Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Town Administrator for Derry

With the recent hiring of MRI to begin a search for Derry's new town administrator in the beginning stages, we learn that over 125 applicants have applied. Of the 125 resumes received, it is estimated that 22-25 of those have the skill set and experience for Derry's top job. That is great news for the taxpayers of this town!
The next steps are to get more specifics from the group and to set up committees to begin the vetting process.
Once we get the top 5, the council will have the final decision on who to replace out going administrator Gary Steinhouse.

At its last meeting the council approved extending Gary's contract until October as the process of picking a new TA would take a little longer than originally planned and because of the time frame spent on budgets.

Your thoughts?


Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

It may be cheaper to get a politician to run the town.
Such as a Mayor

Anonymous said...

Where the heck have you been Brian?

BC said...

Took a little break. I'm trying to get back into blogging more frequently.

Anonymous said...

BC - The blog does not work if you take breaks. When its not updated people stop checking in and it dies.

Anonymous said...

Yes 5:05 our politicians are especially affordable. Ask the fire union, they can get us a good deal.