Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tax Savings!

What to do with your tax savings this year should be an easy question to answer. Believe it or not, some do not even know that we have a tax break this year. Did I say tax break? Can you image those two words together? Tax break and Derry. What is wrong with this world anyway. We all know that Derry residents never get a tax break. Well it happened folks! Spend it wisely too.
I know what your going to say next.
Tax break, I don't see a tax break or even better I don't feel a tax break.
Well that's because it is .10Cents /per 1000 valuation on a home.
Average $250,000 home will get tax relief of $25.00 and lets remember that the taxpayers have paid upfront their April to July bill at 22.15/1000 and so we get a rebate for those 3 months so add an additional $8.00 to the $25 and
Whamo! you get an additional $33 dollars to spend on whatever your little heart desires.
Spend on extra food. Great I can get a couple more boxes of cereal. How about putting an extra 12 gallons of gasoline in my vehicle- Nice a trip to Boston and Back should cover that.
Maybe put it in my retirement plan and watch it take off. with the way the dollar is going right now who knows it may grow 10 fold in 20 years or so. Good think social security will have my back!
But seriously folks, at least it did not go up- our taxes that is.
And with all the talk about bike paths at 400K and a in house attorney fees possibly going up and additions to Pinkerton and the bus drivers joining the teamsters union and health care increases and well you get it!
Enjoy your tax break this years and lets hope to see more in our lifetimes!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey and Football!

Here we are again. Thanksgiving time. Hope everyone has a very happy one.
And what would Thanksgiving be without football?
The Pinkerton Astros have done it again. Its a three-peat!!
Congtats to all !

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Last nights town council meeting

Last nights town council meeting was certainly an interesting one to say the least. The issues that were discussed were funding the remaining monies for CLD in making progress for exit 4A. Also we discussed future contracts from the fire dept dealing with surrounding communities coming before the town council for their review and last about the possibilities of bringing on a police prosecutor and making that position an attorney instead of a police officer that does this work for us presently.
Like I said earlier,interesting meeting and interesting outcomes.
I will post the video when it becomes available
In the meantime, if you had a chance to see this meeting. What were your thoughts?

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Where have all the bargains gone?

Can the news get any more depressing? Today I have read where oil has reached an all time record high coming close to $100 a barrel! Not good.
Food prices seem to be getting way out of hand. Each week it seems to go up higher and higher and rumor has it that gas in our area will be over $3 before Christmas.
We all have heard of the real estate market with limited buyers and overstock of 10-12 months supply and even with the limited buyers out there the banks are tightening their credit lines and only lending to a small group with impeccable credit.
Times are tough right now. Even the food banks are empty and winter has not even officially started.
Right now my concerns are for the elderly and single parent homes who live on fixed or limited income. What choices must they have to make. Lets hope things change for the best soon.
In the meantime, I would like readers to chime in and let us know when you find a bargain out there- you know- like a gas station that has the best prices, maybe restaurants that are giving senior discounts or maybe special prices on food staples such as milk, bread, eggs.
Where do you find your bargains. What are some ideas to help people save money. If we can all share, maybe it will help even a little bit.
In your responses if you can put the date in, location and prices that would help.
PS- All of us know of elderly neighbors or neighbors that live paycheck to paycheck. Lets make it a point to check in with some of these people and make sure they are doing OK this winter. it looks to be a tough one coming.

Friday, November 02, 2007

What does the future hold?

Lots of talk about economic development in Derry and the kinds of businesses we would like to have and cultivate in our town so that we may begin to turn the tax ratio of residential/business mix in line to a more reasonable shift of tax burden off of an already high residential taxing.
Simply put- We need more business in town if we want taxes to go down.
Right now the town is in round table discussions about what we would like to see.
Some say the answer is Bio-tech companies coming in, others say medical jobs is where we need to concentrate and others simply say the town should not go after "big box retail stores"
Its very easy to say we want the best and we want the highest paid jobs here in Derry and we want medical jobs when we see that surrounding towns are going after these very same medical jobs.
Londonderry now has Elliot Hospital facilities and they want these jobs, Manchester announced major medical planned business for the old Jac Pac area and so it goes that Derry again will be competing for these jobs
But what about retail- There is a big movement in Derry to discourage big box- watch and see how they come out slamming against it.
Don't we realize that we should go after all of it-what ever we feel that will bring in jobs and commercial tax base.
Should we focus on future forecasts of what opportunities await the New Hampshire economies? If such a report was out there, should we not look at it and prepare?
Here it is folks
Take a look and see what the experts have to say. You will be surprise to learn that retail business is a high growth area. And if we rule it out and concentrate on bio-tech, other towns will beat us to the punch and we'll have nothing. nothing but high taxes.

Poll Results are in.

For the latest poll results the question asked was
Do you believe the town needs an animal control ordinance?

The voting went this way



not sure=5

This was a very close one. It seems to me that by looking at this vote, some requirments may be needed however the less government restrictions the better. It sends a clear message that it must be well thought out and make sense.

your thoughts?