It was reported that the now defunct East Derry fire departments' Chief Nadeau lost his appeal in superior court a couple of days ago. You may all remember the "sweetheart deal" he received after he lined up a job in Massachusetts and then conveniently got "let go" to the tune of about $90,000 of hard earned taxpayers dollars. The problem was that he was not entitled to that money.
But in a backroom deal, he was somehow placed above the taxpayers best interests and given the money as a token of appreciation of leading the charge in a very costly battle in which the East Derry fire dept sued the town many times over and wasted thousands of dollars in frivolous lawsuits.
That's now history, however we can not completely close the books until we get the money back from Nadeau.
Give him credit, he tried to hold onto the money for as long as he could by stalling via the court system. ( gee i couldn't imagine that ) but Justice has prevailed and he lost his last two cases.
Now it's time for the Town Council to make a statement and go after this money and give it back to The Taxpayers where it belongs
yes indeed BC let's get the money. and of course we can count on you to publicly endorse returning any recovered monies directly to the EAST DERRY taxpayers, right BC?
the EDFD was torn away after a decades long war of attrition waged by a now severly weakened cabal of townies. tell us BC, what happened to all the promises of lower costs and greater efficiency made by the cast of characters that were in favor of this consolidation?
how did these well documented assurances, from the current fire chief, to certian council members, past and present, turn out BC?
let's see, east derry's fire portion of the tax bill has exploded to the upside, the coverage has diminished, we have virtually given away ambulance coverage to neighboring community's at fire sale prices, we almost had to pay for an extravagantly expensive new fire station had it not been for pat dowlings vacation and chris reisdorf's mutterings that ended with a classic reisdorf.. "never mind."
so BC this is great news! now when can we all expect our tax credit or check in the mail? better yet maybe the excitable dave mcpherson and the rest of those interim edfd commissioners around the holiday's can get klauber's blessings to run the ladder truck out and drop checks down everyone's chimney in east derry? hey, maybe they can even get to dress up as firemen santas!!
Looks like a Nadeau supporter who wants him to keep the money in the above post
i am absolutely not supporting anyone but the EAST DERRY taxpayers. nice try though BC at deflecting the question with a rather poor distortion attempt...(seriously, how can you or anyone have reached your conclusion after reading and comprehending my post?)
again BC, will you publicly support returning any monies recovered directly to the EAST DERRY taxpayers or not?
When a business takes over another's business-most of the time they assume all liabily and/or profits from the company they aquire. I would assume that this would be the very same thing. There is no more East Derry fire money or citizens from the East Derry fire district.
What you are requesting would be ILLEGAL.
Now, tell me if you think Nadeau should of been paid this money?
BC absolutely agree!! nadeau being given a "golden parachute" was flat out WRONG. WRONG BC in much the same manner that small time derry political power brokers exerted decades long political pressure to consolidate the EDFD, against the will of the district, and finally won out through a "war of attrition." those days are over BC, as i am sure you are by now aware. for those that continue to favor these strong arm political tactics they do so under the promise of full and swift exposure to the glare of the public spotlight like never before in this community. smart rational people are paying attention and following through when perks like sewer connections, vacation travel and yes worthley road and manning street are decided on favors not their merits. it will become increasingly more difficult to "pull these type of deals off" going forward than in years past, that's a promise.
finally BC you are right, there is no more EDFD and i hope you did not call the town attorney to render a legal opinion on my rhetorical question pertaining to the return of money. but i am looking forward to seeing evidence of the promised cost efficiency's that the fire consolidation brought about. have you seen them kicking around anywhere BC?
anonymous 4:22,
Thanks for admiting the Nadeau golden parachute was wrong. Lets remember a couple of things. 1) the people of East Derry voted to give up the district ( nobody else ). As far as Manning st is concerned- many have known that I have been against this becasue it doesn't make sense. I stated so since 1999. So I don't know what you talk about when saying favors are being had. No truth to that and all imagined. ( although i must admit i'm flattered that you think i have that kind of pull). I'm just one of seven councilors and all have a say.
Also The East Derry/ Derry thing was before I was elected. I had nothing to do with it.
BC, you know damn well that the district had voted overwhelmingly to maintain the district just the YEAR BEFORE the "take-over" was successful. this "consolidation" was a direct result of the constant onslaught by politicians finally getting the right combination of low turn-out due to weather and the EDFD personnel throwing in the towel after enduring years of attack. no matter how you and others try to spin it, that's how it went down.
BC you still have not answered the question about the savings we would realize by consolidating. any thoughts beside you were not elected... so therefore... i don't know.
finally, as i recall, it was a 6 to 1 vote to keep $80k in the budget for the manning street extension. it is my understanding it has been in the CIP for at least FIVE YEARS. with that being said, two questions for you, if there is a sudden change to that majority would it not be safe to conclude that politics came into play? and finally, don't you think you should have recused yourself from any vote due to your obvious personal interests and rely upon the "wisdom" of the other councilors to do the right thing in this instance?
Oh ok i get it lets blame the weather again for the turnout.( shades of the blizzard when they voted for WRB) And no i do not have any personal gain from voting on Manning St. I was elected to represent the people of my district and I shall.
If I lived on Manning St itself, then I would recuse myself.
besides I am but one councilor out of seven. Who says that the illegal road be put in???
Shall I not vote on the budget and recuse my self from that as well. It might effect my tax rate!
Is that a conflict to you as well??
simply put BC, if you are capable of looking in the mirror and persuading YOURSELF that you are NOT DIRECTLY IMPACTED by the outcome of the manning street issue and therefore deem yourself unbiased in opinion, then that's all well and good. but please, don't insult peoples intelligence and try to convince others to share in this delusion, it ain't going to fly.
this alternative route is clearly needed...trucks routinely get tied up in knots making delivery's to benson's and derry feed as currently configured. this traffic REALITY alone further illustrates the urgent requirement and immediate benefit to the 27K cars that pass through town per day on 102.
as for your attempted drawing of a parallel between recusal from voting on the budget vs. recusal from manning street, i have one word to
Let's be clear about one thing. The Town Council did not do anything illegal in resetting the EDFD's boundaries. However, the two East Derry fire commissioners knowingly worked a sweatheart deal with the former Chief to give him $90000 of the people's money in severance pay, and then quit not long thereafter. What did the Union Leader report of the NH Supreme Court's decision? "...considerable evidence of fraud and misrepresentation was found by the trial court," the justices said in their ruling.
For the record, the Union Leader reported that the money will go directly to the fire department's capital reserve fund.
Tom Seidell
61 Scobie Pond Road
The money paid to Nadeau came directly from EDFP funds. Therefore, when and if the Town of Derry recovers the money, it should go directly into the fire department's capital reserve fund.
As a resident of DERRY, who happens to live within the former East Derry Fire boundaries, I find it amusing how many people are still disgruntled about the East Derry Fire issues that plagued this community for years. People need to move on. There are now bloggers on this site trying to tie EDFP issues to private road issues. How absurd!
anonymous 10:01,
I'm going to make my self clear one final time here. YOU say 102 traffic will come through the Manning St ext and bring that heavy traffic through a recreation area and is therefore needed. I SAY that there will be NO traffic coming from Manning St just like CLD the paid unbiased engineering firm says and because I think it is a waste of taxpayers money and dislike the project That I benefit? HOW! I just said IT WON'T allievate traffic from 102. It does sound like you want this for Derry FEED though. Can you prove me and CLD wrong? I'd like to see it.
tom seidell, where was it stated or implied that the town council's actions were illegal?
while your looking for that reference, i will continue on and agree that the nadeau money was wrong and he should have felt the moral obligation to return it a long time ago. instead one can only surmise that he has sought to "win" via engaging in legal tactics hoping the problem would break his way in time. ironically, in much the same manner that the towns "leaders" employed political tactics to sack east derry residents with a higher tax bill for fire protection.
can ANYONE demonstrate where the savings are that were put forth as one of the primary reason for the consolidation? about the chief? mcpherson? the interim commissoners? any councillors past or present? reisdorf?.... dead silence..... except when i hear our ambulance service racing towards hampsted and auburn partially funded on our dime. HEY, can we declare them as dependents on our taxes?
BC, Reading this blog about who should get the money, there is only one good answer THE TAXPAYERS.Thats where the money came from.Not the reserve fund at the fire dept.
Maybe you could post the names of the group that was in this back room deal , so i can keep my hands on my wallet if i see them around town.
OK, one chief tries to take 90 k, lets now take another look at the one in charge now.SOLD ladder truck for 10 k after buying it at 75 k and putting on a new bucket at 25 k. MINUS 90 K .
OK, now he wants to put a fire station where the tennis courts are that were given to town.Just what people want to here recouping in a hospital ,more sirens 20 times a day.THE TENNIS COURT IS RIGHT OUT FRONT OF A HOSPITAL.
NOW, the fire station down town. All of the other firestations in boston are older ,but try to get those guys to give them up.I bet the chief there has to answer to someone before spending.
Lets be fair here. A sweetheart deal is one thing and our present cheif can not be held in comparison. The workout club is no more and exercise equipment will be at the station for the firefighters to do there exercizing.
The Firestation at the tennis courts was defeated and it was up to council to build or not build. And the old station needed many repairs and upgrades. It was the council's final decision at that time. And they wanted to sell the old station in the downtown and build a new one. It didn't happen anyway. But the chief needs to be defended here. Council needs to be held responsible!
Kudoos to you Brian for immediately and without hesitation aknowledging what could be perceived as a conflict of interest by being a member of of that regional planning commission.
Integrity at it's best. Thank you.
anonymous 4:56,
Thanks! It's important that if we spend taxpayers money on doing a traffic study on this Manning St issue-I do not want any excuse politically or otherwise to say that a study could be biased. having said that I think that it is a fair comprimise to do a study after we have strong feelings for and against. Lets see what the study will reveal.
If it makes sense and the town wants it- so be it.
Interestingly enough the people for this say that it has been in the CIP ( true ) Lets see these same people when the new road from Merchants road to South Ave comes. ITS IN THE CIP!
( the people are watching )
The ladder truck was purchased by and sold by EDFP not Chief Klauber. The new bucket was also authorized by EDFP not Chief Klauber.
EDFP officials cost the residents not just $90K but another $212K for the severance to Chief Stone and the "poison pill" payout to all EDFP employees even though they did not lose their jobs in the consolidation.
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