I have said once before and I will say it again. The CLD traffic study, which was a paid study in 2001 and focused specifically on Downtown traffic patterns states that by putting in a connector road from Manning St to Rollins is basically useless!
Now, I know that the proponents of this have said that there is no traffic study, and that they have gone to town hall to ask and were told there was none.
Well as Gomer once said "surprise, surprise, surprise. Not only am I looking at this study as I write, I will let you, The Derry citizens see this via a link on this blog. ( see the link section on the right side.) *note that this could take some time to download as it is 22 pages long
It is important that you see this for yourself, without any bias whatsoever and to then come to your own conclusions.
After, you give it a read- Answer these questions
1) Should the town of Derry spend 10-15K on a new traffic study
2) Should the town of Derry spend 80K to connect Manning St to Rollins
I'm having trouble opening the report --- should I be clicking on the photo? All that comes up is an enlarged pictue of the cover page of the report.
anonymous 5:29,
Do you see the American flag in the top right hand corner? right under that you will see links. click on the link that says 2001 traffic study. Hope this helps.
I hope you are prepared for the oppositions Plan B (attack the credibilty of the report) and Plan C (add reasons to open Manning beyond the only one previously given - to alleviate traffic).
This issue really needs to be exposed for what it is --- a rogue faction willing to waste $80K of taxpayer money for political retribution.
Good Luck.
anonymous 6:32,
you maybe right. the credibility of the study though for everyones knowledge was a non-biased publicly paid study. I have done my due diligence and let the good people of Derry see with thier own eyes what this truly means. If they want to fight these facts then it's on them to sell it to you, the citizens.
I ran on a platform that I would fight waste and here it is wasted taxpayers dollars. I am but one vote out of seven. We shall see what comes of it.
I thought the idea was to alleviate downtown traffic? When Manning Street was open I used it a LOT as did many knowledgeable Derry residents. How convenient that you are on the town council, live on the affected road and are in opposition to putting that road back to the way it has been for years and years. The cost to put that road back the way it was is probably less than it cost to decorate the new Municipal center. But hey any study or article that can help you improve your property value has to be correct? right?
anonymous 10:40,
Did you download the study? Did you see where it says it WILL NOT alliviate traffic from rte 102? Yes I'm on the town council and Yes people in my district do not want this done. And so I will speak out against it. The cost of the road is $80,000 and then to maintain it will cost the town More each and every year. And lastly you can tell me how this improves my property value???? The study says IF you build the road NO relief from Rte 102 Which means no more traffic will come onto Rollins EVEN IF YOU BUILD THE ROAD. in easier terms BIG WASTE OF MONEY.
I completely agree wiht you Brian. Why doesn't the Town spend that $80,000 on something better, like improved staffing at the Fire Dept. I recently found that they have had reduced staffing every day! So now there is no Tanker staffed which affects the majority of the Town which doesn't have fire hydrants. Also, once again there is no ambulance staffed at the Hampstead Rd station by my house.
anonymous 7:53,
I did not know that. If this is true, it would be a big mistake. I'm wondering if it was because of Fiarbanks motion to cut $50K from the fire budget?
I think it might be a problem that the Town Council was not informed of this change. You (the Council) should be the first to know.
Just my opinion.
You have to be kidding me. And the anonymous poster either works for is married to someone who works for the fire department. Talk about special interest. The money for the road has been budgeted for some time. The road went through for YEARS AND YEARS. It was only recently closed and it makes NO sense that it remains closed except for those that have special interest to keep it closed. As for the fire staffing, I grew up in a larger town than Derry with one station and much fewer fireman. I don't ever recall watching the house next to the station burn to the ground as did the one on Hampstead Road. Spaghetti sauce anyone?
I am not the anonymous from the previous post. However, let's not forget that the house that burned down was next to the old EAST DERRY FIRE DEPT. We, as a town, have moved on to bigger and better things and finally got rid of the poorly managed EDFP. But I'm sure you already knew that.
Does anyone disagree that what we talking about here will INCREASE the traffic activity at the intersection of Broadway and Manning? How can that not be true?
And if that's the case, how can that possibly be good for traffic on Broadway?
I don't need the study to confirm what is common sense. Let the Taxpayers keep our $80K!
Anon 6:20,
I completely agree with your common sense statement. I'd like to see Broadway widened with diagonal parking (at least on the North side). We don't need that extra-wide sidewalk when there clearly is not very much foot traffic. As much as people want there to be foot traffic, it's not going to happen. We don't have very much diversity in our downtown. We have too much retail. We have a few restaurants that noone really goes to, except Maryann's. If we had more corporate office space I could see increased foot traffic. But that will probably never happen unless we tear everything down and rebuild.
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