Our thoughts and Prayers for a local hero who was injured in Iraq serving his country's call to duty.
Derry's Joshua Caruso is being treated for burns in a Maryland hospital.
We wish Joshua a speedy recovery and hope he is home soon.
The opinions expressed are of my own individualy and are not to be interpreted as official of any governing body. Comments from readers are also of their own opinions and will be edited only if the content is harmful or non constructive to any individual. It is important to share information and thoughts on political process so that we may discuss issues that effect us all.
What can one say beside thank you. Hope you have for a speedy recovery and by all means, do what the doc's advise.
Thank you.
Would it hurt ALL of the other bloggers, annonymous or otherwise, to take about 6 seconds and offer the same?
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Thank you for your service to America.
Thank you Joshua for your dedicated service to our country and for your's and your brother's brave and valient efforts to keep our familys safe over there while myself and my brothers work to keep your family safe over here.
Speedy recovery, crisp salute.
Member of Local 4392
Is there an address that we can send a get well card
anon 1:17,
Let me see if I can get an address.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery and for your valient service to our country.
I have seen Josh in neighborhood. He went to Grinnell and Hood. He was always a very polite and courteous kid. May God Bless him and get well soon. HOO-RAH
BC were you able to get an address to send a get well card?
anon 9:40,
No not yet. Maybe I should call Sen. Letorneau
Anon 9:52,
Called the senator and he did not have an address however he will see if we can get one.
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