Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Charter Minutes now posted.

Finally the Charter Commission recorded minutes are now up on the towns web site. Some of these minutes are from June and only until today 1/10/07 were they posted on the towns web page. Please take the time to go over both the Prelimary docs and final docs as well as all the minutes so that you may make an informed decision when it comes time to vote. Agree or Disagree, it is important to understand all aspects of the proposal to change our form of goverment, your goverment. Here is where to get those meeting documents. then go to Charter Commission Info. There you should see all the documents and discussions. Also, if you have questions, you should ask them of people in favor and not in favor so that you can hear all discussion and different view points. ASK QUESTIONS, BE INFORMED, MAKE YOUR DECISION, but most of all, Please Vote!

1 comment:

noname said...

My recommendation to any Derry voter: VOTE NO!

ONE why: It will lead to 'special interest' voting only.

another why: to me, this Town or even Town Council should not be voting on any major issue at this point in time except for the bottom-line budget and anything that they could possibly do to lower the budget that would not impact our basic services.

also why: It is ludicrous. Does anyone really think the majority of people in Town knows what is going on or even has the time to run-around-in-circles to try and know what is going-on?

Just checked the Charter Commission info linc provided in original post.

Good luck to anyone trying to read it. I just don't have time to even try to understand any of it.

My thought on this proposed new form of Town 'government' in asking the people to vote the Town budget and possibly other 'things. Again, vote NO!

The Town has a nice percentage TAX CAP and seems to be working well with keeping Town taxes down to a low percentage increase.

The Town Council is a 7 member elected board. They know all the issues and plans for the Town.

All that is needed is for all 7 members to:

1. do their own homework and develop a clear vision and plan with Planning Board, Town Administrator, State and any other 'body' while encouraging and listening to Residents input.

2. have open minds

3. Find a way to give Residents opportunity to know the issues, such as quartely newsletters sent to Residents homes.

4. Develop quartley 'Resident Meetings (or 'Citizen' Meetings) to give RESIDENTS chance to speak only with their concerns, frustrations, thoughts and ideas!

5. The 7 member Town Council MUST discuss every issue for as long as it takes until there is a 100% consensus amongst the 7 member Town Council board.

There is no reason why #5. cannot be done. It is expected and done in a jury trial that affects A life. And, it should be expected and done in running something as important as a Town where many many lifeS are affected.