Saturday, August 09, 2008

Open Forum II

Open Forum again! Since many want to discuss topics that are "off-topic" and The fact that Blogger is having a hard time with people posts.

What do you want to talk about Derry!

Who do you like for President of the United States and why?

Are you tired of all the rain we have had over the last two months or so!

Let us know how you feel on any topic.


Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

Town gets all excited when the talk is about Walmart super store.

Most people never stopped and considered the tremendous increase we would have had in just traffic alone.
The old Walmart store would have become another store with similar traffic plus the traffic of the superstore.
When I told this to an older friend of mine (BTW he is from NYC) he said he was looking forward to the Super Walmart. I asked why would you want more traffic, his reply was "I like going to Walmart". This is the typical mentality I guess.
Well it turned out good because he still has Walmart in Derry with no additional traffic.
If an office complex wanted to buy the land I would be in favor of it.
We would have some higher caliber jobs coming to town and traffic would be minimal.

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

brian, i would like you to explain how a topic can be "off topic" on an open forum. huh???

i would also like to hear from folks that think the humphrey "splash pad" was a waste of taxpayer money.

come on.......i dare anyone of you past nay- sayers to pipe up now having seen how successful a draw it has become. that didn't take long to happen did it.

Anonymous said...

How about for President: "None of the above"? 300,000,000 people in America and this is the best we can find? Sad.

BC said...

anon 11:20,
Sure, the topic was GMO and comments were coming in about schools. So, instead of a thread that would be OFF-topic, I started a generic thread. Open Forum II.

Anonymous said...


I would like to know a little about you as a Councilor. When did you decide to run for Town Council, and why? As Councilor, what decisions have you made; that you are most proud of, and most unhappy with? What two or three ideas did you specifically come up with or champion? And what can we expect from you as a Representative?

Nick Arancio
website still being corrected ;-)

BC said...

I have been active in town as a volunteer and servingon town boards since 1995. I was a camera op in the MAY CASTEN and ART MCLEAN days and enjoyed watching the debates then. I then joined the cable commitee and then went on to be chair for 2 years. Then onto Planning Board for 5-6 years and serving as chairman of that board before becoming Elected as Councilor Dist 4. Did three year term and then was re-elected for a second term.
I feel my greatest accomplishment was being instrumental in bringing back Sanmina to Derry.Which has created jobs. I had much help with the process though i must admit.
As a rep, I would like for Derry to have a voice in Concord. It seems that over the years we have been treated as the red head step child. We must lower taxes in Derry and bring business into town. I'm tired of Londonderry and Bedford getting everything they want after being told the state has no money.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:20 ... it was waste of taxpayer money ... who benefits? Is there a fee being paid by people using this facility? If you want to pay for non-residents to use this facility fine, but as a taxpayer who doesn't use this faciity, why should I pay for everyone else.

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

If you want to pay for non-residents to use this facility fine, but as a taxpayer who doesn't use this faciity, why should I pay for everyone else.

10/8/08 12:37 PM

I suppose you feel the same way about the rest of the parks, Hood Pond, fake brick sidewalks downtown, Police & Fire depts.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Brian. I can see why you present such a polished , yet relaxed image. You have clearly put in the time. You may be one of the few Republican I vote for.

If I am elected, I look forward to discussing many ideas with you. Perhaps together we can make Derry the place we all want it to be.

Nick Arancio

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:37

Who benefits? The KIDS benefit. The senior citizens benefit. The teenagers benefit. The citizens who have no place else to go on a hot summer day benefit.

I know it's a hard sell to some folks, but a beautiful smile on a 4 year old's face is worth 100 times more than the miniscule amount of money that went into that project. I have no idea where the money came from and I honestly don't really care. I've been by there and have seen the benefit on the faces of the people, be they Derry residents or NOT, and THAT is what makes a difference.

Anon 12:37... hopefully, someday people who feel like you do will realize that giving isn't all about what you expect to get in return.

“You can't get unless you give. And you have to give without wanting to get.” - Theodore H. White

Anonymous said...

humphrey "splash pad"????

What might you be talking about?

Anonymous said...

You think "We must lower taxes in Derry"? BC you sure have a strange way of showing it. I don't seem to recall that tone during the budget hearings. Where you secretly cheering for KC, JF and BC as you voted against them time after time after time? With your vote maybe the town could have saved a million or two.

Anonymous said...

What's with the countdown generator on this site? What are you counting down until "Derry Freedom"?

BC said...

Anon 6:19,
I want people to guess what its all about.

BC said...

anon 6:12,
You seem to like lower taxes. What are your thoughts on KC, JF and BCA voting for Manning, Bike path and Exemptions?

BC said...

Thanks! I appreciate that. I have given my time for this town for about 13 years and I am proud to be able to try and get things done for Derry. I'm still learning as I go and have enjoyed serving!

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

I know it's a hard sell to some folks, but a beautiful smile on a 4 year old's face is worth 100 times more than the miniscule amount of money that went into that project. I have no idea where the money came from and I honestly don't really care. I've been by there and have seen the benefit on the faces of the people, be they Derry residents or NOT, and THAT is what makes a difference.

Throwing money at kids to get a smile is superficial and the way of the world.

There are other ways of putting a smile on a 4 years old's face without bilking people around you.

Such things as:
Being a father with a genuine interest in the child.
Love their mom and be there 24 -7
Do things with the family together, things that do not involve spending money and you will really see some smiles, genuine smile that will last the child their whole life.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:40, if you want to have these facilities open to everyone that's fine, then don't charge me for a season pass to the town beach. I pay my taxes, support local charities and support the school district although I have no children. If you want to open summer facilities to everyone, then it should be all summer facilities including the town beach. Its not an issue of who is using it, its an issue of treating everyone the same.

Anonymous said...

For the record Brian you put your "first open forum" topic up july 27th. Maybe there was one that even predated that, but by naming the most recent blog topic "open forum II" it clearly was not talking about the GMO as you just replied.

I agree that the Humphrey splash pad is absolutely fantastic!! I would bet it has resulted in many more visits then would have otherwise have occurred.

Anonymous 12:27, I thought you only came around on Christmas. Now I know why you are green, your jealous that the "splash pad" was not available when you were a kid. "Waste of taxpayer money because you don't use it?" Just more bastardization of the true intent behind the phrase "Live free or Die." Nonsense adopted by modern day cheap skates looking for more and willing to begrudge others to get it.

Anonymous said...

BC - to answer your questions, I probably would not have voted for the bike path or the higher priced Manning Street. I favor elderly exemptions so as to not drive the elderly out of town by crushing them with taxes. Perhaps the school supporters would be less rabid if they weren't dumping the costs onto the elderly.

Perspective, BC. Perspective.These votes (bike path, Manning Street) cost the town less than $500,000. Now let's talk about your votes. Firehouses, 4A, Tiff, lawyers' contracts, no staffing cuts at budget time... I think you can count $10,000,000 in attempted squandering. Congrats. You win, (we lose).

Anonymous said...

Poor Derry, you are absolutely right. There are many ways to make the kids smile without pulling money out of the pocket. I just feel that the couple of dollars it costs us to build that are paid back 100 times in the enjoyment of the people who would like to use it. Your comments are spot on and I get to see my kids smile today... we grocery shop at Hannaford's and they get the "free" cookie from the bakery!

Anon 6:43

I support the town through my taxes also. I also paid for my season pass to the beach and my family has had a wonderful time this year enjoying it.... when the sun was out anyways. I think the big difference between these 2 spots in town is the fact that the beach has to employ lifeguards for the summer. You won't see any lifeguards at the "splash pad".

Anonymous said...

What is the "splash pad" everyone is taking about?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:29 -- Simply because you don't like what someone says, you are going to make a comment about someone's character. If things don't go your way, you're upset. Well, you go spend all your free time at the splash pad with the residents of Windham and Salem. Those of us do not have children or grandchildren won't use this splash pad ... so based on your logic, as long as it benefits you its okay. Life free or die? Be realistic. The taxes here are worse than Massachusetts and we get nothing for our tax dollar, oops, I stand corrected, we get the bike path and the splash pad.

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

I think the big difference between these 2 spots in town is the fact that the beach has to employ lifeguards for the summer. You won't see any lifeguards at the "splash pad".

There are lifeguards and rec. staff with games etc at Hood pond and no admission.
How do they balance the books yet the town beach cannot?

Anonymous said...

Dog license debacle.

See the Derry News article link below.

I am one of the Derry residents who missed registering my dog this year and got a "default summons" in the mail and had to spend $35 to register my dog when it should have been $7.50.

At town hall I asked why I had not been sent a notice of renewal and the reply was that there are more than 4,000 dogs in town and it is too expensive to mail reminders. Yet the town had no problem mailing the default notices - and it sounds like lots of people got them!!!

A postcard reminder to 4,000 people would cost the town very little for the revenue it would bring in. Perhaps it is more the plan to raise more revenue by waiting until people default and then sending them letters (3 months later) with retroactive fines and threats of court. I think a simple postcard reminder - like most veterinary clinics send out to remind of vaccines due would be an inexpensive and more appropriate use of taxpayer money. The fine letter sent had a handwritten calculation on it which means someone at Town Hall had to sit there and figure out the fined and write them on the letters - I wonder how much that cost us as taxpayers - not to mention that it was a # 10 envelope and letter with postage vs. a simple reminder postcard!!!

This is wrong. Every town I have lived in up until now has sent a reminder notice on registering your dogs. Derry should do the same.

In the last town I lived in they sent the registration reminder as part of an annual census form asking for info on size of family - new children, etc. - so that the town could accuratley plan for the future - school children headcounts, etc.

Something Derry should consider.

Here's the link to the article.

Anonymous said...

Dog license debacle.

See the Derry News article link below.

I am one of the Derry residents who missed registering my dog this year and got a "default summons" in the mail and had to spend $35 to register my dog when it should have been $7.50.

At town hall I asked why I had not been sent a notice of renewal and the reply was that there are more than 4,000 dogs in town and it is too expensive to mail reminders. Yet the town had no problem mailing the default notices - and it sounds like lots of people got them!!!

A postcard reminder to 4,000 people would cost the town very little for the revenue it would bring in. Perhaps it is more the plan to raise more revenue by waiting until people default and then sending them letters (3 months later) with retroactive fines and threats of court. I think a simple postcard reminder - like most veterinary clinics send out to remind of vaccines due would be an inexpensive and more appropriate use of taxpayer money. The fine letter sent had a handwritten calculation on it which means someone at Town Hall had to sit there and figure out the fined and write them on the letters - I wonder how much that cost us as taxpayers - not to mention that it was a # 10 envelope and letter with postage vs. a simple reminder postcard!!!

This is wrong. Every town I have lived in up until now has sent a reminder notice on registering your dogs. Derry should do the same.

In the last town I lived in they sent the registration reminder as part of an annual census form asking for info on size of family - new children, etc. - so that the town could accuratley plan for the future - school children headcounts, etc.

Something Derry should consider.

Here's the link to the article.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 10:39, why can't the town send out these renewal forms. Post it on Channel 17, put it on the Town website, etc. There are a lot of vehicles by which the Town can reach the residents about this. If the Town staff can take the time to figure out a fine, etc., they certainly should be capable of doing a merge label document of all current dog owners and put the labels on postcard to go out. This is as bad as the ZBA notices to abutters that were talked about recently because they didn't have postage and no one checked (or checks) the returned mail. Take some initiative and suggest an easy fix to an issue ... this is just poor managing on the part of the Town Clerk and the Town Administrator.

Anonymous said...

I agree with "anonymous" about the dog licenses.

Having 4,000 dogs is hardly an issue and it's comical that the dog catcher tried to use that as an excuse for not sending renewal notices. How many vehicles are in town? ...They manage to send out notices for vehicle registrations.

I mean come on... give me a break. If they're worried about the cost of postage, I'm sure the renewal fee could be adjusted to include the cost of a stamp.

Oh and another thing... my elderly neighbor received a letter and fine for not renewing the license for her dog that died 6 months ago!

Anonymous said...

The fines are a typical response from a dog department that was recently called on the carpet.

For many many years this department was sleep walking. It was only recently awakened by a shot across the bow. True to form, the town manager and other department heads knee-jerk respond by actually making the department do their job. These same executives(?) also gave the marching orders to make a buck at it as well, despite their direct responsibility in how poorly they have overseen things.

I hope the wake call not only startles this dog department to put in a full day's effort, but also startles the thousands of tax payers that are being victimized by a reactive town government.

Derry town government and many of it's long term fixtures have been sloppy at best in their oversight of their departments activity's or in this case inactivity. It is a really good thing, that many have a new found appreciation for their jobs, now that they are fearful of their jobs security. Whatever it takes to shake things up from top to bottom, things have to change. It's a dog eat dog world, finally the public sector is realizing it.

Anonymous said...

This dog license BS is killing me. People, one would think that you are adults and would be able to remember when you need to do things. Everytime someone does something wrong, there's an excuse a mile long as to why it was someone else's fault. Be lucky that Derry isn't like one other town that posts the names of the owners of non registered dogs on their cable station. The reason why sending out tons of cards or listing names on cable stations is because pets DIE from one year to the next. Do you want the card to remind you to renew your dead dogs license or the summons. When are people going to start looking after themselves?

Anonymous said...

Stop your whining on the dog licenses. Its your duty to license them, not the Town's. If you are a responsible owner, get the renewal on time. Stop blaming Derry for your tardiness.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:27

No kidding! Next people will be complaining because they get a speeding ticket when there isn't a sign every 1000 ft. I'll save you all a couple of bucks and let you know that children should be in seat belts or car seats.

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea on dog licenses, send out 1000 postcards reminding people to renew. (Cost of test $250) Measure the results. If the town makes more money with the reminders (net of the $0.25 cost) then sent them to all known dog owners. This is how the real business world works... if only we hired people with any such experience.

Anonymous said...

Not whining - paid the bill - just pointing out that the inefficiency of current system. Mass produced reminder postcard costs pennies per piece to produce and mail and brings in revenue for the town.

Current process = waste of taxpayer money for formal dunning letters that some town employee had to spend hand calculating and writing out fines on and supposedly the dog catcher spends more town money on phone bills to try to call all these people!!! Plus lots of unregistered dogs and unhappy taxpayers at getting threatening summons and having to pay ridiculous fees especially in tough economic times.

The old saying "Penny wise Pound foolish" comes to mind.

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

We get a bill for real estate taxes and more recently, vehicle registrations.

It seems like this first year the town has these higher dog fines, they are making a snare by not sending notices.

Typical civil worker mentality if you ask me.

Personally I would argue the fine this year and I bet dollars to dough-nuts I would win.

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

This is how the real business world works... if only we hired people with any such experience.

Anyone with actual, successful business experience will not accept a civil job because of its inefficiencies and politics.
Business people (most do)look at things from a customer's point of view. This has a by-product of profit.
Civil workers do not have to be concerned with either of these two factors.

Anonymous said...

Once again Poor Derry Taxpayer you are depressingly correct.

Anonymous said...

Is the counter the time you have left to serve?

BC said...

anon 11:06,
No. My term ends in March 2010. But keep guessing!

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

Does anybody know and/or have blogs addresses operated by other Derry Councilors?
This is a good way to stay in close contact with Derry citizens

BC said...

poor derry taxpayer,
I'm the only one I know who has one. I believe Carney started one but did not maintain it. Coyle and Fairbanks can't stand blogging ( or at least mine). At one point they wanted me to step down because I kept a blog!
So I doubt they would start one.
And the otherr councilors don't have one that I'm aware of.

Anonymous said...

What's with the new I-93 Emergency Route signs that are up and down Rte 28 from Derry to Windham? There is one every half mile or so - what a waste of money....

Anonymous said...

Poor Derry..

As far as Hood pond, I would only guess that the money that is paid into the beach pass would probably go to any lifeguard type duties in town and not just the LGs at the beach.

BC.. any ideas?

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

those emergency signs on 28 are also on Rt. 128, Mammoth Rd.
They are not a waste of any money because they are compliments of the Federal government, and we all know anything from them is FREE!

Anonymous said...

Once again Poor Derry Taxpayer is misinformed. Just because the signs are from the Feds do not make them free. We all pay Federal taxes. I would prefer to have my hard earned tax money spent on better causes than the foolish signs.

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

I was up north last week and saw something cool when I went through a town.
I do not remember the name of the town but they had a sign, similar to the one we have at the Broadway Central fire station.
I would be willing to pay 10 cents extra on my dog's renewal towards the sign, it can't be using that much electricity.
Better yet think of all the money the town would save not having to send out letters for the fines due. :-)