Friday, February 20, 2009

Time for a Change!

Three years ago today, two new faces to town politics came into the political picture seeking a change. The incumbents at the time were two people who had many years experience at that time and were two well known politicians.

Those two new comers were Kevin Coyle and Janet Fairbanks. Both ran on a pro-economic development platform and both said it was important to bring businesses into town to help offset the residential/commercial/industrial mix that was keeping the town side taxes high. Both Coyle and Fairbanks won there seats as "fresh faces" that would bring "fresh ideas" to the town and that they did..
However, Lets examine what either of these councilors have done to bring in the promised economic development into town.

I can't think of one thing that helped bring in business can you?? I can tell you that both fought very hard against Walmart coming in. Both fought hard and waged a battle with the DEDC at that time. Both making it well known they did not like the DEDC at all and was instrumental in pushing them out the door. They both thought the the Ash St Development was a failure, when in fact, just recently our finance director, who's dept has won many awards and regarded as a top notch dept recently said in his financials that in fact the Ash St development was a big success.. Who do you want to believe??? I'll take the experts opinion.

Now lets talk about what the two councilors did approve in their three years.
Mr. Coyle's motion to spend $500,000 on engineering work for Rte 28 near Folsom Rd and the Londonderry line. That's 1/2 a million spent and he will tell you that he is against a TIFF district to attract new business. Ms Fairbanks? Is she for the TIFF? Doubt it.
Then we have the Quid pro qua deal that Kevin has admitted was such a deal, arranged with others beforehand, where they purchased downtown land ( old oil property) in exchange for the council to take $225k of your tax dollars for a 2 mile pavement of bike path. $225k in a bad economy? What were they thinking. The spent 500K in short order.

And then we have the 80K (whoops, I mean 125K) Manning Street extent ion when the engineering firm who did the study said it was a waste of money.. Kevin & Janet still voted in favor. Do we see a pattern here?? They know better than the experts.

Its interesting that both are running this year on a "I'll be the taxpayers protectors" platform when both spent money foolishly. Both have to understand that even if re-elected they can not muster other councilors support and therefore next year would be a continuation of this year. As Kevin stated in a meeting not to long ago " This council has accomplished nothing"

Both Kevin and Janet supported bringing in a economic development director in house at a cost of $100K year for the last two years... What did we get for that money?? In fact Kevin said in public that it was a mistake.

Folks it time for a change. Please look at the backgrounds of Joel Olbricht and Maureen Heard against the two incumbent and after reading them tell me its not time for a fresh change. Tell me its not time to get some "expertise" for the town at the council level.

We need change and a team effort to get things going in the right direction. We don't need stagnation in bad times...Please support Olbricht and Heard as the next councilor at large and Dist #1 councilor.


Anonymous said...

Story in Eagle Tribune about how 6 S. NH communities just got a deal with Trinity Ambulance that costs the towns nothing. Trinity handles lots of communities in the Greater Lowell MA area too. Perhaps something to consider in the whole discussion about aving money in town. Here's the article link:

Anonymous said...

BC - Since you once again raised this notion of a "quid pro quo" deal - perhaps you can tell everyone where you were during these discussions and why you didn't raise your concern about such a "backroom" deal earlier - if there really was one?

Are you saying that you have never talked outside of Council meetings with other councilors on how votes need to happen?

If as you say the town spent $500k in that deal which means $275k went to that land deal - for what benefit to the taxpayers? Why are you not railing against that purchase too? Do the people who pull your strings have an interest in that deal?

And since you mention people voting against the experts and being "smarter" - could it be that 6 of 7 coucilors saw the benefit of these two projects while you were "smarter than everyone else"? (that was the vote right? - including people from "both sides of the aisle")

Oh - and don't forget you have cast plenty of votes against what the "experts" say too. For instance -isn't our Town Manager an expert on hiring and managing the town?

What's that old saying - people in glass houses...

BC said...

anon 1:56,
Ask Councilor Coyle if it was in fact pre-determined that If they voted for the land deal, others would approve the bike path. I was not a participant in either side of this behind closed door dealings. I also did not vote for the land deal either.

As far as talking outside council meetings. What strikes me is the fact that the same people who complained about this are the ones who go out and do it themselves. What does that say about such people? On the land deal-Its done and over with an agreement in place. The bike path money is still there and has not been used. After finding out about the 2 Million dollar short fall from state revenues, would you not want to use that 225 for more important things????
And as far as being smarter as I said without that backdoor deal, I doubt the land and bike path money would of passed.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:22

Trinity EMS provides 1 ambulance for 6 communities. The plan is for each those communities to transport patients using their own Fire Department Ambulance. Trinity would be used for critical patients or when the Fire Department ambulance is already on another incident.

When Trinity's 1 ambulance does transport a patient, this leaves the 6 Towns to use their own Fire Department ambulance for all other incidents until the one Trinity ambulance becomes available again. A typical ambulance call in one of those 6 communities will last 1.5-2.0 hours because none of those towns has a hospital within its borders.

Anonymous said...

BC - Again, since you brought it up. What have you done to improve ANYTHING in town? I remember, you voted to give the Firefights more money and benefits. You didn't question one item proposed by the Department Heads in last years budget. You stood silently by and afterwards blamed others. At least in Kevin and Janet I have a voice who'll ask questions and demand answers. I'll take Kevin and Janet all day long over you.

Anonymous said...

I was at that council meeting and Kevin Coyle did indeed make sure that the vote on the land and the vote on the rail trail were switched just to make sure he wasn't double crossed. All you have to do is check the adgenda and check the minutes.

Anonymous said...

The total amount of money BC is hanging around the necks of Coyle and Fairbanks pales in comparison to the millions wasted by the council majority on the DFD ($880,000) the site work on Ash Street ($1 million), the loss on Ash Street ($2 million), the ongoing foolishness on Exit 4A ($2 million plus), the money wasted on the DEDC (hundreds of thousands for little return), the salary lost on Beth Thompson (and where is she hunkered down?), the $750,000 already lost on the failed WalMart TIF district, the salary paid to Gary Stenhouse (where is he really residing?), among the many millions wasted by the council's majority when they thought the good times would never end.

Did we really need to build the multi-million dollar Barka School, which caught fire before it opened, to serve a diminishing number of students?

How are we paying the bloated salaries of our growing number of employees when 1,247 poor folks haven't been able to pay any of their tax bills this past cycle, with a $2 million tab unpaid and growing?

Have we hashed out the 125% rule yet that may result in more millions flying out the door to further fund out town pensioneers?
They might cost Derry as much as $500-$750,000 per retiree.

Have we finally bought the contaminated land for Jack Dowd's hi-rise parking garage yet? You know, for all the traffic left over after Exit 4A detours the downtown cars over to the Lannan parcels and on to the blind real estate trusts run by you know who.

It is laughable then that we are looking to Mr. Olbricht and Ms. Heard to clean up this stable in the midst of a near depression when they are both running for more of the same - the old "Better Derry" crowd and for those folks who've promised us for years that they'll make sensible "choices" to lower (LOL) a tax load so heavy that it is simply driving folks to abandon their homes and run away.

We have become a place where banks are redlining us because our leadership has no plans for the town's survival, no plans to act about the news that NH is cutting another $1.9 million from their aid after taking that $7.8 million dollar from state aid from our schools, and where realtors call us at home to ask if we've heard anything from the town about how they're getting hold of these enormous problems.

Nope, Derry is dying. And it has become real clear.

The problems are just too big for Mr. Joel Olbricht and his cronies to sort out by just laying them off on the taxpayers because we don't have any more money.

And if Joel and Ms. Heard should win, Derry's demise will only come that much quicker. Perhaps its better if they do. A brand new broom will finally sweep clean.

Anonymous said...

Trinity will learn the same lesson that AMR did and that is you can give nothing away for free. FYI, Derry does more ambulance calls than those 6 towns combined.

Anonymous said...

Now we are getting somewhere with this bike path issue. I'm just glad that the truth is coming out about all of this. I thought that they were just nuts for wanting to fork over $225k. It's good to know that they weren't nuts, they were just crooks!

BC said...

anon 5:52,
Since you asked the question. I was very active early on in bringing Sanmina back to Derry. Over Two years ago, I met with a Sanmina rep and spoke with them about plans on coming back to Derry. I had arranged meetings for our Town employees, DEDC and the VP flew in from California to meet and discuss business. At that time they had many options howver Derry made out on the deal. Thats what I have done.. I said economic development is the most important thing we can and must do here in Derry and I have worked hard at those goals without bragging about it.. There, now you know what I have done. Sanmina is back with about 100 jobs and more to come..I now ask the question What has KC or JF done in economic dev dept??

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 20/2 10:08PM
You've brought out a number of good points (i.e. the status with Stenhouse & Thompson) when can we expect some answers Brian?
Carney mentioned Goals for 2010 a couple of times...where are they? (a t.a.'s initiative)How many times has Fairbank asked for results from CLM? A few and gets put off. The public watches and we are not that dumb not to beable to connect the dots. Money is tight and efficiency with it is critical.Please give these areas some serious attention!

Anonymous said...

The spending in Derry is nothing compared to what the fed just did to us all but I'm glad someone is watching out for us.

I'll take Kevin and Janet anytime over what we had and will get.

Weatherbee is from my district and I think he should go back to the conservation commision or where ever he came from, he will always vote the way Benson votes.

I watch all the meetings and I have come to the conclusion that the taxes in Derry will always be some of the highest in NH no matter what we do.

I think some people like it that way just for the bragging rights of it.

I'm done with it, I'm gone in 2 years no matter what the loss on my house is.

Anonymous said...

BC I think 10:08 has made the definative case in rebutting your posting. Game,set, match. Let's revisit that $800,000 that went to the firefighters union for which the taxpayers got nothing. OK we know what the taxpayers got (screwed), we know what the firefighters got (the fattest deal in NH given during a recession). What did you and your cronies get for your votes?

BC said...

anon 9:08,
Where are you coming up with your numbers? First off the council as a whole ( including KC) decided that the fire contract would be agreeable with a 2.5% increase. After 8 mos negotiations, they met our demands. And then in public, some councilors wanted to look good and change the rules.. In my world.. My word is my word. Do I think it was the best contract in the world? No but remember its 7 councilors that made the decision that they could live with X and X is what was given to us. Now mind you that it was a 1st year 0% increase. The other stuff in the contract would of stayed no matter what the council did, including not give them a contract.

Anonymous said...

BC, you haven't answered the man's (or woman's) question. What did you get for your vote?

Put another way, has any union donated directly or indirectly (e.g. through the "Better Derry" crowd) to you or your election?

Anonymous said...

BC- If initial directions to negotiators are binding why would you have to vote on a contract? Do you ever envision changing your mind after initial directions are given, say for something minor like the beginning of a depression?

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a clearer picture now of how you operate Brian. Your a pawn - an unwitting one maybe but a pawn nonetheless.

So you basically admit to keeping quiet on the larger deal for the $500k until the part of the deal your friends wanted- the downtown land is all tied up with a Purchase and Sales agreement and then you start your crusade to get the smaller portion of money back.

If you are this crusader for the people on this terrible deal then why weren't you crying foul from the start? And why haven't you shown real courage on voting against the big ticket items that could really save some money.

And taking credit for the work of others on the Sanmina deal - hmmm. Everyone knows who really got that deal done in town.

Anonymous said...

lets not forget that Councilor Coyle made known months ago during a council meeting that he probley was not going to run again and that he did give a dam if he ever held a spot on the town council. He stated this on live tv during a council meeting back in the early fall. This is not the type of councilor we need. I would like to see a councilor who wants to be there and actually care about the tax payers. I dont feel like Coyle or Fairbanks really care about the people they represent. We need new faces and new ideas. Vote to get rid of Coyle and Fairbanks on March 10, 2009. Their time is up.

Anonymous said...

hey BC, please reconcile your noble, but in this case vapid words "my word is my word" to your malicious stance that the bike paths funding, which was overwhelming approved by the majority of the council, be cut.

work raising funds is WELL underway and yet you ALONE brian insist on beating the bongo that espouses a misguided willingness to go back on the word that was given by the council to ALL those many citizens that have since worked and/or donated to this beneficial project.

it is this type, two bit, non-thinking, that fails to recognize what EVERYBODY knows who gets out of town from time to time; bike trails are a GREAT source of pride for all community's that have them and are GREAT for business on many, MANY levels.

in addition, it's unfortunate that you BC and some of the others that post up their "considered?" opposition, apparently do not possess the ability to realize, that despite the current economic situation, even suggesting a funding cut at this late stage undermines faith in our government and its compact with its citizens.

BC, imagine the long term harm your proposal would inflict, if enacted, upon the conviction of a group of citizens who are considering voluntarily working and donating funds, in good faith, TO DERRY, in support of future projects.

this project converts a currently unproductive, undeveloped asset into a PROVEN community draw. where's the downside?

BC and those few others of like mind, use your heads and stop being such bronx cheer grand standers to those that are actually on the field putting out the effort to get 'er done.


Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

I say we get rid of everyone and just have 10:08 run things.
He/she seems to have put the finger on some other waste of taxpayer's hard earned money.

I find it obscene how much money gets wasted in government.
Its all politics, nothing more or less.

Anonymous said...

Actuallt it's the overwhelming majority that does not want town funds for the bike path. I know a lot of people will ride their bikes from Windham to buy a chainsaw at Bensons or a roll of carpet at Micheals. Do you really think that people sweaty and smelly from riding their bikes are going to go to Depot Steak House or C&K resturaunt for lunch? Maybe they will buy a new audio system or bags of stuff for crafting and scrap booking. Get real. The only place that might see more business is Cumberland Farms because they forgot their water bottle or maybe the real estate office so they can get the heck out of Derry.Town council TAKE OUR MONEY BACK!!! Maybe the DRTA can consult with the Derry Little League, Derry Soccer club or the Derry Demons to take a lesson in fund raising instead taking taxpayer money.

Anonymous said...

And taking credit for the work of others on the Sanmina deal - hmmm. Everyone knows who really got that deal done in town.

21/2/09 2:01 PM

Tell us who got the deal done 2:01?

Anonymous said...

I can say i will vote for Kevin and Janet. i can recall you sitting like a mute on many an issue. Dont hide in this blog.

Anonymous said...

After Reading this and Doug Newell's ill flowing thoughts in that Free Paper I am for Kevin and Janet More than Ever.

Anonymous said...

KC 5:07

You make it seem as if BC is running against Coyle and Fairbanks. I hope this is just poor writing and not someone misleading you.

BC is not up for re-election until 2010.

Please educate yourself. I'm not sure who I will vote for (yes, I do live in dist 1).

BC, will there be some type of candidate forum as we've had in the past? This might allow people not familiar with the candidates to gather some info about them and make an informed decision. If so, please be sure the CTV people are there to film it so it can be replayed online and on Ch17.

Anonymous said...

I have a problem hearing most of Kevin's comments, votes and motions..Does he just forget to put his microphone on or is it just intentional?

Anonymous said...

Sorry this is off-topic but I feel it is important.

Overall I am very pleased with the Town's new website. It has more information than ever and it is easier to navigate than the "old" website.

My only concern is the homepage. Anyone who knows anything about web design knows that a homepage is supposed to draw you in and make you want to explore further. Derry's just has a few random "useful links".

How about a picture or two? A welcome message from the Council Chair and Town Administrator?

Check out some other municipalities and you'll see what I mean.

I just think this is especially important to people considering moving to Derry(I know there are some out there although hard to beleive) and businesses looking to start/relocate in Derry.

Right now it just looks like you've landed on some random page.

I hope this information is seen by someone who will research it and make some positive changes.

Thanks Brian!

BC said...

good points!

BC said...

anon 6:51,
You are correct! My term is not up until next year. Also KC has always been a supporter of Coyle and Fairbanks anyway. This is not new to me.

BC said...

Anon 10:08,
It is interesting that you bring up some wasteful spending that KC and JF both supported. Both wanted to hire Economic development director and then you said we wasted money on the Walmart TIFF. That was KC's motion to spend the $500K in engineering study without any business cming to town.
Also let me quote Frank Childs in his Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. "the facility built on the forth and final lot in the towns 18 acre Ash Street Tax Increment (TIFF) was occupied and became operational during 2008. Successful Development of the sites in this park has expanded the tax base and provided new employment opportuntities within the community. It was anticiapated that once the site was ready for development, that it would take 5 years for full build-out of the park, the build out was completed in 3 1/2 years.... a very successful project."
This coming from our award winning finance dept head Frank Childs!

Anonymous said...

I'm curious....

Anon 1:22 infers that the Town of Derry might save money by possibly zero bidding a contract with Trinity EMS and dissolving the DFD based ambulance service. That's how I read his/her post...

I become curious about this because the DFD based EMS service actually makes money for the Town of Derry. The DFD based EMS service brings money into the town! A private service brings NOTHING! No money! None at all!! Any money paid by private insurance, Medicare/Medicaid, or private payment to a Trinity type service goes to.... THEM. Any private insurance, Medicare/Medicaid, or private payment paid to DFD EMS goes to.... THE TOWN! EMS based premiums collected by DFD EMS service is an income that goes directly to the Town of Derry. It doesn't go *Poof!* into the coffers of a private entity.

So we take away the ambulance service from DFD and introduce a private service. The money collected by the private service goes to the private service and not the town. Now the income generated for the Town of Derry by the fire-based service goes away....

How is that saving money???

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:46, does 6 to 1 ring a bell? Then interject the concept of a representative democracy into the mix, even in Derry.

Once you've done that, for everyones amusement, get on a bike and take a ride to any of the hugely successful bike/recreational trails within a 30 mile radius and ask those that live in those communities what their experience has been. For example, ask about the productive new fund raising events that trail venues provide organizations like those you have cited. It will be fun to see how you attempt to spin it,,,,,so to speak.

You know, something about your posts tells me you sorely need to do more homework rather than spouting off like BC. Misery loves company as the saying goes.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you brought up Frank Childs BC. I respect him and the job he has done. Thas why I think the council should have listened to him regarding the tax collector postion. Frank does not waste money, so his request for a training period for the new collector deserved consideration. The position collects millions for the town and is critical. Frank deserves better treatment.

Anonymous said...

To 22/2/09 6:51 PM
I saw slides on C17 annnouncing a PoliticalConnections Forum they will hold for all candidates, March 1st 2-4p, live from their studio.It's something they do every year.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of changed leadership when will we have an TA that lives in Derry. BC where do you stand now. Do you still want a TA that actually lives in Derry as you have stated . Lets clean house then and get rid of the same old boys.

Anonymous said...

I never saw proof that a government agency ever makes a profit. I doubt the ambulance service does either.
We would need to add up the actual costs for Derry ambulance service, and this is everything including the footprint costs of the 5 ambulance vehicles at the fire stations. Then subtract that from the revenue, in this case we will end a negative number!

We need to cut out all unnecessary and actual expenses due to the severe downturn in the economy, PERIOD.

Anonymous said...


If we get rid of him then we will have to fork over a ton of money ("Severance 2" would soon be underway) and then hire another TA with those added costs plus two salaries.

We might as well keep him...

Anonymous said...

To Anon 10:55

I dont have to "spin" anything.
How many of those towns with bike paths gave almost a QUARTER Million Dollars to pave those bike paths? Again WHY don't you ask the other clubs in town for fundraising suggestions? Why dont you tell us about the productive new fund raising events these venues provide? Better yet why don't you try them?
As for me getting on a bike sorry I don't like spandex. I get my exercise walking the golf course.

DJN said...

22/2/09 5:09 I think you may have me confused with someone else (Neil Wetherbee?) I'm a supporter of Kevin and Janet and I haven't had anything in the Nutfield News recently that I recall.

Doug Newell

Anonymous said...

Anybody pick up a copy of the 2010 Derry Capital Improvements Plan?

Since the approaching depression does not phase our bureaucrats let me point out some of the 2010 goodies submitted by Mr. Stenhouse:

$145,000 for a driving simulator for the fire dept (they don't know how yet? That's frightening.)

$33,250 for a new prisoner transportation van for the police (got to have the criminals ride in style, hope it has a really good sound system.)

$40,000 for replacing the Channel 17 mobile van (that's a bunch considering it rolls 1/4 mile to DerryFest once a year)

$4Million for a new recreation center (why not just buy the SportZone on A street it's only appraised at about $3.6MM ... save $400 large?)

Here's my personal favorite: $15,000 for an "Info Kiosk" in the municipal Center. (How about making that a Boy Scout's Eagle Project and put the $15k back in the pockets of the people who earned it?)

It is time to start ridiculing the administration for their stupid spending as our friends and neighbors lose their homes. Let's all laugh at Stenhouse. Oops, it's not funny is it?

Anonymous said...

Hi 8:12, It gets better than that. Did you read the Community Planning Assessment Report?
I believe somebody was paid (hopefully not by Derry, this looks like state funded stupidity)to come out with brilliant recommendations such as the creation of a Derry Agricultural Commission. Since I think Mr. Ferdinando is the only full time farmer in town, we will have to import some farmers from other towns to make up the commission. The report authors want us to map prime agricultural soils and land. How about demolishing the municipal center and planting a garden?

Anonymous said...

BC I agree with your TA view. Is there a window when a contract expires and the town is not held to severence if it chooses not to renew the contract? So he beat the town on becoming a resident. By "my" definition of a Derry resident does he qualify to obtain a dump permit?

Anonymous said...

If everyone here seems to have all of the answers, why don't you put your names in the hat when election time rolls around? I know why - you would rather continue to complain and blame someone else.

Its easy to be an armchair quarterback. Try it in real life and realize that things aren't as black and white as you all seem to think they are.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it should matter if the TA rents or owns a place in Derry. I don't really care where he sleeps to tell you the truth. I actually like the fact that he has an edge to him in the Council meetings. I think that he just rubs some Council Members the wrong way and a few of them are making a bigger deal out of this than need be.

Anonymous said...

One would think that the town already owns the 5 Ambulances that they have and the employees needed to run them. I would think that part of the billing process would cover costs of the materials used in operating them. My question would be where the funds collected go? The town report shows that they did a total of 2931 calls in 2008. If you think that a bill would be anywhere from $500 to $1000+ I think they should be doing ok. There is only one dedicated ambulance crew in Derry. The other ambulances are cross staffed with firefighters at the other stations. It seems like a bit of a costs savings there. I wonder how many times Derry has to go to those towns that Trinity covers because they aren't available? The story in the Tribune made it sound like there was 1 ambulance for all 6 towns.

Anonymous said...

To Anomymous 24/2/09 11:24 AM. I would put my hat in the ring but I support the re election of my council members seeking re election THANK YOU

Anonymous said...

11:24 So the First Amendment only applies to candidates? You sound like you think it would take some super genius to better run Derry's government. No, just begin by not doing stupid things. As 8:12 points out, when you have a town leading in foreclosure statistics you don't submit Capital Improvement Plans that include $15,000 "info kiosks". As 9:43 points out you don't establish agricultural commissions when you have one farmer. A little common sense goes a long way. It all points back to the TA and to the council who have set the bar so low for him.

Anonymous said...

What if an info kiosk at town hall could replace 3 workers? Then would it be worth 15K? Is it possible for an unmanned kiosk to answer questions from the public with the same agility and friendliness?
So many questions... So little time...

Anonymous said...

Can you please put a stop to all that so called 2010 capitol improvment plan.PLEASE FIND OUT WHO CAME UP WITH THAT SPENDING PLAN AND FIRE THEM .ALL OF THEM.

I think taxpayers would approve 1 big bus and a one way ride out of town for those crooks. and I bet I could get the bus to do the job for nothing!!!!!


Anonymous said...

6:01 I have had nothing but good experiences with the town clerk's office and Nip and his team at the checklist office. As for the rest, well...

A kiosk presupposes that there is an information system that feeds the kiosk answers to citizens' questions. Since no one in town government even knows how many people live in Derry today, its fair to conclude that information system doesn't exist. Perhaps the answer is to seat an employee inside the $15,000 kiosk and have them run out to start 2 weeks of manual digging everytime someone asks a question. Sort of like a very primative Wizard of Oz deal.

Anonymous said...

BC- You have yet to answer the questions as to how KC and JF have caused "stagnation" (per your post). Put up or shut up. Does majority no longer rule on the council? This post makes you and your followers look very stupid. Name one "progress" initiative that they blocked over the will of the majority.

Your posting is empty political rhetoric from an empty suit.

Anonymous said...

Recent articles I have read support a hiring freeze in Derry. This is in line with what most of us face daily in the business world. Good Call

David and Maureen said...

Brian - The link below is to Capitol Chat with Phyllis and Pat. If people want to hear a bit from me, they can look at the link below for the show. Thanks!


Anonymous said...


Nice long interview. But only one small passing comment about people who pay the taxes? We are leading in foreclosures, have the highest taxes in our whole region of NH and you are going to be a cheerlearer for new business coming into town. Why would a business spend thousands of dollars extra every year just to be in Derry?

Sorry but it looks like you have been drinking the good old boys coolaid.

BC said...

anon 7:36,
1) Walmart giving the town $1 mill.
There you go.

BC said...

anon 7:55,
Love how you use the word in our "region". What region might that be.
Also, Derry has more foreclosers because Derry has more mixed housing per capita than Manchester. There is no skewed numbers of forclosers in Derry vs the rest of the country. And I love how you want readers to believe its the towns fault. I don't think so.

David and Maureen said...

Hi Anon 7:55 - Thanks for your comments. There's no doubt these are difficult times. The worst in decades. But businesses will still open, people will still buy homes and need services. They may have different priorities than before, but we'll all have to adapt to the new fiscal realities of this economy. I feel strongly that we all have to work together to get through this time. I'd be happy to meet with you and discuss your ideas.

Thanks again

Anonymous said...

What are your thoughts on the 2010 Derry capitol improvements plan.The taxpayers would like to know if you are spender or a conservative.Do you have common sense or are like the rest of our dept . heads loose with our tax dollars. please tell us the truth.

Anonymous said...

BC- Glad you like my use of the word "region" when I said we have the highest tax rates in the region. I must wonder about a real estate agent who doesn't know that our tax rates are higher than:
and 225 other towns in NH!!!!

In fact if you take into consideration the higher home values in Derry vs places like Berlin, a good case can be made that we have the highest property taxes in all NH.

Congratulations our first place position would not have been possible without your help and that of your buddies.

Seriously, aren't you supposed to know about real estate? Aren't tax rates important in the pricing of a home? This blog could be used against you in a malpractice suit.

Anonymous said...

Why is it some people think Maureen Heard is part of "the old Better Derry crowd? I live in District 1 and still don't know who I'm voting for but Maureens resume certainly is impressive and I'd think that with her past experiences she'd have to be an independent thinker. Is there something I don't know? And as usual BC you got it backwards again....Blocking Walmart=Progress.

Anonymous said...

Maureen - You seem like a nice lady. However you should be careful about hanging out with unsavory types like JO and the "Better Derry"/DEDC characters. Someone might mistake you for one of them. You seem to be in it for the community. Ask them who paid for your signs, see who they are in it for.

Unknown said...

This is a really sad. As a 5 year resident of Derry I have come to the conclusion that nothing is going to be accomplished with this Council. In order to get anything accomplished an organization needs to have some common ground, I have serious doubt that this council can agree on what day of the week it is. All I have seen/heard since moving to Derry is he said this or she said that. This is really sad.

BC said...

The sad part is that getting things done would be great however some equate that to mean progress is "rubber stamped". When attitudes of mis-trust in local government run deep.. You will see no progress and only stagnation. This is why it is important to bring in new people with new ideas. If you so happen to agree more with the so called 2-5 councilors, you need only wait another year IF the two running this year are re-elected, you will have a chance to put them in control of the town..

Anonymous said...

Sara, you are right that the current council is a little disfunctional........which I would argue is a good thing.
Had you been around to witness previous councils chaired by Bulkley, Dowd and Needham you would have been appalled. It is ONLY since Fairbanks, Coyle and to a lesser degree Carney have come on board that things ACTUALLY have improved.

If you can picture this, virtually EVERY increase in spending was rubber stamped by a 6 to 1 majority. LITERALLY millions of our taxpayers dollars were poured down the drain on ill conceived schemes drawn up by the same group of incompetants that are pushing Olbrecht and to her misfortune Heard. Let there be no mistake about it, Joel Olbrecht is one of the architects of the hodge podge that is the hallmark of Derry's development.

These old timers have produced NOTHING but turmoil. We all work hard for our money, some of us actually have something to lose unlike many of the previous councilors. If you want to have a fighting chance at some gray matter being applied to correct the poor choices of previous councils then vote to keep the few councilors in office that have called these flunky's out. these old pol's created this mess by recklessly spending our money on foolish projects that benefit their friends and giving egregious pay increases to voting block labor unions like the DFD.

Anonymous said...

1:38 I must disagree with your last statement. I do not agree that they are chasing votes. Most town employees don't live here(don't vote here) because of the high taxes. I believe the majority politicans are chasing something much more interesting. $$$$$$$$ (notice MH's gagging on Political Connections when asked about campaign finances coming from the unions)

Anonymous said...


We think MH is part of the "Better Derry team" because it is obvious that they bought and placed her signs. Same printer, same day of posting, same style of sign... not subtle. I think we can assume they asked her to run just as they "asked" JO to run by his own admission on TV last Sunday.