Monday, September 29, 2008

Open Forum

Lets start a new thread with an Open Forum here!

Your comments and questions wanted!


Anonymous said...

Lets name some positives about Derry, Downtown, East Derry, outstanding businesses! There must be some reasons we live here...

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say T-Bones is the best all around Bar and Restaraunt in Derry...

Metro Mart (Shell) has some inexpensive fuel...

Best High School in the State...

Roads are in great shape compared to neighboring communities...

Anonymous said...

Safe, clean, and I have great neighbors. I'm looking forward to Global Warming so that I'll have beachfront property and a mild climate.

Peter Dobratz said...

How about some sources of information about the upcoming election. The presidential race gets the most media coverage, but what about all the other candidates on the ballot on November 4?

Where is the best place to find a list of candidates that are going to be on the ballot along with some short information about each candidate?

Anonymous said...

Since probably about 150 homes in Derry have been foreclosed on or are in the process of foreclosure some of you might find this interesting:

Anonymous said...

Great! I pay 12K/yr in taxes and I get T-Bones, gas, a high school and roads. Guess I'm all set.

Just another poor Derry Taxpayer said...

I think McDonald's & Derry Pizza are a great place.

Derry has a good cross-section of gas stations to choose from and we do have great roads.

Our dept of public works (DPW) takes good care of things although not efficient like a private business would. This is to be expected under the current system we have in USA.

Anonymous said...

Coyle says he is not running again that is something positive.

Anonymous said...

We have a great Public works department, a Beautiful Municiple center, Excellent Fire and EMS, Excellent schools, Cannot get much better than this

Anonymous said...

I thought we were going to stay positive. On that note, as well as the above mentioned....we also have a great council that cares about its residents. We have great public services. We have plenty of good hardworking citizens that care about their community. Putting all the current bickering aside, we all care about our community, each other and the future of our town. Thanks to all!

BC said...

The best thing about Derry is its people! The passion they have for sense of community is amazing! Even when disagreements are heard its just different points of views and we can all say that we care about our town!

BC said...

Its nice to say something positive once in awhile!!

Anonymous said...

Well some positives....everyone from the police department hasn't resigned.....The fireman seem to still be working although they have no contract....The lawn are mowed and I assume the snow will be plowed.....There are only a few months left for certain Town councilors' terms.......and I still can have any fast food I want right here in Derry !

Anonymous said...

Many people I know wish that there was greater accountability within the school department that correlates tax dollars spent with the results being produced.

From elementary school to Pinkerton, there are many areas that require greater scrutiny. For instance, how and whom negotiates the tuition rates with Pinkerton? As I understand It this negotiation involves little more than a wink and a nod between the school superintendent and Pinkerton. Problem is, it is us that are inexplicably forced to nod "yes" every time.

The remarkably shallow assessment of the police department produced by former school superintendent Moody while acting as interim town administrator illustrates that the usual hackneyed Derry justification "but that's the way we've always done it" requires greater transparency and accountability.

Anonymous said...

12:36 The fire union does have a contract. It automatically rolled over.

Anonymous said...

Anyone catch Good Morning America filmed at Maryann's yesterday morning? A couple of the local business owners were interviewed and evidently LynNicole Athletics at Hood Commons is closing, Kim's Spa and Nails business at the Hood Commons is down 40%; Poles Apart on Broadway is reassessing after Christmas and maybe closing. I know the economy is playing a part in the demise of small businesses but one of the owners pointed out that the bailout package will help Wall Street but not Main Street so as a community people need to support the local businesses more. I'm just as guilty as the next guy but I know my wife would enjoy a spa gift certificate for a Christmas gift and I've never been to Poles Apart but the shop looks interesting so I'll check them out for a few gifts. We all do some Christmas shopping so why not throw the business locally. BC - is the economic development director doing anything in the way of promoting the small local businesses? Maybe she could contact them and put together a program for town employees to receive a discount or something.

Anonymous said...

1: What if those failing businesses got a government loan. Would they be able to pull themselves out of the red?

2: What if they moved to a better location, would they be able to pull them selves out of the red?

3: What if they had products that were needed by this market, would they be able to pull them selves out of the red?

4: What if someone like yourself, who never did business downtown finally did business locally only to find out it is not practical and very expensive. Would this stave off their going out of business?

Let the markets work rather than government intervention. We just threw another $800+ Billion at it.
This will be the USA "straw that broke the camel's back".

There are very tough times ahead everywhere for everyone. The solution is beyond anyone's means.

Anonymous said...

That's the community spirit 9:18

I don't think shopping locally has anything to do with government intervention or bailouts and I don't see how shopping locally isn't practical. I'd hate to see Hood Commons empty out. What would we lose next? Shaws? It takes so long to build up a community and a very short time for it to collapse. All I'm suggesting is that throwing a little business locally can't hurt.

Anonymous said...

annon 12:10

I think you are right. we have to try to shop locally, if we can. with the way gas prices are heading it will be to our benefit to keep stores around us. On the other hand i try to shop locally, but sometimes the prices are outrageous. Retailers need to be aware that if they want us to shop don't mark the merchandise 200% above cost. (it does not help these businesses with walmart nearby undercutting prices)

p.s. Did another business go under?
Stefanos has had a vacation sign for over a month. I really like their pizza.

Anonymous said...

How about some friendly wagering on how tonight's meeting goes down?

How many times will Al Brill get up to talk?

Will the room actually be filled with interested townspeople?

Will there be a firefighter picket line out front?

Will people be at the meeting or watching the 2nd presidential debate?

This ought to be interesting. I bet CH17 gets its highest ratings ever!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Brent Carney for standing up for himslef and voting for what he beleives is best for the community.

He has gained the respect of many in this community.

I only feel sorry for him because of the way Janet Fairbanks tried to belittle him in fron of the entire Town.

Keep up the great work Brent!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:12
Yes, Stefano's went out about a month ago. I did catch Good Morning America and I'm sure we'll see a lot of the small businesses collapsing. I think BC is the only one that thinks Derry residents have a passion for sense of community. If they did we wouldn't see the businesses come and go like the breeze. I also heard that Londonderry is losing Dominos Pizza and Lily's Pasta Express.

BC said...

I'm an optimist..what can I say.
Businesses do go out of business for varying reasons.. Location, lack of parking etc.. Quality of product. 8 of 10 new businesses close within 2 years of opening. Thats a simple fact.. and not just Derry

Anonymous said...

it would be interesting if the economic director could somehow get figures to see what the percentage of businesses that fail in Derry. is it above average or below average? Where is our economic director? Is she out there recruiting businesses? Is she out there calming our business men and women regarding the financial crisis? finding ways to help?

I don't know much about her I have read and article or two and haven't heard Boo from her.

BC maybe you should forward her your blog address so she could get a pulse on some of the people that live in this community and what they want. Not for nothing but some people can't make it to the roundtable discussions, nor do they want to given the way some people get attacked when voiceing their opinions.

Anonymous said...

I came home for lunch today. I was looking forward to reading the Nutfield News while I ate. Then, heartburn hit me as I see a front page story on loudmouth John Burtis and his political views. His wife seems like a very nice person but I do not consider John Burtis' skewed views to be front page material. I am cancelling my wait its free.....PLEASE put news on the front page in the future!

Anonymous said...

the only see ms thompson, poising for pictures...just like our under used executive of the chamber of commerce. Those two ladies must do lunch quite often to discuss just what they'll be wearing at the next photo op. they both lack any substantial success stories.
can anyone give me one between the two of them?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else find it interesting that Kevin Coyle is running for County Attorney and has filed as a democrat?

Anonymous said...

Questions or comments about the fire contracts or the firefighters Local may directed to:

Anonymous said...

Political Signs on Town Property

I find it odd the Political clowns in town break the laws by placing their political signs on town property, and the town does nothing to stop it or take them down. The town should require some sort of payment from the candidates for the time that it takes the town to remove all these signs.

It's time we hold those responsable for this litter to step up and do the right thing. In essence this is a form of littering. If I were to through some paper on these same grounds and a police officer were to witness it I would more then likely receive a citation and have to pay a fine for littering.