force towards defined goals that builds their own momentums.

the bike trail is a great start. at first blush 28 infra-structure investment makes sense. the work that just began on 102 and crystal avenue is going to pay dividends.

one step at a time, working with people that do not overly define themselves as politicians but as citizens pulling towards a generally shared vision of what derry is and will become if intelligently stewarded.

your laughable attacks on john burtis and doug newell may give you a sense of satisfaction due to your own weakness but they falling upon a greater number of deaf ears that eventually will make you what you have become, i.e. inconsequential.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:40 AM
I am a Viet vet but I have no problem with anyone expressing his or her opinion. No need to call 1:34 or anyone despicable. Thats what great about our country: we are all entitled to our opinions.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:15

Thank you for your service.

One of the wonders of our great country is that fools have the right to say despicable things. If attacking someone for writing a tribute to the men who fought at Normandy is not despicable please give me an example of something that is.

Anonymous said...


“Meet the new boss same as the old boss” wrote The Who in song “We Won’t be Fooled Again.”

You seem to feel that Burtis/Newell/Coyle are something different than you have described. They are not.

Coyle’s Machiavellian transparency seems to have escaped you. If you lived on Newell’s property you would see why he has a jihad against property taxes. His neighbor across the street has an even greater reason. Hey Jag’s aren’t cheap are they Doug? Burtis is a taxpayer leech (thank God on some other poor municipality) armed with a false since of self importance. You seem to align your thoughts that “they” are Everyman.

Are you stupid or just terminally naïve?

Dowd, our state reps, the DEDC et al are just as weak as Coyle, Hopftgarten and the wiggling sycophants of the ADT. We will be exchanging one set of losers for another.

We can agree that we need NEW LEADERSHIP.

But how do we avoid rehashing of the same old retreads( Paul are you listening?) that are from one polarized position or the other.

Charter commission? Great! change the form of government.

But until we do a nationwide search for proven leadership, with a substantial track record of successfully handling the issues we will face to reach specific goals that will cost major investment in the future, diametrically opposed to the ADT philosophy, Derry will simply “Be Fooled Again”

Anonymous said...

I agree, I haven't seen too many people that are "involved" that impress me. Most of these people, not all, are out trying to make themselves look good; but they wear a good mask telling people they are "stepping up for the town". I can think of a few who I believe are solid souls, getting involved for the right reasons. Those people I have the up-most respect for; as for the others, the ones who like to hear themselves talk, or read what they write in the paper, I could care less for.

Mark Connors said...

Great article in USAir's in-flight magazine this month on Economic Development in NH.

Perhaps Derry can benefit from this promotion of NH as a great place for Businesses to relocate.

Business leaders all over the world will be reading this as they fly USAIR this month.

Here is a link to an onlinc copy of the article:

DJN said...

12:38 “Ignorance is bliss… and you refuse to be made unhappy.” I know you find facts troublesome but:

1. I do not own any Jags and never have. By the way, is envy your profession or just a hobby?

2. Not sure but I suspect my tax bill is larger than the one across the street; (we don’t compare them) if you weren’t so lazy you would look them up online before you opened your mouth.

3. Your comment about John Burtis is just insulting and ignorant.

4. I don’t recall every positioning myself as “everyman.” I’m Doug Newell and you can like that or not, I really don’t care.

12:38 Your post is dripping with venom (e.g., “wiggling sycophants of the ADT”). Perhaps YOU should be a bit more Machiavellian and understand that if the point of your post was to move people to your viewpoint, venom is not the right tool. If, on the other hand, you are simply making yourself feel good…

Anonymous said...

Thank you for recognizing that there are good and less good individuals on both sides of the discussion.

My point to Doug continues to be that the issues are too great for reconstituted "pols" from any ideological camp.

The ADT has some great ideas but aligns itself with many political operatives and wannabees that possess long histories of sub professional political performances. It only discounts the value of the ADT to those of us "non-red meat eaters" who believe that both “sides” are equally off base and the continuing confrontations sap energy, money and time from seeking solutions.

As easy as it is for Doug Newell to label me as being from the establishment camp he can't recognize is that I am just as vehement in that the DEDC poisoned it’s own well with Jack Dowd and continues to foul the water every time it comments on itself. Now it is classic “sour grapes” that the DEDC will make some other town successful while Derry pines away for driving them out of town. Boy we will be sorry!

Such adolescent thinking from grown professionals. I never joined them just for that very reason despite the fact that they did many things well.

Do I care about Dimmock latest rant, Burtis and his dictionary, Weatherbee and the video cameras, or Maureen Rose? All of it is circus. It only drags Derrys reputation deeper into the mud and embarrasses us all.

It doesn’t provide or get us closer to solutions. Good ideas delevered poorly get the same result as bad ideas.

Anonymous said...


See what I mean about losing your cool? You are not ready to go further with your political aspirations.

Looking up someones tax bill is like peeping in their windows. Do you spend time doing that Doug?

Envy is not my profession at all but according to your own political literature I went to a more prestigious school than you, on to an international graduate school and my “other” car is my airplane. So this is not just about your measuring up.

What this is about involves being honest about what your motivations are ($) and being transparent to those less cerebral (trying not to use venom here Doug) members of your group. You have certainly portrayed yourself (“Aw Shucks”) as just another poor Derry taxpayer so don’t now try to blend into the crowd.

You want what you want to fit your lifestyle and life circumstances. Come clean and admit that what happens to the future of the town along as your particular lifestyle concerns are met is your first if not your only concern.

Please do not dress yourself any differently than Dimmock yearning for the return of his $1800 yearly tax bill.

Suspenders do not become you.

Anonymous said...

5;59, you should run for office. I am serious. You are level headed, see both sides, and makde your points rationally. It was refreshing to read your post. I think there are many people like you and I, moderates with no direct loyalty to either of the current factions. We are looking for a new beginning with new players. Its nice to see a thoughtful post.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:48, i noted that contained within your strained attack of Doug Newell you referred to Redcoats incorrectly.

"Redcoats" were the crowns troops and were to my knowledge never billeted on English Range Road. However, there may well have been Tory's, those that were loyal to the crown, living in the area.

I guess going forward, if you are going to try to be cute, you should be sure of your "make-up" in facts.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the link Mark, great article but unfortunately by reading this blog there isn't too much interest in economic development or moving the community forward. I'd think it would be more proactive if instead of mudslinging and measuring yourselves up by education and wealth you start measuring up the community in comparison to other communities and get to work with a goal of surpassing them in innovation, quality of life, culture etc. If your egos are big enough to fill a room than why wouldn't you want to live in a community that measures up to that ego? In case you haven't looked around lately; we're far from it. At this stage in the game I'm more apt to throw my vote to Nick.

Anonymous said... who's running...any bets?

Anonymous said...

This is Anon 11:07 again...

Anon 8:46: Nice 'spin'. While Paul's interest in local politics may be admirable, the fact that he is not a homeowner only concerns me for his planning board vision in Derry. Obviously, that is where I live and PAY TAXES!
Do you support Mr. Stenhouse continuing to reside elsewhere and manage Derry? How's that working out for us?

Also, I have not heard BC state an interest in running for re-election in March to date, so what fear would there be with Paul being in his district?

DJN: You responded to 12:38. The statements were from Anon 9:41. Just want to make sure you know what time the Venom was being spewed!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:57, I don't know where Doug Newell went to school, nor do I care. What I do know, is that based upon your recent unsigned writing sample, Doug has better command of the written language then your "prestigious school" bestowed upon you..... you would have done well paying closer attention in those pesky writing classes. But you know how it is, with your head in the clouds and all; pun intended.

Here's some of what I know about Doug for all to consider. Despite the fact that I do not always agree with Doug, or the ADT for that matter, I have noted that he possesses an analytical ability that relies upon comparative metrics; many of which would never have occurred to and I fear are not comprehended by, many of our former and present town councilors and their political advisors. Many of these darlings just go along, by getting along, while singin' a song. Meanwhile costs and waste continue to escalate.

No 7:57, I think your post amounts to little more than a personal attack on Doug; politically motivated and certianly not something I would be proud of had it been penned by a graduate of my alma mater.

But then again 7:57, having had the pleasure of hiring and firing graduates of the most prestigious business schools in America that happened to work for my shop, perhaps as is often the case, your greatest achievement WAS the day you graduated from school. Those of us that know, know that's just the start of where the rubber hit the road.

If this is so in your instance, I can understand your resentment of a guy like Doug, who in your sole estimation, does not measure up to your rarefied academic background......and can you imagine, he doesn't even fly a plane to boot.

So be it.

But Doug has brains and I would argue more importantly tenacity, more than enough "good stuff" required, especially when discussing issues of town government. Afterall it is not rocket science. I found after a long career in one of the most challenging and competitive businesses on the planet, that a person who exploites these two characteristics, brains and tenacity, with concurrent good balance, far out produce those that may have looked great on paper, but in the end neglected to sign their names after mailing it in. Kinda like you just did 7:57.

Bottomline, there are many intelligent, driven and passionate people in town, I know many of them. Some are highly educated, some are doggedly persistant and some are both. What Derry as a community has within it's power to accomplish is to change course by electing officials that are non-selectively good natured, approachable, open to public comment and are confident enough to say "yes" and strong enough to say "no. " In either case, these officials must also be capable and civil enough to defend their decision(s) and conduct themselves civilly should questions arise, thereby avoiding costly legal opinions and voter alienation which ends up embarassing not only themselves but the community as a whole.

So in conclusion anon 7:57, why don't you come clean by internally juxtaposing the somewhat hackneyed but true words of the old adage "to thine own self be true." Then come back and tell us all what you saw in the mirror.

C.V. Accardo

Anonymous said...

Well, Well. Thank you Mr. C.V. Accardo for trying to correct my writing. My 13th century English Lit. professor would be pleased that someone was trying to police me after all this time.

I have several other things to do other than worry about grammar in a blog. Someday I can retire and relive my glory days firing better educated people than myself whilst correcting the blogasphere. So that is why I have been so busy. I just didn't realize that my peak was graduation day. Thanks for the insight!

As a vocal memberof the anti-DEDC crowd ( possibly Pro ADT?) you have missed the point instead referencing that I am attacking Doug. I am not. I am using what are obviously motivations of why Doug directs the ADT in the direction he does. Let me simplify it for you. I could personally care less about Doug Newell. I do care very much what Doug stands for and how he portrays himself in the political arena.

Doug is consistent with what he and the ADT have been trying to do for years. I do not totally disagree with the objectives. But he is not being honest in the way he is trying to do it. He wants to protect his intrests and personal investment in Derry through the elimination of progressive activities and municiple investment. (Back to the "stoneage" if you will Mr. Accardo)

He uses his "analytical ability that relies upon comparative metrics" that escape the comprehension of most of the TC and most of the town in total. His concocted numbers supporting his position (with my background I can make numbers support any position I choose) heard through the prism of Al Dimmocks quest for the return of his $1800 tax bill from the 1980's spawns the opportunity for the elimination of everything progressive in Derry. That is what Doug and the ADT he wants. Cut the budgets for services, schools, No TIFs, no Exit 4A, no Walmart, ( Nice call Janet Fairbanks with Walmart opening 151 new stores this year and adding 20,000 new employees; yep "They must have arrived at the EXACT SAME CONCLUSION about the economy that you did looking at the coffee grounds in the bottom of your cup!") The ADT has no interest in investing in the future. In fact many, embodied in Al Dimmock( I am not spewing venom here, Al makes himself a mouthpiece) are focused on a return to the past. Hey if that is what Derry wants and you can buffalo enough voters to errode infrastructure and destroy the schools through Draconian budget cuts and elimination of progressive activities, God Bless the ADT.

I do not think that a return to the past is the way forward. I also think that for the XX+ years I have been in town, the directionless and lightweight TC's has provided zero vision and even less leadership. Derry has zig-zagged from one crisis to another with no other solution to higher costs than raising taxes.

We may never be able to agree on a direction to transform Derry into something great. But what Doug and the ADT advocates and the people that he advocates to, including you Mr. Accardo, are not consistent with a progressive vision of where Derry should be 10 years from now.

As is my right, I will expose that the ADT agenda is little more than the next Zag following on the previous Zig.

As is also my right I will continue to do so anonymously until such time as I choose to come forward.

Anonymous said...

Get out the rulers boys.
I am not sure why people are resorting to personal attacks instead of having discussion / debate.

Who cares if you make mistakes in grammar? That doesn't make you a moron or your point any less valid.

Einstein got an "F" in school. Does that mean he should have been disparaged and discounted!?

Has society denegrated to the point where we can't discuss a topic without resorting to childish behaviors?

Is this what we want for Derry? Someone who can out insult the others? Gosh I hope not.

Anonymous said...

I think they all have a progressive vision of where Derry should be 10 years from now. Split in two; east and west. Isn't the one common denominator amongst the majority of the opposing faction is that they all live in East Derry? What better way for a bid at a successful secession than to take over as majority on the counsel; set the stage and go in for the kill.

Anonymous said...

9:23, you made very little sense. Look at the "head" people of the two factions, they are scattered throughout town.

Anonymous said...

Gosh darn it 9:23 you have uncovered our fiendishly clever plot. We are going to take over all of Derry so that we can take over East Derry. Rather than an expansionist plan to take over the world, we plan to take over ever smaller parts of it. Ultimately we plan to take over a small room in the Old Community Center on Hampstead Road. Try and stop us!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:48...

Bravo! Someone who actually CAN see the forest through the trees! I agree 100% with what you are saying here. Keep up the good work.

DJN said...

8:48 I for one am incredibly impressed that you took a course in 13th Century English Lit. I did not. We are all in awe of your academic credentials. Obviously they are very important to you.

You desperately search for economic motivations behind my activities and that of the other ADT members. But the prism through which you view the world is flawed.

For you, on one side is "progress" in the form of ever expanding government. You do not question whether these expansions actually benefit the people of Derry. (Tell me about the value we have received from the 4A investment of $1,000,000. Yet you put that in the "progress” pile.)

You can't understand why anyone would be against your "progress" so you assume that our motives are purely financial. OK do the math... how much time do you think that Kevin Coyle, Janet Fairbanks, the ADT leadership, membership and I contribute in an effort to bring rational government to Derry? And how much do you think we would save in taxes if Derry was better managed? 10%? , 20%??? Do the math and you will see that we would all be better off financially to use that time to get jobs at McDonalds and let the "progressives" and “good old boys” run amuck. No, the math doesn’t work; you should look for another explanation.

I ‘m surprised that in your 13th Century English Lit course the concept of "Duty" was not introduced since Arthurian Legend is part of that subject. I'm not doing this for financial gain; I only wish my home was worth enough that I could. I do it because, in the words of a much better man than I, "Do your Duty, you can do nothing more, you should do nothing less."

Doug Newell

Anonymous said...

I try to find important information on this site. Occasionally, I do learn something about Derry.

But, usually all I observe are people calling each other names.

We all have ideas about how things should be. And, we all want what is best for Derry. If you disagree with something, can't you just say what it is you disagree with and why. Maybe make a better suggestion, instead of attacking the messenger.

I think these name calling sessions, while entertaining, should end. I bet they would end if no one was allowed to make comments anonymously.

Nick Arancio

Anonymous said...

11:25 I believe the expression is to "see the forest for the trees" indicating an ability to see the larger picture (not fucus on individual trees). I do not observe any evidence that 8:48 is capable of anything except personal attacks on Newell and Accardo. He/she does not address anywhere ADT has suggested "cutting services", why a WalMart providing near minimum wage jobs would be a good thing, etc.

Anonymous said...

As we can now see, DJN doesn't seem to care about what is truly important. He cares more about making fun of others and for some reason needs to retaliate by making comments about others education. DJN, do you also make fun of the handicapped?

11:54...Wal-Mart is a bad thing. It has caused many problems in many towns. Please take the opportunity to read "The Wal-Mart Effect". I think you will find it very interesting / disturbing.

Anonymous said...

10:15 PM
I agree with you about Walmart. If Walmart did build their Supercenter next to the Hannaford and movie theater, Hannaford would be out of business in no time. Then we would have 2 large empty buildings close to one another. Does Derry really need another grocery store and pharmacy in town. I think there are plenty in that part of town. And if you use other peoples logic of Walmart brings in other businesses, then where are they? Because we already have a Walmart? They are not a savior.

Walmart shopper said...

you forgot to add in the old Walmart building across the street as well.

For some reason the thought of a new Walmart will result in the old building being torn down and the land restored back to a field.
The reality is the building will be there with traffic entering and exiting onto 28 and at all the lights.
Thats if the new business remains in business.

Anonymous said...


I work in the conventional grocery and Natural Products industry and what you say regarding Hannaford competing against Wal-Mart is just not true.

Are you aware that Hannaford is owned by Delahaize, a Belgian firm that is one of the largest retailers in the world?

Delahaize also owns Sweetbay, Harveys, Bottom Dollar,Food Lion and Bloom in addition to Hannaford in the USA totalling 1500+ stores. In this economy conventional grocers are seeing phenomenal growth as consumers stay home or buy pre-prepared food that carry higher margins.

Your subjective opinion is that Wal-Mart would negatively affect Hannaford. However numerous industry studies have been disproving opinions like yours for years.

Anonymous said...

11:55, unfortunately I don't think that 5:43 is wrong. Here is a link to an article that talks about Wal-Mart and Delhaize Group.

The fact is that Wal-Mart is THE largest retailer in the world and growing constantly. Other companies just can't leverage the power that Wal-Mart has. While Hannaford has backing from Delhaize Group, it is still fighting to remain competitive. Once you lose that fight, you are done.

Perhaps we as a town need to look at Wal-Mart's business model.

Too big to fall?? said...

I believe GM, Chrysler, JP Morgan, etc are bigger than

When a super Walmart sells food in the same store as its retail sales, customers will do food shopping at the same time.

Now I know if I shop at the Super Store for food I will not duplicate my order by going to Hanafords or Shaws just to keep them afloat.

I believe this thinking is rational and 99.9% of the Walmart shoppers will do the same.

This leaves those 2 grocery stores at the altar.

If you disagree, let me tell you about the tooth fairy now.