Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fantasy Councilors

Lets have some fun with this post! You have all heard of Fantasy Football right?
Where you get to choose your own team by selecting players from different positions and assembling your own "customized" team.

Lets play Fantasy Councilors!

OK, time to choose who will be your fantasy town council.

You must pick 7 people, 4 of who must be district councilors ( your choice must live in the district that he/she represents) and 3 at large members who can live anywhere town wide.

Now question # 2

You have just been elected as town councilor. What would you do once you have been elected? What would you do differently than the "real" councilors?
If you were to make any cuts in budgets, What would those be?

Lets have some fun with this, but remember to keep this in good taste otherwise you will not see it posted!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Going Green?

The Derry News is going green!

A letter was sent to subscribers of the local newspaper a few days ago making the announcement.
The bi-weekly newspaper will only be going out to print one time a week in the future to save paper and ink which in turn helps out our environment.

The DN wants people to know that they will have updates throughout the week on their web page where readers can get up to date information when it becomes available.

It is interesting to see more and more of the traditional news papers that are having rough economic times and readership declines have become a big issue effecting bottom lines of these big newspaper companies. Also more people turn to blogs or on-line newspapers more and more today which does not help the traditional news papers profitability.

Another reason could be the fact that at .75 cents per paper, twice a week ,can become very costly for the average family who also pays extra for gas, heat, food and everyday living items and must make a budget cut somewhere to save money. The newspapers are usually the first thing families look to for savings.

Or it could be the fact that the DN really does want to go green.

What do you think about this issue?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Who's to Pay?

Who is to pay?, That is the question. The answer? Does anybody know?.
At the last Derry town council meeting under Councilors requests ( which comes at the very end of each meeting) We had three very interesting requests from three town councilors. It seems a little bit ironic that the three councilors should have three requests at the same town meeting.

Councilor Carney requested a "break out" cost analysis of the Ambulance Dept/Fire Dept

Councilor Fairbanks requested that an "outside firm" look into the fire dept to see if the dept is being run efficiently

Councilor Coyle requested that we hire an "outside firm" to look into the police morale claim.

The Carney request seems like it would be pretty much straight forward and could be done in house very easily however the last two requests have "outside firms" in their requests.

The real question becomes- Who's to pay for these studies? Seems to me that the taxpayers will be once again "on the hook" for these costs that have not been budgeted in any budget.

Earlier in the year, at budget time we councilors discussed the facts of next years budgets and what they may mean for next year as far as possible lay-offs or "stream lining depts". At that time, Town Administrator Steinhouse told councilors he would put something together in Oct/Nov for next year to see what the possibilities would be in regards to an upcoming tough budget. So why would we hire an outside group at this point in time? Should we not wait to see what the town may have in store in Oct/Nov's report? Hmmm, very interesting.....

The police Morale issue is also again up for discussion. The police union I would imagine, did not like Dr. Moody's findings and so we keep on hearing about this issue again and again. Now Councilor Coyle wants an "outside firm" to look into the issue.
Who's to pay for this one? If they don't like these findings, will we keep hearing about the same issue over and over. Why are we discussing this and trying to negotiate a contract at the same time? Seems the issue keeps popping up at negotiating time.Why is that?

Here's an idea! Maybe the Police Union can pay for an "outside firm" to check into morale issues. Lets first find out what the costs are going to be, second, lets decide if the taxpayers should be on the hook for these unexpected costs.

What do you think?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Breaking News

Today at around 3PM a bicyclist crossing from Manning Street over onto Rollins St was hit and struck by a car. Reports had the bicyclist "knocked out" unconscious for over 10 minutes before Derry's Ambulance arrived at the scene. Between 4-5 Police cruisers were also on site after someone called "911" to report the accident.

An eye witness reported damage to the car with a parking light smashed.

The local news papers should have a report coming in their papers soon.

For many years, Residents in the direct neighborhood have let their town councilors know about the fear of something like this happening when you have a recreation area near-by.

To make matters worse, a double yellow line runs down Rollins and Lenox St that were painted about 3 weeks ago. Both these roads have never had these double yellow lines before and when asked about them, Public Works officials have told residents that the painting company had simply made a mistake and painted these lines on both roads.

Lets hope nobody else gets hurt when and if the new bike path (which will run parallel with the new Manning Street) gets completed. However if you speak to the people in the neighborhood, they say that this is just the start of many bike/car accidents to come.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Open Forum II

Open Forum again! Since many want to discuss topics that are "off-topic" and The fact that Blogger is having a hard time with people posts.

What do you want to talk about Derry!

Who do you like for President of the United States and why?

Are you tired of all the rain we have had over the last two months or so!

Let us know how you feel on any topic.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

The GMO works!

Today's headlines in the UL today confirms what Derry's planners had planed about 10 years ago. With run away population growth in Derry in the mid 80's and early 90's and tax rates adjusting higher to accommodate this growth, something needed to get done to keep everything in a "manageable" manner.
Derry's population has DECREASED over the last 5 years. Down 455 people or -1.3% from years 2002-2007. ( second in loss only to Nashua )
While surrounding communities such as Hudson, Windham, Auburn and Londonderry ADD more people. Hudson added 1375, Windham added 1262,

It is interesting to note that the largest communities, Manch, Nashua,Portsmouth and Derry all lost population.

The articles go on to say that in some communities like Hudson feel that things could just explode over there, More Housing, More Roads, More Taxes, will be needed to keep up with service demands.

Our GMO has been instrumental in keeping our populations in check and it is finally paying off. Towns exploding, must now spend more in a bad economy. Tough choices ahead for those towns won't make life any easier there.

Another interesting note was that from 2000-2006 New Hampshire's 55-64 age group grew by 41% 65 plus rose 10% and 45-54 grew 18% and the biggest loses were 35-44 -6% and 25-34 was -3%. The article goes on to say Long term trends could have impacts on communities.

So, we have some mixed news in this area. The spenders who spend on roadways for less traffic or spending taxpayers dollars for a private group to build a bike path or to tax shift burden on others while giving breaks to some may looks good. Think of the long term affects that could affect our communities.
I mean I liked Santa when I was young, but there comes a time when reality needs to set in.