Thursday, June 26, 2008

Entitlements gone wild?

I hate to say it but I will. I told you so! The derry taxpayers ( most of us anyway) are going to take it in the pocketbook again. This time its the entitlement program which is called the Elderly Tax Exemption. Now before we get started I want to say this:

I am not opposed to this program! When its used in its proper manner it is a help to struggling seniors who because of financial hardship can not pay taxes and would therefore lose their home.
In fact, I have supported this program here and in public radio.

However, the last round of elderly exemptions which I was the ONLY councilor to vote against because I saw this as an attempt by the DTA ( Derry Taxpayers Assoc) led by Doug Newell as simply a rouse to gain members in a time when the DTA is struggling politically.

The DTA sent out "surveys" to the seniors in our town to gauge their opinions. ( which interestingly enough the number one response from that survey coming back from those seniors was that taxes would be lower for ALL residents and not just them.)

Message to Doug! They want taxes lower for all not for a select few.

It is interesting to note that these seniors where also given an envelope and asked to contribute money to join the ADT. How convenient!

Now, you will hear it here first folks. The elderly exemptions exceeded the top range for exemption changes that were provided to the Council and the public. Which means it is costing all the rest of the taxpayers not getting exemptions more than the town had planned.

Remember, that when Doug and I debated each other that I said that the exemptions that some get will be made up by the rest of the taxpayers is true. And some say it's only a small amount and will not make a difference. Well I'm here to say that the time to increase exemptions is not when the rest of us are struggling with food costs, heating costs and the economy struggling.
Only when times are good should this be considered and the council that voted this in certainly did not care enough about this effecting you and I.

Here are numbers to look at:

Increase in 2008 exemptions granted +75 ( planned for a lot less)
Increase in 2008 valuation exempted + 9,130,338 ( that's nine mill that we others have to make up)

Total exempted granted in 2007: 162
Total exempted granted in 2008: 237

Total dollar amount granted in 2007 : $18,247,116
Total dollar amount granted in 2008: $27,377,454

Folks, the even more bad news is that they used the same tax rate of 22.05 to get these numbers because they do not set the rate until fall. We all know that it will be even more bad news for the majority of taxpayers in town and that these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg.

Ah but Doug Newell and ADT said they want to compete for more people so that they can take this exemptions.

I bet he does! Additional members for the ADT will finally get Mr. Newell elected.


Anonymous said...

brian, brian , brian...."only when times are good should this be considered...." ?????.

this comment of yours provides an astonishingly candid view into of the "mind of local politicians."
please excuse my use of the oxymoron above, but please brian, elaborate further on just what conditions exist "when times are good."

are times good by your measure when property values appreciate? thereby providing townie politicians a green light to dip further into the wealth of a community?

or are "good times" defined by those times that are absent political pressure? like when union contract negotiations are conducted and it is politically expedient to simply go along to get along with little regard to long term consequences?....(psssst!!! no one is watching now they are all fat dumb and happy.)

or is it "good times" when department heads spend each and every budgeted dime...and some!... or "good times" when you can fire up emergency response calls to justify next years cap-ex and staffing needs by including cat up a tree and repeat false alarm offenders....or how about hiring people in town executive positions at the same wage as their predecessor, you know the old get less for more syndrome.

which brings us full circle....we get less for more because certain pols take more and we are left with less. now the chickens are home to roost.

there has been enormous damage done to this town brian because of the typical mindset you clearly articulated for a change. and it's not just you, it's the buckley's, dowd's, katsakories', kasten's ......etc...etc...etc...

you say "only when times are good should this be considered......" ?
well now is as good a time as any to learn from the mistakes of the past. this lesson should not be lost on the school board and pinkerton as well.

Anonymous said...

What's the matter Brian? Is the real estate business a little slow these days? Do you need to drive a few dozen more elderly out of their homes to make your car payment?

Since the Alliance of Derry Taxpayers had their "Campaign for the Elderly" perhaps you can start your own "Campaign Against the Elderly".

Instead of waiting for "good times" that never come you should have voted to cut some of the fat in the town budget.

You are running for state rep correct? Will you promise to submit legislation that changes the default budget for schools to level funding? That's where the money is... come on, show that you have guts.

BC said...

anon 6:19,
Well since you brought it up-the real estate market is very good and i'm very busy ( this is one reason for long time between blogs) and none of my business is from any seniors not getting exemptions.

As far as good times. I said that it would be a good time to CONSIDER entitlements at that time unlike what the rest of the council did last time. And as far as State rep is concerned-time will tell if I get elected.

BC said...

oh BTW I own my car without payments.

Anonymous said...

"Well I'm here to say that the time to increase exemptions is not when the rest of us are struggling with food costs, heating costs and the economy struggling."
"Well since you brought it up-the real estate market is very good and i'm very busy"
"oh BTW I own my car without payments."

Great Brian, glad things are so good for you and you have no car payment. Then don't pretend that you can relate to elderly people who are struggling to save their homes and are struggling to decide between heat in the winter, food and medicine. You have NO IDEA what they are going through. You don't represent their interests, you represent the interests of the "haves" not the "have nots". Fat cat executives and white collar professionals making over 100K per year are not struggling. senior citizens and single moms and laid off factory workers are struggling.

Anonymous said...

I have a bigger concern: Janet Fairbanks personal vendetta against the Conservation Commission. Because they did not back her pet project, the rail trail, as much as she would have liked, she is out to get them. She should have learned last year that her unwarranted attacks on the Chair were totally unfounded.

Anonymous said...

I think I just heard a non-answer to the question concerning default school budgets. Big talk about defending the taxpayer until the occasion arrives when you might alienate the teachers union. Please comment on the rising school budget as enrollments continue to decline.
BTW, which party flag are you running under and why?

BC said...

anon 7:36,
What are you talking about. First, I'm sure freshman legislators will need to get acclaimated to the statehouse politics. Rest assure that I will be a vocal voice for Derry if elected

Anonymous said...

Brian "vocal voice?" do us a all favor, take as long as you need before you speak on derry's behalf to the legislative chowderheads should you get elected.

Anonymous said...

Another non-answer BC. Will the whitness please answer the question. Do you favor altering the methodology by which school district default budgets are calculated?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:53, you appear to be the embodiment of the old adage as one "failing to see the forest through the trees."

I think Ms. Fairbanks and many, many others are correct in calling for an accounting of the use of our public funds, conservation commission or otherwise...period.

But given that you brought up the conservation commission, I wonder what would be revealed if we superimposed the addresses of conservation commission members, past and present, against the borders of TOWN OWNED conservation property?

Here's another adage for you to consider as this is being worked on......"a picture says a thousand words." comin' at ya.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:42,

Almost every property borders a Conservation Commission's member's property. Look at it for yourself, its very interesting and enlightening!

Anonymous said...

BC- seems like there is no interest in your original elderly bashing post. You're all alone... very sad.

Still waiting for an answer on the alternate school budget question.

BC said...

anon 6:09,
I need to get more information as to how that default budget is calculated. I will admit that I'm more knowledgeable on town side budget. I will answer when i get some more info. Can you point me in the right direction?

Anonymous said...

BC- that sounds very reasonable. In the next month I will try to dig out that information so that you can be better informed and take a position before the primary. If you come up with some meaningful position and proposed course of action on this subject you will have my vote.

Anonymous said...

I no longer see the point in voting in local elections. If the school budget fails it reverts back to last years budget. Seems they have their bases covered. The whole school thing in NH seems screwed up. Kindergarten isn't mandatory yet public schools have to offer it. What's next? College isn't mandatory but public schools will be required to offer that too? Ho hum; I'm taxed out.