Monday, March 01, 2010

Lets get some facts straight on 4A

Seems that the 4 A subject is one that most want to chime in on. After yesterdays Political Connections show many of the candidates had opinions on the subject and felt that there just is not enough information and that leads to wild rumors. Lets take a look at some of them.

I keep hearing Joe DiChario say that something must be done that papers and documents went missing..

Those documents went missing back in 1992. Why? The new mayor at that time was a opponent of 4 A.. Then Mayor was in favor of a Rte 3A. So those documents went missing right after the new mayor took office. Should an investigation take place???? Why not if its not too costly and makes sense after all this time.. But please don't hang this on any council over the last 10 years.

Another rumor is that I or any other councilor would spend millions more on 4A is just an all out lie.. I have stated that after the money the town is obligated for is done not one more dollar would i spend on the project.

And the last rumor is that it would benefit only Londonderry and not Derry. To that one I say that if 4 A were to come to fruition. Derry will have many benefits in that many jobs will be created and some well paid ones i may add. The Londonderry/Derry area will be well known in a wide geographical area and be a thriving economic engine for both towns.

The alternative???? Well I'll let the naysayers answer that one for you. What are there plans for economic development...Nothing they all said they would stand pat. Nothing ventured nothing gained! enjoy your high taxes with them in office!


DJN said...

Ok, Let's repeat this for everyone to understand:

Brian, David and Joel are running and favor Exit 4A.

We will let the voters decide on the 9th if that is a good move.

Meanwhile, Brian do you favor the town pumping more money into the DEDC?



Anonymous said...


Do you proof read what you wirte?

Sure, this is a chicken and egg type question, but what are you trying to say?

Are you saying you and the other council geniuses would spend what we are on the hook for, then abandon 4A?

Are you saying former mayor Jack Dowd was against 4A before he was for 3A?? Or was that for 4A?? No matter what it was you tried to say, there should be an investigation into where the files went and charges brought if warranted.

Brain THIS council and councils of the past ten years are ALL guilty of gross incompetence. Same is true for our woefully ineffective legislative delegation. Just look around at what's happening to our town.

Derry needs competence and expertise in this challenging time, not simply experience which is limited by ones ability.

Vote for anyone but Chirichiello and Olbrecht.

Anonymous said...

The guy who voted for the fire union contracts now has become the taxpayers' friend, warning us of high taxes if he is not reelected. BC yours must be made of brass.

Anonymous said...

Exit 4 A won't hunt. But Coyle saying that federal money topay for this is wrong in just stupid.
The Federal Government is spending like crazy. At the least America should be improving their infrastructure that was aging. Why should we not be getting this exit as part of that infrastructure improvement? That his little chippy parrot agreed about funneling traffic downtown is just stupid. What, is Janet an urban planner now on top of all her supposed talents?
These self serving buffoons will look progress in the mouth and conspire to disrupt any progress that does not personally benefit them. Sickening!

Anonymous said...

One only needs to drive 93 and see what is going on around the new Exit 5 to see what Londonderry is getting out of some new infrastructure off of the highway.... Won't happen here in Derry though.... Unless the Coyle-Ites can make some money off of it...

Anonymous said...

to Anon 12:48 - your last two paragraphs seem to be diametrically opposed ( that means - conflicting).

Care to clarify who the heck is running that you feel shows competence and expertise - your post has already thrown out Olbrect and Chirichiello. Both by the way who have competence and expertise in areas that could definitely help with the upcoming budget season. ( Olbrect is an accountant isn't he? and Chirichiello has slogged through several Derry budget seasons to date, giving him the background to hopefully make sound decisions. )

Certainly you can't be saying that you you think Doug "fuzzy math" Newell, "whatever Douggie says" Cardon, and reverend "everythings better in california" show these qualities - maybe you mean Dimmock?

Anonymous said...

What great entertainment last night. Blow hard Burtis brought his father's hat as a prop to blast Stenhouse for what seemd like hours. Bussy newwell came along to donate his time for Burtis' rant. (Aside to Newell: I will not vote for you due to alliance with the lunatic fringe. I think you are decent but you are judged by the company you keep).
The Wetherbee goes off the deep end calling for Coyle & Fairbanks to recuse themselves for bias. (Aside to Neil: differences of opinions are not bias. They are what makes democracy work. Is shoving an old man in the parking lot bias?)
Its too bad the only responsible councilors are stepping dowen. The circus is coming to Town.
BC you really should work on your grammar.

Anonymous said...

Looks like another Derry Political Smackdown.

The talking head TV show only showed that Al Dimmock said the most while using the fewest words. Us and Them! The history of Derry is Us and Them. Nothing will be done or undone due to the swinging of the US and Them pendulum. Of course AL has not enough brains to determine a course of action out of his observation. He will be thrown under the bus driven by Coyle, Newell and Fairbanks who see him as the fool they throw through the door to get in the room. Watch out Janet you will be next! And that Cackle???? Clearly you have a face for radio Janet.

Al says what Coyle thinks but has too many political brains to say. Why should he? In the future he will feed the lines to Janet who will blurt out what his saavy prevents him from saying. The reverend will be another one used to expel his extraordinary LA experience on us unwashed rubes, make an ass of himself and be gone as fast as he showed up. He has already set the bar discussing his one and done campaign.

The reactionaries will win the day. Coyle will be anointed King, Newell with be the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Fairbanks the court jester. Brian your were toast before you campaigned against Manning Street and simply smothered your self with the infamous Rose affair. You deserve your humiliating loss but will resurface as a more astute blogmaster and TC contrarian. Albrecht won’t get more than a handful of right thinking voters continuing the “Jack Dowd” contagion. Too bad, Joel you are a good guy condemned to pick up the fleas from Jacks underhanded move to the DEDC. Kind of sad.

Brent, your got out alive! Congratulations to you for proving that in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king! Your political career is very bright indeed. Neil, you defy words and as a member of a minority counsel with Brad I hope you can be as much as a pain in the ass to Coyle and Newell as Janet has been to the counsel.

Rick Metts. You hold my sincerest appreciation for your chairmanship of the TC. I would follow you into battle anywhere, any time.

Derry will shuffle sideways in a leadership vacuum. I suppose we should be grateful that Burtis can do nothing more than bore us all to death throughout 2010.

Anonymous said...

This whole exit 4A thing is confusing. A post I just read on this blog, 10:22 pm said "One only needs to drive 93 and see what is going on around the new Exit 5 to see what Londonderry is getting out of some new infrastructure off of the highway.... Won't happen here in Derry though.... Unless the Coyle-Ites can make some money off of it..." Well exit 5 is in Londonderry and so is exit 4. Guess where exit 4A will be, also in Londonderry.

We agreed as a town to contribute $5 million towards exit 4A that would be in Londonderry. And from the new exit you would have to take a road that isn't build yet to get into Derry. I read that Carol Shea-Porter has asked for State money(the almost bankrupt State) to fund this exit. Transportation Commissioner George Campbell said on Feb 12, 2010 that at this rate, there wouldn't be any funding for any more work north of exit 3 until 2030.

If they do fund the work, that would be great, but that just brings up 3 more issues I have.

1) The environmental impact studies don't last forever, if highway/exit work has not started soon the study would have to be redone, again.
2) 10:22pm claims correctly that lots of development can be done around highway exits. Derry will STILL NOT HAVE AN EXIT
3) After the we pay our $5 million and Londonderry pays their $5 million and say the State pays the rest, who is going to pay for all the road improvements that are outlined in the CDL Engineering study? Exit 4A is more than just an exit. It shows road improvements, road widening and signal lights all the way to Tsienneto Rd where it meets RT 102 past Beaver Lake. You can't tell the State will pay for all that. Go and look for yourself at

Brian says it's a lie to say Derry will have to spend more money on 4A. If Derry doesn't pay for the roads in Derry, who does? I think it's Brian who is lying. Maybe he believes that all the other improvements that are being done along with 4A don't count as EXIT 4A work so he believes himself. Tell a lie enough times are you begin to believe it yourself.


BC said...

anon 5:23,
If you remember one thing I will tell you...please pay attention. Derry is obligated to spend $5 million and Londonderry 5 million as well. Londonderry also once had a change of council and those councilors said the very same thing that Newell and Cardon and DiCharo are 4A. When that happened, Londonderry was sued and LOST. they were forced to pay 5 Million and ontop of that were awarded 1 Million in damages. Is this what Derry wants??? If so, be warned the foolish councilors. Now you say who will pay the rest? How about the Developer? Remember this was a three way partnership that went back to 1985. Hope that answers your question!

DJN said...

Show us the contract that obligates us to pay this $5MM for 4A.

Do not babble about legal opinions, your secret meetings, or what missing papers might have said. Do not attack the dead implying they stole the missing papers. Bring forth the contract. Put it on the town web site.

More transparency. What is being hidden from the Derry public? By whom? For what reason?

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify Shea Porter's request for the $100 + Million is from Federal not State coffers. Pretty sure that amount would include what is outlined in the CLD plans, not just the physical exit, but the connector roads, etc.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:41 AM

Ok my mistake. Obama will save Derry. We need a signal light at Kilrea and 28, is that included too?

Anonymous said...


Show us how you and "whatever Douggie says" Cardon are going to save the Pinkerton Tavern. Talk about BS campaign promises.

PS Please don't use taxpayer money.

Anonymous said...


Duh, Londonderry's loss of an exit 4A lawsuit IS public knowledge. It settled law, period.

DJN said...

The value of the Tavern must be included in the land acquisition budget for the widening. Therefore the town is likely to own the tavern when the land is acquired.
5:03 You show some initiative and start an organization to save the Tavern. Count me in as the first donor and member #2 (After yourself) Let's meet with town officials and understand the problem better. We may have to put in some hours determining moving costs etc. I'd expect the town to donate the building rather than pay for demolition. I make no promises that it can be saved but its certainly worth a try. 5:03 when would you like to meet and plan next steps?

Anonymous said...


Do you know anyone with less chance of being reelected than Shea_Porter. A lame duck doesn't have the juice to get $10MM for a bunch of Republican Rotarians in Derry much less $104MM.

DJN said...

10:41 Ah we have found the legal expert who knows for sure (or at least $5 million worth) that Londonderry and Derry have EXACTLY the same legal situations. Which law school did you graduate from and when did you study the case? Should we get a second and third opinion before writing $5mm in checks?

BC said...

here is what we know..1985 & 1986 The board of selectman were in favor of 4A. It went to the people to vote on 4A and the people voted "YES". The Selectman then placed into a budget 5 MIL. 2 of the 3 Mayors voted in favor of 4A and selectman/council were also in favor. One mayor did not like 4A but favored a 3A instead which tied up the project and made the costs escalate past its 10 mil price tag. There are thousands upon thousands of documents that show a progressive pattern of the town wanting and appropriating monies for this project that span at least 20 years.. Ok then we have that non binding vote a few years back that barely got a no vote, however I do think your smart enough to realize that any judge could see that the town "acted" as they have been obligated with many councils, mayors that would bind the town in any lawsuit.. So Doug, Are you going to gamble with the towns money in a lawsuit which in fact will cost the town more money in the long run? Not a wise move if your trying to protect the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

How does the town not know and publish what our obligations are to Boston North or any other entity? If we entered into a contract pledging the assets of Derry as a taxpayer I want to know what, when, how much and who signed the contract. We should sue whomever was involved in this, alive or dead.
Get the history and details out now.

Anonymous said...


Your ansswer a 6:53 epitomizes the second reason why you should never be elected to anything.

You would second guess every decision (in this case it's the Courts decision) and seek to revisit it simply because you don't agree with.

I'm sure you're holding your breathe as to the first reason you should never be elected to anything................................

Anonymous said...

Coyle and Fairbanks TV show shows them to be the shallowest form of politician. Why not have Maureen Rose pin the tail on BC and call it a party!

DJN said...

One more time BC. Post the contract to the website. Forget the ancient history lessons. Show us the document (legally signed) that commits Derry to paying x dollars to Y person(s) by Z date.

BC said...

I don't have any paperwork from the past years because someone took them years ago. Now, If you want to take the gamble of paying more lawyers and taking the whole thing to court JUST to gamble and see if we would get sued, then simple say so right here in this blog. Whether you like 4A or not the town is obligated on its share of 5 Million. period. After that, no more money is obligated. Roberta was correct in that you are using this as a political issue just to get elected. If I had all those documents that someone from the past took than i would post them. The facts are that both Londonderry and Boston North have copies and copies on the subject. Why the three councilors refused to even look at the docs is beyond me however the attorneys they hired have confirmed what we already stop the silly game Doug. If you want to say you would spend no more than the 5 mil then that's fine and honest and not mis-leading.

DJN said...

Brian and the voters of Derry,

Yes I'm using this as a campaign issue. That's because I'm appalled that you and your friends would rollover and write a check for what is left of $5,000,000 without even having the issue clarified in court. Clarified in court does not have to mean in a law suit. Clarified in court can mean having a judge rule on what our obligations are. Those “obligations” include not only if we are on the hook for millions, but what needs to be done to fulfill those obligations should they exist.

To be specific, I'm talking about when it must be paid, to whom and for what purpose. These critical answers could form the basis for negotiations that might save us big bucks. For example, if the time requirements are indeterminate, then we might negotiate a lesser amount to be paid sooner. We need to know if the obligation (if it even exists) is to do "road work" in which case some part of the money spent widening of 28 might qualify.

Bottom line is that people are hiding things from the taxpayers of Derry. (As usual) If some other party has a contract clearly defining an obligation and legally signed by Derry why wouldn't they make it public and put it on the Web for the world to see? No one is proposing abrogating a legal commitment of the town. I must conclude that the "contract" if it exists has holes, perhaps gaping holes.

Should I be elected Tuesday, the taxpayers will finally get to know what's going on here or I will vote against further funding of this ill-conceived project.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with Doug often but I do here. Well said

Anonymous said...

WOW!! What choice?

Talk about a stark contrast between the quality of the positions held by BC and DJN.

Same is true between Joe Di Chiaro and his opponents. As well as between DJN and Joel Olbricht.

Tougher call between Tom Cardon and some of his opponents; but certianly no contest between Cardon and Milz.

This election sure is a great opportunity for the long victimized Derry citizens to open and clean the grimy windows that have many good old boy finger prints smeared all over them after years of trying to prevent the light from shining through.

Anonymous said...


You are proving to be another big disappointment. With a plethora of issues facing Derry you had the potential to show some true leadership and lay out a course through the stormy years that lay ahead. You could have shown us your entrepreneurial, out of the box vision for your first three years on the council.

Instead we get your view on 4A for the umpteen-bazillionth time. You promise us that a project that has gone nowhere in 20 years will continue to go nowhere if you’re elected. 4A will either be paid for by the state or it will die a slow quiet death. This will happen regardless of who is on the council and given its history it’s doubtful that anything will happen in the next three years.

And then we get you and “Whatever Douggie says” Cardon winking and nodding on the Kevin and Janet show. I realize Tom Cardon is not above that kind on mindless drivel, but I know a good many who thought that you were.

Exploiting the Pinkerton Tavern just sealed the deal. You know it’s a business transaction that the property owner is very likely happy to be a part of but you just couldn’t help yourself could you. The desperate acts of a desperate man.

In the spirit of Oscar night summon up your best Marlon Brando and repeat after me – “I coulda been a contendah”. Instead of just another disappointment.

clamboy said...

To all you anonymous posters, if you can't identify yourselves, you are all cowards worse than the ADT slate of "camdidates " that are running to assume the power over the town of Derry. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, (no offense Joe D.)ealize that this whole election ios not about what's best for Derry. It is centered around the quest for the power of the Council. If the minority becomes the majority, I may be proclaimed as the next Nostradamus for the accuracy of my predictions in the papers this past week. DJN. I hope that you appreciate the hand up your backside that is moving your lips. It must feel just like a "BEE" sting, if you get my drift. Well, thanks for thanking me for my service. I can help but wonder though, if I wasd rrunning for re-election you all wopuld want me treated like a felled deer during hunting season. Pretty picture, huh?Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Clamboy, aren't clams shucked?

You're correct, it wouldn't be a pretty picture seeing one silly little clam treated like a felled deer in the woods.

Just imagine if Ellie Mae was first to stumbled upon that scene, if you get my drift........hmm? deer have heads, but do clams?

DJN said...

5:27 and “Clamboy”

Did either of you go to Pinkerton? It's been my experience with my 3 kids that one of Pinkerton's strengths is that in junior and senior English they teach kids to write well.

Despite having read your posts several times I still have no idea what either of you are talking about. “Clamboy” is that posting a parity of some sort? And the suggestion that someone else is moving my lips, care to elaborate? (And offer evidence that I don’t think through issues independently?)

Finally 5:27 regarding Pinkerton Tavern, care to elaborate on how I would be "exploiting" the Tavern by suggesting we save it? Would you be the same person as “5:03” who I challenged to start an organization to save the Tavern? Can't walk the walk? Also I'm not sure how the property owner gets involved in this if the town will have acquired the structure (which presumably must be moved or demolished).

In any case I guess I'll have to live with disappointing someone who hides in anonymous land. I suspect you were never on the fence but just one of the good old boys with an ax to grind.

Anonymous said...

DJN wrote:
Despite having read your posts several times I still have no idea what either of you are talking about. “Clamboy” is that posting a parity of some sort?
Too funny Doug! You commented on Clamboy's poor grammar and then used 'parity' incorrectly. Its parody. I guess you should stick to your invalid math comparisons.

Anonymous said...

ANON 12:22,

Are you so blinded by mindless partisianship that you grasp at a simple spelling error in an attempt to berate a citizen? One that has proven again and again his unselfish dedication to making this town better?

Before you throw stones anon 12:22 I think your own deficency in the use of the language needs to be highlighted. You wrote:

".....then used 'parity' incorrectly. Its parody."

Technically anon 12:22, the word was not "used" incorrectly, as much as it was spelled incorrectly. In context, DJN's meaning was clear, even to you.

So here we have yet another example of why voters should elect Doug Newell in this election, i.e. to restore intelligence, transparency and civility into Derry's long dysfunctional council.

Anon 12:22 your silly post amounts to nothing more than a malicious attempt to embarass someone that has far more on the ball than you ever will.

Anonymous said...

Proof positive of the dangers of drinking and posting. Don't take the wingnuts seriously Doug!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:22,

I almost overlooked pointing out your incorrect spelling of "its."

It's actually spelled "it's" as in "it is."

Little wonder you remain anonymous.

DJN said...

You're right 12:22 my spelling is horrible. I try running through spell check but that won't solve problems like this.

My math however is usually pretty good. I deal with PhD statisticians on a daily basis and they keep me on my toes. If you (like NW) still don't get the business concept of incremental costs, after the election I'll teach you. Got to run, much campaigning to be done.

Anonymous said...

Doug's groupies: I pointed out Doug's parody error simply to point out he should not criticize others for errors. You blindly jumped on me in defense of Doug. He is capable of defending himself. I am also sure he understood my point.
I like you Doug. I disagree with your views, but that is America. According to your entourage, I am a wingnut. So be it.
If you stood independently, I would vote for you, despite our different stances. Unfortunately, you have aligned with the Coyle/Fairbanks camp. You say you would lower taxes, etc. but you have not said how.

Anonymous said...

Doug, You looked bored at the Charter Commission meetings. perhaps it was not what you envisioned. Why do you think the Council will be more to your liking?