Friday, January 05, 2007

Not the end but just the beginning.

Here is what I think the next steps should be on Economic Development. I voted on option 4 which was to get everyone on board with economic development. Why everyone thinks that the decision to fund DEDC is the end of discussion is beyond me. First we need to look at the facts. #1 money in this years budget was already raised to fund DEDC. To not fund would put that money into the general fund and to do nothing would be the worst mistake we could possibly make. #2 Yes, we have a tough budget coming up and we should let the new council make the tough decision to fund a new positon. My idea is simple and i believe has merit. We as a town should create a "blue ribbon" ad-hoc group of business savy Derry residents ( we have a lot of very talented people living in Derry) and appoint them to sit and discuss ways we as a town should focus on Economic Development, how we could market and attract new business, what direction and how to engage the public to see what thier wants and needs are, compile demographics and to find ways of the town being proactive. This group could be appointed by the council and meets in public just like planning board, or zoning board and meetings are televised. lets remember that we need to have many many ideas and we need all residents to come up with ideas, not just one group. By the way, these "business experts would be volunteers, that does not cost us money, that lets more people have input into the process and can focus on a non-political way of bringing businesses into town and lowering our taxes. Just my thoughts-interested in hearing what you think!


be4real said...

this sounds like a great idea. isn't this what the dedc consists of local business savy men. i should hope that they roundtable with ideas that this co. has to better market the town of derry. The whole idea of economic development is to do research, including compiling demographics as well as being proactive to promote the town. the council just pd for what should already be done. dedc been here for many yrs!!! if this type of work has not been done by the dedc then shame on council continuing this love affair with the dedc. it absolutely disgusts me that this hasn't been done. i can only say nice idea why didn't the dedc come up with this no brainer within their corp??? they seem like bright bulbs.

exDerryRes said...

The DEDC is shortsighted. For a Town to truly sustain itself it needs to not only incorporate the economic (or business) factor, but also the environment (i.e. open space, historic district, etc.) and the community aspects (basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, education, and healthcare for all citizens) Therefore I would quit throwing money into the good old boys DEDC group and look at Derry wholistically. I think the idea of a working group is a great idea, but the DEDC is NOT the answer ... unless Derry needs another Drug Store.

Admin said...

Councilman, I'm looking at attending school in NH this fall, so I've been scurrying the Union Leader looking for political stories, and came across the link to your blog.

As a political-blogger-activist myself, I just wanted to let you know that you're already a hit with me :)

Can't wait to visit in March, though. That'll be the test to see whether or not I can "stand" NH. You have a beautiful state, judging by the many photos I've seen.