Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Going Green?

The Derry News is going green!

A letter was sent to subscribers of the local newspaper a few days ago making the announcement.
The bi-weekly newspaper will only be going out to print one time a week in the future to save paper and ink which in turn helps out our environment.

The DN wants people to know that they will have updates throughout the week on their web page where readers can get up to date information when it becomes available.

It is interesting to see more and more of the traditional news papers that are having rough economic times and readership declines have become a big issue effecting bottom lines of these big newspaper companies. Also more people turn to blogs or on-line newspapers more and more today which does not help the traditional news papers profitability.

Another reason could be the fact that at .75 cents per paper, twice a week ,can become very costly for the average family who also pays extra for gas, heat, food and everyday living items and must make a budget cut somewhere to save money. The newspapers are usually the first thing families look to for savings.

Or it could be the fact that the DN really does want to go green.

What do you think about this issue?


Anonymous said...

I've cancelled all my old paper subscriptions and read all my news online now - this includes Derry News, Union Leader, Concord Monitor, Boston Globe and Eagle Tribune.

Sign of the times - newspapers - at least print versions will be a thing of the past within 5 - 10 years IMHO.

Anonymous said...

The problem with a paper that comes out twice each week, and now once, is that you have already read the news in another paper or heard it the television.

Most articles that are somewhat important have already been written in the Eagle Tribune. Sometimes they print the exact same article.

And let's face it, there isn't a whole lot of news coming out of Derry.

You could pick up a paper from 3 years ago, and likely read a similar article in a current paper. Same sh!t, different day here in Derry.

Anonymous said...

Some nice spin. Way to greenwash, Derry News.

Readership is down, revenues are down, Derry News is a dinosaur.

I like the Derry News. A lot. I like knowing what's going on in my town. But I read online. Only online. That is the future, too.

Anonymous said...

theres more sales flyers in it than news then again the only news is higher taxes.... less services ......

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

years ago it was a weekly newspaper now its returned.
I have subscribed for many many years and wrote the publisher to thank them for returning to once a week.
If it were not for my senior discount when subscribing I would not get the paper anymore.
The free little Nutfield news has everything in it now.

Anonymous said...

I dunno if it's the price: If you were to buy every issue, it would be $6 a month, $72 a year. That may seem like a lot to pay, but most people don't calculate such little costs.

It's probably because you can read everything that's in the paper online. Plus, you can submit obnoxious comments to accompany the stories anonymously.

Magazines aren't in the same kind of trouble as newspapers. Maybe newspapers would do better if they were designed to read more easily in the bathroom. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Its not ironic that the same three councilors asked for things, they are the three musketeers ! The only difference is that Mr. Carney is a democrat,and continues to vote against Labor. That is unfortunate as he aspires to be more involved in politics. He forgets thats that traditionally democrats support Labor. It has and will continue to be brought forward to the State democratic committee every time he does it..Sooner or later this practice will catch up with him.....hopefully sooner.