Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Where have all the bargains gone?

Can the news get any more depressing? Today I have read where oil has reached an all time record high coming close to $100 a barrel! Not good.
Food prices seem to be getting way out of hand. Each week it seems to go up higher and higher and rumor has it that gas in our area will be over $3 before Christmas.
We all have heard of the real estate market with limited buyers and overstock of 10-12 months supply and even with the limited buyers out there the banks are tightening their credit lines and only lending to a small group with impeccable credit.
Times are tough right now. Even the food banks are empty and winter has not even officially started.
Right now my concerns are for the elderly and single parent homes who live on fixed or limited income. What choices must they have to make. Lets hope things change for the best soon.
In the meantime, I would like readers to chime in and let us know when you find a bargain out there- you know- like a gas station that has the best prices, maybe restaurants that are giving senior discounts or maybe special prices on food staples such as milk, bread, eggs.
Where do you find your bargains. What are some ideas to help people save money. If we can all share, maybe it will help even a little bit.
In your responses if you can put the date in, location and prices that would help.
PS- All of us know of elderly neighbors or neighbors that live paycheck to paycheck. Lets make it a point to check in with some of these people and make sure they are doing OK this winter. it looks to be a tough one coming.


Anonymous said...

For Low Gas Prices, Consult

Also, check out It is a blog dedicated to free items, coupons(in store and online), and great bargains(in store and online).. You can easily save a lot of money by using this site.

Anonymous said...

I think its is great that you are thinking of the less fortunate. I think that if we pass the word on for people to make donations to food banks and such this would also help. I am going to make an assumption that the people who are in dire need, are probably not online reading this blog. Families are being turned away from food banks. This community always seems to come together for the less fortunate. With these rough times coming I hope people keep their minds on those who have less.
No good deed goes unnoticed.

For we, who are a little better off, thanks this is a great idea. Any penny saved helps out my family in a big way!!!

Anonymous said...

where's the rest of the link?

Anonymous said...

Please see below for a list of a few pantries in Derry that need our help and support:
FBC Community Food Pantry
2 Crystal Avenue
Derry, NH
Tuesday, 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday, 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. (First & last of the month) Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. (Last of month)

St Thomas Aquinas Food Pantry
26 Crystal Ave.
Derry, NH
M - F, 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Also consider helping
The Upper Room on Tsienneto Rd.
Thank you....