How does one know when election time is near? Simple, read your local newspapers and look to see the issues being created or they come back from the dead all in time for elections.
Lets see, First we have an elderly exemption issue coming up ( never before budget season until this year) and now the 4A issue sprouts up again. Of course, I understand that groups want to align themselves with either supporting or not supporting these issues and I also understand the timing of getting these issues to the media.
The question is, are these media outlets being bias? Some would believe so. Why would one think so? Some have said just pick up any paper today and we see Councilor Coyle working his spin camp almost on a daily basis. Doug Newel has his own DN column and the Vegas odds have him running for Dist #3 Council seat ( he won't declare until the last minute so he can keep his column as long as possible)
What did I see that could persuade me to think some bias is taking place?
Lets start here. 1) Councilor Coyle, Fairbanks & Carney along with the ADT promote their elderly exemptions via a town ordinance.2) Then they ask for a public hearing which was granted and asked for the town to" crunch the numbers" to see how this exemption would affect the budgets.
3) I then went on this blog as well as a guest editorial in a local paper to say that this would devastate the town and its budget and exposed it for what it was" a political ploy"4) At the public hearing the experts in a letter said that the proposal would in fact be devastating and could do some tax shifting onto others. 5) because councilors had this report the Friday before the Tues meeting, Councilor Coyle had already a printed new "water down" version of the elderly exemptions.
Question: What was reported by the Press? Just the facts that Coyle had a newer version of the proposal and Not the bigger story of
Why didn't the ADT, Coyle Carney and Fairbanks get the numbers BEFORE they proposed this???? Why was not the fact that Coyle now knew it would kill the town and so he hurried to water it down and hoped nobody would see this as I did.
All three papers were told of this and all were there that evening and NOBODY question Coyle on this. Why?
Also the facts remain the same- he proposes the watered down version and Still doesn't see how the new numbers will affect the budget ( however we get closer to election time and no body's caught on yet.)
The media needs to do a better job in their journalistic writings.
That's the beauty of the blog. Nobody can slant your words or edit content about the issue from another viewpoint.
What are your thoughts? Is the local media bias to certain parties?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Where's the Beef?
First meeting in January for the town council and we had a scheduled short meeting on the agenda. First I would like to extend a congratulations to Battalion Chief Mike Gagnon of the Derry Fire Dept for receiving his CFOD designation.
The CFOD Program was created to recognize fire officers who demonstrate a consistent level of excellence and achievement during their careers.
Great Job Mike!!
Also I would welcome two new members of our fire dept. These positions are not additional but replace retired members.
Welcome to our two new fire dept members.
Lets now jump into the main topic from last night- The elderly exemption proposal that the ADT and Coyle, Fairbanks and Carney had proposed and the one that I have written about in this blog and in editorial pages and newspaper reports. Most know where I stand on this issue and on their proposal.
After a report from our CFO Frank Childs and Tax Assessor David Gomez on the ramification of ADT & Coyle Fairbanks Carney proposal, we all learn that this plan would be a disaster for the town. In fact, Councilors received this report last Friday and interestedly enough, Councilor Coyle had a revised copy ready to go at our meeting last night. Scaling down the numbers in all three categories, income, assets and exemption value.
In the report we find that I was correct in that a tax shift and/or budget cuts would be needed to fund their exemption proposal and that neither ADT nor the three councilors were interested in showing us HOW they were going to pay for their new exemptions. Instead we get a watered down version and STILL NO word as to how they will get the budget to reflex these "benefits"
With the newest version of their proposal it still needs to be said "WHERES THE BEEF".
Lets look at the ADT's PowerPoint assumptions and then ask some questions.
ADT assumes that every senior 65+ or over own a 3 bedroom $300k home in Derry
Fact: Not every senior has a 300K 3 bedroom home in Derry! Many have 2 bedroom condos! or live in smaller/older homes. Older homes are generally 1000-1400 Sq ft. These house are not all suited for larger families.
ADT assumes that $500 million dollars in new commercial development is needed.
Where does this number come from? It simply tries to compare which large NH communities?
Are they trying to compare us with CITIES??? Manchester? Nashua? or border towns such as SALEM?
and what is their stated tax rate goal? Is it $20/1000, 18, 16, 12? Lets remember that the town side tax rate is $7.50/1000 so how much of this do they want to reduce? They don't say do they!
ADT assumes that seniors sell their homes to families with children and the children use the schools system and are a tax negative to the town.
While some of their statements may be true. Lets look at the facts: ADT says its a problem and that we need to keep seniors in their homes and ATTRACT other seniors to move into Derry.
Does the school enrollment figures show an influx of children coming into the schools system? NO in fact it is less children coming in. Does the census tell us Derry's population growth is growing? NO in fact it is shrinking, we lost population since 2000. SO where is the problem the ADT says we have?????
It was again interesting to know that Councilor Coyle, after seeing the true damage that could be done- quickly revised down the numbers proposed. And that the newspapers have not reported this fact but choose to say it is simply a revision.
Problem is that even with the revision that I see, they will still need to either tax shift to others or cut around 100-125K from this upcoming budget. The problem still remains only the numbers changed to protect this bad campaign.
Even Mr. Dimmock while trying to justify the campain and actually brought out a potential problem with it by saying that what if you get their proposed exemptions and then brought grandchildren to live in the house while collecting this exemption. Well there you go, not only are you tax shifting to others, you would be subsidizing the childerens education costs.
Double Whammy ! or how about this scenrio. Senior gets ADT exemptions with no assets in bank. Sells the 3 bedroom home for 300K- buys a condo and puts down 100K and finaces the rest/ banks the 200K profit and still gets the generous exemption BUT guess what that 3 bedroom house may sell to a family with three kids and then where is the savings under their plan.
Assuming certain scenerios to get certain results is dangerous planning and this is what is being proposed. There are many scenrios that don't work for the taxpayer here and who's to say they know different. Pleeeeaaasssee!
The CFOD Program was created to recognize fire officers who demonstrate a consistent level of excellence and achievement during their careers.
Great Job Mike!!
Also I would welcome two new members of our fire dept. These positions are not additional but replace retired members.
Welcome to our two new fire dept members.
Lets now jump into the main topic from last night- The elderly exemption proposal that the ADT and Coyle, Fairbanks and Carney had proposed and the one that I have written about in this blog and in editorial pages and newspaper reports. Most know where I stand on this issue and on their proposal.
After a report from our CFO Frank Childs and Tax Assessor David Gomez on the ramification of ADT & Coyle Fairbanks Carney proposal, we all learn that this plan would be a disaster for the town. In fact, Councilors received this report last Friday and interestedly enough, Councilor Coyle had a revised copy ready to go at our meeting last night. Scaling down the numbers in all three categories, income, assets and exemption value.
In the report we find that I was correct in that a tax shift and/or budget cuts would be needed to fund their exemption proposal and that neither ADT nor the three councilors were interested in showing us HOW they were going to pay for their new exemptions. Instead we get a watered down version and STILL NO word as to how they will get the budget to reflex these "benefits"
With the newest version of their proposal it still needs to be said "WHERES THE BEEF".
Lets look at the ADT's PowerPoint assumptions and then ask some questions.
ADT assumes that every senior 65+ or over own a 3 bedroom $300k home in Derry
Fact: Not every senior has a 300K 3 bedroom home in Derry! Many have 2 bedroom condos! or live in smaller/older homes. Older homes are generally 1000-1400 Sq ft. These house are not all suited for larger families.
ADT assumes that $500 million dollars in new commercial development is needed.
Where does this number come from? It simply tries to compare which large NH communities?
Are they trying to compare us with CITIES??? Manchester? Nashua? or border towns such as SALEM?
and what is their stated tax rate goal? Is it $20/1000, 18, 16, 12? Lets remember that the town side tax rate is $7.50/1000 so how much of this do they want to reduce? They don't say do they!
ADT assumes that seniors sell their homes to families with children and the children use the schools system and are a tax negative to the town.
While some of their statements may be true. Lets look at the facts: ADT says its a problem and that we need to keep seniors in their homes and ATTRACT other seniors to move into Derry.
Does the school enrollment figures show an influx of children coming into the schools system? NO in fact it is less children coming in. Does the census tell us Derry's population growth is growing? NO in fact it is shrinking, we lost population since 2000. SO where is the problem the ADT says we have?????
It was again interesting to know that Councilor Coyle, after seeing the true damage that could be done- quickly revised down the numbers proposed. And that the newspapers have not reported this fact but choose to say it is simply a revision.
Problem is that even with the revision that I see, they will still need to either tax shift to others or cut around 100-125K from this upcoming budget. The problem still remains only the numbers changed to protect this bad campaign.
Even Mr. Dimmock while trying to justify the campain and actually brought out a potential problem with it by saying that what if you get their proposed exemptions and then brought grandchildren to live in the house while collecting this exemption. Well there you go, not only are you tax shifting to others, you would be subsidizing the childerens education costs.
Double Whammy ! or how about this scenrio. Senior gets ADT exemptions with no assets in bank. Sells the 3 bedroom home for 300K- buys a condo and puts down 100K and finaces the rest/ banks the 200K profit and still gets the generous exemption BUT guess what that 3 bedroom house may sell to a family with three kids and then where is the savings under their plan.
Assuming certain scenerios to get certain results is dangerous planning and this is what is being proposed. There are many scenrios that don't work for the taxpayer here and who's to say they know different. Pleeeeaaasssee!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Proposal will be costly!
This just in.... The proposed elderly exemption increases that the ADT and Councilors Coyle, Fairbanks and Carney have put their names on will cost the town dearly. Estimates that are being provided are in the range of upwards of over $425,000. And with the projected budget for FY 09 coming in with "level funding" for a third straight year, budgets projections have come in with a negative -$4000 without the proposal.
To make up another 1/2 million dollars? Where do they think that will be coming from? Either they ( Coyle, Fairbanks and Carney) come up with "cutting other parts of the budget" to offset this amount or maybe they want the rest of the town to pay an additional .20/.25 cents per 1000 of value of ones home IN ADDITION to what ever increase would of been approved without the proposal.
Like I said earlier folks, hold on to your wallets or be prepared to go without such services as road maintenance, recreation could be cut, maybe police and fire positions will get eliminated OR...
as stated in the findings, they opt for both tax shifting and eliminating funds from a level funded budget.
The report also states that with home values possibly going down. ( which i can tell you they have being in the business)- That the Coyle Fairbanks and Carney AND ADT proposal may have a very bad effect on the town.
Don't fall for it folks-It will not be pretty- And I don't want to be the one who says I told you so a few years down the road. Its to get seats on the council and its obvious to see.
Alas, maybe we can ride bikes down the paved path for another 400K?
Oh my! please please focus in on what they are proposing and the damage that will come with it.
To make up another 1/2 million dollars? Where do they think that will be coming from? Either they ( Coyle, Fairbanks and Carney) come up with "cutting other parts of the budget" to offset this amount or maybe they want the rest of the town to pay an additional .20/.25 cents per 1000 of value of ones home IN ADDITION to what ever increase would of been approved without the proposal.
Like I said earlier folks, hold on to your wallets or be prepared to go without such services as road maintenance, recreation could be cut, maybe police and fire positions will get eliminated OR...
as stated in the findings, they opt for both tax shifting and eliminating funds from a level funded budget.
The report also states that with home values possibly going down. ( which i can tell you they have being in the business)- That the Coyle Fairbanks and Carney AND ADT proposal may have a very bad effect on the town.
Don't fall for it folks-It will not be pretty- And I don't want to be the one who says I told you so a few years down the road. Its to get seats on the council and its obvious to see.
Alas, maybe we can ride bikes down the paved path for another 400K?
Oh my! please please focus in on what they are proposing and the damage that will come with it.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
What a day for Election Day
The weather couldn't be any better for today's presidential primary election! 50-55 degrees and lots of voters turning out.
Derry voters have had a history of bring out the most registered voters out on presidential primary days and it will be interesting to see if we can keep the streak going.
At 7am this morning there were cars trying to find parking spaces at Hood school ( the voting place for Districts #1 and #4. People were coming up to vote all morning long.
At about 11 am, there were so many news media people from all over waiting to catch a glimpse of Mitt Romney. Mitt and wife Ann came up to greet voters at Hood and he shook hands and took pictures with many well wishers.
Hillary Clinton, I was told was in town earlier in the morning as many got caught in some traffic with her entourage on the Derry roadways.
All and all we shall learn who New Hampshire winners and non-winners will be but let it be known that the real winners will be the new Hampshire residents.
If you have not seen one candidate in person yet, then you don't get out often. And if you were not bombarded with phone calls from the campaigns or mailed literature on a daily basis then you must be living somewhere else.
It will be good getting back to normal soon as well. However it's a shame we can't get more turnout for local elections come March.
Maybe we will have nice weather then as well. We will see!
Anyone with any interesting primary stories, please share your story right here!
Derry voters have had a history of bring out the most registered voters out on presidential primary days and it will be interesting to see if we can keep the streak going.
At 7am this morning there were cars trying to find parking spaces at Hood school ( the voting place for Districts #1 and #4. People were coming up to vote all morning long.
At about 11 am, there were so many news media people from all over waiting to catch a glimpse of Mitt Romney. Mitt and wife Ann came up to greet voters at Hood and he shook hands and took pictures with many well wishers.
Hillary Clinton, I was told was in town earlier in the morning as many got caught in some traffic with her entourage on the Derry roadways.
All and all we shall learn who New Hampshire winners and non-winners will be but let it be known that the real winners will be the new Hampshire residents.
If you have not seen one candidate in person yet, then you don't get out often. And if you were not bombarded with phone calls from the campaigns or mailed literature on a daily basis then you must be living somewhere else.
It will be good getting back to normal soon as well. However it's a shame we can't get more turnout for local elections come March.
Maybe we will have nice weather then as well. We will see!
Anyone with any interesting primary stories, please share your story right here!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Who's right and Who's wrong.
It's been the position of the Derry Patrolman's Union that there is a serious issue with police moral and that the administration is "uncaring" about its officers so much so that they attribute 8 officers of leaving the department because of the horrific working situation that they must endure in the department. We see the articles in the newspapers of the campaign to get someones attention to their issues. On their website
you will see the plea for an independent study of moral in the dept. They do not accept the findings of previous town administrator John Moody when he did a study of police morale last year.
Union president Micheal Houle has even come up to the town council and stated that he feels there is a dis-connect from the police administration and has said in his examples that nobody came to see the officer that was hit by a car and was in a Boston hospital. No one came to the retirement party for some of the officers that recently retired and that current officers never get a positive compliment from their supervisors and that he feels that this is something lacking in the department.
And then we read an article in the UL today that states that there is a huge shake-up in the Manchester Fire Dept. upsetting many of the fire fighters there who are accustomed to some working with others for as long as 22 years in same firehouse, same shifts and same working hours. The reason for the shake-up? Complacency! And the mayor is agreeing with the new fire chief. It's too friendly with the administration and with the firefighters on many levels and a "shake-up" was long overdue is what has been stated.
So we see two different but similar situations. Who's right and Who is wrong? That's for the reading public to make that call. What are your thoughts? I'm interested in hearing from you!
you will see the plea for an independent study of moral in the dept. They do not accept the findings of previous town administrator John Moody when he did a study of police morale last year.
Union president Micheal Houle has even come up to the town council and stated that he feels there is a dis-connect from the police administration and has said in his examples that nobody came to see the officer that was hit by a car and was in a Boston hospital. No one came to the retirement party for some of the officers that recently retired and that current officers never get a positive compliment from their supervisors and that he feels that this is something lacking in the department.
And then we read an article in the UL today that states that there is a huge shake-up in the Manchester Fire Dept. upsetting many of the fire fighters there who are accustomed to some working with others for as long as 22 years in same firehouse, same shifts and same working hours. The reason for the shake-up? Complacency! And the mayor is agreeing with the new fire chief. It's too friendly with the administration and with the firefighters on many levels and a "shake-up" was long overdue is what has been stated.
So we see two different but similar situations. Who's right and Who is wrong? That's for the reading public to make that call. What are your thoughts? I'm interested in hearing from you!
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