Alright, I know I'll catch some flack for this however it's just too funny to pass up on. In todays UL the Londonderry police are asking for Tazer guns. Why? It'll be kinder and gentler to use on anymore escaped goats! and with less fall-out too...
The opinions expressed are of my own individualy and are not to be interpreted as official of any governing body. Comments from readers are also of their own opinions and will be edited only if the content is harmful or non constructive to any individual. It is important to share information and thoughts on political process so that we may discuss issues that effect us all.
When you were a kid and your morale was down,your dad like mine brought you to the Bradles or Hobby shop and bought you a model car or plane. Well the pd has done the same,but tazer guns.
The sad part about this situation is the older guys that will use common sense in using them , wont wear them.
The rookies will wear them and use them til someone dies like the pepper bullet in the eye deal at a baseball game in Boston.The lady did not deserve to die just being in the crowd.Guess what, Boston PD.does not use them anymore.
Just what the town needs , more lawsuits.I guess we hired all those lawyers just in time.
BC, If Londonderry opened there own firestation radio station , I would bet a weeks pay Klauber would be on the air first.
I would not readers to be without some tidbits of info on tasers so here are some good reading for a hot summer day.
Type taser gun tragedies on yahoo and read the lawsuits with such dangerous people as mentally impared,14 year olds,and 6 year old grade school kids being shot with 50,0000 volts. There is also a story of a guy in a town hall getting jolted as a joke.
I think money from homeland security grant could have been spent wiser.Maybe put 10 k more from town and hire a new patrolman for downtown.
What the hell do i know , im only a taxpayer.
Thank you for the easy segway.
Speaking of morale, perhaps Coyle would also like to hire an "indeprendent and professional" consultant group to look into the low morale of Town Administator's position. There is afterall far more evidence of a problem in tha area (employee turnover). Oh silly me, that study might cast the light on a certain two members of the Council.
You'd have to have a really cynical political agenda or be ill-equipped to sit on the Council NOT to see the relationship between the low morale issue and the current contract negociations.
anon 10:57, thank you for the foolishness of your post.
this town has "gone through" town administrators for decades...long before the positive developments and accountability brought about by coyle and fairbanks and the two councilors you refer to the old timers (bulkley and ferrante?) impacted morale due to things catchin' up with the town... you know that right?
and as for the few poor town employees that you say are feeling some heat and tsk, tsk unappreciated, due to real fiscal constraints comin' home to roost, be happy you have a job, open your eyes and see the world beyond tiny little derry, things are contracting all around us. do your job and stop complaining. where does it say you are entitled to a raise? ask those of us in the private sector, in between your coffee breaks and double overtime details what they think about your position.
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