Wishing all my blog readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Let me know what topics youd like to discuss!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Exit 4 A
The special meeting has some interesting debate over funding for the final EIS studies that are mandatory before going to the State and Feds for monies to make exit 4A a reality.
As a councilor who has been here for almost 6 years, I can tell you that I thought I knew most of the 4 A history and how it has become the single biggest political issue in Derry for well over 20 years and Just like the delaying of the widening of I93 because of legal stalling tactics, the projects end up costing us more in the long run. But lets stop for a second and really look at the issues and not the same old scare tactics the ADT group applies to grow their own ranks. I realize now that after a meeting with a Boston North representative and all the documents they possess and the town does not ( whole new story there) that I can say with certainty the following statements.
#1) The town has already obligated itself to spending $5 Million Dollars back in the late 80's by two prior Mayors and boards of selectman. There is documentation to prove this.
#2)Just because the total costs which is estimated to be around $30 million to complete the off ramp DOES NOT mean Derry will have to pay any more than its obligations. ( That is, IF no lawsuit comes up on the town for reneging on its obligation. Then in my opinion, we could be on the hook for a whole lot more.)
Lesson learned is Londonderry tries to back out and was sued and lost in a court of law which cost the Londonderry taxpayers an additional 1.5 Million in damages and told they must contribute their $5 million.
#3)The new exit will allow for Rte 102 downtown to escape heavy traffic burdens now and in the future. Projections for future growth in Derry and Auburn/Chester will effect the flow of traffic in our downtown.
#4) Southern NH Planning Commission has exit 4A as a high priority on its list. This is the regional planning board which is important to gaining fed dollars.
So, no matter how you slice it, whether or not you personally support or don't support 4A, it comes down to the fact that we are obligated to pay for this. We have not expended the 5 Million dollars and the last vote was for $600K which comes out of the total we owe to this project.
Lets stop kicking this political football around to scare townspeople and understand its not in our best interest to halt funding until we have reached our obligations because to do so would place a burden on the taxpayers of Derry.
And lastly, why some councilors were quick to criticize others for going to this meeting with Boston North is beyond me. 4 councilors went ( not 3 as the UL reported) Why would any councilor NOT want to go to see the full history, look at all the documents and make a judgement based on knowing the FULL story is beyond me.
Janet said in the meeting on the TIFF that she didn't do her homework when she voted for it and then voted against, why would she make the same mistake by not viewing the whole issue herself and follow Kevins lead by refusing to go? Only they can answer that question.
What are your thoughts on this subject?
As a councilor who has been here for almost 6 years, I can tell you that I thought I knew most of the 4 A history and how it has become the single biggest political issue in Derry for well over 20 years and Just like the delaying of the widening of I93 because of legal stalling tactics, the projects end up costing us more in the long run. But lets stop for a second and really look at the issues and not the same old scare tactics the ADT group applies to grow their own ranks. I realize now that after a meeting with a Boston North representative and all the documents they possess and the town does not ( whole new story there) that I can say with certainty the following statements.
#1) The town has already obligated itself to spending $5 Million Dollars back in the late 80's by two prior Mayors and boards of selectman. There is documentation to prove this.
#2)Just because the total costs which is estimated to be around $30 million to complete the off ramp DOES NOT mean Derry will have to pay any more than its obligations. ( That is, IF no lawsuit comes up on the town for reneging on its obligation. Then in my opinion, we could be on the hook for a whole lot more.)
Lesson learned is Londonderry tries to back out and was sued and lost in a court of law which cost the Londonderry taxpayers an additional 1.5 Million in damages and told they must contribute their $5 million.
#3)The new exit will allow for Rte 102 downtown to escape heavy traffic burdens now and in the future. Projections for future growth in Derry and Auburn/Chester will effect the flow of traffic in our downtown.
#4) Southern NH Planning Commission has exit 4A as a high priority on its list. This is the regional planning board which is important to gaining fed dollars.
So, no matter how you slice it, whether or not you personally support or don't support 4A, it comes down to the fact that we are obligated to pay for this. We have not expended the 5 Million dollars and the last vote was for $600K which comes out of the total we owe to this project.
Lets stop kicking this political football around to scare townspeople and understand its not in our best interest to halt funding until we have reached our obligations because to do so would place a burden on the taxpayers of Derry.
And lastly, why some councilors were quick to criticize others for going to this meeting with Boston North is beyond me. 4 councilors went ( not 3 as the UL reported) Why would any councilor NOT want to go to see the full history, look at all the documents and make a judgement based on knowing the FULL story is beyond me.
Janet said in the meeting on the TIFF that she didn't do her homework when she voted for it and then voted against, why would she make the same mistake by not viewing the whole issue herself and follow Kevins lead by refusing to go? Only they can answer that question.
What are your thoughts on this subject?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Derry Housing Market

The Derry Housing market is starting to come back! The above chart shows the inventory levels that we presently have today. A 5.8 Months supply is truly amazing from where it was over a year ago. The above chart shows inventory levels from 8/08 to 8/09.
Now, this in no way means that times are not tough but lets look at the facts. The housing market crash of 2006 led the demise of the economy. From there banks started having trouble, credit lines tightened, retail and hospitality services suffered and end results with unemployment being the last of tough times. Now we still need to create jobs in this country, what I would like to point out here is that the end is near for this recession. Housing had 6 months in a row of growth! Retail sales were unexpectedly high in Aug, and the Feds are saying its over in the papers.
This is good news for us! We need to stay positive and just like the new England weather, its bound to change for the better.
Friday, September 11, 2009
What the real data reveals!
Depending on who you listen to in discussing the local economy, one will get different opinions based on that persons perceived view on the economy of Derry. Last week, I had a few e-mails and phone calls about the recently approved TIF bonding the council unanimously approved and how crazy the council must be to approve such a bond in such a down economy.
I usually start with the fact the if you buy into the national media outlets, one would start to see all the negative aspects of day to day living, such as the unemployment figures, more foreclosed home coming etc etc.. and would leave some to believe that the sky is falling and we must hunker down.
For those that feel this way, I can respect that under some circumstances that is a true reality. Some even go as far as blaming all the foreclosed homes issue on the town council themselves...and in one case a person claims that a bank is telling people not to come to Derry because of the property taxes. Very interesting and I highly doubt that a bank would "red line" a community because that would be illegal!
Yes illegal! So when someone tells you this, consider the source and re-think about it.
Anyway, Lets look at the real data. We all know that New Hampshire fairs much better than the rest of the country as far as the economy goes..not perfect but not gloom and doom as some want you to believe.
Next, many of you know that Real Estate is my profession.
Take a look at these facts about Derry Housing. The facts are based on MLS readings of today. I took Single family homes only. Not Condos, Not commercial or Land listings.
Number of Houses currently on the market in Derry: 132 properties
Number of home Pending: 22 properties
That's a six months supply! Six months supply! Way down from the high of 10-12 month supply.
Now out of those that are pending: 1 is 300K or over, 10 are 200K to 300K and 11 are under 200K.
Now for the people who are complaining about the TIF and commercial development in Town... I see Tractor Supply come in to Hood Plaza, The completion of the Goddard school on Tsienneto Rd as well that Tire Warehouse began building on the same road. The new butcher shop on 28 and the news that the Fire Hall pub has new owners..
Lets start focusing on the positives in our town instead of the negative. Seems the same negative messages come from the same people over and over..
Lets look at the facts when we talk folks.. and make em positive ones for a change please!
I usually start with the fact the if you buy into the national media outlets, one would start to see all the negative aspects of day to day living, such as the unemployment figures, more foreclosed home coming etc etc.. and would leave some to believe that the sky is falling and we must hunker down.
For those that feel this way, I can respect that under some circumstances that is a true reality. Some even go as far as blaming all the foreclosed homes issue on the town council themselves...and in one case a person claims that a bank is telling people not to come to Derry because of the property taxes. Very interesting and I highly doubt that a bank would "red line" a community because that would be illegal!
Yes illegal! So when someone tells you this, consider the source and re-think about it.
Anyway, Lets look at the real data. We all know that New Hampshire fairs much better than the rest of the country as far as the economy goes..not perfect but not gloom and doom as some want you to believe.
Next, many of you know that Real Estate is my profession.
Take a look at these facts about Derry Housing. The facts are based on MLS readings of today. I took Single family homes only. Not Condos, Not commercial or Land listings.
Number of Houses currently on the market in Derry: 132 properties
Number of home Pending: 22 properties
That's a six months supply! Six months supply! Way down from the high of 10-12 month supply.
Now out of those that are pending: 1 is 300K or over, 10 are 200K to 300K and 11 are under 200K.
Now for the people who are complaining about the TIF and commercial development in Town... I see Tractor Supply come in to Hood Plaza, The completion of the Goddard school on Tsienneto Rd as well that Tire Warehouse began building on the same road. The new butcher shop on 28 and the news that the Fire Hall pub has new owners..
Lets start focusing on the positives in our town instead of the negative. Seems the same negative messages come from the same people over and over..
Lets look at the facts when we talk folks.. and make em positive ones for a change please!
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Council in Full Agreement!
The stars have finally aligned! Its a win for the people of the Town of Derry!
Yes its true, In a 7-0 vote at last nights town council meeting, the council voted to move ahead with plans on making improvements to the Manchester Rd area from Tsienneto Rd to the Londonderry line in the councils attempts to attract business and lowering residential taxes.
The 2006 planned project came to a halting stop when Walmart pulled its plan off the table and therefore not contributing the $900,000 it promised if approved. Those plans never stopped completely as the town spent $400,000 to do the pre-lim engineering work that needed to get done.
Almost three years later, after goal setting and identifying economic development as its number one priority ( which has not changed for the six years Ive been sitting)
The council came together as a whole to get the plans moving forward.
I wish to commend my fellow councilors who voted in favor in seeing that this project is a step in the right direction in trying to help offset residential tax burden on the single family home owners of our town.
This was a very satisfying moment for me as a councilor because it shows once the council puts personal attacks behind them and concentrates on goals and shows the town that its elected officials can actual get things done.
What do you think? Will the plan work in attracting business? Let us know how you feel!
Yes its true, In a 7-0 vote at last nights town council meeting, the council voted to move ahead with plans on making improvements to the Manchester Rd area from Tsienneto Rd to the Londonderry line in the councils attempts to attract business and lowering residential taxes.
The 2006 planned project came to a halting stop when Walmart pulled its plan off the table and therefore not contributing the $900,000 it promised if approved. Those plans never stopped completely as the town spent $400,000 to do the pre-lim engineering work that needed to get done.
Almost three years later, after goal setting and identifying economic development as its number one priority ( which has not changed for the six years Ive been sitting)
The council came together as a whole to get the plans moving forward.
I wish to commend my fellow councilors who voted in favor in seeing that this project is a step in the right direction in trying to help offset residential tax burden on the single family home owners of our town.
This was a very satisfying moment for me as a councilor because it shows once the council puts personal attacks behind them and concentrates on goals and shows the town that its elected officials can actual get things done.
What do you think? Will the plan work in attracting business? Let us know how you feel!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Derry has its elected Charter Commissioners
Another election is almost complete here in Derry and all the buzz that I'm hearing is the big upset of the ADT's slate of major candidates not getting elected. With all that money that this group spent on getting their people in, not to mention all the time and effort that they spent spearheading the cause.
The only members that did get elected were Kevin Coyle and Doug Newell, both whom placed 5th or lower in total vote count out of nine possible slots.
The winners are:
Brenda Willis, Jim Mceachern, John O'Connor,Chris Reisdorf,Paul Dionne,Kim Cyr, Kevin Coyle, Doug Newell
and a tie between Mike Gill and Pam Lynch will be decided on 8/12 after a recount.
Congrats to all the winners and let the meetings begin.
The question here is what do you feel that the new charter commissioners should look at for changes in the town's charter? Should they look into changing our government style..ie town vs city? and what needs to change if anything at all.
Lets discuss!
The only members that did get elected were Kevin Coyle and Doug Newell, both whom placed 5th or lower in total vote count out of nine possible slots.
The winners are:
Brenda Willis, Jim Mceachern, John O'Connor,Chris Reisdorf,Paul Dionne,Kim Cyr, Kevin Coyle, Doug Newell
and a tie between Mike Gill and Pam Lynch will be decided on 8/12 after a recount.
Congrats to all the winners and let the meetings begin.
The question here is what do you feel that the new charter commissioners should look at for changes in the town's charter? Should they look into changing our government style..ie town vs city? and what needs to change if anything at all.
Lets discuss!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Replays of the council meetings
Replays of the council meetings link is again running the very current up to date meetings. I will try and stay on top of refreshing these as they are available. Please check out the link at the right of this post and there you will find these public meetings.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Organized Mobbing?
It is 8:30 Am on Tues morning 7/14.
Are you all ready to see and hear the organized Mobbing scene for tonights council meeting? I'm sure you will see its stars come out tonight to speak of council members being removed.
We will hear from the same people who have said this over and over again and to make sure their message and political scoring points get the most mileage possible.
I'm sure we will see many members of the ADT group as they are headed up and organized by Doug Newell ready for the cameras tonight. In fact, Doug most likely has his new story line all set and ready to go.
When you get a chance readers, Go to Google.com and look up the word " Mobbing". See if you think that this applies to this group. Let me know what you think.
The sad thing here is that this group has learned that this is how you gain political power in the town of Derry. People in town must wake up to the fact that if this is how you want your town officials to act and operate, instead of focusing on the work that needs to get done, well then, thats what you'll get.
Please don't get me wrong, I understand that the conversation was innapropriate. Mr Benson has apoligized directly to MS Rose and I called to tell her that we never said the word fired or even thought that. It was a tongue and cheek comment that was said in a matter of 30 seconds.
Look I have been a councilor for 6 years and I have seen politics that i believe are above board, which concentrates on the positive, and on the issues at hand. AND I have seen the politics of personalities and dirty politics. I know, what i see. I know the players involved and I know that this town is going backwards.
Well enough said for today... Lets watch to see how tonight goes.. Seriously Folks, the word got out last week at what a circus it's gonna be.
Are you all ready to see and hear the organized Mobbing scene for tonights council meeting? I'm sure you will see its stars come out tonight to speak of council members being removed.
We will hear from the same people who have said this over and over again and to make sure their message and political scoring points get the most mileage possible.
I'm sure we will see many members of the ADT group as they are headed up and organized by Doug Newell ready for the cameras tonight. In fact, Doug most likely has his new story line all set and ready to go.
When you get a chance readers, Go to Google.com and look up the word " Mobbing". See if you think that this applies to this group. Let me know what you think.
The sad thing here is that this group has learned that this is how you gain political power in the town of Derry. People in town must wake up to the fact that if this is how you want your town officials to act and operate, instead of focusing on the work that needs to get done, well then, thats what you'll get.
Please don't get me wrong, I understand that the conversation was innapropriate. Mr Benson has apoligized directly to MS Rose and I called to tell her that we never said the word fired or even thought that. It was a tongue and cheek comment that was said in a matter of 30 seconds.
Look I have been a councilor for 6 years and I have seen politics that i believe are above board, which concentrates on the positive, and on the issues at hand. AND I have seen the politics of personalities and dirty politics. I know, what i see. I know the players involved and I know that this town is going backwards.
Well enough said for today... Lets watch to see how tonight goes.. Seriously Folks, the word got out last week at what a circus it's gonna be.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Here a TIF there a TIF
Q: What is a T.I.F.
A: Tax Incremental Finance
How does it work? Does it cost more money in the long run? What is so special about it? Why don't we just bond instead?
A TIFF bond is similar to a regular bond in that terms are set up such as a time commitment..20 yr or 30 yr bond.
The difference between the two are that a 20 yr bond /30 yr bond is just what it is.. a 20 yr or 30 yr bond.
A TIF bond CAN be paid-off sooner than its intended life... ie can be paid off in lets say 11 years and without penalty. You can think of it like making an extra mortgage payment at the end of the year, which helps bring down interest payments.
A TIF bond usually starts with very low payments in years 1-3 where as a regular bond would be spread out over life of bond.
Yes Doug is correct in that TIF bonds carry a little bit higher interest rate however its initial low payments and the early pay-off clause make it a winner in the long run. It is true that the TIF bond must be successful in bringing in business to realize the savings.
Also, The state of New Hampshire unlike many other states does not have the power to give tax breaks to companies to try and attract them to our state and its usually a "quality of life" issue that brings companies here. The TIF is one tool that we do have to attract businesses.
Where I think many get confused about TIF's are that they think that these businesses that are attracted, some how get a tax break or benefit from these TIF bonds where in fact the benefit they get is in Infrastructure improvements and in our case the widening of Manchester Rd to make it more commuter and business friendly.
Also with a TIF bond, and with permission from schools and state and county, these other government entities can decide to not take their portion of the local property tax, so that their portion can be used to help pay-off the TIF bond. For example in our TIF district, the school portion of their taxes would not go to schools but to help pay-off the bond instead. Makes sense because businesses don't send kids to schools. After the bonds are paid-off- these businesses would then be helping off set our residential/commercial mix and help offset and lower residential tax burdens.
A regular bond would do neither.
Lets remember that we already have water and sewer down Manchester rd and we have available lots that can be built upon. By creating a better roadway system we help attract business and bring those roadways from failure. Our TIF would only go to making the roadway improvements and would not go to private businesses to help them build their own buildings ( which is what the video that Doug provided says that is what that particular town did) This is an important fact that must be known.
Tax payers float the TIF bond for roadway improvements
Businesses that build new or additional buildings in the TIF district only will have portions of their taxes be paid to pay-off the bond. At no time will taxpayer money go to private business to help them build their buildings. ( all TIF are not created equally). The first three years are very low interest payments ( we have intial money in fund balance to get us started without raising any taxes) and in three years we should be in a better economy.
With success, we can pay this bond off quickly and bring commercial business taxes into the town, bring jobs to our community and help lower our taxes.
These are the two differences between the TIF and regular type bonding. Hope this shes some light to some and would love to hear feedback from others.
A: Tax Incremental Finance
How does it work? Does it cost more money in the long run? What is so special about it? Why don't we just bond instead?
A TIFF bond is similar to a regular bond in that terms are set up such as a time commitment..20 yr or 30 yr bond.
The difference between the two are that a 20 yr bond /30 yr bond is just what it is.. a 20 yr or 30 yr bond.
A TIF bond CAN be paid-off sooner than its intended life... ie can be paid off in lets say 11 years and without penalty. You can think of it like making an extra mortgage payment at the end of the year, which helps bring down interest payments.
A TIF bond usually starts with very low payments in years 1-3 where as a regular bond would be spread out over life of bond.
Yes Doug is correct in that TIF bonds carry a little bit higher interest rate however its initial low payments and the early pay-off clause make it a winner in the long run. It is true that the TIF bond must be successful in bringing in business to realize the savings.
Also, The state of New Hampshire unlike many other states does not have the power to give tax breaks to companies to try and attract them to our state and its usually a "quality of life" issue that brings companies here. The TIF is one tool that we do have to attract businesses.
Where I think many get confused about TIF's are that they think that these businesses that are attracted, some how get a tax break or benefit from these TIF bonds where in fact the benefit they get is in Infrastructure improvements and in our case the widening of Manchester Rd to make it more commuter and business friendly.
Also with a TIF bond, and with permission from schools and state and county, these other government entities can decide to not take their portion of the local property tax, so that their portion can be used to help pay-off the TIF bond. For example in our TIF district, the school portion of their taxes would not go to schools but to help pay-off the bond instead. Makes sense because businesses don't send kids to schools. After the bonds are paid-off- these businesses would then be helping off set our residential/commercial mix and help offset and lower residential tax burdens.
A regular bond would do neither.
Lets remember that we already have water and sewer down Manchester rd and we have available lots that can be built upon. By creating a better roadway system we help attract business and bring those roadways from failure. Our TIF would only go to making the roadway improvements and would not go to private businesses to help them build their own buildings ( which is what the video that Doug provided says that is what that particular town did) This is an important fact that must be known.
Tax payers float the TIF bond for roadway improvements
Businesses that build new or additional buildings in the TIF district only will have portions of their taxes be paid to pay-off the bond. At no time will taxpayer money go to private business to help them build their buildings. ( all TIF are not created equally). The first three years are very low interest payments ( we have intial money in fund balance to get us started without raising any taxes) and in three years we should be in a better economy.
With success, we can pay this bond off quickly and bring commercial business taxes into the town, bring jobs to our community and help lower our taxes.
These are the two differences between the TIF and regular type bonding. Hope this shes some light to some and would love to hear feedback from others.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Time to Focus on the Community.
Mudslinging, personal attacks, political posturing can all lead to a loss of focus on the needs of our community and in economical challenging times, which we certainly have today. We elected people need to come together for the best interests of Derry.
So too, the towns people must cut through all the distracting political super hype and focus on what your elected officials are doing for the town as a whole.
In this up coming fiscal year, the council has CUT taxes by .18 cents/1000 of your homes value. Hard decisions were made and in the end the council did do its job and showed the taxpayers of this town that we are "plugged in".
Now some will say that a small savings will not get much, however there is no way that cutting town side of government is going to make dramatic changes to our tax structure. Big changes, by "down shifting" in State budget will only add to our tax burden while town services will eventually suffer. In the end, its a cruel game of increasing taxes and cut services where we all end up losing. We shall leave state spending to another post on its own.
Anyway, we at town side are doing our part in helping control escalating taxes.
The second leg to bringing taxes down is to bring economic development to town. By achieving a TOTAL commitment in economic development. Ahh, those two words " economic development" have been hollow "buzz" words for years that make one almost electable just by saying the words. This time, All seven councilors are on record to doing and committing to the TIFF district on Manchester Rd as the best option right now in bringing in business. See what a difference a year makes.
( Notice no Burtis comments yet or Rev Joe making statements that Manchester Rd is not in failure. PS to the town newbies, we all know who these two are aligned with! Funny how the mouthpieces fall of the face of the map when their councilors are NOW in favor with it.)
The only question councilors must decide on now is how will we pay for the infrastructure and widening that must get done. Stay tuned. I'm sure it will be interesting in discussions. At least we are moving forward!
So too, the towns people must cut through all the distracting political super hype and focus on what your elected officials are doing for the town as a whole.
In this up coming fiscal year, the council has CUT taxes by .18 cents/1000 of your homes value. Hard decisions were made and in the end the council did do its job and showed the taxpayers of this town that we are "plugged in".
Now some will say that a small savings will not get much, however there is no way that cutting town side of government is going to make dramatic changes to our tax structure. Big changes, by "down shifting" in State budget will only add to our tax burden while town services will eventually suffer. In the end, its a cruel game of increasing taxes and cut services where we all end up losing. We shall leave state spending to another post on its own.
Anyway, we at town side are doing our part in helping control escalating taxes.
The second leg to bringing taxes down is to bring economic development to town. By achieving a TOTAL commitment in economic development. Ahh, those two words " economic development" have been hollow "buzz" words for years that make one almost electable just by saying the words. This time, All seven councilors are on record to doing and committing to the TIFF district on Manchester Rd as the best option right now in bringing in business. See what a difference a year makes.
( Notice no Burtis comments yet or Rev Joe making statements that Manchester Rd is not in failure. PS to the town newbies, we all know who these two are aligned with! Funny how the mouthpieces fall of the face of the map when their councilors are NOW in favor with it.)
The only question councilors must decide on now is how will we pay for the infrastructure and widening that must get done. Stay tuned. I'm sure it will be interesting in discussions. At least we are moving forward!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Board appointments should be fair.
Somewhere within the last 3 years the town council has left fairness out of the process of board appointments and have instead made the Planning Board, Zoning Board and Conservation Commission more of a political show than doing the fair and right thing in my opinion.
Many know how I got started in the volunteering on town boards. I started by running the camera equipment for C17 and televised the council meetings at that time. ( i also ran the cameras for both the "friends of education" and the "derry taxpayers" shows) and I guess that was a learning experience in the political process in Derry. I then chaired the cable committee for two years before moving on to Planning board as alternate..then to chairman of planning board, elected twice to town council and had the honor to be chairman of town council and twice pro-tem.
In that process, I had a chance to participate and move through the boards and gained knowledge on behalf of our town. But what message are we sending today on these boards when good alternates, who give of their time and effort are being told that the council doesn't care and they will pick according to political ties instead.
I mean, It used to be as an alternate, if a regular membership was vacant, it was filled by the senior alternate... Common courtesy and protocol. Especially if you have someone new, who shows for every meeting and is interested in helping the community. These are Derry's future leaders after all. We need new people to step up and be willing and eager to step in.
Last night, Once again as in the last 3 years, Mr Hopfgarten was appointed a regular member of planning over Ms Heard. Ms Heard has been an excellent member and is eager to participate. Instead of doing the right thing, again politics played into the decision.
Don't get me wrong, Paul is knowledgeable and will be a good addition to planning but Paul has done this before. He has sat on Planning and is a nine year ex-councilor who has chosen to plug in again to the scene after a small time away. Ms Heard should of been given this seat as a reg member of the board and Paul just was voted in as an alternate this year. My guess is that Paul is using the planning board as a spring board to run for town council again and will give up his seat in March should he be successful in running for council again.
We should go back to the fair and honorable way of appointing board members, Put new people in Alternate positions to learn and get experience, reward good alternates to regular membership when it happens and to let new blood into the process when the opportunities come.
I have seen 4-5 people who finally said that they were overlooked because of politics and felt nobody cared and not being rewarded by moving up the ladder, left volunteering for the town. What a shame.
What are your thought?
Many know how I got started in the volunteering on town boards. I started by running the camera equipment for C17 and televised the council meetings at that time. ( i also ran the cameras for both the "friends of education" and the "derry taxpayers" shows) and I guess that was a learning experience in the political process in Derry. I then chaired the cable committee for two years before moving on to Planning board as alternate..then to chairman of planning board, elected twice to town council and had the honor to be chairman of town council and twice pro-tem.
In that process, I had a chance to participate and move through the boards and gained knowledge on behalf of our town. But what message are we sending today on these boards when good alternates, who give of their time and effort are being told that the council doesn't care and they will pick according to political ties instead.
I mean, It used to be as an alternate, if a regular membership was vacant, it was filled by the senior alternate... Common courtesy and protocol. Especially if you have someone new, who shows for every meeting and is interested in helping the community. These are Derry's future leaders after all. We need new people to step up and be willing and eager to step in.
Last night, Once again as in the last 3 years, Mr Hopfgarten was appointed a regular member of planning over Ms Heard. Ms Heard has been an excellent member and is eager to participate. Instead of doing the right thing, again politics played into the decision.
Don't get me wrong, Paul is knowledgeable and will be a good addition to planning but Paul has done this before. He has sat on Planning and is a nine year ex-councilor who has chosen to plug in again to the scene after a small time away. Ms Heard should of been given this seat as a reg member of the board and Paul just was voted in as an alternate this year. My guess is that Paul is using the planning board as a spring board to run for town council again and will give up his seat in March should he be successful in running for council again.
We should go back to the fair and honorable way of appointing board members, Put new people in Alternate positions to learn and get experience, reward good alternates to regular membership when it happens and to let new blood into the process when the opportunities come.
I have seen 4-5 people who finally said that they were overlooked because of politics and felt nobody cared and not being rewarded by moving up the ladder, left volunteering for the town. What a shame.
What are your thought?
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Alliance not talking taxes?
I thought that the alliance of Derry Taxpayers Assoc was created to talk about taxes and spending in the town of Derry? For years this group will have you believe that they have the taxpayers best interests in mind. Or do they have a hidden agenda???
It seems to me that the positive news coming from the so called majority councilors are not being talked about in the taxpayers association circles because they have their eyes on taking the next election by winning at least 2 of 3 seats in March.
Why are they afraid to let the taxpayers of this town know that the "majority" will come in at .18 cents UNDER the previous years budget which means a savings to the taxpayers of Derry. Where is the praise for this work Mr. Newell? Aha, people will soon catch on that its not about the tax payers but more about Mr Newell and a select few who hide behind their mission statements and really want to control the powers to be. Its so obvious too.
The ADTA is quick to point out that the big bad majority approved union contracts and that will hurt the taxpayers of Derry. Well, not only do they want to "spin" a story but they will not tell you this.
Union Contract are under agreement for three years. And Still! The majority has given the taxpayers a savings over last years budget.
If they had their way, You would have no contracts signed and pro-longed, costly negotiations on going and a very poor working environment for both employees and taxpayers. Also you most likely would have no savings from the previous year because they were set in a 0% budget.
My my has the world turned upside down? Of course they will not tell you that. They have better things to do. Right?
It seems to me that the positive news coming from the so called majority councilors are not being talked about in the taxpayers association circles because they have their eyes on taking the next election by winning at least 2 of 3 seats in March.
Why are they afraid to let the taxpayers of this town know that the "majority" will come in at .18 cents UNDER the previous years budget which means a savings to the taxpayers of Derry. Where is the praise for this work Mr. Newell? Aha, people will soon catch on that its not about the tax payers but more about Mr Newell and a select few who hide behind their mission statements and really want to control the powers to be. Its so obvious too.
The ADTA is quick to point out that the big bad majority approved union contracts and that will hurt the taxpayers of Derry. Well, not only do they want to "spin" a story but they will not tell you this.
Union Contract are under agreement for three years. And Still! The majority has given the taxpayers a savings over last years budget.
If they had their way, You would have no contracts signed and pro-longed, costly negotiations on going and a very poor working environment for both employees and taxpayers. Also you most likely would have no savings from the previous year because they were set in a 0% budget.
My my has the world turned upside down? Of course they will not tell you that. They have better things to do. Right?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Full Investigation
This is a copy of an e-mail letter I sent Chairman Rick Metts and all councilors on 5/8/2009.
I am asking that you immediately contact the Attorney Generals Office for them to look into this matter. I look forward to sworn testimony from many parties to put this issue in its proper place and to allieviate the many rumors that are being orchastrated by a political faction. I trust you will do this right away.
I am asking that you immediately contact the Attorney Generals Office for them to look into this matter. I look forward to sworn testimony from many parties to put this issue in its proper place and to allieviate the many rumors that are being orchastrated by a political faction. I trust you will do this right away.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Had to pass this on.
What a great way to explain socialism…had to pass this on.
A simple analogy
An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had
never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire
That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be
poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.
The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class
on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive
the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.
After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B.
The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied
little were happy.
As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had
studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a
free ride too so they studied little.
The second test average was a D! No one was happy.
When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.
The scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all
resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of
anyone else.
All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that
socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great,
the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the
reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.
Could not be any simpler than that.
A simple analogy
An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had
never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire
That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be
poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.
The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class
on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive
the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.
After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B.
The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied
little were happy.
As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had
studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a
free ride too so they studied little.
The second test average was a D! No one was happy.
When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.
The scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all
resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of
anyone else.
All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that
socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great,
the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the
reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.
Could not be any simpler than that.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Taxpayer Rebate?
Councilors are winding down on this years 2010 budgets and at this point we await the publics input into the budget this Thursday at Municipal Center 3rd floor meeting room. We as a council as of this writing are .24 cents UNDER last years budget. The big question will be will that number be the final number or will some councilors go on a spending spree?
I am on record as stating that I would like to give that .24 cents/1000 of assessed value, BACK TO THE TAXPAYERS!
What will this mean for the average home owner in Derry. The home owner with an assessed value of $250,000 would pay $60 less property taxes this year vs. last year. ( yes virginia there is a santa clause! ).
$60 Sixty Dollars is a big savings! But hold on ! I need to get 3 more Councilors on board. Easy you may say? We shall see.
You need to pay close attention to the next few budget meetings to see if this can be accomplished and which councilors may agree with me.
Of course, my regular political opponets will not say one nice thing about my thoughts here because, well because they would have nothing to pick-on would they.
Most want to focus on the Negative and its pure politics and I understand that.
So, what are your thoughts?
I am on record as stating that I would like to give that .24 cents/1000 of assessed value, BACK TO THE TAXPAYERS!
What will this mean for the average home owner in Derry. The home owner with an assessed value of $250,000 would pay $60 less property taxes this year vs. last year. ( yes virginia there is a santa clause! ).
$60 Sixty Dollars is a big savings! But hold on ! I need to get 3 more Councilors on board. Easy you may say? We shall see.
You need to pay close attention to the next few budget meetings to see if this can be accomplished and which councilors may agree with me.
Of course, my regular political opponets will not say one nice thing about my thoughts here because, well because they would have nothing to pick-on would they.
Most want to focus on the Negative and its pure politics and I understand that.
So, what are your thoughts?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Solutions are needed
Solutions are needed in our Town and we need them right away. Economic Development has come to a grinding halt and we can't be happy with our results in the last two years. I feel that we did not get what we should of when we hired an in house director and it was a costly mistake. Also, we are looking at people who just don't want to give any money to the DEDC to help in this arena, and in the end, the people of Derry are "missing the boat".
Derry once had the medical field niche with Parkland Medical and the doctors who associated with them and that was something Derry could be proud of, however while the powers that be argue about $20,000 to bring business into this town ( a very small amount and one which we are way out spent) Londonderry is now attacking this very niche with Elliot moving in and making their business friendly environment pay-off. Derry will again, come out on the short end of the stick and if we don't turn it around soon, will NEVER recover from higher taxes.
The issue and the question is simple: What does Derry offer for businesses and how can we use our positive attributes to attract business and help lower taxes in our town.
Lets hear some thoughts.
Derry once had the medical field niche with Parkland Medical and the doctors who associated with them and that was something Derry could be proud of, however while the powers that be argue about $20,000 to bring business into this town ( a very small amount and one which we are way out spent) Londonderry is now attacking this very niche with Elliot moving in and making their business friendly environment pay-off. Derry will again, come out on the short end of the stick and if we don't turn it around soon, will NEVER recover from higher taxes.
The issue and the question is simple: What does Derry offer for businesses and how can we use our positive attributes to attract business and help lower taxes in our town.
Lets hear some thoughts.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Budget Time
Councilors just finished up their 2nd round of budgets with a whole Saturday marathon meeting. We started the budgets last Thursday on April 16th with both the Derry Library and the Taylor Library. Right out of the gate, councilors looked to trim back a budget that was presented with both increases in salaries and benefits in some cases and putting money aside for capital projects. Both were either trimmed way down and/or eliminated all together.
For instance, Library staff were looking for a 2.5% salary increase and those were trimmed to a 1% increase instead. To my surprise, Councilor Coyle did not Zero line those increase but instead compromised instead.. This was a fair way to handle it.
However, I tried to take out the legal line which had $200 in it. My questions was what kind of legal advise can one get for $200. Besides, The library if need be could use town's legal council if need be..I doubt that it would get used.. My motion failed though, so $200 stays in for legal. I then made a motion to cut $12,000 for a security camera. I thought it could wait until next year. That item was flagged for now meaning we will bring that back up a little bit later.
The Taylor Library also had their salary increases knock down to 1%. They wanted 3.5% over last year. We also took out $20,000 which was to be used in a capital fund for Taylor Library Expansion.. Looks like that will need to wait until better times.
Yesterday we had the Saturday Marathon day and we took out more that $4 million out of what was in the budget. A bond to build a rec facility was motioned out by me because in this economy, the town must keep its spending in line.
I'll post more about the budgets in upcoming posts. Lets hear some of your thoughts about the budget and what should be done for this year.
For instance, Library staff were looking for a 2.5% salary increase and those were trimmed to a 1% increase instead. To my surprise, Councilor Coyle did not Zero line those increase but instead compromised instead.. This was a fair way to handle it.
However, I tried to take out the legal line which had $200 in it. My questions was what kind of legal advise can one get for $200. Besides, The library if need be could use town's legal council if need be..I doubt that it would get used.. My motion failed though, so $200 stays in for legal. I then made a motion to cut $12,000 for a security camera. I thought it could wait until next year. That item was flagged for now meaning we will bring that back up a little bit later.
The Taylor Library also had their salary increases knock down to 1%. They wanted 3.5% over last year. We also took out $20,000 which was to be used in a capital fund for Taylor Library Expansion.. Looks like that will need to wait until better times.
Yesterday we had the Saturday Marathon day and we took out more that $4 million out of what was in the budget. A bond to build a rec facility was motioned out by me because in this economy, the town must keep its spending in line.
I'll post more about the budgets in upcoming posts. Lets hear some of your thoughts about the budget and what should be done for this year.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
State of Economic Development
Remember the old saying " are you better off today than you were last year".Well in the town's economic development arena, I will have to say that the answer is a big NO. The town has for the last two fiscal years supported an in house economic development director after a few years of working with the DEDC. The DEDC are a non-governmental, non-profit group of business owners who have looked after attracting businesses into Derry so that we may get some tax relief for the single family homeowners who's tax bills keep increasing and relief is needed.
Last night, former council member and now president of the DEDC came to give the town an update on DEDC status. They are requesting that the DEDC come back in working arm and arm with the town because they can do it at a far better cost, according to Bulkley, and they can do a far better job in bringing business into town.
The DEDC is requesting $20K this year and an appropriation of $60K for FY2010.
Many questions then followed and some public forum questions were addressed.
It seemed to me that all councilors had and continue to have an open mind right now however I'm sure more questions will be asked before any money is put aside.
The Big question becomes this:
1) Is economic development a priority in this town?
2) What have we gotten for the 200K we spent in two years with in house E.D.?
3)Do we bring back DEDC and how will everyone work hand and hand for the good of the town?
4) If we do nothing, what do we get in the form of new businesses to offset taxes?
5)Are there any new ideas outside of both DEDC and in-house E.D.
I want to hear form you.
Last night, former council member and now president of the DEDC came to give the town an update on DEDC status. They are requesting that the DEDC come back in working arm and arm with the town because they can do it at a far better cost, according to Bulkley, and they can do a far better job in bringing business into town.
The DEDC is requesting $20K this year and an appropriation of $60K for FY2010.
Many questions then followed and some public forum questions were addressed.
It seemed to me that all councilors had and continue to have an open mind right now however I'm sure more questions will be asked before any money is put aside.
The Big question becomes this:
1) Is economic development a priority in this town?
2) What have we gotten for the 200K we spent in two years with in house E.D.?
3)Do we bring back DEDC and how will everyone work hand and hand for the good of the town?
4) If we do nothing, what do we get in the form of new businesses to offset taxes?
5)Are there any new ideas outside of both DEDC and in-house E.D.
I want to hear form you.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Who will be the next..Derry Town Council Chair?
Fresh off yesterdays town elections, the buzz that is all around is all about who will be the next town council chairman?
I would like to hear from you blog readers on who you think will be the next chairman or chairwoman and your reasoning behind your pick..
Also I wanted to congratulate all the winners in yesterdays election and to say thank-you for running and your commitment to the town of Derry for the runners-up.
Please keep engaged into the political scene in town and let your voices be heard.
I would like to hear from you blog readers on who you think will be the next chairman or chairwoman and your reasoning behind your pick..
Also I wanted to congratulate all the winners in yesterdays election and to say thank-you for running and your commitment to the town of Derry for the runners-up.
Please keep engaged into the political scene in town and let your voices be heard.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Polling Places
Just a reminder.
Districts 1 & 4 Vote at Gilbert H Hood Jr High
Districts 2 & 3 Vote at West Running Brook Middle school.
Please exercise your right to vote tomorrow!!!
Districts 1 & 4 Vote at Gilbert H Hood Jr High
Districts 2 & 3 Vote at West Running Brook Middle school.
Please exercise your right to vote tomorrow!!!
Friday, March 06, 2009
Top 10 Least Taxed Cities in America
This puts things into a little better perspective.
Check Out #2!
Check Out #2!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Sewer Bonding.
I was asked in a previous post about how I would work with Kevin and Janet if they so happen to get re-elected. The post said that if that scenario were to happen that they expected that we all work together moving forward and that we should have the best interests of the town at all times. I agree.
I would like to state here and now that if in fact Kevin and Janet do get re-elected that both have mentioned numerous times over the last couple years that they both support extending sewer as a priority for them. They make it both clear that 4A and the TIFF is not something that they could support. Fine, that's their right as an elected official. But you will be the very first to read this here in this blog.
If Kevin and Janet both get re-elected, I will then make a motion to bond between 5-30 million dollars for running sewer and water down Rte 28 towards Ryan's Hill.
After all this is what they have wanted for three years now. Do you think either candidate would vote YES on this issue AFTER they get back in???
Lets remember its very easy to say NO all the time... Where are the solutions? Talk about rubber stamps. I'm willing to bet that they both will vote NO again and for another 3 years Derry stays stagnant. Do you agree?
I would like to state here and now that if in fact Kevin and Janet do get re-elected that both have mentioned numerous times over the last couple years that they both support extending sewer as a priority for them. They make it both clear that 4A and the TIFF is not something that they could support. Fine, that's their right as an elected official. But you will be the very first to read this here in this blog.
If Kevin and Janet both get re-elected, I will then make a motion to bond between 5-30 million dollars for running sewer and water down Rte 28 towards Ryan's Hill.
After all this is what they have wanted for three years now. Do you think either candidate would vote YES on this issue AFTER they get back in???
Lets remember its very easy to say NO all the time... Where are the solutions? Talk about rubber stamps. I'm willing to bet that they both will vote NO again and for another 3 years Derry stays stagnant. Do you agree?
Sunday, March 01, 2009
The Big Bad Blog!
I'm not running for any position this year however looks like some councilors want to blame this big bad blog as the reason why the councilors all don't get along. Have we not been down this road once before..Some want to stifle others freedom of speech and its this type of censorship that gets me wondering that its fine for some to be critical of others however when someone is critical of them... They don't like it. They want it to be destroyed, and they don't give a damn if others have the right to free speech.
During the political show that is produced every year, A question was asked about what party affiliation a candidate belongs to and Councilor Coyle came out and said he was Independent... Funny he has registered as a Republican and then recently as a Democrat.It depends what best suits him for that particular time.
Then the loaded question about finance contributions..Kevin and Janet stated that they had very limited funds from outside.. Janet stated a friend paid for her signs and she received $100 from someone and a check that she is returning.. Kevin said his campaign will cost $1000. With $400 coming from "friends"..
I don't know which world you live however i believe that is what politicians do. They raise money for their campaigns. What does it say when nobody wants to contribute to their campaigns????
The facts are that in the first election Mr.Coyle picked up lots of money that this time around those friends had none to give. So now its an issue when 3 years ago it was not?? Kevin also stated that since he and Janet were elected no more "back door" arrangements had occurred.. really? What about the Land for bike path deal Kevin?
The question comes to the simple facts.. Do you think the town can get things done with Kevin and Janet coming back or with new fresh faces Maureen and Joel?? Think about it?
Also, Do you think this blog has value in expressing ones thoughts or do you think like Ms. Fairbanks that it is the reason for the towns undoing and ill will towards council members. The facts speak for themselves in this blog. Even people who are critical of me and my positions are posted for all to see.. That's part of the political process. Why someone runs and doesn't want to be criticized is beyond me.
Your thoughts!
During the political show that is produced every year, A question was asked about what party affiliation a candidate belongs to and Councilor Coyle came out and said he was Independent... Funny he has registered as a Republican and then recently as a Democrat.It depends what best suits him for that particular time.
Then the loaded question about finance contributions..Kevin and Janet stated that they had very limited funds from outside.. Janet stated a friend paid for her signs and she received $100 from someone and a check that she is returning.. Kevin said his campaign will cost $1000. With $400 coming from "friends"..
I don't know which world you live however i believe that is what politicians do. They raise money for their campaigns. What does it say when nobody wants to contribute to their campaigns????
The facts are that in the first election Mr.Coyle picked up lots of money that this time around those friends had none to give. So now its an issue when 3 years ago it was not?? Kevin also stated that since he and Janet were elected no more "back door" arrangements had occurred.. really? What about the Land for bike path deal Kevin?
The question comes to the simple facts.. Do you think the town can get things done with Kevin and Janet coming back or with new fresh faces Maureen and Joel?? Think about it?
Also, Do you think this blog has value in expressing ones thoughts or do you think like Ms. Fairbanks that it is the reason for the towns undoing and ill will towards council members. The facts speak for themselves in this blog. Even people who are critical of me and my positions are posted for all to see.. That's part of the political process. Why someone runs and doesn't want to be criticized is beyond me.
Your thoughts!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Time for a Change!
Three years ago today, two new faces to town politics came into the political picture seeking a change. The incumbents at the time were two people who had many years experience at that time and were two well known politicians.
Those two new comers were Kevin Coyle and Janet Fairbanks. Both ran on a pro-economic development platform and both said it was important to bring businesses into town to help offset the residential/commercial/industrial mix that was keeping the town side taxes high. Both Coyle and Fairbanks won there seats as "fresh faces" that would bring "fresh ideas" to the town and that they did..
However, Lets examine what either of these councilors have done to bring in the promised economic development into town.
I can't think of one thing that helped bring in business can you?? I can tell you that both fought very hard against Walmart coming in. Both fought hard and waged a battle with the DEDC at that time. Both making it well known they did not like the DEDC at all and was instrumental in pushing them out the door. They both thought the the Ash St Development was a failure, when in fact, just recently our finance director, who's dept has won many awards and regarded as a top notch dept recently said in his financials that in fact the Ash St development was a big success.. Who do you want to believe??? I'll take the experts opinion.
Now lets talk about what the two councilors did approve in their three years.
Mr. Coyle's motion to spend $500,000 on engineering work for Rte 28 near Folsom Rd and the Londonderry line. That's 1/2 a million spent and he will tell you that he is against a TIFF district to attract new business. Ms Fairbanks? Is she for the TIFF? Doubt it.
Then we have the Quid pro qua deal that Kevin has admitted was such a deal, arranged with others beforehand, where they purchased downtown land ( old oil property) in exchange for the council to take $225k of your tax dollars for a 2 mile pavement of bike path. $225k in a bad economy? What were they thinking. The spent 500K in short order.
And then we have the 80K (whoops, I mean 125K) Manning Street extent ion when the engineering firm who did the study said it was a waste of money.. Kevin & Janet still voted in favor. Do we see a pattern here?? They know better than the experts.
Its interesting that both are running this year on a "I'll be the taxpayers protectors" platform when both spent money foolishly. Both have to understand that even if re-elected they can not muster other councilors support and therefore next year would be a continuation of this year. As Kevin stated in a meeting not to long ago " This council has accomplished nothing"
Both Kevin and Janet supported bringing in a economic development director in house at a cost of $100K year for the last two years... What did we get for that money?? In fact Kevin said in public that it was a mistake.
Folks it time for a change. Please look at the backgrounds of Joel Olbricht and Maureen Heard against the two incumbent and after reading them tell me its not time for a fresh change. Tell me its not time to get some "expertise" for the town at the council level.
We need change and a team effort to get things going in the right direction. We don't need stagnation in bad times...Please support Olbricht and Heard as the next councilor at large and Dist #1 councilor.
Those two new comers were Kevin Coyle and Janet Fairbanks. Both ran on a pro-economic development platform and both said it was important to bring businesses into town to help offset the residential/commercial/industrial mix that was keeping the town side taxes high. Both Coyle and Fairbanks won there seats as "fresh faces" that would bring "fresh ideas" to the town and that they did..
However, Lets examine what either of these councilors have done to bring in the promised economic development into town.
I can't think of one thing that helped bring in business can you?? I can tell you that both fought very hard against Walmart coming in. Both fought hard and waged a battle with the DEDC at that time. Both making it well known they did not like the DEDC at all and was instrumental in pushing them out the door. They both thought the the Ash St Development was a failure, when in fact, just recently our finance director, who's dept has won many awards and regarded as a top notch dept recently said in his financials that in fact the Ash St development was a big success.. Who do you want to believe??? I'll take the experts opinion.
Now lets talk about what the two councilors did approve in their three years.
Mr. Coyle's motion to spend $500,000 on engineering work for Rte 28 near Folsom Rd and the Londonderry line. That's 1/2 a million spent and he will tell you that he is against a TIFF district to attract new business. Ms Fairbanks? Is she for the TIFF? Doubt it.
Then we have the Quid pro qua deal that Kevin has admitted was such a deal, arranged with others beforehand, where they purchased downtown land ( old oil property) in exchange for the council to take $225k of your tax dollars for a 2 mile pavement of bike path. $225k in a bad economy? What were they thinking. The spent 500K in short order.
And then we have the 80K (whoops, I mean 125K) Manning Street extent ion when the engineering firm who did the study said it was a waste of money.. Kevin & Janet still voted in favor. Do we see a pattern here?? They know better than the experts.
Its interesting that both are running this year on a "I'll be the taxpayers protectors" platform when both spent money foolishly. Both have to understand that even if re-elected they can not muster other councilors support and therefore next year would be a continuation of this year. As Kevin stated in a meeting not to long ago " This council has accomplished nothing"
Both Kevin and Janet supported bringing in a economic development director in house at a cost of $100K year for the last two years... What did we get for that money?? In fact Kevin said in public that it was a mistake.
Folks it time for a change. Please look at the backgrounds of Joel Olbricht and Maureen Heard against the two incumbent and after reading them tell me its not time for a fresh change. Tell me its not time to get some "expertise" for the town at the council level.
We need change and a team effort to get things going in the right direction. We don't need stagnation in bad times...Please support Olbricht and Heard as the next councilor at large and Dist #1 councilor.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Open Forum II
More open forum for all to make some of the post following a little bit easier.
Please leave a message!
Please leave a message!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Open Forum
Lets open it up to anything you want to talk about?
Will KC and JF run for their seats on the city council? And who else may run?
How will the 0% upcoming budget effect town services? your thoughts?
Or anything else that is on your mind. Lets hear it.
Will KC and JF run for their seats on the city council? And who else may run?
How will the 0% upcoming budget effect town services? your thoughts?
Or anything else that is on your mind. Lets hear it.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Real Estate Bubble and more.
If you have a chance to see this video. It about sums it up on the ecomomy the last few years. Take a look at it and then come back and share your comments.
Just wanted to thank the many visitors to Derry NH Politics Blog! It reached its 40,000 visitor mark a couple of days ago and its because of people like you it has found staying power.
There have been other blogs that have started and then have stopped for various reasons and I can tell you first hand that maintaining and keeping a blog going is not a very easy thing to do. I appreciate all the comments that come in and I post 99% of what you send ( the other 1 % I do not dare put in )and again would like to thank you for using these mediums.
If you have any ideas that may make improvements, please pass them along.
Thanks Again!
There have been other blogs that have started and then have stopped for various reasons and I can tell you first hand that maintaining and keeping a blog going is not a very easy thing to do. I appreciate all the comments that come in and I post 99% of what you send ( the other 1 % I do not dare put in )and again would like to thank you for using these mediums.
If you have any ideas that may make improvements, please pass them along.
Thanks Again!
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