The more things change. The more they stay the same.
The opinions expressed are of my own individualy and are not to be interpreted as official of any governing body. Comments from readers are also of their own opinions and will be edited only if the content is harmful or non constructive to any individual. It is important to share information and thoughts on political process so that we may discuss issues that effect us all.
Let me guess, is this a picture of a woman being sentenced to death for heresy? (Questioning the wisdom of the town elders.) Did the Wetherbee's come from Salem MA.?
I heard the witchcraft rumors as well. They're true?
Oh brother.
Amazing you are taking this so lightly Brian. Whether or not you guys get a pass on this it is clear that a large segment of citizens don't think find this to be a laughing matter.
I imagine Brad would like this to go away and probably doesn't need you stirring the pot anymore.
You just gave the opposition more fodder, not to mention the AG's office, if they investigate, some insight to your sincerity and character.
Your arrogance is only surpassed by your ignorance.
The town is waiting on a legal opinion to decide if we should have the NH Attorney General’s Office come to town to do an investigation into unethical behavior on the part of not one but two sitting town Councilors. Quite a serious matter.
You post a picture of the Salem Witch Trials.
Just plain unbelievable!
Maybe it’s time to replace that squirrel on the wheel in your brain??
He doesn’t seem to be able to be able to stimulate the part of the brain that controls logical thinking anymore!
Maybe you could swap him with the squirrel on the paranoid wheel ‘cause he’s working overtime.
Where was the witch hunt for Coyle and Fairbanks (and others) when they slandered members of the fire department by publically calling them thugs!
Police, fire and other town employees serve our community yet they are slighted every opportunity by certain councilors and citizens.
Lets put all the bickering aside (which I know is going to be impossible) and work towards a better community!
You forget 1:22 there were other witnesses (Mr.Carney) who heard the threats. Non-prosecution is not the same as innocence.
anon 1:22...Good point.
I do find it sad that the very same people who find BC's statement so egregious and inexcusable are on this site making comments like "Your arrogance is only surpassed by your ignorance" and the post by anon 10:59.
I really would like to know how you justify condemning BC for what he said and at the same time think it is OK to make comments like this. I understand that a number of you are probably upset by the situation, but haven't you ever had a lapse in judgment? Would you expect people to kick you when you are down?
There is an investigation ongoing. We don't know all the facts. All we have is speculation and what has been printed in the media, which has a tendency to sensationalize things. Once all the facts are investigated, if warranted, some form of punishment will be meted out.
8:36 are you putting name calling on the same plane with conspiring to deprive a single woman of her livelihood?
What new facts do you expect to come out? Brad admitted it (to his credit). BC of course is another story.
Your point is well taken 8:36.
But the investigation will amount to nothing more than a formality; maybe a report on the findings, maybe not. The AG investigates criminal offenses. This was not criminal. ( In all likelyhood only because KC stepped in before one or more of our two geniuses followed through on their threat.)
What you are witnessing is a fed up reaction by a population majority that is finally demanding quality, accountability and results from all seven councilors and it's town departments.
The constant amateur bumblings of councilors and candidates put up by the same "challenged poiitical faction" has to grown old and much to costly to ignore any longer. Both in terms of dollars and cents as well as wear and tear on the public confidence.
Peoples patience has been worn thread bear by the "challenged political faction" members uttering unimaginably stupid comments or for having parking lot altercations with 70+ year olds....etc, etc. etc....all these are actions consistant with stumbling bumblers, not effective leaders.
Ask yourself have you ever seen issues arise out of the other political "faction" and its members that even remotely approach the same level of inepitude?
Didn't think so.
Thank goodness we have some councilors that have the ability to make mistakes like you eluded to in your post, but at least they are honest mistakes that become evident over time or out of a changing circumstance. These other jokers however keep setting us back with one f-up after another. Their screw ups will no longer be tolerated.
BB and BC were very stupid to do what they did. Clear.
But it is not only the one camp that screws up on a regular basis.
Walmar 2x, Beth ( Mo' money Fo' Nuthin') Thompson, legal challenge expenses and many of the "Black Helicopter" conspiracy theorys that at best cause lost opportunity costs and at worst actual taxpayer waste.
Our form of Government does not work. It is not one side or the other.
9:39, it does not help that the so called "challenged faction" blunders with the reliability of an atomic clock.
here's how it typically unfolds, post- blunder.
the "challenged faction" elders break out their well worn post-blunder playbook.
concurrently, the "blunderer du jour " is well on the way to further esacerbating the situation of their own making by relying upon their unique brand of nonsensical, convoluted language to deliver pre-school "hand caught in the cookie jar" excuse logic.
immediatly post- blunder, everyone sits, scratching their heads.
in no time , the "challenged faction's" political elders, with years of post-blunder damage control expertise between them, begin spinning the stew, cooking up an excuse while circling their wagons at depot or the 'bones.
a call must then be made in response, by those that are not prone to blunders, for a "play review." they are at this stage still momentarily astonished, but not surprised, by the most recent "challenged faction" gaffe; they are actively asking themselves "did i miss something buried amidst this most recent blunderer absurity?"
in the end, the councilors not prone to gaffes are attempted to be spun as antagonists by the "challenged faction."
the not prone to gaffe are forced to divert their otherwise productive time addressing the impact of the blunderer du jour.
the sage advise of the "challenged faction's" elders is impressed upon the blunderer, i.e. prepare to hold our collective breath and hope the resulting storm blows over.
and so it has gone in town for years. but the "challenged faction's" elders and the voters know, the times, they are a changin'.
Let's put a different spin on this photo -
The woman pictured represents NH Attorney General Kelly Ayotte "throwing the book at" two Derry councilors while the Chair bangs the gavel, while in the background the gathered citizens and certain other councilors appear to be laughing and applauding.
Perhaps you have posted a representation of your future.
9:39 you lost us... that is
"Walmar 2x, Beth ( Mo' money Fo' Nuthin') Thompson, legal challenge expenses and many of the "Black Helicopter" conspiracy theorys that at best cause lost opportunity costs and at worst actual taxpayer waste." all about? Are you blaming the taxpayer group for Beth Thompson's hiring? "Black Helicopter??? are you talking Derry politics or something else? Which legal expenses would you like to discuss?
I believe that this accurately sums up the whole Rose affair in 4 minutes:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrzMhU_4m-&feature=channel_page
Sorry all,
I screwed up the URL
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