OK so you want more about 4A Go to the video of the last council meeting. Click on the wording " watch here" and you can fast forward the meeting.. Go to 114:44 to 121:50 and listen to someone who knows whats really going on in this town.
Oh and by the way after viewing the video there...fast forward to 2:27:00 to 2:29:29 to see your councilor at large...you know, the man with the integrity.
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*** Important Message*****
To the person who is harassing! Just because you log in as anonymous DOESN'T mean that your ISP does not register in the log. If you do not stop. This information and matter will go to the Derry Police Dept.
Thanks for very clear information regarding 4a. The public is so much in the dark with all the meetings and innuendos.
Roberta is a force of nature. What an amazing woman.
4A represents the future. WE go back to cow pastures without it. Ad that is exactly what DJN and Howie Lund want.
BTW send the harrassing info to the police now. Do not wait. Internet harrassing is a crime. Expose the perpitrator and help clean up politics in Derry.
BC - I agree with you. This blog has no place for harassment. I join with you in demanding civility on this blog. BC you can show leadership in this area by refusing to post personal attacks and name calling; those do not move Derry forward. If the goal of this blog is the exchange of ideas then the name calling should go. If the purpose is entertainment viewing grown men and women mud wrestling leave in the personal attacks but don't be surprised when someone uses poor judgement and takes it too far.
Doug Newell
BC You are going to get lunatic fringe comments. Its the downside of having a blog. He/she gets a kick out of your reaction. Do not give them the satisfaction.
Here is the definition of Bias. I think we can safely say that every member of our council has a bias.
Bias is a term used to describe a tendency or preference towards a particular perspective, ideology or result, when the tendency interferes with the ability to be impartial, unprejudiced, or objective.[1]. In other words, bias is generally seen as a 'one-sided' perspective. The term biased refers to a person or group who is judged to exhibit bias. It is used to describe an attitude, judgment, or behavior that is influenced by a prejudice. Bias can be unconscious or conscious in awareness. Having a bias is part of a normal development. Labeling someone as biased in some regard implies they need a greater or more flexible perspective in that area, or that they need to consider more deeply the context.
I'm a little confused here. By the
"fast forward to 2:27:00 to 2:29:29" are you referring to Coyle's response to Wetherbee's latest dopey effort to silence dissent? When NW is off of his script and makes stuff up on his own, it sure is fun to watch. You can see the pain in Rick’s face. With people like NW on his team, putting up with Dimmock doesn’t seem so bad.
Winning the vote to buy the land (the “yes” vote was already a done deal) wasn’t enough for NW; he had to silence the two people who might have voted “no”. I think that’s 15 yards for unnecessary roughness. And in the end only one of the two actually voted “no” if I recall. But to NW no one is allowed to vote no. In his letter to the editor this week he calls people ideologues. I wonder if he can spell “authoritarian”?
As for Roberta, I agree she is a force of nature. However we shouldn't consider her volumes of 25 year old meeting minutes and dusty correspondence as particularly relevant to solving Derry's current challenges. We should look at 4A in light of current funding possibilities, traffic patterns and economic realities. $100,000,000 should not be spent to make it easier for someone to get out of their driveway.
4A should not require any money from Derry. The TC should have relationships with our Gov, Senators and Congressional delegation to get Federal monies for infrastructure.
I travel for business. There are a zillion projects in every city. Is Minneapolis paying for the I35 bridge? Who is paying for the expansion of I5 in Tacoma? When I moved here I could never figure out why the town was in the exit business. I have never seen towns along a highway expansion having to pay for an exit? Highway planners look at population patterns and traffic growth projections and plan for growth. When I lived in VA there were vast greenbelts that had signs depicting sites of FUTURE highways.
Sombody got sold a whole bill of goods about investing in a ramps when she was mayor….and then she died. Forget it! Move on!
Hey BC , why have none of the brain trust that populate the current council asked Roberta to turn over her copy of the 4A documents?
Are we to rely solely upon the judgement of our matchbook cover attorney's (Brian, Brad, Neil and to my knowledge Rick) who sat with the entity that has stated they are prepared to sue the town? Give us a break!
Why has Roberta not offered the documents she has?
It is both remarkable and ironically not surprising, that our elected officials and town professional staff has made no attempt to reconstitute the "missing 4A files." The question is WHY NOT?
As a relative newcomer to Derry (2004), I stumbled upon this site looking for info on today's elections. Thanks for helping me decide who NOT to vote for!
I hate the idea of supporting Coyle and his pet ferret Fairbanks by voting for Newell. But the concept of paying an additional 5 mil without any open and transparent explaination as to our obligation on a project that may or may not ever get completed and I will not live to see?
Brian it is easier to run against something than run for something. By not fully explaining the issue you did not help your case.
God help us all!
Did District 2 have a recount? If so, what was the outcome.
anon 9:51,
Re-count is today 3-15-2010 at 10 AM.
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