Hate to say I told you so, but I told you so.
The Manning Street issue is not over. I know alot of you are sick and tired about hearing the issue over the years however, at the last public hearing we had on the subject, I specifically asked whether or not the $80,000 was enough to do this wasteful road. The reason being it ( the dollar amount $80K) had been placed in the CIP for years.
We all know and have read stories about the escalating gas and oil prices right?
And we all know that Asphalt is made with oil right?
Ok now here is what happened.
The 80K project went out to bid
5 bids came in to pave this new road
Low Bid comes in at $124,400.
Almost 50 K more than budgeted.
You all know how I will vote especially if I thought 80K was a waste of taxpayers money
The question really is lets see what the taxpayers associations heroes on the council do with their votes
And then lets see the same association defend their approval votes to spend an additional 50K for a personal agenda!
Stay tuned! and watch your tax dollars being flushed!
Oh and by the way, on the agenda is the renaming of the Manning St Ext because we alread have another Manning St 50' away.
What name can you come up with for the new road?
I like Waste Rd. or how about Dumb Ass Lane!
You have a good name to Share for this road. I'd like to hear from you!