This post will make some people very upset and I can fully appreciate that fact because of all their hard work and great effort into getting the Town of Derry a bike path that would connect with the town of Windham's'.
However we are in an economy like no other and with the last couple of town council meetings discussions talking about possible lay-offs, hiring freezes and freezes in overtime as well as a demand of our town administrator to come in with a 0% increase, how can we in good conscience spend $225,000 on a bike path at this time?
It just does not make sense does it???
I would not want the efforts of the bike path committee and the hard work in raising the other money go unnoticed either, however it can wait until the economy is much better don't you agree.
The right thing to do here is for the council to rescind the vote that gave them the $225,000 and use this money to lower the taxpayers tax rate for next year. Could you just imagine that the town administrator comes in at 0% tax increase for next year and then we use the $225,000 to actually LOWER THE TAX RATE.
What are your thoughts on this! agree? disagree? and tell us why!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Derry's major ice storm
Another unforgettable major storm has made it's impression on all of us here in Derry. This one ranks right up there with the "blizzard of 78".
I would like to thank our Emergency Operations Center for performing an outstanding job and they are still at it as this blog is being written. This storm was devastating with knocking down trees and power lines snapping. Frigid temps and lack of electricity made for rough days and nights as people were scrambling to stay warm and get to the basic necessities such as food and water.
In some spots, it looked like a war zone. Warner Hill, English Range road and Windham road. In this blog, I would like to hear from you how this storm effected your life. How did you cope, and what you will do to prepare yourself for future storms.
If you have picture you would like to share, please send them along as well.
I would like to thank our Emergency Operations Center for performing an outstanding job and they are still at it as this blog is being written. This storm was devastating with knocking down trees and power lines snapping. Frigid temps and lack of electricity made for rough days and nights as people were scrambling to stay warm and get to the basic necessities such as food and water.
In some spots, it looked like a war zone. Warner Hill, English Range road and Windham road. In this blog, I would like to hear from you how this storm effected your life. How did you cope, and what you will do to prepare yourself for future storms.
If you have picture you would like to share, please send them along as well.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Is becoming a city the answer?
Is becoming a city the answer in Derry? Will property taxes finally start to come down in doing so? Some say "Yes" and others are saying they are not so sure.
For years the discussions around the water bubblier was that maybe if we could become a city, taxes would be kept in line because the schools portion of the tax bill would have to fall under the "tax cap" that the town presently has.
For those of you who may not know how the Town works presently, here is the scoop.
Only the town side of your tax bill has a tax cap, which ties into the national CPI and which has averaged about 3% a year over the last 10 years. Never has a council spent up to the maximum allowed in any year. Last year, We were allowed to add an additional .22 cents/1000 of home value and we spent .18 cents.
The rest of your tax bill includes the following: School, State and County. These four categories make up your total bill. Only the town side portion has the tax cap.
The idea in becoming a city would allow you to include the school portion under the cap. The school portion is the largest of the four in taxes.
Another reason to become a city is that cities have different grant monies from the feds than a town would. We may have more opportunities to get more grant money.
At the last council meeting, Councilor Coyle introduced a motion for the establishment of a charter commission so that the elected commission members could look into the possibilities of becoming a city and to study the idea in more detail.
The council will have a public hearing in Jan to get the public reaction to establishing the committee. What are your thoughts? Is it time to become a City?
For years the discussions around the water bubblier was that maybe if we could become a city, taxes would be kept in line because the schools portion of the tax bill would have to fall under the "tax cap" that the town presently has.
For those of you who may not know how the Town works presently, here is the scoop.
Only the town side of your tax bill has a tax cap, which ties into the national CPI and which has averaged about 3% a year over the last 10 years. Never has a council spent up to the maximum allowed in any year. Last year, We were allowed to add an additional .22 cents/1000 of home value and we spent .18 cents.
The rest of your tax bill includes the following: School, State and County. These four categories make up your total bill. Only the town side portion has the tax cap.
The idea in becoming a city would allow you to include the school portion under the cap. The school portion is the largest of the four in taxes.
Another reason to become a city is that cities have different grant monies from the feds than a town would. We may have more opportunities to get more grant money.
At the last council meeting, Councilor Coyle introduced a motion for the establishment of a charter commission so that the elected commission members could look into the possibilities of becoming a city and to study the idea in more detail.
The council will have a public hearing in Jan to get the public reaction to establishing the committee. What are your thoughts? Is it time to become a City?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Time to Act is now.
The time to act is now!
Last month at the end of a council meeting during councilor requests, I had brought up the topic of a hiring freeze and a freeze of all overtime budgets at the town level. Not one other councilor joined me in the discussions and nothing more has been said about my proposal which i think is unfortunate. I did get some comments that said it was not a good request and how would that effect town services such as snow plowing etc.. ( no snow yet and lost opportunity to save some money).
My proposal would look at not eliminating any crucial services dealing with overtime but instead by making a complete review of where we are spending money and how to get a better "bang for the dollar".
by prioritizing jobs that are most needed and to put on a back burner, the non-essesial ones for another year.
I bring these issues up so next years budget becomes a little better to handle and to keep future disruptions in services to becoming larger issues and to minimize lay-offs that may need to be considered. I understand that some town employees may not like to hear about overtime freezes, however I'm positive that they will not like to hear that they may get a pink slip next year. I would hope that many can see the benifits of knowing they have a good job.
We must view the fact that what we do today will have effects 6 months from now. Sacrifice a little now to save a job later is what I beleive to be the best way to prepare. I'm sure some would dis-agree however from my own expeirences, find it to be proper planning.
I just read an article with our CFO Frank Childs telling the Union Leader that municipal budgets are tight and the fact that Derry has a tax cap, he believes that most likely "lay-offs" are coming. With that knowledge, would it not make sense to cut overtime now and also a hiring freeze?? It does to me!
Your thoughts?
Last month at the end of a council meeting during councilor requests, I had brought up the topic of a hiring freeze and a freeze of all overtime budgets at the town level. Not one other councilor joined me in the discussions and nothing more has been said about my proposal which i think is unfortunate. I did get some comments that said it was not a good request and how would that effect town services such as snow plowing etc.. ( no snow yet and lost opportunity to save some money).
My proposal would look at not eliminating any crucial services dealing with overtime but instead by making a complete review of where we are spending money and how to get a better "bang for the dollar".
by prioritizing jobs that are most needed and to put on a back burner, the non-essesial ones for another year.
I bring these issues up so next years budget becomes a little better to handle and to keep future disruptions in services to becoming larger issues and to minimize lay-offs that may need to be considered. I understand that some town employees may not like to hear about overtime freezes, however I'm positive that they will not like to hear that they may get a pink slip next year. I would hope that many can see the benifits of knowing they have a good job.
We must view the fact that what we do today will have effects 6 months from now. Sacrifice a little now to save a job later is what I beleive to be the best way to prepare. I'm sure some would dis-agree however from my own expeirences, find it to be proper planning.
I just read an article with our CFO Frank Childs telling the Union Leader that municipal budgets are tight and the fact that Derry has a tax cap, he believes that most likely "lay-offs" are coming. With that knowledge, would it not make sense to cut overtime now and also a hiring freeze?? It does to me!
Your thoughts?
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Light at the end
Here we go again.
Being accused of being an optimist is not a bad trait to have in these times. We have enough "gloom and doom" neigh sayers through-out Derry and unfortunately their voices are heard more often than one wishes.
Can we dwell on all the negatives we hear and are bombarded with on a daily basis or should we look for AND CONCENTRATE on the positives of each situation. I'll let you answer that question for yourself!
Reading many books written by successful people usually have a common theme. Stay away from the negative energy- its sucks the lifeblood out of everything. Surround yourself with the positive people! Even the medical community will tell you that by doing so, you will be happier, healthier and live longer.
So when being accused of "wearing rose-colored glasses" I say yes! whats wrong with that? Is the world perfect? of course not! Can I find something to complain about on a daily basis? sure but why would I want to make myself sick everyday. I could blame my problems on someone else, would that make me feel any better? Maybe, but we have to look ourselves in the mirror and understand that we control our thoughts, feelings and how we act. That's the power of positive attraction. What comes around, goes around. You think positive thoughts and positive things happen, You think negative thoughts and negative things happen, its a very simple life lesson.
Lets look at today's economy. Is gas going down? $2.39. How about heating oil? yep
These two things are the life blood of the economy..
How about real estate? Well the absorption rate is now at 6.8 months in Derry! Down from over 10 months supply. How about being a good time to buy real estate? Prices are more affordable than ever and who among us think that the housing market will not go back up in value. Stock market? some stocks are considered a steal right now...
Remember that the economy is 2/3 consumer confidence. Once banks and people stop being negative and start being positive, will we get out of this mess. I will go on to say that this spring, we will have so much pent up demand that our economy will be on the fast track to getting back where it should be..
Folks there is a reason why rich people get richer... They buy at the best value, when others are to afraid to let go of any money. I am not one of those rich people, however, should we not be looking at what they are doing? Now, I do understand some people are in worse shape financially than others, however keep the positive thoughts and positive people around you at all times! Forget those everyday negative, energy sapping people that are miserable day in and day out.. You deserve better!
Being accused of being an optimist is not a bad trait to have in these times. We have enough "gloom and doom" neigh sayers through-out Derry and unfortunately their voices are heard more often than one wishes.
Can we dwell on all the negatives we hear and are bombarded with on a daily basis or should we look for AND CONCENTRATE on the positives of each situation. I'll let you answer that question for yourself!
Reading many books written by successful people usually have a common theme. Stay away from the negative energy- its sucks the lifeblood out of everything. Surround yourself with the positive people! Even the medical community will tell you that by doing so, you will be happier, healthier and live longer.
So when being accused of "wearing rose-colored glasses" I say yes! whats wrong with that? Is the world perfect? of course not! Can I find something to complain about on a daily basis? sure but why would I want to make myself sick everyday. I could blame my problems on someone else, would that make me feel any better? Maybe, but we have to look ourselves in the mirror and understand that we control our thoughts, feelings and how we act. That's the power of positive attraction. What comes around, goes around. You think positive thoughts and positive things happen, You think negative thoughts and negative things happen, its a very simple life lesson.
Lets look at today's economy. Is gas going down? $2.39. How about heating oil? yep
These two things are the life blood of the economy..
How about real estate? Well the absorption rate is now at 6.8 months in Derry! Down from over 10 months supply. How about being a good time to buy real estate? Prices are more affordable than ever and who among us think that the housing market will not go back up in value. Stock market? some stocks are considered a steal right now...
Remember that the economy is 2/3 consumer confidence. Once banks and people stop being negative and start being positive, will we get out of this mess. I will go on to say that this spring, we will have so much pent up demand that our economy will be on the fast track to getting back where it should be..
Folks there is a reason why rich people get richer... They buy at the best value, when others are to afraid to let go of any money. I am not one of those rich people, however, should we not be looking at what they are doing? Now, I do understand some people are in worse shape financially than others, however keep the positive thoughts and positive people around you at all times! Forget those everyday negative, energy sapping people that are miserable day in and day out.. You deserve better!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Derry Polling Places
I have had many phone calls asking me where people are suppose to vote in the Upcoming Nov 4Th Election. Just thought people should be aware of the locations because some district polling places have changed.
Voting Hours are 7Am to 8pm on November 4Th 2008
Districts 1 and Districts 3 will be voting at PINKERTON ACADEMY
District 2 Will be voting at Calvary Christian School on East Derry/Hampstead Rd
District 4 Will be voting at Hood Jr High School.
Please make sure you tell everyone you know about where to vote.!!!
Voting Hours are 7Am to 8pm on November 4Th 2008
Districts 1 and Districts 3 will be voting at PINKERTON ACADEMY
District 2 Will be voting at Calvary Christian School on East Derry/Hampstead Rd
District 4 Will be voting at Hood Jr High School.
Please make sure you tell everyone you know about where to vote.!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
This is your new tax rate Derry. I just received word that the new tax rate is now official and its time to take a look how this will affect you this December tax bill.
I'm told the Avg home that was valued at $300,000 in 2007 is now $267,000. and that with the new values that just came out a few weeks back you will need to do some simple math to see how much more you will pay.
The Average homeowner will go up in taxes by 3.3% over last year. However if you want to see how it will affect you personally you will need to do a little research.
Here is the breakdown of what makes up that $25.53 amount.
Town side services ONLY! $8.81/1000 of value
School side $13.19/1000 of value
State $2.54/1000 of value
County $0.99/1000 of value
And there you have it!
I'm also told that the town lost 10.8% of value from the previous year.
For those of you that thought when values went down that taxes would go down well...
Not so.
To find your homes value go to (towns website) and below you will see new valuations link. This takes you to Vision Appraisal web page. Click on NH and then Derry. Put in the correct criteria and you will see what your home is worth to the town.
Your thoughts are appreciated!!!
This is your new tax rate Derry. I just received word that the new tax rate is now official and its time to take a look how this will affect you this December tax bill.
I'm told the Avg home that was valued at $300,000 in 2007 is now $267,000. and that with the new values that just came out a few weeks back you will need to do some simple math to see how much more you will pay.
The Average homeowner will go up in taxes by 3.3% over last year. However if you want to see how it will affect you personally you will need to do a little research.
Here is the breakdown of what makes up that $25.53 amount.
Town side services ONLY! $8.81/1000 of value
School side $13.19/1000 of value
State $2.54/1000 of value
County $0.99/1000 of value
And there you have it!
I'm also told that the town lost 10.8% of value from the previous year.
For those of you that thought when values went down that taxes would go down well...
Not so.
To find your homes value go to (towns website) and below you will see new valuations link. This takes you to Vision Appraisal web page. Click on NH and then Derry. Put in the correct criteria and you will see what your home is worth to the town.
Your thoughts are appreciated!!!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Fire Contracts approved!
Well last night 3 hour dog and pony show is now history and the firefighters contracts have been approved. After 18 months of negotiations, stall tactics, hard feelings going all around between council members and fire fighters and the long hours and much extra town money being spent frivolously... its now over.
I have been criticized for not speaking much at the meeting and to that I will just say that A) this was a public hearing for concerned citizens and we were there to listen to them.
How do i view this whole process? Well 18 months ago we (as a total group) councilors gave perimeters of what we expected in this up coming contract and as the HR director told us last night, this was accomplished twice in 18 months.
Now I will admit that individual councilors had individual parts of the contract that they were concerned about, including myself, however reading the charter states that no individual councilor shall act alone in creating policy. As a group, we all stated that if we come to the table with a group package under 3.5% we would have a deal. In my business, my word means everything. I don't change negotiations after the fact and try to then leverage an even better deal- That's what lawyers do!
My father who owned a family business taught me one thing.. your only as good as your word. Look someone in the eye, tell them what you expect from them and what they expect from you and keep your word. I did that last night.
Next, let us look at the fact that the first year is a 0% cost of living however they received a lump sum of $860 because this was suppose to be done 18 months ago and there is no retro pay.
Second, this contract dollar wise has been in the budget already passed in March. For anyone who comes up and says gosh, darn now are taxes are going to go through the roof is not being genuine. Remember that we have a tax cap in this town, town side went up .18 cents this year and part of that .18 was this contract. The remainder of the following years will still be UNDER THE TAX CAP. Our charter mandates this!! The ADT and their followers want to scare people, they always have and always will.
Are we going through tough times, yes no doubt.. but to blame the worlds problems on this contract, come on.. Lets be real for once.
At the end of the meeting, I have called for a town wide hiring freeze and that it should take council to break that freeze. I also called for an Overtime freeze town wide as well. These two things could help us in trouble times a hell of alot more than trying to slam our fire dept. And in the end, we must now be ready for the next rounds of future contracts by identifying those areas were we need or feel must be changes, but keep in mind in 2011, with our tax cap, many issues will work themselves out naturally.
I have been criticized for not speaking much at the meeting and to that I will just say that A) this was a public hearing for concerned citizens and we were there to listen to them.
How do i view this whole process? Well 18 months ago we (as a total group) councilors gave perimeters of what we expected in this up coming contract and as the HR director told us last night, this was accomplished twice in 18 months.
Now I will admit that individual councilors had individual parts of the contract that they were concerned about, including myself, however reading the charter states that no individual councilor shall act alone in creating policy. As a group, we all stated that if we come to the table with a group package under 3.5% we would have a deal. In my business, my word means everything. I don't change negotiations after the fact and try to then leverage an even better deal- That's what lawyers do!
My father who owned a family business taught me one thing.. your only as good as your word. Look someone in the eye, tell them what you expect from them and what they expect from you and keep your word. I did that last night.
Next, let us look at the fact that the first year is a 0% cost of living however they received a lump sum of $860 because this was suppose to be done 18 months ago and there is no retro pay.
Second, this contract dollar wise has been in the budget already passed in March. For anyone who comes up and says gosh, darn now are taxes are going to go through the roof is not being genuine. Remember that we have a tax cap in this town, town side went up .18 cents this year and part of that .18 was this contract. The remainder of the following years will still be UNDER THE TAX CAP. Our charter mandates this!! The ADT and their followers want to scare people, they always have and always will.
Are we going through tough times, yes no doubt.. but to blame the worlds problems on this contract, come on.. Lets be real for once.
At the end of the meeting, I have called for a town wide hiring freeze and that it should take council to break that freeze. I also called for an Overtime freeze town wide as well. These two things could help us in trouble times a hell of alot more than trying to slam our fire dept. And in the end, we must now be ready for the next rounds of future contracts by identifying those areas were we need or feel must be changes, but keep in mind in 2011, with our tax cap, many issues will work themselves out naturally.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Assesments in the Mail
New Assessment rates have been released for 08 and most residents by now have received their new numbers via mail this week.
Being a realtor in this town, I have seen home values sliding for two years now and can tell you that Derry is not alone in this situation. Unless you live in a cave and don't see the daily news reports of forecloses, and short sales you know that all across America we see how things have changed over the last few years.
Some are quick to blame elected officials for bad times when the educated people in economics understands that these things happen in cycles.
If you look over time, you will see periods of growth and periods of no growth and tough times. The older we get the more we can look back and see these "cycles".
Getting back to the towns assessments, I have had over a dozen people ask me how this affects them and their property taxes. Its not an easy science to explain, however even though values have gone down does not mean you will be paying less taxes. Its gets re-distributed and what will happen next is the TAX RATE will go up.
The question on how much they go up depends on many different factors such as other categories such as commercial property going up or down in values as well as many other classifications. Derry's problem is again we are 85%-90% RESIDENTIAL and not much commercial/industrial to help take burden off of single family homes.
Stay tuned for the rate as it will need to be set in the fall.
Keep in mind that School and town increases will also play a part in the rate and any exemptions that are given MUST be made up from people who do not get them!!
I would be happy to explain if any questions? Please understand that I am not an expert in the field and you can call the assessors dept at town hall for specific questions. The town's phone number is 603-432-6100.
Being a realtor in this town, I have seen home values sliding for two years now and can tell you that Derry is not alone in this situation. Unless you live in a cave and don't see the daily news reports of forecloses, and short sales you know that all across America we see how things have changed over the last few years.
Some are quick to blame elected officials for bad times when the educated people in economics understands that these things happen in cycles.
If you look over time, you will see periods of growth and periods of no growth and tough times. The older we get the more we can look back and see these "cycles".
Getting back to the towns assessments, I have had over a dozen people ask me how this affects them and their property taxes. Its not an easy science to explain, however even though values have gone down does not mean you will be paying less taxes. Its gets re-distributed and what will happen next is the TAX RATE will go up.
The question on how much they go up depends on many different factors such as other categories such as commercial property going up or down in values as well as many other classifications. Derry's problem is again we are 85%-90% RESIDENTIAL and not much commercial/industrial to help take burden off of single family homes.
Stay tuned for the rate as it will need to be set in the fall.
Keep in mind that School and town increases will also play a part in the rate and any exemptions that are given MUST be made up from people who do not get them!!
I would be happy to explain if any questions? Please understand that I am not an expert in the field and you can call the assessors dept at town hall for specific questions. The town's phone number is 603-432-6100.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Fantasy Councilors
Lets have some fun with this post! You have all heard of Fantasy Football right?
Where you get to choose your own team by selecting players from different positions and assembling your own "customized" team.
Lets play Fantasy Councilors!
OK, time to choose who will be your fantasy town council.
You must pick 7 people, 4 of who must be district councilors ( your choice must live in the district that he/she represents) and 3 at large members who can live anywhere town wide.
Now question # 2
You have just been elected as town councilor. What would you do once you have been elected? What would you do differently than the "real" councilors?
If you were to make any cuts in budgets, What would those be?
Lets have some fun with this, but remember to keep this in good taste otherwise you will not see it posted!
Where you get to choose your own team by selecting players from different positions and assembling your own "customized" team.
Lets play Fantasy Councilors!
OK, time to choose who will be your fantasy town council.
You must pick 7 people, 4 of who must be district councilors ( your choice must live in the district that he/she represents) and 3 at large members who can live anywhere town wide.
Now question # 2
You have just been elected as town councilor. What would you do once you have been elected? What would you do differently than the "real" councilors?
If you were to make any cuts in budgets, What would those be?
Lets have some fun with this, but remember to keep this in good taste otherwise you will not see it posted!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Going Green?
The Derry News is going green!
A letter was sent to subscribers of the local newspaper a few days ago making the announcement.
The bi-weekly newspaper will only be going out to print one time a week in the future to save paper and ink which in turn helps out our environment.
The DN wants people to know that they will have updates throughout the week on their web page where readers can get up to date information when it becomes available.
It is interesting to see more and more of the traditional news papers that are having rough economic times and readership declines have become a big issue effecting bottom lines of these big newspaper companies. Also more people turn to blogs or on-line newspapers more and more today which does not help the traditional news papers profitability.
Another reason could be the fact that at .75 cents per paper, twice a week ,can become very costly for the average family who also pays extra for gas, heat, food and everyday living items and must make a budget cut somewhere to save money. The newspapers are usually the first thing families look to for savings.
Or it could be the fact that the DN really does want to go green.
What do you think about this issue?
A letter was sent to subscribers of the local newspaper a few days ago making the announcement.
The bi-weekly newspaper will only be going out to print one time a week in the future to save paper and ink which in turn helps out our environment.
The DN wants people to know that they will have updates throughout the week on their web page where readers can get up to date information when it becomes available.
It is interesting to see more and more of the traditional news papers that are having rough economic times and readership declines have become a big issue effecting bottom lines of these big newspaper companies. Also more people turn to blogs or on-line newspapers more and more today which does not help the traditional news papers profitability.
Another reason could be the fact that at .75 cents per paper, twice a week ,can become very costly for the average family who also pays extra for gas, heat, food and everyday living items and must make a budget cut somewhere to save money. The newspapers are usually the first thing families look to for savings.
Or it could be the fact that the DN really does want to go green.
What do you think about this issue?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Who's to Pay?
Who is to pay?, That is the question. The answer? Does anybody know?.
At the last Derry town council meeting under Councilors requests ( which comes at the very end of each meeting) We had three very interesting requests from three town councilors. It seems a little bit ironic that the three councilors should have three requests at the same town meeting.
Councilor Carney requested a "break out" cost analysis of the Ambulance Dept/Fire Dept
Councilor Fairbanks requested that an "outside firm" look into the fire dept to see if the dept is being run efficiently
Councilor Coyle requested that we hire an "outside firm" to look into the police morale claim.
The Carney request seems like it would be pretty much straight forward and could be done in house very easily however the last two requests have "outside firms" in their requests.
The real question becomes- Who's to pay for these studies? Seems to me that the taxpayers will be once again "on the hook" for these costs that have not been budgeted in any budget.
Earlier in the year, at budget time we councilors discussed the facts of next years budgets and what they may mean for next year as far as possible lay-offs or "stream lining depts". At that time, Town Administrator Steinhouse told councilors he would put something together in Oct/Nov for next year to see what the possibilities would be in regards to an upcoming tough budget. So why would we hire an outside group at this point in time? Should we not wait to see what the town may have in store in Oct/Nov's report? Hmmm, very interesting.....
The police Morale issue is also again up for discussion. The police union I would imagine, did not like Dr. Moody's findings and so we keep on hearing about this issue again and again. Now Councilor Coyle wants an "outside firm" to look into the issue.
Who's to pay for this one? If they don't like these findings, will we keep hearing about the same issue over and over. Why are we discussing this and trying to negotiate a contract at the same time? Seems the issue keeps popping up at negotiating time.Why is that?
Here's an idea! Maybe the Police Union can pay for an "outside firm" to check into morale issues. Lets first find out what the costs are going to be, second, lets decide if the taxpayers should be on the hook for these unexpected costs.
What do you think?
At the last Derry town council meeting under Councilors requests ( which comes at the very end of each meeting) We had three very interesting requests from three town councilors. It seems a little bit ironic that the three councilors should have three requests at the same town meeting.
Councilor Carney requested a "break out" cost analysis of the Ambulance Dept/Fire Dept
Councilor Fairbanks requested that an "outside firm" look into the fire dept to see if the dept is being run efficiently
Councilor Coyle requested that we hire an "outside firm" to look into the police morale claim.
The Carney request seems like it would be pretty much straight forward and could be done in house very easily however the last two requests have "outside firms" in their requests.
The real question becomes- Who's to pay for these studies? Seems to me that the taxpayers will be once again "on the hook" for these costs that have not been budgeted in any budget.
Earlier in the year, at budget time we councilors discussed the facts of next years budgets and what they may mean for next year as far as possible lay-offs or "stream lining depts". At that time, Town Administrator Steinhouse told councilors he would put something together in Oct/Nov for next year to see what the possibilities would be in regards to an upcoming tough budget. So why would we hire an outside group at this point in time? Should we not wait to see what the town may have in store in Oct/Nov's report? Hmmm, very interesting.....
The police Morale issue is also again up for discussion. The police union I would imagine, did not like Dr. Moody's findings and so we keep on hearing about this issue again and again. Now Councilor Coyle wants an "outside firm" to look into the issue.
Who's to pay for this one? If they don't like these findings, will we keep hearing about the same issue over and over. Why are we discussing this and trying to negotiate a contract at the same time? Seems the issue keeps popping up at negotiating time.Why is that?
Here's an idea! Maybe the Police Union can pay for an "outside firm" to check into morale issues. Lets first find out what the costs are going to be, second, lets decide if the taxpayers should be on the hook for these unexpected costs.
What do you think?
Monday, August 11, 2008
Breaking News
Today at around 3PM a bicyclist crossing from Manning Street over onto Rollins St was hit and struck by a car. Reports had the bicyclist "knocked out" unconscious for over 10 minutes before Derry's Ambulance arrived at the scene. Between 4-5 Police cruisers were also on site after someone called "911" to report the accident.
An eye witness reported damage to the car with a parking light smashed.
The local news papers should have a report coming in their papers soon.
For many years, Residents in the direct neighborhood have let their town councilors know about the fear of something like this happening when you have a recreation area near-by.
To make matters worse, a double yellow line runs down Rollins and Lenox St that were painted about 3 weeks ago. Both these roads have never had these double yellow lines before and when asked about them, Public Works officials have told residents that the painting company had simply made a mistake and painted these lines on both roads.
Lets hope nobody else gets hurt when and if the new bike path (which will run parallel with the new Manning Street) gets completed. However if you speak to the people in the neighborhood, they say that this is just the start of many bike/car accidents to come.
An eye witness reported damage to the car with a parking light smashed.
The local news papers should have a report coming in their papers soon.
For many years, Residents in the direct neighborhood have let their town councilors know about the fear of something like this happening when you have a recreation area near-by.
To make matters worse, a double yellow line runs down Rollins and Lenox St that were painted about 3 weeks ago. Both these roads have never had these double yellow lines before and when asked about them, Public Works officials have told residents that the painting company had simply made a mistake and painted these lines on both roads.
Lets hope nobody else gets hurt when and if the new bike path (which will run parallel with the new Manning Street) gets completed. However if you speak to the people in the neighborhood, they say that this is just the start of many bike/car accidents to come.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Open Forum II
Open Forum again! Since many want to discuss topics that are "off-topic" and The fact that Blogger is having a hard time with people posts.
What do you want to talk about Derry!
Who do you like for President of the United States and why?
Are you tired of all the rain we have had over the last two months or so!
Let us know how you feel on any topic.
What do you want to talk about Derry!
Who do you like for President of the United States and why?
Are you tired of all the rain we have had over the last two months or so!
Let us know how you feel on any topic.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
The GMO works!
Today's headlines in the UL today confirms what Derry's planners had planed about 10 years ago. With run away population growth in Derry in the mid 80's and early 90's and tax rates adjusting higher to accommodate this growth, something needed to get done to keep everything in a "manageable" manner.
Derry's population has DECREASED over the last 5 years. Down 455 people or -1.3% from years 2002-2007. ( second in loss only to Nashua )
While surrounding communities such as Hudson, Windham, Auburn and Londonderry ADD more people. Hudson added 1375, Windham added 1262,
It is interesting to note that the largest communities, Manch, Nashua,Portsmouth and Derry all lost population.
The articles go on to say that in some communities like Hudson feel that things could just explode over there, More Housing, More Roads, More Taxes, will be needed to keep up with service demands.
Our GMO has been instrumental in keeping our populations in check and it is finally paying off. Towns exploding, must now spend more in a bad economy. Tough choices ahead for those towns won't make life any easier there.
Another interesting note was that from 2000-2006 New Hampshire's 55-64 age group grew by 41% 65 plus rose 10% and 45-54 grew 18% and the biggest loses were 35-44 -6% and 25-34 was -3%. The article goes on to say Long term trends could have impacts on communities.
So, we have some mixed news in this area. The spenders who spend on roadways for less traffic or spending taxpayers dollars for a private group to build a bike path or to tax shift burden on others while giving breaks to some may looks good. Think of the long term affects that could affect our communities.
I mean I liked Santa when I was young, but there comes a time when reality needs to set in.
Derry's population has DECREASED over the last 5 years. Down 455 people or -1.3% from years 2002-2007. ( second in loss only to Nashua )
While surrounding communities such as Hudson, Windham, Auburn and Londonderry ADD more people. Hudson added 1375, Windham added 1262,
It is interesting to note that the largest communities, Manch, Nashua,Portsmouth and Derry all lost population.
The articles go on to say that in some communities like Hudson feel that things could just explode over there, More Housing, More Roads, More Taxes, will be needed to keep up with service demands.
Our GMO has been instrumental in keeping our populations in check and it is finally paying off. Towns exploding, must now spend more in a bad economy. Tough choices ahead for those towns won't make life any easier there.
Another interesting note was that from 2000-2006 New Hampshire's 55-64 age group grew by 41% 65 plus rose 10% and 45-54 grew 18% and the biggest loses were 35-44 -6% and 25-34 was -3%. The article goes on to say Long term trends could have impacts on communities.
So, we have some mixed news in this area. The spenders who spend on roadways for less traffic or spending taxpayers dollars for a private group to build a bike path or to tax shift burden on others while giving breaks to some may looks good. Think of the long term affects that could affect our communities.
I mean I liked Santa when I was young, but there comes a time when reality needs to set in.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Prayers Needed!
Open Forum!
Time for an Open Forum. This is where you pick the topic to discuss.
I appreciate the readers who leave comments and want to talk about issues important to all.
I appreciate the readers who leave comments and want to talk about issues important to all.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Nadeau Settlement
Anyone reading the NN this last week, looked at the headline article about the settlement of the ex-fire chief of the now defunct East Derry Fire Dist. At the time, The reporter did call me for comments, however I thought that the records were sealed. I was surprised to see comments form Councilors Carney and Coyle and Metts on the subject.
Since they have made their feeling known, I want to let the taxpayers of Derry know that I voted to NOT settle for anything less than 100% of what he owed. At the initial vote, their was one councilor who agreed with me that this more than anything was more of a principle issue and not a monetary one.
Although, some of Nadeaus old allies( on the council) tried to convince other councilors that we should go for less money.
After much talk about the issue and to see what money could be return 6 councilors voted to accept the small amount of money to get it off the table.
One Councilor said No WAY I want ALL the taxpayers money returned. ( give you 1 guess who.)
After all, What message do you want to send out to the outside world!
Too bad the taxpayers got robbed again!
Since they have made their feeling known, I want to let the taxpayers of Derry know that I voted to NOT settle for anything less than 100% of what he owed. At the initial vote, their was one councilor who agreed with me that this more than anything was more of a principle issue and not a monetary one.
Although, some of Nadeaus old allies( on the council) tried to convince other councilors that we should go for less money.
After much talk about the issue and to see what money could be return 6 councilors voted to accept the small amount of money to get it off the table.
One Councilor said No WAY I want ALL the taxpayers money returned. ( give you 1 guess who.)
After all, What message do you want to send out to the outside world!
Too bad the taxpayers got robbed again!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Fresh off the Press!
Hate to say I told you so, but I told you so.
The Manning Street issue is not over. I know alot of you are sick and tired about hearing the issue over the years however, at the last public hearing we had on the subject, I specifically asked whether or not the $80,000 was enough to do this wasteful road. The reason being it ( the dollar amount $80K) had been placed in the CIP for years.
We all know and have read stories about the escalating gas and oil prices right?
And we all know that Asphalt is made with oil right?
Ok now here is what happened.
The 80K project went out to bid
5 bids came in to pave this new road
Low Bid comes in at $124,400.
Almost 50 K more than budgeted.
You all know how I will vote especially if I thought 80K was a waste of taxpayers money
The question really is lets see what the taxpayers associations heroes on the council do with their votes
And then lets see the same association defend their approval votes to spend an additional 50K for a personal agenda!
Stay tuned! and watch your tax dollars being flushed!
Oh and by the way, on the agenda is the renaming of the Manning St Ext because we alread have another Manning St 50' away.
What name can you come up with for the new road?
I like Waste Rd. or how about Dumb Ass Lane!
You have a good name to Share for this road. I'd like to hear from you!
The Manning Street issue is not over. I know alot of you are sick and tired about hearing the issue over the years however, at the last public hearing we had on the subject, I specifically asked whether or not the $80,000 was enough to do this wasteful road. The reason being it ( the dollar amount $80K) had been placed in the CIP for years.
We all know and have read stories about the escalating gas and oil prices right?
And we all know that Asphalt is made with oil right?
Ok now here is what happened.
The 80K project went out to bid
5 bids came in to pave this new road
Low Bid comes in at $124,400.
Almost 50 K more than budgeted.
You all know how I will vote especially if I thought 80K was a waste of taxpayers money
The question really is lets see what the taxpayers associations heroes on the council do with their votes
And then lets see the same association defend their approval votes to spend an additional 50K for a personal agenda!
Stay tuned! and watch your tax dollars being flushed!
Oh and by the way, on the agenda is the renaming of the Manning St Ext because we alread have another Manning St 50' away.
What name can you come up with for the new road?
I like Waste Rd. or how about Dumb Ass Lane!
You have a good name to Share for this road. I'd like to hear from you!
Friday, July 04, 2008
Report on taxpayer waste
Is there something going on in town that you feel is a complete waste of taxpayer dollars and that you would like to share with the rest of us? let other blog readers read what you deem to be a big taxpayers waste of money.
In these tough times, we all know how hard it is to make ends meet and it looks like it will become even tougher in the next few months. Lets enjoy the fact that summer is here ( although, the everyday rain and storm thing is getting crazy) and winter will no doubt be challenging for most.
Also reports on a tough 2010 town budget has possible major cutbacks on the horizon. We (the town of Derry) will need to make sure we get the "biggest bang" for every dollar.
Understanding that the town will never be perfect. I want to hear from you, what you feel is the biggest waste of taxpayers dollars and please be specific in detail.
It can be something very small or something very obvious. And lets see what peoples views are on this subject.
Maybe, we can see if we can save us some money in these upcoming rough times.
In these tough times, we all know how hard it is to make ends meet and it looks like it will become even tougher in the next few months. Lets enjoy the fact that summer is here ( although, the everyday rain and storm thing is getting crazy) and winter will no doubt be challenging for most.
Also reports on a tough 2010 town budget has possible major cutbacks on the horizon. We (the town of Derry) will need to make sure we get the "biggest bang" for every dollar.
Understanding that the town will never be perfect. I want to hear from you, what you feel is the biggest waste of taxpayers dollars and please be specific in detail.
It can be something very small or something very obvious. And lets see what peoples views are on this subject.
Maybe, we can see if we can save us some money in these upcoming rough times.
Big Boost Coming
By now you may of read in local news that Tupelo Music Hall is moving to Derry. What this means to not only Derry but specifically the Downtown is something most can't fully appreciate.
Tupelo being moved to a 10,000 sq ft music hall will not only bring better music venues it will bring in Out of towners to the area to shop & eat and spend money right here in Derry. I also heard rumors of a possible hotel that may want to come in. This is great news for Derry. Is it the magic pill that so many critics of Derry looking for? No, however it will be a positive contribution no doubt.
Tupelo owners will also be interested in building a retail building as well so I would imagine you may see some additional businesses coming in as well that would compliment Tupelo.
Now we need to get more interested businesses locating in the downtown area by letting them know that more pedestrian traffic will be coming there way.
We should also be hearing back from the Study group who recently did a downtown study for us soon.
Tupelo being moved to a 10,000 sq ft music hall will not only bring better music venues it will bring in Out of towners to the area to shop & eat and spend money right here in Derry. I also heard rumors of a possible hotel that may want to come in. This is great news for Derry. Is it the magic pill that so many critics of Derry looking for? No, however it will be a positive contribution no doubt.
Tupelo owners will also be interested in building a retail building as well so I would imagine you may see some additional businesses coming in as well that would compliment Tupelo.
Now we need to get more interested businesses locating in the downtown area by letting them know that more pedestrian traffic will be coming there way.
We should also be hearing back from the Study group who recently did a downtown study for us soon.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Grade your current council
I have done this in the past and will do it again.
Time to rate the current council. We have had the new council seating as of March and we have come to the first quarter.
Grade this current council!
Time to rate the current council. We have had the new council seating as of March and we have come to the first quarter.
Grade this current council!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Entitlements gone wild?
I hate to say it but I will. I told you so! The derry taxpayers ( most of us anyway) are going to take it in the pocketbook again. This time its the entitlement program which is called the Elderly Tax Exemption. Now before we get started I want to say this:
I am not opposed to this program! When its used in its proper manner it is a help to struggling seniors who because of financial hardship can not pay taxes and would therefore lose their home.
In fact, I have supported this program here and in public radio.
However, the last round of elderly exemptions which I was the ONLY councilor to vote against because I saw this as an attempt by the DTA ( Derry Taxpayers Assoc) led by Doug Newell as simply a rouse to gain members in a time when the DTA is struggling politically.
The DTA sent out "surveys" to the seniors in our town to gauge their opinions. ( which interestingly enough the number one response from that survey coming back from those seniors was that taxes would be lower for ALL residents and not just them.)
Message to Doug! They want taxes lower for all not for a select few.
It is interesting to note that these seniors where also given an envelope and asked to contribute money to join the ADT. How convenient!
Now, you will hear it here first folks. The elderly exemptions exceeded the top range for exemption changes that were provided to the Council and the public. Which means it is costing all the rest of the taxpayers not getting exemptions more than the town had planned.
Remember, that when Doug and I debated each other that I said that the exemptions that some get will be made up by the rest of the taxpayers is true. And some say it's only a small amount and will not make a difference. Well I'm here to say that the time to increase exemptions is not when the rest of us are struggling with food costs, heating costs and the economy struggling.
Only when times are good should this be considered and the council that voted this in certainly did not care enough about this effecting you and I.
Here are numbers to look at:
Increase in 2008 exemptions granted +75 ( planned for a lot less)
Increase in 2008 valuation exempted + 9,130,338 ( that's nine mill that we others have to make up)
Total exempted granted in 2007: 162
Total exempted granted in 2008: 237
Total dollar amount granted in 2007 : $18,247,116
Total dollar amount granted in 2008: $27,377,454
Folks, the even more bad news is that they used the same tax rate of 22.05 to get these numbers because they do not set the rate until fall. We all know that it will be even more bad news for the majority of taxpayers in town and that these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg.
Ah but Doug Newell and ADT said they want to compete for more people so that they can take this exemptions.
I bet he does! Additional members for the ADT will finally get Mr. Newell elected.
I am not opposed to this program! When its used in its proper manner it is a help to struggling seniors who because of financial hardship can not pay taxes and would therefore lose their home.
In fact, I have supported this program here and in public radio.
However, the last round of elderly exemptions which I was the ONLY councilor to vote against because I saw this as an attempt by the DTA ( Derry Taxpayers Assoc) led by Doug Newell as simply a rouse to gain members in a time when the DTA is struggling politically.
The DTA sent out "surveys" to the seniors in our town to gauge their opinions. ( which interestingly enough the number one response from that survey coming back from those seniors was that taxes would be lower for ALL residents and not just them.)
Message to Doug! They want taxes lower for all not for a select few.
It is interesting to note that these seniors where also given an envelope and asked to contribute money to join the ADT. How convenient!
Now, you will hear it here first folks. The elderly exemptions exceeded the top range for exemption changes that were provided to the Council and the public. Which means it is costing all the rest of the taxpayers not getting exemptions more than the town had planned.
Remember, that when Doug and I debated each other that I said that the exemptions that some get will be made up by the rest of the taxpayers is true. And some say it's only a small amount and will not make a difference. Well I'm here to say that the time to increase exemptions is not when the rest of us are struggling with food costs, heating costs and the economy struggling.
Only when times are good should this be considered and the council that voted this in certainly did not care enough about this effecting you and I.
Here are numbers to look at:
Increase in 2008 exemptions granted +75 ( planned for a lot less)
Increase in 2008 valuation exempted + 9,130,338 ( that's nine mill that we others have to make up)
Total exempted granted in 2007: 162
Total exempted granted in 2008: 237
Total dollar amount granted in 2007 : $18,247,116
Total dollar amount granted in 2008: $27,377,454
Folks, the even more bad news is that they used the same tax rate of 22.05 to get these numbers because they do not set the rate until fall. We all know that it will be even more bad news for the majority of taxpayers in town and that these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg.
Ah but Doug Newell and ADT said they want to compete for more people so that they can take this exemptions.
I bet he does! Additional members for the ADT will finally get Mr. Newell elected.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
1st in the nation
A well round of applause is in order for the monument committee whom have established Derry as the first in the nation to honor the Iraq and Afghanistan vets with a beautiful monument.
I'm told that it was about a year in the half in the making and the wait was well worth it.
It was a very moving ceremony as we honored all vets and especially our local vets from different era's and different wars. The very first honoree was our very own town treasure Roy Feineuir. Roy fought in WWII and as he was introduced and was there representing all of WWII vets, the crowd had clapped and cheered and there was Roy waving to the crowd. I have had the pleasure to personally know Roy and also Bernie R whom is a vet as well who help put the whole day together. Great job gentlemen.
As the introduction from the Korean war, the Vietnam conflict and the Persian gulf conflicts were in order all the vets stood arm in arm as a band of brothers. This was a moving moment!
We had the Boys scouts lay out the wreaths, we had Pinkerton ROTC help out as well.
We had Senator Sununu, Congresswomen Shea, Senator Letorneau, and Council Chairman Metts.
The Governor gave a brief speech and awarded a proclamation to the town.
What a great day to say thanks to our Vets!!
I'm told that it was about a year in the half in the making and the wait was well worth it.
It was a very moving ceremony as we honored all vets and especially our local vets from different era's and different wars. The very first honoree was our very own town treasure Roy Feineuir. Roy fought in WWII and as he was introduced and was there representing all of WWII vets, the crowd had clapped and cheered and there was Roy waving to the crowd. I have had the pleasure to personally know Roy and also Bernie R whom is a vet as well who help put the whole day together. Great job gentlemen.
As the introduction from the Korean war, the Vietnam conflict and the Persian gulf conflicts were in order all the vets stood arm in arm as a band of brothers. This was a moving moment!
We had the Boys scouts lay out the wreaths, we had Pinkerton ROTC help out as well.
We had Senator Sununu, Congresswomen Shea, Senator Letorneau, and Council Chairman Metts.
The Governor gave a brief speech and awarded a proclamation to the town.
What a great day to say thanks to our Vets!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Tax Cap Mania spreading!
What do Franklin, Nashua, Dover and Derry have in common? Answer: A tax cap! And now a movement is picking up some steam to bring this tax cap to other communities. Derry has had its cap for awhile now and the debates continue on its effectiveness.
Our tax cap only effects the town side of your tax bill. Presently representing $7.50 of our $22.05 over all tax rate.
The tax rate consists of town side, school side, state, and county taxes. Only the town side is held under a tax cap which is tied into the CPI " consumer price index". Over the years, the average has been around 3% and meaning town side taxes may only increase by that CPI index or roughly 3% year.
Londonderry is now looking at bring one to their town and will look for a ballot question to ask its residents if they would install one in their town. Plenty of discussion to go around on pro's and cons.
Last week, I was asked to speak on New Hampshire Public Radio's Exchange program with Laura Noy on a live radio program on the subject.
If you would like to hear this program and my views on it here is a link to get there
***note Go to the listen icon on top and hit either window media or mp3 to listen to show*****
After listening to this debate , let me hear what you think about tax caps!!!
Our tax cap only effects the town side of your tax bill. Presently representing $7.50 of our $22.05 over all tax rate.
The tax rate consists of town side, school side, state, and county taxes. Only the town side is held under a tax cap which is tied into the CPI " consumer price index". Over the years, the average has been around 3% and meaning town side taxes may only increase by that CPI index or roughly 3% year.
Londonderry is now looking at bring one to their town and will look for a ballot question to ask its residents if they would install one in their town. Plenty of discussion to go around on pro's and cons.
Last week, I was asked to speak on New Hampshire Public Radio's Exchange program with Laura Noy on a live radio program on the subject.
If you would like to hear this program and my views on it here is a link to get there
***note Go to the listen icon on top and hit either window media or mp3 to listen to show*****
After listening to this debate , let me hear what you think about tax caps!!!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Legal Advise not heard costs $$$
Lets see if we can all follow some logic here for a moment. The Town of Derry has its own legal council who have been with this town for many years and with that comes a working knowledge and history which makes it a little bit easier than if we had to start with a new legal council for legal issues. Would you all agree?
Many times the issue comes up on the amount of dollars spent on legal issues and opinions and many times it comes up at the most political of times. Agree? The last two years especially.
Now when the town council decided to finally put to rest the McKinley/ Lake shore rd issue behind us- We find out that it will cost the taxpayers of this town many dollars. I am going to put behind the argument of whether or not it IS or ISN'T a public or private rd for now. The fact is that until last month, the town had these roads as private roads. No denying this fact.
The residents of this road to their credit came in front of this council for 2 years with their beliefs and opinions in hand and made their case that if they did not get their roads made public that a lawsuit would soon follow.
At last months meeting, when the vote came up to accept these roads as public, a question came up from new councilor Wetherbee. He asked legal council if we were approving the roads "as is" or according to the plot plan that was done long ago. The answer from Legal council? Plot plan according to RSA's. What happened? Four councilors voted to go against the advise of Legal council and voted as is.
The problem? Well I can tell you as the only councilor who has planning experience and as a realtor understand the ramifications of not heeding legal opinion and seeing first hand ( as all the councilors did as well) see the plot plan road was a lot longer than what actually is there. ( Meaning property owners have now officially encroached on town road). BIG BIG PROBLEM!
And now legal council ( knowing what a nightmare this could create) renders an opinion that the vote should be rescinded, then a survey should be done, then vote the right way to accept.
Did the councilors listen to legal council? Only three did. The other four voted to keep the things the way they are and NOT LISTEN TO LEGAL COUNCIL.
SO, today we paid for the legal councils first opinion, then because of a mistake of voting the first time ( Admitted by one of the councilors in public meeting) a second legal opinion to rescind cost the taxpayers and to add insult to injury, do not listen again and the topper of it all
Now the taxpayers will need to foot the $9000 bill to straighten out the survey.
The problem I brought up. It sets a bad precedent which will ultimately cost the taxpayers more money. The right way to do it you ask?
Wait until a survey was done on the road ( at a cost to the residents on that road. They were going to sue anyway remember. use that money to do the right thing) then come to vote on acceptance. It would of cost the taxpayers a hell of lot less money doing things the right way.
Cu dos to Councilor Wetherbee for catching on to the real issue early on. To bad the rest of the councilors did not listen.
Many times the issue comes up on the amount of dollars spent on legal issues and opinions and many times it comes up at the most political of times. Agree? The last two years especially.
Now when the town council decided to finally put to rest the McKinley/ Lake shore rd issue behind us- We find out that it will cost the taxpayers of this town many dollars. I am going to put behind the argument of whether or not it IS or ISN'T a public or private rd for now. The fact is that until last month, the town had these roads as private roads. No denying this fact.
The residents of this road to their credit came in front of this council for 2 years with their beliefs and opinions in hand and made their case that if they did not get their roads made public that a lawsuit would soon follow.
At last months meeting, when the vote came up to accept these roads as public, a question came up from new councilor Wetherbee. He asked legal council if we were approving the roads "as is" or according to the plot plan that was done long ago. The answer from Legal council? Plot plan according to RSA's. What happened? Four councilors voted to go against the advise of Legal council and voted as is.
The problem? Well I can tell you as the only councilor who has planning experience and as a realtor understand the ramifications of not heeding legal opinion and seeing first hand ( as all the councilors did as well) see the plot plan road was a lot longer than what actually is there. ( Meaning property owners have now officially encroached on town road). BIG BIG PROBLEM!
And now legal council ( knowing what a nightmare this could create) renders an opinion that the vote should be rescinded, then a survey should be done, then vote the right way to accept.
Did the councilors listen to legal council? Only three did. The other four voted to keep the things the way they are and NOT LISTEN TO LEGAL COUNCIL.
SO, today we paid for the legal councils first opinion, then because of a mistake of voting the first time ( Admitted by one of the councilors in public meeting) a second legal opinion to rescind cost the taxpayers and to add insult to injury, do not listen again and the topper of it all
Now the taxpayers will need to foot the $9000 bill to straighten out the survey.
The problem I brought up. It sets a bad precedent which will ultimately cost the taxpayers more money. The right way to do it you ask?
Wait until a survey was done on the road ( at a cost to the residents on that road. They were going to sue anyway remember. use that money to do the right thing) then come to vote on acceptance. It would of cost the taxpayers a hell of lot less money doing things the right way.
Cu dos to Councilor Wetherbee for catching on to the real issue early on. To bad the rest of the councilors did not listen.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Open Forum
What issue(s) are on your mind? With the budgets all finished for this year. What are those issues that need to be addressed or brought up for discussion?
We want to hear from you. SO look for the response box below and tell us your thoughts.
We want to hear from you. SO look for the response box below and tell us your thoughts.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Small town side increase
Another budget year mostly completed and it looks like town side taxes will be increased by .16 cents begining in July 09 budget.
Councilors spent the last two weeks reviewing the 09 budget line by line and came out with a budget that did not spend up to the tax cap. The allowed tax increase via town tax cap which is deterimed by the prevuious years CPI index would of allowed a .21 cents increase ( my previous post made .23 cents was incorrect) however the sitting councilors found savings of about $153,000 from the Administrators recommendations.
Items cut were: a vacant librarian position (Derry public Library)
$8000 in Health Dept's personnel line
A part time custodian position from Public works ( Funding of position)
And we had savings from insurance that helped lower the numbers.
Most important is that the majority of councilors allowed the police chief to hire two officers ( which were previuosly flagged for elimination or/ combo 1/2 elim with funding) However we recognized the fact that these are not 2 new positions but replaced postions with retiring officers.
Another good job by this council on a good budget process.
What do you think about budget process??? Share your thoughts!
Councilors spent the last two weeks reviewing the 09 budget line by line and came out with a budget that did not spend up to the tax cap. The allowed tax increase via town tax cap which is deterimed by the prevuious years CPI index would of allowed a .21 cents increase ( my previous post made .23 cents was incorrect) however the sitting councilors found savings of about $153,000 from the Administrators recommendations.
Items cut were: a vacant librarian position (Derry public Library)
$8000 in Health Dept's personnel line
A part time custodian position from Public works ( Funding of position)
And we had savings from insurance that helped lower the numbers.
Most important is that the majority of councilors allowed the police chief to hire two officers ( which were previuosly flagged for elimination or/ combo 1/2 elim with funding) However we recognized the fact that these are not 2 new positions but replaced postions with retiring officers.
Another good job by this council on a good budget process.
What do you think about budget process??? Share your thoughts!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Here's your chance!
Next Tuesday night at 7pm is your chance to come to the public hearing on the towns budget. Its usually not that well attended in prior years and we always hear of complaints during the year about our taxes.
Keep in mind that we councilors only control the towns side of taxes which at this time represents $7.50 of your $22.05 per 1000 tax bills.
1 out of every 3 dollars you send in for property taxes goes to town side services such as police protection, fire protection, snow plowing and grounds maintenance, capital projects, recreation.
library's ( and I'm sure I'm leaving something off this list)
Now is the time to come to Tues nights meeting 4/22 at town hall to speak your mind!
Hope to see many faces at this meeting!!!
Keep in mind that we councilors only control the towns side of taxes which at this time represents $7.50 of your $22.05 per 1000 tax bills.
1 out of every 3 dollars you send in for property taxes goes to town side services such as police protection, fire protection, snow plowing and grounds maintenance, capital projects, recreation.
library's ( and I'm sure I'm leaving something off this list)
Now is the time to come to Tues nights meeting 4/22 at town hall to speak your mind!
Hope to see many faces at this meeting!!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Twenty three cents
Twenty three cents is the amount allowable under our tax cap here in Derry on town side budget items. The tax cap which is determined by the previous years CPI index this year came in at 2.8%. Meaning that town side spending this year has a maximum allowed increase of .23 cents.
What this tax cap does is to keep town side taxes from run away spending and forces the councilors, dept heads and administrator to prioritize projects. We cannot do everything all at once.
Over the last few years, with health care increases in the double digits percentage wise, cost of living increases, step raises and retirement costs going up every year- the town is put into a corner eventually by pitting employee costs vs infrastructure improvements and this is where councilors jobs get tougher each year. However, because at some point the allowable increases on future budgets will "force" the hand of the town to make serious employee cuts ( if we don't bring in more tax revenues from our depts and from economic development the matter can be worse). It is thought that next years "2010" budget we will begin to see these issues.
Some people are not worried about possible lay-off or reduction in staff and some believe it will benefit the community. I look at it this way. You will still see increases in the town side budget however you will be getting "less bang for your dollar". What do I mean by this? Less workers will have to do more work for the same coverage. You say whats wrong with that? Overtime budgets! Don't they get trimmed back too. Eventually yes! and then what? Services will begin to be effected in a negative way.
Some are pointing the finger at this council to not spend an additional penny of the 23 allowed. You do the math. 23 Million dollar budget with no increase this year however we pay the increases in health care, COLA's gasoline, oil and all other costs that have gone up in price and then next year the CPI will more than likely be under 3%. You can see this would create an even more dramatic cutting of personnel and services.
The tax cap was created to be a fixed budget to work with each year. It forces us to make priority decisions. hard decisions which is a good thing
However, we can't be irresponsible. Not this does not mean we need to increase right up to the cap however the folks that think not spending an additional penny should look at the facts a little bit harder.
What this tax cap does is to keep town side taxes from run away spending and forces the councilors, dept heads and administrator to prioritize projects. We cannot do everything all at once.
Over the last few years, with health care increases in the double digits percentage wise, cost of living increases, step raises and retirement costs going up every year- the town is put into a corner eventually by pitting employee costs vs infrastructure improvements and this is where councilors jobs get tougher each year. However, because at some point the allowable increases on future budgets will "force" the hand of the town to make serious employee cuts ( if we don't bring in more tax revenues from our depts and from economic development the matter can be worse). It is thought that next years "2010" budget we will begin to see these issues.
Some people are not worried about possible lay-off or reduction in staff and some believe it will benefit the community. I look at it this way. You will still see increases in the town side budget however you will be getting "less bang for your dollar". What do I mean by this? Less workers will have to do more work for the same coverage. You say whats wrong with that? Overtime budgets! Don't they get trimmed back too. Eventually yes! and then what? Services will begin to be effected in a negative way.
Some are pointing the finger at this council to not spend an additional penny of the 23 allowed. You do the math. 23 Million dollar budget with no increase this year however we pay the increases in health care, COLA's gasoline, oil and all other costs that have gone up in price and then next year the CPI will more than likely be under 3%. You can see this would create an even more dramatic cutting of personnel and services.
The tax cap was created to be a fixed budget to work with each year. It forces us to make priority decisions. hard decisions which is a good thing
However, we can't be irresponsible. Not this does not mean we need to increase right up to the cap however the folks that think not spending an additional penny should look at the facts a little bit harder.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Back to the budget drawing boards
Budget time started as I returned from my vacation ( 90's all week and sunny) returning to Boston weather at 38 degrees was a shock to old system.
I decided to get an update as to the council meeting I missed and the first budget meeting. I spoke to only a few people so far and they tell me it has been quite an interesting meeting. The N.N. reported that there were a few eyebrows raised when council choose board members this time around. You remember that I tried to re-shedule that meeting so that I as a sitting councilor would have a say, however the rest of the council choose to keep it that day without me being present.
In the days when I was first elected, it was protocol to give full membership to an alternate member who showed that they "paid their dues" and came to each meeting, participated, and went to educational classes to learn the process. Sadly, today we have a political way of picking regular members with no or little expertise and knowledge and this sets a very bad message to the very businesses that will come to town and get "cherry picked" when certain groups either like a business or not.
Very very dangerous for the town of Derry! Mark my words here and now. The taxpayers will pay dearly. I hope someone will prove me wrong, but time will tell. And what message does this send to the very people who sacrifice time and their own money learning these new laws to learn that they could be gone the next time around because councilors consider them "friendly" or "unfriendly"- sad but true!
Now budgets- My understanding right now is that KC wants $75,000 cut from the personnel line of the police budget. He says that next year they will have to lay-off anyways. If this is true and I'll have to verify, Then I want to make this statement. Cutting Police officers when we have not hired any new additional officers in 4 years and when the City of Manchester is hiring 25-30 police officers is wrong! These police officers in my book are far to important for our safety and well being and quite frankly, I would cut from other parts of a budget and my safety personnel are the very last people to get cut.
Remember, we must ask ourselves these questions. Is it a need or a want.
we have far to many "wants" in this town and not a lot of "needs" or must haves- policeman and women are definite needs, especially in the 4Th largest community in New Hampshire.
What are your thoughts
I decided to get an update as to the council meeting I missed and the first budget meeting. I spoke to only a few people so far and they tell me it has been quite an interesting meeting. The N.N. reported that there were a few eyebrows raised when council choose board members this time around. You remember that I tried to re-shedule that meeting so that I as a sitting councilor would have a say, however the rest of the council choose to keep it that day without me being present.
In the days when I was first elected, it was protocol to give full membership to an alternate member who showed that they "paid their dues" and came to each meeting, participated, and went to educational classes to learn the process. Sadly, today we have a political way of picking regular members with no or little expertise and knowledge and this sets a very bad message to the very businesses that will come to town and get "cherry picked" when certain groups either like a business or not.
Very very dangerous for the town of Derry! Mark my words here and now. The taxpayers will pay dearly. I hope someone will prove me wrong, but time will tell. And what message does this send to the very people who sacrifice time and their own money learning these new laws to learn that they could be gone the next time around because councilors consider them "friendly" or "unfriendly"- sad but true!
Now budgets- My understanding right now is that KC wants $75,000 cut from the personnel line of the police budget. He says that next year they will have to lay-off anyways. If this is true and I'll have to verify, Then I want to make this statement. Cutting Police officers when we have not hired any new additional officers in 4 years and when the City of Manchester is hiring 25-30 police officers is wrong! These police officers in my book are far to important for our safety and well being and quite frankly, I would cut from other parts of a budget and my safety personnel are the very last people to get cut.
Remember, we must ask ourselves these questions. Is it a need or a want.
we have far to many "wants" in this town and not a lot of "needs" or must haves- policeman and women are definite needs, especially in the 4Th largest community in New Hampshire.
What are your thoughts
Friday, March 28, 2008
Budget times 09
Getting ready to kick-off our marathon budget meetings in April. This is where the 7 councilors will collectively shape an already tough budget for 09 which takes effect on July 1. With big numbers to balance, I'm sure the council will be up to the challenge to balance the books in a fiscally responsible way.
For people who are newly interested in town budget, The town MUST live with-in a tax cap.
The tax cap is determined by the CPI index from the previous year. This is mandated by the town's charter. This prevents run away spending and forces the 7 town councilors to prioritize budget items year in and year out.
The town's budget is about 80% personnel driven. and so one can see the challenge councilors have when health care costs increase yearly, raises and COLA's typically increase yearly as well.
Items such as fuel, heating costs are rising at such a high percentage increase that one can appreciate that a budget held at a 2.5-3.3% overall increase allowed per tax cap- the budget gets tougher and tougher to make ends meet.
This year, I made a motion to have a full, comprehensive budget book ( the same as a councilor would get) made public and at town hall for taxpayers to see ALL THE DETAILS. and not a condensed version. This is an opportunity for the taxpayers of Derry to see where your money is going and to ask questions of your councilors about spending priorities. So with that said...
Let the budgets begin..
Update: The budget book will be at the Town Clerks office for public viewing. Starting 3/31, It will be there for public viewing.
For people who are newly interested in town budget, The town MUST live with-in a tax cap.
The tax cap is determined by the CPI index from the previous year. This is mandated by the town's charter. This prevents run away spending and forces the 7 town councilors to prioritize budget items year in and year out.
The town's budget is about 80% personnel driven. and so one can see the challenge councilors have when health care costs increase yearly, raises and COLA's typically increase yearly as well.
Items such as fuel, heating costs are rising at such a high percentage increase that one can appreciate that a budget held at a 2.5-3.3% overall increase allowed per tax cap- the budget gets tougher and tougher to make ends meet.
This year, I made a motion to have a full, comprehensive budget book ( the same as a councilor would get) made public and at town hall for taxpayers to see ALL THE DETAILS. and not a condensed version. This is an opportunity for the taxpayers of Derry to see where your money is going and to ask questions of your councilors about spending priorities. So with that said...
Let the budgets begin..
Update: The budget book will be at the Town Clerks office for public viewing. Starting 3/31, It will be there for public viewing.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Time to Unite!
We all have read about the new school proposal at the state house and how Derry stands to lose over 7.5 Million in state aid next year. This would have to be made up from local taxes if this were to stand. Its time Derry residents get together as the 4th largest community in New Hampshire and say to the state legislators that This IS UNACCEPTABLE!
a kind blog reader has started a petition- take a minute to get on and sign this today!
Don't wait- It could cost you if you do!
a kind blog reader has started a petition- take a minute to get on and sign this today!
Don't wait- It could cost you if you do!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wanted to thank the visitors that read this blog and for your comments.
We reached a small milestone with our 20,000th visit today.
Averaging over 110 hits a day and from all over New Hampshire.
Thanks again for making Derry NH Politics blog a success!
We reached a small milestone with our 20,000th visit today.
Averaging over 110 hits a day and from all over New Hampshire.
Thanks again for making Derry NH Politics blog a success!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Benson, Wetherbee Elected!
Congrats to Brad Benson and Neil Wetherbee for their wins for town councilors!
Congrats to Mark Grabowski and Wendy Smith for their wins on the School Board!
This was a telling election and I wish to thank all those that participated in the process.
I will post numbers as I get them.
The 4A question was basically a wash. With 2516 people voting. The No vote beat the Yes vote by 100 votes. This tells me it was very close. Not a mandate at all. ( keep in mind this was also a non-binding initiative). More discussion will follow I'm sure.
To the 2516 out of 19,000 registered voters who turned out-- A BIG THANK YOU FOR CARING!!!
Congrats to Mark Grabowski and Wendy Smith for their wins on the School Board!
This was a telling election and I wish to thank all those that participated in the process.
I will post numbers as I get them.
The 4A question was basically a wash. With 2516 people voting. The No vote beat the Yes vote by 100 votes. This tells me it was very close. Not a mandate at all. ( keep in mind this was also a non-binding initiative). More discussion will follow I'm sure.
To the 2516 out of 19,000 registered voters who turned out-- A BIG THANK YOU FOR CARING!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Time to Vote!
Derry, Now is the time when you have the power of the ballot to make sure your voice is heard.
You have had a chance to see what the future politicians of our town want for the future. Who will best represent YOUR views on the council?
Remember this: It is a privilege given all of us. Many sacrifices have come for our right to vote and we must never forget those who sacrificed for us.
Voting will take less than 5 minutes of your time.
Lets surprise everyone and have a record turn-out.
Voting will be from 7am-8pm Tues March 11th
Dist 1 & 4 Vote at Hood Memorial School
Dist 2 & 3 Vote at West Running Brook school.
Update: As of 1pm we have very light turn-out. 700 votes combined. *** If you have not voted yet. Please make sure you vote before 8pm.
You have had a chance to see what the future politicians of our town want for the future. Who will best represent YOUR views on the council?
Remember this: It is a privilege given all of us. Many sacrifices have come for our right to vote and we must never forget those who sacrificed for us.
Voting will take less than 5 minutes of your time.
Lets surprise everyone and have a record turn-out.
Voting will be from 7am-8pm Tues March 11th
Dist 1 & 4 Vote at Hood Memorial School
Dist 2 & 3 Vote at West Running Brook school.
Update: As of 1pm we have very light turn-out. 700 votes combined. *** If you have not voted yet. Please make sure you vote before 8pm.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Ballot Question 4A
Readers of this blog take notice! Do NOT let Tom Cardon and Doug Newell bombard you with "snippets" of sound bites that try to scare you into thinking that the upcoming 4A question on this years ballot has ANYTHING to do with the town having to spend more money on 4A. Over the last few months we hear from these two gentlemen that by voting Yes on this question, it will mean we will have to spend 10,20,30 Million dollars more and it will come from Derry. The facts are here. In this blog.
#1) The present council have all agreed by vote that the town of Derry will not spend any more money and in fact the money that was spent on the EIS study will be deducted from the 5Mil that is allotted ( in paper only) Period!
#2) Read the question carefully please and separate these two facts. If no more money is being spent and we get state and federal funds to complete this project, would you vote YES?
Taking out the money issue, Do you support economic development, Less traffic impacts, Lower taxes? This is how you should approach this question. Don't let the ADT, Doug Newell and Tom Cardon use scare tactics to confuse you.
#3) I will not use this persons name however if you get to see a re-run of the last council meeting you will see someone with immense knowledge of the subject. Her work has been done for many years up in concord and throughout the state IN FAVOR OF 4A. I'll call her R.R for this blog. Many of the taxpayers of Derry know her well. She is honest in the fact that some on the other side may get mad however she knows of their distortions and has come to speak on those.
R.R is a supporter of the project with NO more money being spent from Derry taxpayers.
Listen to someone who tells it without distortion.
And then today the Union Leader has this editorial in today's paper on the subject:
Exit 4A gets an OK
A challenging task endorsed
It is no surprise that a special panel of the executive council this week unanimously endorsed the creation of 4A in Derry. The exit's positives outweigh its negatives by a significant margin. The question is, how too fund it? It speaks well of the Derry and Londonderry officials that they did not throw up their hands and say "oh well" when the exit was removed from the 10year highway plan last year. They deserve credit for fighting for this project,which would be a significant accelerate for growth in both towns. Seeing this project through will take a great deal of toil and creativity. Completing the exit without turning to the state for money and eminent domain acquisitions is an immense challenge, but one worth taking on. If enough private and federal resource are secured, not only will a big setback be turned into a success, but it could be a model for other communities to follow. Of course, it makes sense to try to get the exit included in the I-93 expansion instead of tacking it on afterward. So in addition to dealing with the existing challenges, town officials have to race against the clock as well.
Exit 4A would bring industry, commerce, jobs, and an expanded tax base to Derry and Londonderry. It also would relieve some existing traffic congestion. Its a shame the project was cut from the highway plan. But it is encouraging that the towns are pursuing it anyway, despite the enormous challenges. That spirit is too often lacking in local government.
***reprinted with permission from the Union Leader************************
There you have it. Separate the facts from the rhetoric and Vote YES for economic development. Vote Yes for Lower Taxes. Vote Yes for less traffic impacts in the downtown
Please Vote Yes on 4A
#1) The present council have all agreed by vote that the town of Derry will not spend any more money and in fact the money that was spent on the EIS study will be deducted from the 5Mil that is allotted ( in paper only) Period!
#2) Read the question carefully please and separate these two facts. If no more money is being spent and we get state and federal funds to complete this project, would you vote YES?
Taking out the money issue, Do you support economic development, Less traffic impacts, Lower taxes? This is how you should approach this question. Don't let the ADT, Doug Newell and Tom Cardon use scare tactics to confuse you.
#3) I will not use this persons name however if you get to see a re-run of the last council meeting you will see someone with immense knowledge of the subject. Her work has been done for many years up in concord and throughout the state IN FAVOR OF 4A. I'll call her R.R for this blog. Many of the taxpayers of Derry know her well. She is honest in the fact that some on the other side may get mad however she knows of their distortions and has come to speak on those.
R.R is a supporter of the project with NO more money being spent from Derry taxpayers.
Listen to someone who tells it without distortion.
And then today the Union Leader has this editorial in today's paper on the subject:
Exit 4A gets an OK
A challenging task endorsed
It is no surprise that a special panel of the executive council this week unanimously endorsed the creation of 4A in Derry. The exit's positives outweigh its negatives by a significant margin. The question is, how too fund it? It speaks well of the Derry and Londonderry officials that they did not throw up their hands and say "oh well" when the exit was removed from the 10year highway plan last year. They deserve credit for fighting for this project,which would be a significant accelerate for growth in both towns. Seeing this project through will take a great deal of toil and creativity. Completing the exit without turning to the state for money and eminent domain acquisitions is an immense challenge, but one worth taking on. If enough private and federal resource are secured, not only will a big setback be turned into a success, but it could be a model for other communities to follow. Of course, it makes sense to try to get the exit included in the I-93 expansion instead of tacking it on afterward. So in addition to dealing with the existing challenges, town officials have to race against the clock as well.
Exit 4A would bring industry, commerce, jobs, and an expanded tax base to Derry and Londonderry. It also would relieve some existing traffic congestion. Its a shame the project was cut from the highway plan. But it is encouraging that the towns are pursuing it anyway, despite the enormous challenges. That spirit is too often lacking in local government.
***reprinted with permission from the Union Leader************************
There you have it. Separate the facts from the rhetoric and Vote YES for economic development. Vote Yes for Lower Taxes. Vote Yes for less traffic impacts in the downtown
Please Vote Yes on 4A
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Derry NH Politics Endorsements
Hope everyone has had a chance to see the debates on C17 on Mon Evening.
We have two councilor seats to be filled
An At Large Councilor and Dist #3 councilor
For At Large Councilor my choice is Brad Benson. Brad has lived his whole life in Derry and runs his family business of 97 years in Derry. He is very active and has contributed to many organizations in the community. His business savy will be a major plus come budget time. Brad truly wants Derry to be the best it can be and it shows. Please vote with me for Brad Benson
Dist # 3 My choice is Neil Wetherbee. I have only known Neil for a few years but I can tell you Neil is a person who will get the job done. He has taken on co-chairing Community for a better Derry who were instrumental in saving the MET. He also was a member of the Conservation Commission and is very active in his community. Neil not only lives in Derry but works here as well.
Please join me in voting for Benson & Wetherbee Town Council.
We have two councilor seats to be filled
An At Large Councilor and Dist #3 councilor
For At Large Councilor my choice is Brad Benson. Brad has lived his whole life in Derry and runs his family business of 97 years in Derry. He is very active and has contributed to many organizations in the community. His business savy will be a major plus come budget time. Brad truly wants Derry to be the best it can be and it shows. Please vote with me for Brad Benson
Dist # 3 My choice is Neil Wetherbee. I have only known Neil for a few years but I can tell you Neil is a person who will get the job done. He has taken on co-chairing Community for a better Derry who were instrumental in saving the MET. He also was a member of the Conservation Commission and is very active in his community. Neil not only lives in Derry but works here as well.
Please join me in voting for Benson & Wetherbee Town Council.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Walmart Decides to back out!
Just received word that Walmart's Super Center plans have just been withdrawn. In a press release today, Walmart said the costs were more than they anticipated and they made the decision to withdraw their plans.
This leaves us with more bad news on the economic development front. The anticipated other businesses that would of come had the super center been built would of help us out in our residential/commercial mix of real estate we now have.
Where this leaves the Manchester Road improvements and the bonding that was approved for this roadway will be the next discussion councilors will be talking about.
Seems like the news keeps getting worse in the town of Derry
Unless of course, you were one of the opponents of the project. Then you should be happy I guess.
Question is now. How are we creating an environment that is positive for economic development?
This leaves us with more bad news on the economic development front. The anticipated other businesses that would of come had the super center been built would of help us out in our residential/commercial mix of real estate we now have.
Where this leaves the Manchester Road improvements and the bonding that was approved for this roadway will be the next discussion councilors will be talking about.
Seems like the news keeps getting worse in the town of Derry
Unless of course, you were one of the opponents of the project. Then you should be happy I guess.
Question is now. How are we creating an environment that is positive for economic development?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Weaker Dollar brings in less town revenue.

For the last 6 mos or so we have all read the stories of a possible upcoming recession. In fact, the fed reserve has drop interest rates the last two times they had met. A lower interest rate for what banks are charged does not necessarily mean lower mortgage rates. Those rates are tied into our 10 year bond markets. A weaker dollar means the cost of everyday items such as food, gas, oil are all increasing in price. ( not a good thing). The flip side is more exports are being sold overseas and are opening up new markets for countries that can now afford US products.
But how does this effect the town of Derry?
Well, our investments that the town has are tied into "low risk" investments. These investments are such as a bank CD rate gets lower and lower each time the feds cut the rates.
The interest these investments make are used as "revenues" for upcoming budgets and well as you can probably figure out by now is the fact that there will be a short fall of revenue coming up in this years 09 budget.
From what I'm hearing now, it could be as much as $200k shortfall.
This is a far cry from the estimated $4k shortfall that has been anticipated.
The big question will be- What gets cut this year? Stay tuned and ask the candidates running for Council what they would cut to make up this $200k difference and lets see if they give you an answer you like.
I also understand that the 2010 budget will have an even bigger impact. And this information, coupled with the tax cap basically spells some trouble upcoming.
Without new revenues coming into town in the form of businesses. It looks like a very tough road for the town of Derry. Problem is.. we have two short years to find a solution.
Not an easy task for new councilors I may add.... Heck, not easy for experienced councilors either.
Update: Just found out that it will be $700K short after next year! Yet be prepared for higher taxes and less services! Will be interesting to see how things progress from here!
But how does this effect the town of Derry?
Well, our investments that the town has are tied into "low risk" investments. These investments are such as a bank CD rate gets lower and lower each time the feds cut the rates.
The interest these investments make are used as "revenues" for upcoming budgets and well as you can probably figure out by now is the fact that there will be a short fall of revenue coming up in this years 09 budget.
From what I'm hearing now, it could be as much as $200k shortfall.
This is a far cry from the estimated $4k shortfall that has been anticipated.
The big question will be- What gets cut this year? Stay tuned and ask the candidates running for Council what they would cut to make up this $200k difference and lets see if they give you an answer you like.
I also understand that the 2010 budget will have an even bigger impact. And this information, coupled with the tax cap basically spells some trouble upcoming.
Without new revenues coming into town in the form of businesses. It looks like a very tough road for the town of Derry. Problem is.. we have two short years to find a solution.
Not an easy task for new councilors I may add.... Heck, not easy for experienced councilors either.
Update: Just found out that it will be $700K short after next year! Yet be prepared for higher taxes and less services! Will be interesting to see how things progress from here!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Highest Foreclouser Rate
It has been reported that Derry has the highest foreclosed rate in New Hampshire. Londonderry and Merrimack are not that far back in comparison.
As the real estate market begins to correct itself, it is no happy news to some as they are looking at possible foreclosure on their homes in the next 3-6 mos. There is help for many however most just don't know where to begin to look for help. Some banks are working with people in trying to keep their homes. People that need some assistance should call their mortgage lenders and ask if they could skip a couple of monthly payments and/or tack those extra payments onto the end of their loans. ( it has helped some people stay in their homes)
On the flip side of things, there are many good deals for buyers who may want to purchase a " bank Owned home today. With over 190 homes on the market as of this post, which reflect a 10 months supply, there are good deals to be found!
Short Sales are homes that have not been foreclosed on yet however the banks give the homeowners who must sell a chance to sell at a reduced price and will waive the difference in what is owed and what the new buyer will pay.
Another great way to buy a new home for a great price.
It looks like the next 6 mos should bring the most foreclousers into the market. After that lets hope for a quick real estate recovery.
As the real estate market begins to correct itself, it is no happy news to some as they are looking at possible foreclosure on their homes in the next 3-6 mos. There is help for many however most just don't know where to begin to look for help. Some banks are working with people in trying to keep their homes. People that need some assistance should call their mortgage lenders and ask if they could skip a couple of monthly payments and/or tack those extra payments onto the end of their loans. ( it has helped some people stay in their homes)
On the flip side of things, there are many good deals for buyers who may want to purchase a " bank Owned home today. With over 190 homes on the market as of this post, which reflect a 10 months supply, there are good deals to be found!
Short Sales are homes that have not been foreclosed on yet however the banks give the homeowners who must sell a chance to sell at a reduced price and will waive the difference in what is owed and what the new buyer will pay.
Another great way to buy a new home for a great price.
It looks like the next 6 mos should bring the most foreclousers into the market. After that lets hope for a quick real estate recovery.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Where there is smoke- there is Fire!
Be careful what you read. You may interpret it the wrong way. Many authors want to "steer" you into thinking one way or another and when small snippets of information are left for someone not knowing the issues in depth as others do then sometimes people tend to jump to conclusions.
The Fire fighters contract that was recently turned down by a 4-3 vote last week has made top news in local papers. Some councilors are giving their reasons in more detail to the papers than others.
Lets look at some information from my standpoint.
#1) The council in the beginning of last year met with town administration to set some target perimeters for all the contracts including Fire. Understanding that the tax cap is very tight, we set some goals that the council could live with in a new contract and then charged the administration to negotiate with the Unions
#2) After many many months with Town and Fire Union talking, they come to agreement with the perimeters that we had requested. It was at that time that Administration came back to council to say that they had met our council targets and that Fire was looking into a 2 year contract.
#3) For some councilors to voice "new concerns" after the fact is "unfair at best" and disingenuous at the worst. The concerns that a certain councilor who ran to the Derry News in today's paper gave his reasons and he thinks the fireman in Derry have to many "perks" such as 10 weeks vacation time. Also that they only contribute 15% to health care when Londonderry pays 20% and that fireman hired before 2005 have a "lifetime" guarantee.
However, Councilors should of spelled this out at the very beginning of the talks,If this was a big issue now, why was it not then? We should not wait until the two sides have come to terms and then say they are not satisfied.
Now, please understand a couple of things here. This councilor wants all to think that these issues he doesn't like are issues that have never been discussed in prior contracts and that he is unsatisfied with the contract as presently offered. The fact of the matter is that these issues have already been in previous contracts many years ago. ( Don't get me wrong here, I think our Firemen and Women make a great wage and have great benefits) No doubt.
But lets look at this for a minute, because the issue Councilor Coyle brings up have been in older contracts, with or without a new contract, they still get their 10 weeks vacation, they still pay less in health care contributions than Londonderry.( actually the new contract makes them contribute more than without a contract).
The fact of the matter is moving forward into the future, contracts will have to be different then they are today. The tax cap will make these issues that way. But as we move forward, its the progress we make toward that day matters. You just can't change every aspect of a contract overnight. There has to be compromise and understanding. But to change the terms AFTER you set the guidelines and come to agreement is not the way to handle town matters. To make it sound different in the media is mis-leading.
I want to hear from you. What are your thoughts.
The Fire fighters contract that was recently turned down by a 4-3 vote last week has made top news in local papers. Some councilors are giving their reasons in more detail to the papers than others.
Lets look at some information from my standpoint.
#1) The council in the beginning of last year met with town administration to set some target perimeters for all the contracts including Fire. Understanding that the tax cap is very tight, we set some goals that the council could live with in a new contract and then charged the administration to negotiate with the Unions
#2) After many many months with Town and Fire Union talking, they come to agreement with the perimeters that we had requested. It was at that time that Administration came back to council to say that they had met our council targets and that Fire was looking into a 2 year contract.
#3) For some councilors to voice "new concerns" after the fact is "unfair at best" and disingenuous at the worst. The concerns that a certain councilor who ran to the Derry News in today's paper gave his reasons and he thinks the fireman in Derry have to many "perks" such as 10 weeks vacation time. Also that they only contribute 15% to health care when Londonderry pays 20% and that fireman hired before 2005 have a "lifetime" guarantee.
However, Councilors should of spelled this out at the very beginning of the talks,If this was a big issue now, why was it not then? We should not wait until the two sides have come to terms and then say they are not satisfied.
Now, please understand a couple of things here. This councilor wants all to think that these issues he doesn't like are issues that have never been discussed in prior contracts and that he is unsatisfied with the contract as presently offered. The fact of the matter is that these issues have already been in previous contracts many years ago. ( Don't get me wrong here, I think our Firemen and Women make a great wage and have great benefits) No doubt.
But lets look at this for a minute, because the issue Councilor Coyle brings up have been in older contracts, with or without a new contract, they still get their 10 weeks vacation, they still pay less in health care contributions than Londonderry.( actually the new contract makes them contribute more than without a contract).
The fact of the matter is moving forward into the future, contracts will have to be different then they are today. The tax cap will make these issues that way. But as we move forward, its the progress we make toward that day matters. You just can't change every aspect of a contract overnight. There has to be compromise and understanding. But to change the terms AFTER you set the guidelines and come to agreement is not the way to handle town matters. To make it sound different in the media is mis-leading.
I want to hear from you. What are your thoughts.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Life in the Downtown
Is it me or am I seeing some hustle bustle in the downtown lately. The streets seemed to be filled with business friendly patrons and thats a good sign! I have also gotten some of the old complaints about parking spaces in the downtown again.
Our new business development director stated it well when Beth said "this is a good problem to have" and implying that lots of cars are better than no cars and I would have to agree.
On Valentines day, my wife and I were looking for a place to dine and driving downtown we found that the resteraunts were packed. Steak house...packed Sabitino's packed and there was something going on at the Adams Opera House because cars were in every spot there was. None to be found. And then last night.. I wanted to take my wife out to eat and then to a 8 oclock movie. Again everything in the downtown was packed. Ahh but I found a spot when someone just left and into the steak house we went.
"Dinner for two" the host asked
"yes" we replied
"whats the wait time" we asked
"about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours" she said.
Just my luck, we would never make the movies and so off we went
Twice now I have tried to eat in the downtown and twice turned away. A little upset but then I stopped to look at people walking, shopping and using the downtown.
At this pace, we should see more businesses wanting to come in and thats a wonderful thing!
This folks is how the downtown will cahnge for the better.
Let the market do its thing! And its nice to see some positive economic vibes don't you agree.
After all I'm sick and tired about reading all the negative news!
Our new business development director stated it well when Beth said "this is a good problem to have" and implying that lots of cars are better than no cars and I would have to agree.
On Valentines day, my wife and I were looking for a place to dine and driving downtown we found that the resteraunts were packed. Steak house...packed Sabitino's packed and there was something going on at the Adams Opera House because cars were in every spot there was. None to be found. And then last night.. I wanted to take my wife out to eat and then to a 8 oclock movie. Again everything in the downtown was packed. Ahh but I found a spot when someone just left and into the steak house we went.
"Dinner for two" the host asked
"yes" we replied
"whats the wait time" we asked
"about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours" she said.
Just my luck, we would never make the movies and so off we went
Twice now I have tried to eat in the downtown and twice turned away. A little upset but then I stopped to look at people walking, shopping and using the downtown.
At this pace, we should see more businesses wanting to come in and thats a wonderful thing!
This folks is how the downtown will cahnge for the better.
Let the market do its thing! And its nice to see some positive economic vibes don't you agree.
After all I'm sick and tired about reading all the negative news!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Fresh Start
I would like to take this blog in a more information sharing and educational direction. I will also be including some video bloging of topics and views of the important issues that we all talk about at home at the dinner tables or out at the coffee shops each day. I would like to keep it from attacking other positions as much as possible and use it as a tool to get more information out to people at their lesiure.
I am asking for topics that people are interested in most. Any ideas?
I have also added a link to the Derry Rail Trails website. There you will find timely information about their plans to bring this exciting project to Derry. And please consider a donation as they are trying to use the least amount of taxpayers money as possible.
If anyone else has a link they want displayed-Just let me know.
I am asking for topics that people are interested in most. Any ideas?
I have also added a link to the Derry Rail Trails website. There you will find timely information about their plans to bring this exciting project to Derry. And please consider a donation as they are trying to use the least amount of taxpayers money as possible.
If anyone else has a link they want displayed-Just let me know.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Is the local press bias?
How does one know when election time is near? Simple, read your local newspapers and look to see the issues being created or they come back from the dead all in time for elections.
Lets see, First we have an elderly exemption issue coming up ( never before budget season until this year) and now the 4A issue sprouts up again. Of course, I understand that groups want to align themselves with either supporting or not supporting these issues and I also understand the timing of getting these issues to the media.
The question is, are these media outlets being bias? Some would believe so. Why would one think so? Some have said just pick up any paper today and we see Councilor Coyle working his spin camp almost on a daily basis. Doug Newel has his own DN column and the Vegas odds have him running for Dist #3 Council seat ( he won't declare until the last minute so he can keep his column as long as possible)
What did I see that could persuade me to think some bias is taking place?
Lets start here. 1) Councilor Coyle, Fairbanks & Carney along with the ADT promote their elderly exemptions via a town ordinance.2) Then they ask for a public hearing which was granted and asked for the town to" crunch the numbers" to see how this exemption would affect the budgets.
3) I then went on this blog as well as a guest editorial in a local paper to say that this would devastate the town and its budget and exposed it for what it was" a political ploy"4) At the public hearing the experts in a letter said that the proposal would in fact be devastating and could do some tax shifting onto others. 5) because councilors had this report the Friday before the Tues meeting, Councilor Coyle had already a printed new "water down" version of the elderly exemptions.
Question: What was reported by the Press? Just the facts that Coyle had a newer version of the proposal and Not the bigger story of
Why didn't the ADT, Coyle Carney and Fairbanks get the numbers BEFORE they proposed this???? Why was not the fact that Coyle now knew it would kill the town and so he hurried to water it down and hoped nobody would see this as I did.
All three papers were told of this and all were there that evening and NOBODY question Coyle on this. Why?
Also the facts remain the same- he proposes the watered down version and Still doesn't see how the new numbers will affect the budget ( however we get closer to election time and no body's caught on yet.)
The media needs to do a better job in their journalistic writings.
That's the beauty of the blog. Nobody can slant your words or edit content about the issue from another viewpoint.
What are your thoughts? Is the local media bias to certain parties?
Lets see, First we have an elderly exemption issue coming up ( never before budget season until this year) and now the 4A issue sprouts up again. Of course, I understand that groups want to align themselves with either supporting or not supporting these issues and I also understand the timing of getting these issues to the media.
The question is, are these media outlets being bias? Some would believe so. Why would one think so? Some have said just pick up any paper today and we see Councilor Coyle working his spin camp almost on a daily basis. Doug Newel has his own DN column and the Vegas odds have him running for Dist #3 Council seat ( he won't declare until the last minute so he can keep his column as long as possible)
What did I see that could persuade me to think some bias is taking place?
Lets start here. 1) Councilor Coyle, Fairbanks & Carney along with the ADT promote their elderly exemptions via a town ordinance.2) Then they ask for a public hearing which was granted and asked for the town to" crunch the numbers" to see how this exemption would affect the budgets.
3) I then went on this blog as well as a guest editorial in a local paper to say that this would devastate the town and its budget and exposed it for what it was" a political ploy"4) At the public hearing the experts in a letter said that the proposal would in fact be devastating and could do some tax shifting onto others. 5) because councilors had this report the Friday before the Tues meeting, Councilor Coyle had already a printed new "water down" version of the elderly exemptions.
Question: What was reported by the Press? Just the facts that Coyle had a newer version of the proposal and Not the bigger story of
Why didn't the ADT, Coyle Carney and Fairbanks get the numbers BEFORE they proposed this???? Why was not the fact that Coyle now knew it would kill the town and so he hurried to water it down and hoped nobody would see this as I did.
All three papers were told of this and all were there that evening and NOBODY question Coyle on this. Why?
Also the facts remain the same- he proposes the watered down version and Still doesn't see how the new numbers will affect the budget ( however we get closer to election time and no body's caught on yet.)
The media needs to do a better job in their journalistic writings.
That's the beauty of the blog. Nobody can slant your words or edit content about the issue from another viewpoint.
What are your thoughts? Is the local media bias to certain parties?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Where's the Beef?
First meeting in January for the town council and we had a scheduled short meeting on the agenda. First I would like to extend a congratulations to Battalion Chief Mike Gagnon of the Derry Fire Dept for receiving his CFOD designation.
The CFOD Program was created to recognize fire officers who demonstrate a consistent level of excellence and achievement during their careers.
Great Job Mike!!
Also I would welcome two new members of our fire dept. These positions are not additional but replace retired members.
Welcome to our two new fire dept members.
Lets now jump into the main topic from last night- The elderly exemption proposal that the ADT and Coyle, Fairbanks and Carney had proposed and the one that I have written about in this blog and in editorial pages and newspaper reports. Most know where I stand on this issue and on their proposal.
After a report from our CFO Frank Childs and Tax Assessor David Gomez on the ramification of ADT & Coyle Fairbanks Carney proposal, we all learn that this plan would be a disaster for the town. In fact, Councilors received this report last Friday and interestedly enough, Councilor Coyle had a revised copy ready to go at our meeting last night. Scaling down the numbers in all three categories, income, assets and exemption value.
In the report we find that I was correct in that a tax shift and/or budget cuts would be needed to fund their exemption proposal and that neither ADT nor the three councilors were interested in showing us HOW they were going to pay for their new exemptions. Instead we get a watered down version and STILL NO word as to how they will get the budget to reflex these "benefits"
With the newest version of their proposal it still needs to be said "WHERES THE BEEF".
Lets look at the ADT's PowerPoint assumptions and then ask some questions.
ADT assumes that every senior 65+ or over own a 3 bedroom $300k home in Derry
Fact: Not every senior has a 300K 3 bedroom home in Derry! Many have 2 bedroom condos! or live in smaller/older homes. Older homes are generally 1000-1400 Sq ft. These house are not all suited for larger families.
ADT assumes that $500 million dollars in new commercial development is needed.
Where does this number come from? It simply tries to compare which large NH communities?
Are they trying to compare us with CITIES??? Manchester? Nashua? or border towns such as SALEM?
and what is their stated tax rate goal? Is it $20/1000, 18, 16, 12? Lets remember that the town side tax rate is $7.50/1000 so how much of this do they want to reduce? They don't say do they!
ADT assumes that seniors sell their homes to families with children and the children use the schools system and are a tax negative to the town.
While some of their statements may be true. Lets look at the facts: ADT says its a problem and that we need to keep seniors in their homes and ATTRACT other seniors to move into Derry.
Does the school enrollment figures show an influx of children coming into the schools system? NO in fact it is less children coming in. Does the census tell us Derry's population growth is growing? NO in fact it is shrinking, we lost population since 2000. SO where is the problem the ADT says we have?????
It was again interesting to know that Councilor Coyle, after seeing the true damage that could be done- quickly revised down the numbers proposed. And that the newspapers have not reported this fact but choose to say it is simply a revision.
Problem is that even with the revision that I see, they will still need to either tax shift to others or cut around 100-125K from this upcoming budget. The problem still remains only the numbers changed to protect this bad campaign.
Even Mr. Dimmock while trying to justify the campain and actually brought out a potential problem with it by saying that what if you get their proposed exemptions and then brought grandchildren to live in the house while collecting this exemption. Well there you go, not only are you tax shifting to others, you would be subsidizing the childerens education costs.
Double Whammy ! or how about this scenrio. Senior gets ADT exemptions with no assets in bank. Sells the 3 bedroom home for 300K- buys a condo and puts down 100K and finaces the rest/ banks the 200K profit and still gets the generous exemption BUT guess what that 3 bedroom house may sell to a family with three kids and then where is the savings under their plan.
Assuming certain scenerios to get certain results is dangerous planning and this is what is being proposed. There are many scenrios that don't work for the taxpayer here and who's to say they know different. Pleeeeaaasssee!
The CFOD Program was created to recognize fire officers who demonstrate a consistent level of excellence and achievement during their careers.
Great Job Mike!!
Also I would welcome two new members of our fire dept. These positions are not additional but replace retired members.
Welcome to our two new fire dept members.
Lets now jump into the main topic from last night- The elderly exemption proposal that the ADT and Coyle, Fairbanks and Carney had proposed and the one that I have written about in this blog and in editorial pages and newspaper reports. Most know where I stand on this issue and on their proposal.
After a report from our CFO Frank Childs and Tax Assessor David Gomez on the ramification of ADT & Coyle Fairbanks Carney proposal, we all learn that this plan would be a disaster for the town. In fact, Councilors received this report last Friday and interestedly enough, Councilor Coyle had a revised copy ready to go at our meeting last night. Scaling down the numbers in all three categories, income, assets and exemption value.
In the report we find that I was correct in that a tax shift and/or budget cuts would be needed to fund their exemption proposal and that neither ADT nor the three councilors were interested in showing us HOW they were going to pay for their new exemptions. Instead we get a watered down version and STILL NO word as to how they will get the budget to reflex these "benefits"
With the newest version of their proposal it still needs to be said "WHERES THE BEEF".
Lets look at the ADT's PowerPoint assumptions and then ask some questions.
ADT assumes that every senior 65+ or over own a 3 bedroom $300k home in Derry
Fact: Not every senior has a 300K 3 bedroom home in Derry! Many have 2 bedroom condos! or live in smaller/older homes. Older homes are generally 1000-1400 Sq ft. These house are not all suited for larger families.
ADT assumes that $500 million dollars in new commercial development is needed.
Where does this number come from? It simply tries to compare which large NH communities?
Are they trying to compare us with CITIES??? Manchester? Nashua? or border towns such as SALEM?
and what is their stated tax rate goal? Is it $20/1000, 18, 16, 12? Lets remember that the town side tax rate is $7.50/1000 so how much of this do they want to reduce? They don't say do they!
ADT assumes that seniors sell their homes to families with children and the children use the schools system and are a tax negative to the town.
While some of their statements may be true. Lets look at the facts: ADT says its a problem and that we need to keep seniors in their homes and ATTRACT other seniors to move into Derry.
Does the school enrollment figures show an influx of children coming into the schools system? NO in fact it is less children coming in. Does the census tell us Derry's population growth is growing? NO in fact it is shrinking, we lost population since 2000. SO where is the problem the ADT says we have?????
It was again interesting to know that Councilor Coyle, after seeing the true damage that could be done- quickly revised down the numbers proposed. And that the newspapers have not reported this fact but choose to say it is simply a revision.
Problem is that even with the revision that I see, they will still need to either tax shift to others or cut around 100-125K from this upcoming budget. The problem still remains only the numbers changed to protect this bad campaign.
Even Mr. Dimmock while trying to justify the campain and actually brought out a potential problem with it by saying that what if you get their proposed exemptions and then brought grandchildren to live in the house while collecting this exemption. Well there you go, not only are you tax shifting to others, you would be subsidizing the childerens education costs.
Double Whammy ! or how about this scenrio. Senior gets ADT exemptions with no assets in bank. Sells the 3 bedroom home for 300K- buys a condo and puts down 100K and finaces the rest/ banks the 200K profit and still gets the generous exemption BUT guess what that 3 bedroom house may sell to a family with three kids and then where is the savings under their plan.
Assuming certain scenerios to get certain results is dangerous planning and this is what is being proposed. There are many scenrios that don't work for the taxpayer here and who's to say they know different. Pleeeeaaasssee!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Proposal will be costly!
This just in.... The proposed elderly exemption increases that the ADT and Councilors Coyle, Fairbanks and Carney have put their names on will cost the town dearly. Estimates that are being provided are in the range of upwards of over $425,000. And with the projected budget for FY 09 coming in with "level funding" for a third straight year, budgets projections have come in with a negative -$4000 without the proposal.
To make up another 1/2 million dollars? Where do they think that will be coming from? Either they ( Coyle, Fairbanks and Carney) come up with "cutting other parts of the budget" to offset this amount or maybe they want the rest of the town to pay an additional .20/.25 cents per 1000 of value of ones home IN ADDITION to what ever increase would of been approved without the proposal.
Like I said earlier folks, hold on to your wallets or be prepared to go without such services as road maintenance, recreation could be cut, maybe police and fire positions will get eliminated OR...
as stated in the findings, they opt for both tax shifting and eliminating funds from a level funded budget.
The report also states that with home values possibly going down. ( which i can tell you they have being in the business)- That the Coyle Fairbanks and Carney AND ADT proposal may have a very bad effect on the town.
Don't fall for it folks-It will not be pretty- And I don't want to be the one who says I told you so a few years down the road. Its to get seats on the council and its obvious to see.
Alas, maybe we can ride bikes down the paved path for another 400K?
Oh my! please please focus in on what they are proposing and the damage that will come with it.
To make up another 1/2 million dollars? Where do they think that will be coming from? Either they ( Coyle, Fairbanks and Carney) come up with "cutting other parts of the budget" to offset this amount or maybe they want the rest of the town to pay an additional .20/.25 cents per 1000 of value of ones home IN ADDITION to what ever increase would of been approved without the proposal.
Like I said earlier folks, hold on to your wallets or be prepared to go without such services as road maintenance, recreation could be cut, maybe police and fire positions will get eliminated OR...
as stated in the findings, they opt for both tax shifting and eliminating funds from a level funded budget.
The report also states that with home values possibly going down. ( which i can tell you they have being in the business)- That the Coyle Fairbanks and Carney AND ADT proposal may have a very bad effect on the town.
Don't fall for it folks-It will not be pretty- And I don't want to be the one who says I told you so a few years down the road. Its to get seats on the council and its obvious to see.
Alas, maybe we can ride bikes down the paved path for another 400K?
Oh my! please please focus in on what they are proposing and the damage that will come with it.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
What a day for Election Day
The weather couldn't be any better for today's presidential primary election! 50-55 degrees and lots of voters turning out.
Derry voters have had a history of bring out the most registered voters out on presidential primary days and it will be interesting to see if we can keep the streak going.
At 7am this morning there were cars trying to find parking spaces at Hood school ( the voting place for Districts #1 and #4. People were coming up to vote all morning long.
At about 11 am, there were so many news media people from all over waiting to catch a glimpse of Mitt Romney. Mitt and wife Ann came up to greet voters at Hood and he shook hands and took pictures with many well wishers.
Hillary Clinton, I was told was in town earlier in the morning as many got caught in some traffic with her entourage on the Derry roadways.
All and all we shall learn who New Hampshire winners and non-winners will be but let it be known that the real winners will be the new Hampshire residents.
If you have not seen one candidate in person yet, then you don't get out often. And if you were not bombarded with phone calls from the campaigns or mailed literature on a daily basis then you must be living somewhere else.
It will be good getting back to normal soon as well. However it's a shame we can't get more turnout for local elections come March.
Maybe we will have nice weather then as well. We will see!
Anyone with any interesting primary stories, please share your story right here!
Derry voters have had a history of bring out the most registered voters out on presidential primary days and it will be interesting to see if we can keep the streak going.
At 7am this morning there were cars trying to find parking spaces at Hood school ( the voting place for Districts #1 and #4. People were coming up to vote all morning long.
At about 11 am, there were so many news media people from all over waiting to catch a glimpse of Mitt Romney. Mitt and wife Ann came up to greet voters at Hood and he shook hands and took pictures with many well wishers.
Hillary Clinton, I was told was in town earlier in the morning as many got caught in some traffic with her entourage on the Derry roadways.
All and all we shall learn who New Hampshire winners and non-winners will be but let it be known that the real winners will be the new Hampshire residents.
If you have not seen one candidate in person yet, then you don't get out often. And if you were not bombarded with phone calls from the campaigns or mailed literature on a daily basis then you must be living somewhere else.
It will be good getting back to normal soon as well. However it's a shame we can't get more turnout for local elections come March.
Maybe we will have nice weather then as well. We will see!
Anyone with any interesting primary stories, please share your story right here!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Who's right and Who's wrong.
It's been the position of the Derry Patrolman's Union that there is a serious issue with police moral and that the administration is "uncaring" about its officers so much so that they attribute 8 officers of leaving the department because of the horrific working situation that they must endure in the department. We see the articles in the newspapers of the campaign to get someones attention to their issues. On their website
you will see the plea for an independent study of moral in the dept. They do not accept the findings of previous town administrator John Moody when he did a study of police morale last year.
Union president Micheal Houle has even come up to the town council and stated that he feels there is a dis-connect from the police administration and has said in his examples that nobody came to see the officer that was hit by a car and was in a Boston hospital. No one came to the retirement party for some of the officers that recently retired and that current officers never get a positive compliment from their supervisors and that he feels that this is something lacking in the department.
And then we read an article in the UL today that states that there is a huge shake-up in the Manchester Fire Dept. upsetting many of the fire fighters there who are accustomed to some working with others for as long as 22 years in same firehouse, same shifts and same working hours. The reason for the shake-up? Complacency! And the mayor is agreeing with the new fire chief. It's too friendly with the administration and with the firefighters on many levels and a "shake-up" was long overdue is what has been stated.
So we see two different but similar situations. Who's right and Who is wrong? That's for the reading public to make that call. What are your thoughts? I'm interested in hearing from you!
you will see the plea for an independent study of moral in the dept. They do not accept the findings of previous town administrator John Moody when he did a study of police morale last year.
Union president Micheal Houle has even come up to the town council and stated that he feels there is a dis-connect from the police administration and has said in his examples that nobody came to see the officer that was hit by a car and was in a Boston hospital. No one came to the retirement party for some of the officers that recently retired and that current officers never get a positive compliment from their supervisors and that he feels that this is something lacking in the department.
And then we read an article in the UL today that states that there is a huge shake-up in the Manchester Fire Dept. upsetting many of the fire fighters there who are accustomed to some working with others for as long as 22 years in same firehouse, same shifts and same working hours. The reason for the shake-up? Complacency! And the mayor is agreeing with the new fire chief. It's too friendly with the administration and with the firefighters on many levels and a "shake-up" was long overdue is what has been stated.
So we see two different but similar situations. Who's right and Who is wrong? That's for the reading public to make that call. What are your thoughts? I'm interested in hearing from you!
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